### Steps of sending a PR

1. fork this repo
2. checkout new branch from dev branch
3. push your commits
4. sending pull request

### Labels

<!-- SpaceVim Wiki labels info start -->

## Labels

| Name            | color   | description                            |
| --------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------- |
| PR welcome      | #674eb2 | null                                   |
| RDY             | #e99695 | null                                   |
| RFC             | #006b75 | null                                   |
| WIP             | #5319e7 | null                                   |
| bug             | #ee0701 | bug of SpaceVim core                   |
| bug-upstream    | #ffd5bc | bug of upstream plugins for vim/neovim |
| discussion      | #1be209 | general dicussion about spacevim       |
| doc             | #24cc56 | doc type or need to be improved        |
| duplicate       | #bfdadc | duplicate issue                        |
| enhancement     | #84b6eb | improvement of exist feature           |
| feature request | #f9c77c | request for new features               |
| lang:go         | #8cf2c2 | Issue about go layer                   |
| need help       | #78db00 | null                                   |
| no-reproduce    | #8851b5 | Can not reproduce this issue           |
| os:mac          | #a8b8ed |                                        |
| os:windows      | #036d5f |                                        |
| unplanned       | #eaf24d | null                                   |
| usage           | #fef2c0 | usage of vim/neovim/spacevim           |
| website         | #c0e276 |                                        |

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