local M = {} function M.compute_lines() local help_lines = { "HELP" } local help_hl = { { "NvimTreeRootFolder", 0, 0, #help_lines[1] } } local mappings = vim.tbl_filter(function(v) return (v.cb ~= nil and v.cb ~= "") or (v.action ~= nil and v.action ~= "") end, require("nvim-tree.actions").mappings) local processed = {} for _, b in pairs(mappings) do local cb = b.cb local key = b.key local name if cb and cb:sub(1, 35) == require("nvim-tree.config").nvim_tree_callback("test"):sub(1, 35) then name = cb:match "'[^']+'[^']*$" name = name:match "'[^']+'" elseif b.action then name = b.action else name = (b.name ~= nil) and b.name or cb name = '"' .. name .. '"' end table.insert(processed, { key, name, true }) end table.sort(processed, function(a, b) return (a[3] == b[3] and (a[2] < b[2] or (a[2] == b[2] and #a[1] < #b[1]))) or (a[3] and not b[3]) end) local num = 0 for _, val in pairs(processed) do local keys = type(val[1]) == "string" and { val[1] } or val[1] local map_name = val[2] local builtin = val[3] for _, key in pairs(keys) do num = num + 1 local bind_string = string.format("%6s : %s", key, map_name) table.insert(help_lines, bind_string) local hl_len = math.max(6, string.len(key)) + 2 table.insert(help_hl, { "NvimTreeFolderName", num, 0, hl_len }) if not builtin then table.insert(help_hl, { "NvimTreeFileRenamed", num, hl_len, -1 }) end end end return help_lines, help_hl end return M