" Vim indent file " Language: Fortran 95, Fortran 90 (free source form) " Description: Indentation rules for continued statements and preprocessor " instructions " Indentation rules for subroutine, function and forall " statements " Installation: Place this script in the $HOME/.vim/after/indent/ directory " and use it with Vim 7.1 and Ajit J. Thakkar's Vim scripts " for Fortran (http://www.unb.ca/chem/ajit/) " Maintainer: Sébastien Burton " License: Public domain " Version: 0.4 " Last Change: 2011 May 25 " Modified indentation rules are used if the Fortran source code is free " source form, else nothing is done if (b:fortran_fixed_source != 1) setlocal indentexpr=SebuFortranGetFreeIndent() setlocal indentkeys+==~subroutine,=~function,=~forall setlocal indentkeys+==~endsubroutine,=~endfunction,=~endforall " Only define the functions once if exists("*SebuFortranGetFreeIndent") finish endif else finish endif " SebuFortranGetFreeIndent() is modified FortranGetFreeIndent(): " Returns the indentation of the current line function SebuFortranGetFreeIndent() " No indentation for preprocessor instructions if getline(v:lnum) =~ '^\s*#' return 0 endif " Previous non-blank non-preprocessor line let lnum = SebuPrevNonBlankNonCPP(v:lnum-1) " No indentation at the top of the file if lnum == 0 return 0 endif " Original indentation rules let ind = FortranGetIndent(lnum) " Continued statement indentation rule " Truth table (kind of) " Symbol '&' | Result " No 0 0 | 0 No change " Appearing 0 1 | 1 Indent " Disappering 1 0 | -1 Unindent " Continued 1 1 | 0 No change let result = -SebuIsFortranContStat(lnum-1)+SebuIsFortranContStat(lnum) " One shiftwidth indentation for continued statements let ind += result*&sw " One shiftwidth indentation for subroutine, function and forall's bodies let line = getline(lnum) if line =~? '^\s*\(\(recursive\s*\)\=pure\|elemental\)\=\s*subroutine' \ || line =~? '^\s*\(\(recursive\s*\)\=pure\|elemental\)\=\s*' \ . '\(\(integer\|real\|complex\|logical\|character\|type\)' \ . '\((\S\+)\)\=\)\=\s*function' \ || line =~? '^\s*\(forall\)' let ind += &sw endif if getline(v:lnum) =~? '^\s*end\s*\(subroutine\|function\|forall\)' let ind -= &sw endif " You shouldn't use variable names begining with 'puresubroutine', " 'function', 'endforall', etc. as these would make the indentation " collapse: it's easier to pay attention than to implement the exceptions return ind endfunction " SebuPrevNonBlankNonCPP(lnum) is modified prevnonblank(lnum): " Returns the line number of the first line at or above 'lnum' that is " neither blank nor preprocessor instruction. function SebuPrevNonBlankNonCPP(lnum) let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum) while getline(lnum) =~ '^#' let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum-1) endwhile return lnum endfunction " SebuIsFortranContStat(lnum): " Returns 1 if the 'lnum' statement ends with the Fortran continue mark '&' " and 0 else. function SebuIsFortranContStat(lnum) let line = getline(a:lnum) return substitute(line,'!.*$','','') =~ '&\s*$' endfunction