# NuiTree NuiTree can render tree-like structured content on the buffer. **Examples** ```lua local NuiTree = require("nui.tree") local tree = NuiTree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { NuiTree.Node({ text = "a" }), NuiTree.Node({ text = "b" }, { NuiTree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), NuiTree.Node({ text = { "b-2", "b-3" } }), }), }, }) tree:render() ``` ## Options ### `bufnr` **Type:** `number` Id of the buffer where the tree will be rendered. --- ### `ns_id` **Type:** `number` or `string` Namespace id (`number`) or name (`string`). --- ### `nodes` **Type:** `table` List of [`NuiTree.Node`](#nuitreenode) objects. --- ### `get_node_id` **Type:** `function` _Signature:_ `get_node_id(node) -> string` If provided, this function is used for generating node's id. The return value should be a unique `string`. **Example** ```lua get_node_id = function(node) if node.id then return "-" .. node.id end if node.text then return string.format("%s-%s-%s", node:get_parent_id() or "", node:get_depth(), node.text) end return "-" .. math.random() end, ``` --- ### `prepare_node` **Type:** `function` _Signature:_ `prepare_node(node, parent_node?) -> nil | string | string[] | NuiLine | NuiLine[]` If provided, this function is used for preparing each node line. The return value should be a `NuiLine` object or `string` or a list containing either of them. If return value is `nil`, that node will not be rendered. **Example** ```lua prepare_node = function(node) local line = NuiLine() line:append(string.rep(" ", node:get_depth() - 1)) if node:has_children() then line:append(node:is_expanded() and " " or " ") else line:append(" ") end line:append(node.text) return line end, ``` --- ### `buf_options` **Type:** `table` Contains all buffer related options (check `:h options | /local to buffer`). **Examples** ```lua buf_options = { bufhidden = "hide", buflisted = false, buftype = "nofile", swapfile = false, }, ``` ## Methods ### `tree:get_node` _Signature:_ `tree:get_node(node_id_or_linenr?) -> NuiTreeNode | nil, number | nil, number | nil` **Parameters** | Name | Type | Description | | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------ | | `node_id_or_linenr` | `number` or `string` or `nil` | node's id or line number | If `node_id_or_linenr` is `string`, the node with that _id_ is returned. If `node_id_or_linenr` is `number`, the node on that _linenr_ is returned. If `node_id` is `nil`, the current node under cursor is returned. Returns the `node` if found, and the start and end `linenr` if it is rendered. ### `tree:get_nodes` _Signature:_ `tree:get_node(parent_id?) -> NuiTreeNode[]` **Parameters** | Name | Type | Description | | ----------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | | `parent_id` | `string` or `nil` | parent node's id | If `parent_id` is present, child nodes under that parent are returned, Otherwise root nodes are returned. ### `tree:add_node` _Signature:_ `tree:add_node(node, parent_id?)` Adds a node to the tree. | Name | Type | Description | | ----------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | | `node` | `NuiTree.Node` | node | | `parent_id` | `string` or `nil` | parent node's id | If `parent_id` is present, node is added under that parent, Otherwise node is added to the tree root. ### `tree:remove_node` _Signature:_ `tree:remove_node(node)` Removes a node from the tree. Returns the removed node. | Name | Type | Description | | --------- | -------- | ----------- | | `node_id` | `string` | node's id | ### `tree:set_nodes` _Signature:_ `tree:set_nodes(nodes, parent_id?)` Adds a node to the tree. | Name | Type | Description | | ----------- | ----------------- | ---------------- | | `nodes` | `NuiTree.Node[]` | list of nodes | | `parent_id` | `string` or `nil` | parent node's id | If `parent_id` is present, nodes are set as parent node's children, otherwise nodes are set at tree root. ### `tree:render` _Signature:_ `tree:render(linenr_start?)` Renders the tree on buffer. | Name | Type | Description | | -------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------- | | `linenr_start` | `number` / `nil` | start line number (1-indexed) | ## NuiTree.Node `NuiTree.Node` is used to create a node object for `NuiTree`. _Signature:_ `NuiTree.Node(data, children)` **Examples** ```lua local NuiTree = require("nui.tree") local node = NuiTree.Node({ text = "b" }, { NuiTree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), NuiTree.Node({ text = "b-2" }), }) ``` ### Parameters #### `data` **Type:** `table` Data for the node. Can contain anything. The default `get_node_id` and `prepare_node` functions uses the `id` and `text` keys. **Example** ```lua { id = "/usr/local/bin/lua", text = "lua" } ``` If you don't want to provide those two values, you should consider providing your own `get_node_id` and `prepare_node` functions. #### `children` **Type:** `table` List of `NuiTree.Node` objects. ### Methods #### `node:get_id` _Signature:_ `node:get_id()` Returns node's id. #### `node:get_depth` _Signature:_ `node:get_depth()` Returns node's depth. #### `node:get_parent_id` _Signature:_ `node:get_parent_id()` Returns parent node's id. #### `node:has_children` _Signature:_ `node:has_children()` Checks if node has children. #### `node:get_child_ids` _Signature:_ `node:get_child_ids() -> string[]` Returns ids of child nodes. #### `node:is_expanded` _Signature:_ `node:is_expanded()` Checks if node is expanded. #### `node:expand` _Signature:_ `node:expand()` Expands node. #### `node:collapse` _Signature:_ `node:collapse()` Collapses node. ## Wiki Page You can find additional documentation/examples/guides/tips-n-tricks in [nui.tree wiki page](https://github.com/MunifTanjim/nui.nvim/wiki/nui.tree).