"============================================================================= " FILE: parser.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> " Copyright (C) 2010 http://github.com/gmarik " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! neobundle#parser#bundle(arg, ...) abort "{{{ let bundle = s:parse_arg(a:arg) let is_parse_only = get(a:000, 0, 0) if !is_parse_only call neobundle#config#add(bundle) if !neobundle#config#within_block() \ && !bundle.lazy && has('vim_starting') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ '`NeoBundle` commands must be executed within' . \ ' a neobundle#begin/end block. Please check your usage.') endif endif return bundle endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#parser#lazy(arg) abort "{{{ let bundle = s:parse_arg(a:arg) if empty(bundle) return {} endif " Update lazy flag. let bundle.lazy = 1 let bundle.orig_opts.lazy = 1 for depend in bundle.depends let depend.lazy = bundle.lazy endfor call neobundle#config#add(bundle) return bundle endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#parser#fetch(arg) abort "{{{ let bundle = s:parse_arg(a:arg) if empty(bundle) return {} endif " Clear runtimepath. let bundle.fetch = 1 let bundle.rtp = '' call neobundle#config#add(bundle) return bundle endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#parser#direct(arg) abort "{{{ let bundle = neobundle#parser#bundle(a:arg, 1) if empty(bundle) return {} endif if !empty(neobundle#get(bundle.name)) call neobundle#util#print_error( \ bundle.name . ' is already installed.') return {} endif call neobundle#config#add(bundle) call neobundle#config#save_direct(a:arg) " Direct install. call neobundle#commands#install(0, bundle.name) return bundle endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_arg(arg) abort "{{{ let arg = type(a:arg) == type([]) ? \ string(a:arg) : '[' . a:arg . ']' let args = eval(arg) if empty(args) return {} endif let bundle = neobundle#parser#_init_bundle( \ args[0], args[1:]) if empty(bundle) return {} endif let bundle.orig_arg = copy(a:arg) return bundle endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#parser#_init_bundle(name, opts) abort "{{{ let path = substitute(a:name, "['".'"]\+', '', 'g') if path[0] == '~' let path = neobundle#util#expand(path) endif let opts = s:parse_options(a:opts) let bundle = extend(neobundle#parser#path( \ path, opts), opts) let bundle.orig_name = a:name let bundle.orig_path = path let bundle.orig_opts = opts let bundle.orig_arg = string(a:name).', '.string(opts) let bundle = neobundle#init#_bundle(bundle) return bundle endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#parser#local(localdir, options, includes) abort "{{{ let base = fnamemodify(neobundle#util#expand(a:localdir), ':p') let directories = [] for glob in a:includes let directories += map(filter(split(glob(base . glob), '\n'), \ "isdirectory(v:val)"), " \ substitute(neobundle#util#substitute_path_separator( \ fnamemodify(v:val, ':p')), '/$', '', '')") endfor for dir in neobundle#util#uniq(directories) let options = extend({ 'local' : 1, 'base' : base }, a:options) let name = fnamemodify(dir, ':t') let bundle = neobundle#get(name) if !empty(bundle) && !bundle.sourced call extend(options, copy(bundle.orig_opts)) if bundle.lazy let options.lazy = 1 endif call neobundle#config#rm(bundle) endif call neobundle#parser#bundle([dir, options]) endfor endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#parser#load_toml(filename, default) abort "{{{ try let toml = neobundle#TOML#parse_file(neobundle#util#expand(a:filename)) catch /vital: Text.TOML:/ call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Invalid toml format: ' . a:filename) call neobundle#util#print_error(v:exception) return 1 endtry if type(toml) != type({}) || !has_key(toml, 'plugins') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'Invalid toml file: ' . a:filename) return 1 endif " Parse. for plugin in toml.plugins if has_key(plugin, 'repository') let plugin.repo = plugin.repository endif if !has_key(plugin, 'repo') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'No repository plugin data: ' . a:filename) return 1 endif if has_key(plugin, 'depends') let _ = [] for depend in neobundle#util#convert2list(plugin.depends) if type(depend) == type('') || type(depend) == type([]) call add(_, depend) elseif type(depend) == type({}) if has_key(depend, 'repository') let plugin.repo = plugin.repository endif if !has_key(depend, 'repo') call neobundle#util#print_error( \ 'No repository plugin data: ' . a:filename) return 1 endif call add(_, [depend.repo, depend]) endif unlet depend endfor let plugin.depends = _ endif let options = extend(plugin, a:default, 'keep') " echomsg string(options) call neobundle#parser#bundle([plugin.repo, options]) endfor endfunction"}}} function! neobundle#parser#path(path, ...) abort "{{{ let opts = get(a:000, 0, {}) let site = get(opts, 'site', g:neobundle#default_site) let path = substitute(a:path, '/$', '', '') if path !~ '^/\|^\a:' && path !~ ':' " Add default site. let path = site . ':' . path endif if has_key(opts, 'type') let type = neobundle#config#get_types(opts.type) let types = empty(type) ? [] : [type] else let detect = neobundle#config#get_types('git').detect(path, opts) if !empty(detect) let detect.name = neobundle#util#name_conversion(path) return detect endif let types = neobundle#config#get_types() endif let detect = {} for type in types let detect = type.detect(path, opts) if !empty(detect) break endif endfor if empty(detect) && isdirectory(path) " Detect none type. return { 'uri' : path, 'type' : 'none' } endif if !empty(detect) && !has_key(detect, 'name') let detect.name = neobundle#util#name_conversion(path) endif return detect endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_options(opts) abort "{{{ if empty(a:opts) return has_key(g:neobundle#default_options, '_') ? \ copy(g:neobundle#default_options['_']) : {} endif if len(a:opts) == 3 " rev, default, options let [rev, default, options] = a:opts elseif len(a:opts) == 2 && type(a:opts[-1]) == type('') " rev, default let [rev, default, options] = a:opts + [{}] elseif len(a:opts) == 2 && type(a:opts[-1]) == type({}) " rev, options let [rev, default, options] = [a:opts[0], '', a:opts[1]] elseif len(a:opts) == 1 && type(a:opts[-1]) == type('') " rev let [rev, default, options] = [a:opts[0], '', {}] elseif len(a:opts) == 1 && type(a:opts[-1]) == type({}) " options let [rev, default, options] = ['', '', a:opts[0]] else call neobundle#installer#error( \ printf('Invalid option : "%s".', string(a:opts))) return {} endif if rev != '' let options.rev = rev endif if !has_key(options, 'default') let options.default = (default == '') ? '_' : default endif " Set default options. if has_key(g:neobundle#default_options, options.default) call extend(options, \ g:neobundle#default_options[options.default], 'keep') endif return options endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker