# Control structures {{{ snippet if options head abbr if () {} if (${1:#:condition}) { ${0:TARGET} } # No head option in else/elseif so it can be expanded after "}" snippet else abbr else {} else { ${0:TARGET} } snippet elseif abbr else () {} else if (${1:#:condition}) { ${0:TARGET} } snippet ifelse options head abbr if () {} else {} if (${1:#:condition}) { ${2:TARGET} } else { ${3} } snippet for options head abbr for () {} for (${1:int} ${2:i} = ${3:0}; $2 < ${4}; $2++) { ${0:#:TARGET} } # Counter based for's (don't ask for the type or count start) snippet fori options head abbr for (int x;...; x++) {} for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2}; $1++) { ${0:#:TARGET} } # For reverse counter snippet forri options head abbr for (int x; ...; x--) {} for (int ${1:i} = ${2}; $1 >= 0; $1--) { ${0:#:TARGET} } snippet while options head abbr while () {} while (${1:#:condition}) { ${0:TARGET} } snippet do_while options head alias do do { ${0:TARGET:code} } while (${1:#:condition}); snippet switch options head abbr switch () {} switch (${1:#:var}) { case ${2:#:val}: ${0:TARGET} break; } snippet case options head abbr case: break; case ${1}: ${0} break; # Ternary conditional operator snippet conditional (${1:#:condition}) ? ${2:#:a} : ${3:#:b} # }}} # Definition bodies {{{ snippet function options head alias func abbr func() {} ${1:void} ${2:#:func_name}(${3:void}) { ${0:TARGET} } snippet struct options head abbr struct {} struct ${1:#:name} { ${0:TARGET:data} }; # Typedef struct snippet struct_typedef options head typedef struct ${1:#:name} { ${0:TARGET:data} }; snippet enum options head abbr enum {} enum ${1:#:name} { ${0:TARGET} }; # hard-tab is necessary; C indent doesn't support this. snippet main options head int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { ${0:TARGET} return 0; } snippet helloworld options head #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { puts("hello, world!"); return 0; } # }}} # Preprocessing directives {{{ # #include <...> snippet inc options head alias #inc, #include #include <${1:stdio}.h> # #include "..." snippet inc2 options head alias #inc2, #include2 #include "${1}.h" snippet #if options head #if ${1} ${0} #endif snippet ifdef options head alias #ifdef abbr #ifdef ... #endif #ifdef ${1:#:SYMBOL} ${0} #endif snippet ifndef options head alias #ifndef abbr #ifndef ... #define ... #endif #ifndef $1 #define ${1:#:SYMBOL} #endif${0} # This snippet used the placeholder instead of a trailing space snippet def options head alias #def, #define #define ${1} # Include-Guard snippet once options head alias include-guard abbr #ifndef ... #define ... #endif #ifndef ${1:#:SYMBOL} #define $1 ${0:TARGET} #endif /* end of include guard */ # }}} # Built-in function calls {{{ snippet printf abbr printf("...\n", ...); printf("${1}\n"${2}); snippet scanf abbr scanf("...", ...); scanf("${1}", ${2}); snippet fprintf abbr fprintf(..., "...\n", ...); fprintf(${1:stderr}, "${2}\n"${3}); snippet fopen abbr fopen("...", "..."); fopen("${1:PATH}", "${2:MODE}"); ${0:TARGET} fclose(${3:FD}); snippet fgets abbr fgets(row, length, file); fgets(${0:ROW}, ${1:LENGTH}, ${2:stdin}); snippet fscanf abbr fscanf(file, "...", ...); fscanf(${1:stdin}, "${2}", ${3}); snippet fwrite abbr fwrite(......, file) fwrite(${1:ARRAY}, sizeof(${2:TYPE}), ${3:N_MEMBERS}, ${4:FILE}) snippet fread abbr fread(......, file) fread(${1:ARRAY}, sizeof(${2:TYPE}), ${3:N_MEMBERS}, ${4:FILE}) snippet memcpy abbr memcpy(dest, src, nbytes) memcpy(${1:DEST}, ${2:SRC}, ${3:NBYTES}) snippet malloc abbr malloc(size) ($2 *)malloc(${1:N_MEMBERS} * sizeof(${2:TYPE})); ${0} free(${3:MEM}); snippet calloc abbr calloc(n, size) ($2 *)calloc(${1:N_MEMBERS}, sizeof(${2:TYPE})); ${0} free(${3:MEM}); snippet realloc abbr realloc(old, size) ($3 *)realloc(${1:OLD}, ${2:N_MEMBERS} * sizeof(${3:TYPE})); ${0} snippet seed_rand srand(time(NULL)); # }}} # Built-in operators and alias {{{ snippet typedef typedef ${1:#:base_type} ${2:#:custom_type}; snippet sizeof alias size sizeof(${0:TARGET}) snippet sizeof_array alias array_size (sizeof(${1:#:array}) / sizeof(*($1))) snippet _Static_assert alias _static_assert options head _Static_assert(${1:#:condition}, ${2:#:message}); snippet static_assert options head static_assert(${1:#:condition}, ${2:#:message}); snippet _Generic alias generic, select _Generic(${1:#:expression}, ${2:#:association-list}) snippet va_list options head abbr va_start(va_list, last_arg); ... ; va_end() va_list ${1:ap}; va_start($1, ${2:LAST_ARG}); ${0} va_end($1); # }}} # Comments {{{ snippet comment alias /* /* ${1:#:comment} */ ${0} snippet doxy abbr /** @brief ... options head /** * @brief ${1:function description} * * @details ${2:detailed description} * * @param ${3:param} * * @return ${4:return type} */ # }}} # vim: fdm=marker