<?php function extract_constant_names($files, $extensions) { $constants = array(); $class_constants = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $doc = new DOMDocument; $doc->loadHTMLFile($file); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); // Unfortunately, the constatns are not marked with classes in code, // only a <strong><code>UPPERCASE_LETTER</code></strong> seem to be universal among them // xpath1 doesn't have uppercase so but fortunetly the alphabet is pretty limited // so translate() will do for uppercasing content so we only select full uppercased contents $nodes = $xpath->query('//strong/code[translate(text(), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") = text()]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { // regexp lifted from http://php.net/manual/en/language.constants.php added ":" so we can pick up class constants if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][:a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*$/', trim($node->textContent))) { $constant = trim($node->textContent); // these are so common they are in almost every file, // to trim down the number of non-empty extensions we handle them elsewhere if (strpos($constant, 'E_') === 0 || strpos($constant, '__') === 0 || in_array($constant, array('NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE'))) { $constants['common'][$constant] = true; continue; } $extension_name = get_extension_name($file, $extensions); if ($extension_name === null){ continue; } if (strpos($constant, "::") !== false) { if (!isset($class_constants[$extension_name])) { $class_constants[$extension_name] = array(); } $class_constants[$extension_name][$constant] = true; } else { if (!isset($constants[$extension_name])) { $constants[$extension_name] = array(); } $constants[$extension_name][$constant] = true; } } } } return array($constants, $class_constants); } function inject_class_constants(&$class_groups, $class_constant_groups, $generate_warnings = true) { // a lowercaseclassname => LowerCaseClassName map $classnames = array(); foreach ($class_groups as $extension => $classes) { $classnames = array_merge($classnames, array_combine(array_map('strtolower', array_keys($classes)), array_keys($classes))); } foreach ($class_constant_groups as $const_extension => $class_constants) { foreach ($class_constants as $constant => $__not_used) { list($classname, $constantname) = explode('::', $constant); $lowercase_classname = strtolower($classname); if (!isset($classnames[$lowercase_classname])) { if ($generate_warnings) { fwrite(STDERR, "\nNOTICE: can't place class constant: '{$constant}', no such class found: '{$classname} ({$lowercase_classname})'"); } continue; } $classname = $classnames[$lowercase_classname]; foreach ($class_groups as $class_extension => $classes) { if (isset($classes[$classname])) { $class_groups[$class_extension][$classname]['constants'][$constantname] = array('initializer' => ''); continue 2; } } // this line only reached if the previous loop fails to place the constatn if ($generate_warnings) { fwrite(STDERR, "\nNOTICE: can't place class constant: '{$constant}', no such class found: '{$classname}' 2"); } } } } function write_constant_names_to_vim_hash($constant_groups, $outpath, $keyname, $enabled_extensions = null, $prettyprint = true) { $fd = fopen($outpath, 'a'); if (!empty($enabled_extensions)) { $enabled_extensions = array_flip($enabled_extensions); } foreach ($constant_groups as $extension_name => $constants) { if (empty($constants)) { continue; } if ($enabled_extensions && !isset($enabled_extensions[filenameize($extension_name)])) { continue; } if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "let g:phpcomplete_builtin['".$keyname."']['".filenameize($extension_name)."'] = {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "let g:phpcomplete_builtin['".$keyname."']['".filenameize($extension_name)."']={"); } foreach ($constants as $constant => $__not_used) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ '{$constant}': '',\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'{$constant}':'',"); } } if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ }\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "}\n"); } } fclose($fd); }