# Configurations The following LSP configs are included. This documentation is autogenerated from the lua files. Follow a link to find documentation for that config. This file is accessible in neovim via `:help lspconfig-server-configurations` - [als](#als) - [angularls](#angularls) - [ansiblels](#ansiblels) - [arduino_language_server](#arduino_language_server) - [bashls](#bashls) - [beancount](#beancount) - [bicep](#bicep) - [bsl_ls](#bsl_ls) - [ccls](#ccls) - [clangd](#clangd) - [clojure_lsp](#clojure_lsp) - [cmake](#cmake) - [codeqlls](#codeqlls) - [crystalline](#crystalline) - [csharp_ls](#csharp_ls) - [cssls](#cssls) - [cucumber_language_server](#cucumber_language_server) - [dartls](#dartls) - [denols](#denols) - [dhall_lsp_server](#dhall_lsp_server) - [diagnosticls](#diagnosticls) - [dockerls](#dockerls) - [dotls](#dotls) - [efm](#efm) - [elixirls](#elixirls) - [elmls](#elmls) - [ember](#ember) - [emmet_ls](#emmet_ls) - [erlangls](#erlangls) - [esbonio](#esbonio) - [eslint](#eslint) - [flow](#flow) - [flux-lsp](#flux-lsp) - [fortls](#fortls) - [fsautocomplete](#fsautocomplete) - [fstar](#fstar) - [gdscript](#gdscript) - [ghcide](#ghcide) - [golangci_lint_ls](#golangci_lint_ls) - [gopls](#gopls) - [graphql](#graphql) - [groovyls](#groovyls) - [haxe_language_server](#haxe_language_server) - [hie](#hie) - [hls](#hls) - [html](#html) - [idris2_lsp](#idris2_lsp) - [intelephense](#intelephense) - [java_language_server](#java_language_server) - [jdtls](#jdtls) - [jedi_language_server](#jedi_language_server) - [jsonls](#jsonls) - [jsonnet_ls](#jsonnet_ls) - [julials](#julials) - [kotlin_language_server](#kotlin_language_server) - [lean3ls](#lean3ls) - [leanls](#leanls) - [lelwel_ls](#lelwel_ls) - [lemminx](#lemminx) - [ltex](#ltex) - [metals](#metals) - [mint](#mint) - [nickel_ls](#nickel_ls) - [nimls](#nimls) - [ocamlls](#ocamlls) - [ocamllsp](#ocamllsp) - [omnisharp](#omnisharp) - [pasls](#pasls) - [perlls](#perlls) - [perlpls](#perlpls) - [phpactor](#phpactor) - [powershell_es](#powershell_es) - [prismals](#prismals) - [psalm](#psalm) - [puppet](#puppet) - [purescriptls](#purescriptls) - [pylsp](#pylsp) - [pyre](#pyre) - [pyright](#pyright) - [r_language_server](#r_language_server) - [racket_langserver](#racket_langserver) - [rescriptls](#rescriptls) - [rls](#rls) - [rnix](#rnix) - [robotframework_ls](#robotframework_ls) - [rome](#rome) - [rust_analyzer](#rust_analyzer) - [scry](#scry) - [serve_d](#serve_d) - [sixtyfps](#sixtyfps) - [solang](#solang) - [solargraph](#solargraph) - [sorbet](#sorbet) - [sourcekit](#sourcekit) - [spectral](#spectral) - [sqlls](#sqlls) - [sqls](#sqls) - [stylelint_lsp](#stylelint_lsp) - [sumneko_lua](#sumneko_lua) - [svelte](#svelte) - [svls](#svls) - [tailwindcss](#tailwindcss) - [taplo](#taplo) - [terraform_lsp](#terraform_lsp) - [terraformls](#terraformls) - [texlab](#texlab) - [tflint](#tflint) - [theme_check](#theme_check) - [tsserver](#tsserver) - [typeprof](#typeprof) - [vala_ls](#vala_ls) - [vdmj](#vdmj) - [vimls](#vimls) - [vls](#vls) - [volar](#volar) - [vuels](#vuels) - [yamlls](#yamlls) - [zeta_note](#zeta_note) - [zk](#zk) - [zls](#zls) ## als https://github.com/AdaCore/ada_language_server Installation instructions can be found [here](https://github.com/AdaCore/ada_language_server#Install). Can be configured by passing a "settings" object to `als.setup{}`: ```lua require('lspconfig').als.setup{ settings = { ada = { projectFile = "project.gpr"; scenarioVariables = { ... }; } } } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.als.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ada_language_server" } filetypes = { "ada" } root_dir = util.root_pattern("Makefile", ".git", "*.gpr", "*.adc") ``` ## angularls https://github.com/angular/vscode-ng-language-service `angular-language-server` can be installed via npm `npm install -g @angular/language-server`. Note, that if you override the default `cmd`, you must also update `on_new_config` to set `new_config.cmd` during startup. ```lua local project_library_path = "/path/to/project/lib" local cmd = {"ngserver", "--stdio", "--tsProbeLocations", project_library_path , "--ngProbeLocations", project_library_path} require'lspconfig'.angularls.setup{ cmd = cmd, on_new_config = function(new_config,new_root_dir) new_config.cmd = cmd end, } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.angularls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ngserver", "--stdio", "--tsProbeLocations", "", "--ngProbeLocations", "" } filetypes = { "typescript", "html", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx" } root_dir = root_pattern("angular.json", ".git") ``` ## ansiblels https://github.com/ansible/ansible-language-server Language server for the ansible configuration management tool. `ansible-language-server` can be installed via `yarn`: ```sh yarn global add ansible-language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.ansiblels.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ansible-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "yaml", "yaml.ansible" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = { ansible = { ansible = { path = "ansible" }, ansibleLint = { enabled = true, path = "ansible-lint" }, executionEnvironment = { enabled = false }, python = { interpreterPath = "python" } } } single_file_support = true ``` ## arduino_language_server https://github.com/arduino/arduino-language-server Language server for Arduino The `arduino-language-server` can be installed by running: go get -u github.com/arduino/arduino-language-server The `arduino-cli` tools must also be installed. Follow these instructions for your distro: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/latest/installation/ After installing the `arduino-cli` tools, follow these instructions for generating a configuration file: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/latest/getting-started/#create-a-configuration-file and make sure you install any relevant platforms libraries: https://arduino.github.io/arduino-cli/latest/getting-started/#install-the-core-for-your-board The language server also requires `clangd` be installed. It will look for `clangd` by default but the binary path can be overridden if need be. After all dependencies are installed you'll need to override the lspconfig command for the language server in your setup function with the necessary configurations: ```lua lspconfig.arduino_language_server.setup({ cmd = { -- Required "arduino-language-server", "-cli-config", "/path/to/arduino-cli.yaml", -- Optional "-cli", "/path/to/arduino-cli", "-clangd", "/path/to/clangd" } }) ``` For further instruction about configuration options, run `arduino-language-server --help`. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.arduino_language_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "arduino-language-server" } filetypes = { "arduino" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end ``` ## bashls https://github.com/mads-hartmann/bash-language-server Language server for bash, written using tree sitter in typescript. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.bashls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "bash-language-server", "start" } cmd_env = { GLOB_PATTERN = "*@(.sh|.inc|.bash|.command)" } filetypes = { "sh" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor single_file_support = true ``` ## beancount https://github.com/polarmutex/beancount-language-server#installation See https://github.com/polarmutex/beancount-language-server#configuration for configuration options **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.beancount.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "beancount-langserver" } filetypes = { "beancount" } init_options = { journalFile = "", pythonPath = "python3" } root_dir = root_pattern("elm.json") single_file_support = true ``` ## bicep https://github.com/azure/bicep Bicep language server Bicep language server can be installed by downloading and extracting a release of bicep-langserver.zip from [Bicep GitHub releases](https://github.com/Azure/bicep/releases). Bicep language server requires the [dotnet-sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) to be installed. Neovim does not have built-in support for the bicep filetype which is required for lspconfig to automatically launch the language server. Filetype detection can be added via an autocmd: ```lua vim.cmd [[ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.bicep set filetype=bicep ]] ``` **By default, bicep language server does not have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of the unzipped run script or binary. ```lua local bicep_lsp_bin = "/path/to/bicep-langserver/Bicep.LangServer.dll" require'lspconfig'.bicep.setup{ cmd = { "dotnet", bicep_lsp_bin }; ... } ``` To download the latest release and place in /usr/local/bin/bicep-langserver: ```bash (cd $(mktemp -d) \ && curl -fLO https://github.com/Azure/bicep/releases/latest/download/bicep-langserver.zip \ && rm -rf /usr/local/bin/bicep-langserver \ && unzip -d /usr/local/bin/bicep-langserver bicep-langserver.zip) ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.bicep.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "bicep" } init_options = {} root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor ``` ## bsl_ls https://github.com/1c-syntax/bsl-language-server Language Server Protocol implementation for 1C (BSL) - 1C:Enterprise 8 and OneScript languages. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.bsl_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "bsl", "os" } root_dir = root_pattern(".git") ``` ## ccls https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls/wiki ccls relies on a [JSON compilation database](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html) specified as compile_commands.json or, for simpler projects, a compile_flags.txt. For details on how to automatically generate one using CMake look [here](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS.html). Alternatively, you can use [Bear](https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear). Customization options are passed to ccls at initialization time via init_options, a list of available options can be found [here](https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls/wiki/Customization#initialization-options). For example: ```lua local lspconfig = require'lspconfig' lspconfig.ccls.setup { init_options = { compilationDatabaseDirectory = "build"; index = { threads = 0; }; clang = { excludeArgs = { "-frounding-math"} ; }; } } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.ccls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ccls" } filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp" } root_dir = root_pattern("compile_commands.json", ".ccls", "compile_flags.txt", ".git") or dirname single_file_support = false ``` ## clangd https://clangd.llvm.org/installation.html **NOTE:** Clang >= 9 is recommended! See [this issue for more](https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lsp/issues/23). clangd relies on a [JSON compilation database](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html) specified as compile_commands.json or, for simpler projects, a compile_flags.txt. For details on how to automatically generate one using CMake look [here](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS.html). Alternatively, you can use [Bear](https://github.com/rizsotto/Bear). **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.clangd.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: - ClangdSwitchSourceHeader: Switch between source/header Default Values: capabilities = default capabilities, with offsetEncoding utf-8 cmd = { "clangd", "--background-index" } filetypes = { "c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp" } root_dir = root_pattern("compile_commands.json", "compile_flags.txt", ".git") or dirname single_file_support = true ``` ## clojure_lsp https://github.com/snoe/clojure-lsp Clojure Language Server **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.clojure_lsp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "clojure-lsp" } filetypes = { "clojure", "edn" } root_dir = root_pattern("project.clj", "deps.edn", "build.boot", "shadow-cljs.edn", ".git") ``` ## cmake https://github.com/regen100/cmake-language-server CMake LSP Implementation **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.cmake.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "cmake-language-server" } filetypes = { "cmake" } init_options = { buildDirectory = "build" } root_dir = root_pattern(".git", "compile_commands.json", "build") or dirname single_file_support = true ``` ## codeqlls Reference: https://help.semmle.com/codeql/codeql-cli.html Binaries: https://github.com/github/codeql-cli-binaries **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.codeqlls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: before_init = function(initialize_params) initialize_params['workspaceFolders'] = { { name = 'workspace', uri = initialize_params['rootUri'], }, } end, cmd = { "codeql", "execute", "language-server", "--check-errors", "ON_CHANGE", "-q" } filetypes = { "ql" } log_level = 2 root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = { search_path = "list containing all search paths, eg: '~/codeql-home/codeql-repo'" } single_file_support = true ``` ## crystalline https://github.com/elbywan/crystalline Crystal language server. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.crystalline.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "crystalline" } filetypes = { "crystal" } root_dir = root_pattern('shard.yml', '.git') or dirname single_file_support = true ``` ## csharp_ls https://github.com/razzmatazz/csharp-language-server Language Server for C#. csharp-ls requires the [dotnet-sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) to be installed. The preferred way to install csharp-ls is with `dotnet tool install --global csharp-ls`. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.csharp_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "csharp-ls" } filetypes = { "cs" } init_options = { AutomaticWorkspaceInit = true } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end ``` ## cssls https://github.com/hrsh7th/vscode-langservers-extracted `css-languageserver` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted ``` Neovim does not currently include built-in snippets. `vscode-css-language-server` only provides completions when snippet support is enabled. To enable completion, install a snippet plugin and add the following override to your language client capabilities during setup. ```lua --Enable (broadcasting) snippet capability for completion local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true require'lspconfig'.cssls.setup { capabilities = capabilities, } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.cssls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "vscode-css-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "css", "scss", "less" } root_dir = root_pattern("package.json", ".git") or bufdir settings = { css = { validate = true }, less = { validate = true }, scss = { validate = true } } single_file_support = true ``` ## cucumber_language_server https://cucumber.io https://github.com/cucumber/common https://www.npmjs.com/package/@cucumber/language-server Language server for Cucumber. `cucumber-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g @cucumber/language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.cucumber_language_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "cucumber-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "cucumber" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor ``` ## dartls https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/tree/master/pkg/analysis_server/tool/lsp_spec Language server for dart. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.dartls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "dart", "./snapshots/analysis_server.dart.snapshot", "--lsp" } filetypes = { "dart" } init_options = { closingLabels = true, flutterOutline = true, onlyAnalyzeProjectsWithOpenFiles = true, outline = true, suggestFromUnimportedLibraries = true } root_dir = root_pattern("pubspec.yaml") settings = { dart = { completeFunctionCalls = true, showTodos = true } } ``` ## denols https://github.com/denoland/deno Deno's built-in language server To approrpiately highlight codefences returned from denols, you will need to augment vim.g.markdown_fenced languages in your init.lua. Example: ```lua vim.g.markdown_fenced_languages = { "ts=typescript" } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.denols.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: - DenolsCache: Cache a module and all of its dependencies. - DenolsDefinition: Jump to definition. This handle deno:/ schema in deno:// buffer. - DenolsReferences: List references. This handle deno:/ schema in deno:// buffer. Default Values: cmd = { "deno", "lsp" } filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx" } handlers = { ["textDocument/definition"] = , ["textDocument/references"] = } init_options = { enable = true, lint = false, unstable = false } root_dir = root_pattern("deno.json", "deno.jsonc", "tsconfig.json", ".git") ``` ## dhall_lsp_server https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/tree/master/dhall-lsp-server language server for dhall `dhall-lsp-server` can be installed via cabal: ```sh cabal install dhall-lsp-server ``` prebuilt binaries can be found [here](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/releases). **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.dhall_lsp_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "dhall-lsp-server" } filetypes = { "dhall" } root_dir = root_pattern(".git") or dirname single_file_support = true ``` ## diagnosticls https://github.com/iamcco/diagnostic-languageserver Diagnostic language server integrate with linters. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.diagnosticls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "diagnostic-languageserver", "--stdio" } filetypes = Empty by default, override to add filetypes root_dir = Vim's starting directory single_file_support = true ``` ## dockerls https://github.com/rcjsuen/dockerfile-language-server-nodejs `docker-langserver` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g dockerfile-language-server-nodejs ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.dockerls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "docker-langserver", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "dockerfile" } root_dir = root_pattern("Dockerfile") single_file_support = true ``` ## dotls https://github.com/nikeee/dot-language-server `dot-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g dot-language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.dotls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "dot-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "dot" } root_dir = function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end single_file_support = true ``` ## efm https://github.com/mattn/efm-langserver General purpose Language Server that can use specified error message format generated from specified command. Note: In order for neovim's built-in language server client to send the appropriate `languageId` to EFM, **you must specify `filetypes` in your call to `setup{}`**. Otherwise `lspconfig` will launch EFM on the `BufEnter` instead of the `FileType` autocommand, and the `filetype` variable used to populate the `languageId` will not yet be set. ```lua require('lspconfig')['efm'].setup{ settings = ..., -- You must populate this according to the EFM readme filetypes = { 'python','cpp','lua' } } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.efm.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "efm-langserver" } root_dir = util.root_pattern(".git") single_file_support = false ``` ## elixirls https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls `elixir-ls` can be installed by following the instructions [here](https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls#building-and-running). ```bash curl -fLO https://github.com/elixir-lsp/elixir-ls/releases/latest/download/elixir-ls.zip unzip elixir-ls.zip -d /path/to/elixir-ls # Unix chmod +x /path/to/elixir-ls/language_server.sh ``` **By default, elixir-ls doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of your unzipped elixir-ls. ```lua require'lspconfig'.elixirls.setup{ -- Unix cmd = { "/path/to/elixir-ls/language_server.sh" }; -- Windows cmd = { "/path/to/elixir-ls/language_server.bat" }; ... } ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`elixirLS.dialyzerEnabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Run ElixirLS\'s rapid Dialyzer when code is saved - **`elixirLS.dialyzerFormat`**: `enum { "dialyzer", "dialyxir_short", "dialyxir_long" }` Default: `"dialyxir_long"` Formatter to use for Dialyzer warnings - **`elixirLS.dialyzerWarnOpts`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{enum = { "error_handling", "no_behaviours", "no_contracts", "no_fail_call", "no_fun_app", "no_improper_lists", "no_match", "no_missing_calls", "no_opaque", "no_return", "no_undefined_callbacks", "no_unused", "underspecs", "unknown", "unmatched_returns", "overspecs", "specdiffs" },type = "string"}` Dialyzer options to enable or disable warnings\. See Dialyzer\'s documentation for options\. Note that the \"race\_conditions\" option is unsupported - **`elixirLS.enableTestLenses`**: `boolean` Show code lenses to run tests in terminal - **`elixirLS.fetchDeps`**: `boolean` Automatically fetch project dependencies when compiling - **`elixirLS.mixEnv`**: `string` Default: `"test"` Mix environment to use for compilation - **`elixirLS.mixTarget`**: `string` Mix target to use for compilation \(requires Elixir \>\= 1\.8\) - **`elixirLS.projectDir`**: `string` Default: `""` Subdirectory containing Mix project if not in the project root - **`elixirLS.signatureAfterComplete`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Show signature help after confirming autocomplete - **`elixirLS.suggestSpecs`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Suggest \@spec annotations inline using Dialyzer\'s inferred success typings \(Requires Dialyzer\) - **`elixirLS.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VS Code and the Elixir language server\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.elixirls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "elixir", "eelixir" } root_dir = root_pattern("mix.exs", ".git") or vim.loop.os_homedir() ``` ## elmls https://github.com/elm-tooling/elm-language-server#installation If you don't want to use Nvim to install it, then you can use: ```sh npm install -g elm elm-test elm-format @elm-tooling/elm-language-server ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`elmLS.disableElmLSDiagnostics`**: `boolean` Disable linting diagnostics from the language server\. - **`elmLS.elmFormatPath`**: `string` Default: `""` The path to your elm\-format executable\. Should be empty by default\, in that case it will assume the name and try to first get it from a local npm installation or a global one\. If you set it manually it will not try to load from the npm folder\. - **`elmLS.elmPath`**: `string` Default: `""` The path to your elm executable\. Should be empty by default\, in that case it will assume the name and try to first get it from a local npm installation or a global one\. If you set it manually it will not try to load from the npm folder\. - **`elmLS.elmReviewDiagnostics`**: `enum { "off", "warning", "error" }` Default: `"off"` Set severity or disable linting diagnostics for elm\-review\. - **`elmLS.elmReviewPath`**: `string` Default: `""` The path to your elm\-review executable\. Should be empty by default\, in that case it will assume the name and try to first get it from a local npm installation or a global one\. If you set it manually it will not try to load from the npm folder\. - **`elmLS.elmTestPath`**: `string` Default: `""` The path to your elm\-test executable\. Should be empty by default\, in that case it will assume the name and try to first get it from a local npm installation or a global one\. If you set it manually it will not try to load from the npm folder\. - **`elmLS.elmTestRunner.showElmTestOutput`**: `boolean` Show output of elm\-test as terminal task - **`elmLS.onlyUpdateDiagnosticsOnSave`**: `boolean` Only update compiler diagnostics on save\, not on document change\. - **`elmLS.skipInstallPackageConfirmation`**: `boolean` Skips confirmation for the Install Package code action\. - **`elmLS.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.elmls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "elm-language-server" } filetypes = { "elm" } init_options = { elmAnalyseTrigger = "change", elmFormatPath = "elm-format", elmPath = "elm", elmTestPath = "elm-test" } root_dir = root_pattern("elm.json") ``` ## ember https://github.com/lifeart/ember-language-server `ember-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g @lifeart/ember-language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.ember.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ember-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "handlebars", "typescript", "javascript" } root_dir = root_pattern("ember-cli-build.js", ".git") ``` ## emmet_ls https://github.com/aca/emmet-ls Package can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g emmet-ls ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.emmet_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "emmet-ls", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "html", "css" } root_dir = git root ``` ## erlangls https://erlang-ls.github.io Language Server for Erlang. Clone [erlang_ls](https://github.com/erlang-ls/erlang_ls) Compile the project with `make` and copy resulting binaries somewhere in your $PATH eg. `cp _build/*/bin/* ~/local/bin` Installation instruction can be found [here](https://github.com/erlang-ls/erlang_ls). Installation requirements: - [Erlang OTP 21+](https://github.com/erlang/otp) - [rebar3 3.9.1+](https://github.com/erlang/rebar3) **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.erlangls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "erlang_ls" } filetypes = { "erlang" } root_dir = root_pattern('rebar.config', 'erlang.mk', '.git') single_file_support = true ``` ## esbonio https://github.com/swyddfa/esbonio Esbonio is a language server for [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/) documentation projects. The language server can be installed via pip ``` pip install esbonio ``` Since Sphinx is highly extensible you will get best results if you install the language server in the same Python environment as the one used to build your documentation. To ensure that the correct Python environment is picked up, you can either launch `nvim` with the correct environment activated. ``` source env/bin/activate nvim ``` Or you can modify the default `cmd` to include the full path to the Python interpreter. ```lua require'lspconfig'.esbonio.setup { cmd = { '/path/to/virtualenv/bin/python', '-m', 'esbonio' } } ``` Esbonio supports a number of config values passed as `init_options` on startup, for example. ```lua require'lspconfig'.esbonio.setup { init_options = { server = { logLevel = "debug" }, sphinx = { confDir = "/path/to/docs", srcDir = "${confDir}/../docs-src" } } ``` A full list and explanation of the available options can be found [here](https://swyddfa.github.io/esbonio/docs/lsp/editors/index.html) **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.esbonio.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "python3", "-m", "esbonio" } filetypes = { "rst" } root_dir = function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end ``` ## eslint https://github.com/hrsh7th/vscode-langservers-extracted vscode-eslint-language-server: A linting engine for JavaScript / Typescript `vscode-eslint-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted ``` vscode-eslint-language-server provides an EslintFixAll command that can be used to format document on save ```vim autocmd BufWritePre EslintFixAll ``` See [vscode-eslint](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-eslint/blob/55871979d7af184bf09af491b6ea35ebd56822cf/server/src/eslintServer.ts#L216-L229) for configuration options. Additional messages you can handle: eslint/noConfig Messages already handled in lspconfig: eslint/openDoc, eslint/confirmESLintExecution, eslint/probeFailed, eslint/noLibrary **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.eslint.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: - EslintFixAll: Fix all eslint problems for this buffer Default Values: cmd = { "vscode-eslint-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx", "vue" } handlers = { ["eslint/confirmESLintExecution"] = , ["eslint/noLibrary"] = , ["eslint/openDoc"] = , ["eslint/probeFailed"] = } on_new_config = function(config, new_root_dir) -- The "workspaceFolder" is a VSCode concept. It limits how far the -- server will traverse the file system when locating the ESLint config -- file (e.g., .eslintrc). config.settings.workspaceFolder = { uri = new_root_dir, name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(new_root_dir, ':t'), } end, root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = { codeAction = { disableRuleComment = { enable = true, location = "separateLine" }, showDocumentation = { enable = true } }, codeActionOnSave = { enable = false, mode = "all" }, format = true, nodePath = "", onIgnoredFiles = "off", packageManager = "npm", quiet = false, rulesCustomizations = {}, run = "onType", useESLintClass = false, validate = "on", workingDirectory = { mode = "location" } } ``` ## flow https://flow.org/ https://github.com/facebook/flow See below for how to setup Flow itself. https://flow.org/en/docs/install/ See below for lsp command options. ```sh npx flow lsp --help ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`flow.coverageSeverity`**: `enum { "error", "warn", "info" }` Default: `"info"` Type coverage diagnostic severity - **`flow.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Is flow enabled - **`flow.lazyMode`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Set value to enable flow lazy mode - **`flow.logLevel`**: `enum { "error", "warn", "info", "trace" }` Default: `"info"` Log level for output panel logs - **`flow.pathToFlow`**: `string` Default: `"flow"` Absolute path to flow binary\. Special var \$\{workspaceFolder\} or \$\{flowconfigDir\} can be used in path \(NOTE\: in windows you can use \'\/\' and can omit \'\.cmd\' in path\) - **`flow.runOnEdit`**: `boolean` Default: `true` If true will run flow on every edit\, otherwise will run only when changes are saved \(Note\: \'useLSP\: true\' only supports syntax errors\) - **`flow.showUncovered`**: `boolean` If true will show uncovered code by default - **`flow.stopFlowOnExit`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Stop Flow on Exit - **`flow.trace.server`** Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VSCode and the flow lsp service\. - **`flow.useBundledFlow`**: `boolean` Default: `true` If true will use flow bundled with this plugin if nothing works - **`flow.useCodeSnippetOnFunctionSuggest`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Complete functions with their parameter signature\. - **`flow.useNPMPackagedFlow`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Support using flow through your node\_modules folder\, WARNING\: Checking this box is a security risk\. When you open a project we will immediately run code contained within it\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.flow.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "npx", "--no-install", "flow", "lsp" } filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx" } root_dir = root_pattern(".flowconfig") ``` ## flux-lsp https://github.com/influxdata/flux-lsp `flux-lsp` can be installed via `cargo`: ```sh cargo install --git https://github.com/influxdata/flux-lsp ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.flux-lsp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "flux-lsp" } filetypes = { "flux" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor ``` ## fortls https://github.com/hansec/fortran-language-server Fortran Language Server for the Language Server Protocol This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`fortran-ls.autocompletePrefix`**: `boolean` Filter autocomplete suggestions with variable prefix - **`fortran-ls.disableDiagnostics`**: `boolean` Disable diagnostics \(requires v1\.12\.0+\)\. - **`fortran-ls.displayVerWarning`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Provides notifications when the underlying language server is out of date\. - **`fortran-ls.enableCodeActions`**: `boolean` Enable experimental code actions \(requires v1\.7\.0+\)\. - **`fortran-ls.executablePath`**: `string` Default: `"fortls"` Path to the Fortran language server \(fortls\)\. - **`fortran-ls.hoverSignature`**: `boolean` Show signature information in hover for argument \(also enables \'variableHover\'\)\. - **`fortran-ls.includeSymbolMem`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Include type members in document outline \(also used for \'Go to Symbol in File\'\) - **`fortran-ls.incrementalSync`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Use incremental synchronization for file changes\. - **`fortran-ls.lowercaseIntrinsics`**: `boolean` Use lowercase for intrinsics and keywords in autocomplete requests\. - **`fortran-ls.maxCommentLineLength`**: `number` Default: `-1` Maximum comment line length \(requires v1\.8\.0+\)\. - **`fortran-ls.maxLineLength`**: `number` Default: `-1` Maximum line length \(requires v1\.8\.0+\)\. - **`fortran-ls.notifyInit`**: `boolean` Notify when workspace initialization is complete \(requires v1\.7\.0+\)\. - **`fortran-ls.useSignatureHelp`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Use signature help instead of snippets when available\. - **`fortran-ls.variableHover`**: `boolean` Show hover information for variables\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.fortls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "fortls" } filetypes = { "fortran" } root_dir = root_pattern(".fortls") settings = { nthreads = 1 } ``` ## fsautocomplete https://github.com/fsharp/FsAutoComplete Language Server for F# provided by FsAutoComplete (FSAC). FsAutoComplete requires the [dotnet-sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) to be installed. The preferred way to install FsAutoComplete is with `dotnet tool install --global fsautocomplete`. Instructions to compile from source are found on the main [repository](https://github.com/fsharp/FsAutoComplete). You may also need to configure the filetype as Vim defaults to Forth for `*.fs` files: `autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.fs,*.fsx,*.fsi set filetype=fsharp` This is automatically done by plugins such as [PhilT/vim-fsharp](https://github.com/PhilT/vim-fsharp), [fsharp/vim-fsharp](https://github.com/fsharp/vim-fsharp), and [adelarsq/neofsharp.vim](https://github.com/adelarsq/neofsharp.vim). **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.fsautocomplete.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "fsautocomplete", "--background-service-enabled" } filetypes = { "fsharp" } init_options = { AutomaticWorkspaceInit = true } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end ``` ## fstar https://github.com/FStarLang/FStar LSP support is included in FStar. Make sure `fstar.exe` is in your PATH. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.fstar.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "fstar.exe", "--lsp" } filetypes = { "fstar" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor ``` ## gdscript https://github.com/godotengine/godot Language server for GDScript, used by Godot Engine. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.gdscript.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "nc", "localhost", "6008" } filetypes = { "gd", "gdscript", "gdscript3" } root_dir = util.root_pattern("project.godot", ".git") ``` ## ghcide https://github.com/digital-asset/ghcide A library for building Haskell IDE tooling. "ghcide" isn't for end users now. Use "haskell-language-server" instead of "ghcide". **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.ghcide.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ghcide", "--lsp" } filetypes = { "haskell", "lhaskell" } root_dir = root_pattern("stack.yaml", "hie-bios", "BUILD.bazel", "cabal.config", "package.yaml") ``` ## golangci_lint_ls Combination of both lint server and client https://github.com/nametake/golangci-lint-langserver https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint Installation of binaries needed is done via ``` go install github.com/nametake/golangci-lint-langserver@latest go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.42.1 ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.golangci_lint_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "golangci-lint-langserver" } filetypes = { "go", "gomod" } init_options = { command = { "golangci-lint", "run", "--enable-all", "--disable", "lll", "--out-format", "json" } } root_dir = root_pattern('go.mod', '.git') ``` ## gopls https://github.com/golang/tools/tree/master/gopls Google's lsp server for golang. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.gopls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "gopls" } filetypes = { "go", "gomod" } root_dir = root_pattern("go.mod", ".git") ``` ## graphql https://github.com/graphql/graphiql/tree/main/packages/graphql-language-service-cli `graphql-lsp` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g graphql-language-service-cli ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.graphql.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "graphql-lsp", "server", "-m", "stream" } filetypes = { "graphql" } root_dir = root_pattern('.git', '.graphqlrc*', '.graphql.config.*') ``` ## groovyls https://github.com/prominic/groovy-language-server.git Requirements: - Linux/macOS (for now) - Java 11+ `groovyls` can be installed by following the instructions [here](https://github.com/prominic/groovy-language-server.git#build). If you have installed groovy language server, you can set the `cmd` custom path as follow: ```lua require'lspconfig'.groovyls.setup{ -- Unix cmd = { "java", "-jar", "path/to/groovyls/groovy-language-server-all.jar" }, ... } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.groovyls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "java", "-jar", "groovy-language-server-all.jar" } filetypes = { "groovy" } root_dir = function(fname) return util.root_pattern 'Jenkinsfile'(fname) or util.find_git_ancestor(fname) end, ``` ## haxe_language_server https://github.com/vshaxe/haxe-language-server The Haxe language server can be built by running the following commands from the project's root directory: npm install npx lix run vshaxe-build -t language-server This will create `bin/server.js`. Note that the server requires Haxe 3.4.0 or higher. After building the language server, set the `cmd` setting in your setup function: ```lua lspconfig.haxe_language_server.setup({ cmd = {"node", "path/to/bin/server.js"}, }) ``` By default, an HXML compiler arguments file named `build.hxml` is expected in your project's root directory. If your file is named something different, specify it using the `init_options.displayArguments` setting. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.haxe_language_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "haxe-language-server" } filetypes = { "haxe" } init_options = { displayArguments = { "build.hxml" } } root_dir = root_pattern("*.hxml") settings = { haxe = { executable = "haxe" } } ``` ## hie https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine the following init_options are supported (see https://github.com/haskell/haskell-ide-engine#configuration): ```lua init_options = { languageServerHaskell = { hlintOn = bool; maxNumberOfProblems = number; diagnosticsDebounceDuration = number; liquidOn = bool (default false); completionSnippetsOn = bool (default true); formatOnImportOn = bool (default true); formattingProvider = string (default "brittany", alternate "floskell"); } } ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`haskell.checkProject`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether to typecheck the entire project on load\. It could drive to bad perfomance in large projects\. - **`haskell.formattingProvider`**: `enum { "brittany", "floskell", "fourmolu", "ormolu", "stylish-haskell", "none" }` Default: `"ormolu"` The formatter to use when formatting a document or range\. Ensure the plugin is enabled\. - **`haskell.logFile`**: `string` Default: `""` If set\, redirects the logs to a file\. - **`haskell.maxCompletions`**: `integer` Default: `40` Maximum number of completions sent to the editor\. - **`haskell.openDocumentationInHackage`**: `boolean` Default: `true` When opening \'Documentation\' for external libraries\, open in hackage by default\. Set to false to instead open in vscode\. - **`haskell.openSourceInHackage`**: `boolean` Default: `true` When opening \'Source\' for external libraries\, open in hackage by default\. Set to false to instead open in vscode\. - **`haskell.plugin.class.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables type class plugin - **`haskell.plugin.eval.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables eval plugin - **`haskell.plugin.ghcide-completions.config.autoExtendOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`haskell.plugin.ghcide-completions.config.snippetsOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`haskell.plugin.ghcide-type-lenses.config.mode`**: `enum { "always", "exported", "diagnostics" }` Default: `true` Control how type lenses are shown - **`haskell.plugin.ghcide-type-lenses.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables type lenses plugin - **`haskell.plugin.haddockComments.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables haddock comments plugin - **`haskell.plugin.hlint.codeActionsOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables hlint code actions \(apply hints\) - **`haskell.plugin.hlint.config.flags`**: `array` Default: `{}` null - **`haskell.plugin.hlint.diagnosticsOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables hlint diagnostics - **`haskell.plugin.importLens.codeActionsOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables explicit imports code actions - **`haskell.plugin.importLens.codeLensOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables explicit imports code lenses - **`haskell.plugin.moduleName.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables module name plugin - **`haskell.plugin.pragmas.codeActionsOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables pragmas code actions - **`haskell.plugin.pragmas.completionOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables pragmas completions - **`haskell.plugin.refineImports.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables refine imports plugin - **`haskell.plugin.retrie.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables retrie plugin - **`haskell.plugin.splice.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables splice plugin \(expand template haskell definitions\) - **`haskell.plugin.tactics.config.auto_gas`**: `integer` Default: `4` null - **`haskell.plugin.tactics.config.hole_severity`**: `enum { 1, 2, 3, 4, vim.NIL }` Default: `vim.NIL` The severity to use when showing hole diagnostics\. - **`haskell.plugin.tactics.config.max_use_ctor_actions`**: `integer` Default: `5` null - **`haskell.plugin.tactics.config.proofstate_styling`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`haskell.plugin.tactics.config.timeout_duration`**: `integer` Default: `2` null - **`haskell.plugin.tactics.globalOn`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enables Wingman \(tactics\) plugin - **`haskell.releasesDownloadStoragePath`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`haskell.releasesURL`**: `string` Default: `""` An optional URL to override where to check for haskell\-language\-server releases - **`haskell.serverEnvironment`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`haskell.serverExecutablePath`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`haskell.serverExtraArgs`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`haskell.trace.client`**: `enum { "off", "error", "info", "debug" }` Default: `"info"` Sets the log level in the client side\. - **`haskell.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server\. - **`haskell.updateBehavior`**: `enum { "keep-up-to-date", "prompt", "never-check" }` Default: `"keep-up-to-date"` null
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.hie.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "hie-wrapper", "--lsp" } filetypes = { "haskell" } root_dir = root_pattern("stack.yaml", "package.yaml", ".git") ``` ## hls https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server Haskell Language Server **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.hls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "haskell-language-server-wrapper", "--lsp" } filetypes = { "haskell", "lhaskell" } lspinfo = function on_stdout(_, data, _) local version = data[1] table.insert(extra, 'version: ' .. version) end local opts = { cwd = cfg.cwd, stdout_buffered = true, on_stdout = on_stdout, } local chanid = vim.fn.jobstart({ cfg.cmd[1], '--version' }, opts) vim.fn.jobwait { chanid } return extra end, root_dir = root_pattern("*.cabal", "stack.yaml", "cabal.project", "package.yaml", "hie.yaml") settings = { haskell = { formattingProvider = "ormolu" } } ``` ## html https://github.com/hrsh7th/vscode-langservers-extracted `vscode-html-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted ``` Neovim does not currently include built-in snippets. `vscode-html-language-server` only provides completions when snippet support is enabled. To enable completion, install a snippet plugin and add the following override to your language client capabilities during setup. ```lua --Enable (broadcasting) snippet capability for completion local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true require'lspconfig'.html.setup { capabilities = capabilities, } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.html.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "vscode-html-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "html" } init_options = { configurationSection = { "html", "css", "javascript" }, embeddedLanguages = { css = true, javascript = true } } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = {} single_file_support = true ``` ## idris2_lsp https://github.com/idris-community/idris2-lsp The Idris 2 language server. Plugins for the Idris 2 filetype include [Idris2-Vim](https://github.com/edwinb/idris2-vim) (fewer features, stable) and [Nvim-Idris2](https://github.com/ShinKage/nvim-idris2) (cutting-edge, experimental). Idris2-Lsp requires a build of Idris 2 that includes the "Idris 2 API" package. Package managers with known support for this build include the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/idris2-api-git/) and [Homebrew](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/idris2#default). If your package manager does not support the Idris 2 API, you will need to build Idris 2 from source. Refer to the [the Idris 2 installation instructions](https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris2/blob/main/INSTALL.md) for details. Steps 5 and 8 are listed as "optional" in that guide, but they are necessary in order to make the Idris 2 API available. You need to install a version of Idris2-Lsp that is compatible with your version of Idris 2. There should be a branch corresponding to every released Idris 2 version after v0.4.0. Use the latest commit on that branch. For example, if you have Idris v0.5.1, you should use the v0.5.1 branch of Idris2-Lsp. If your Idris 2 version is newer than the newest Idris2-Lsp branch, use the latest commit on the `master` branch, and set a reminder to check the Idris2-Lsp repo for the release of a compatible versioned branch. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.idris2_lsp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "idris2-lsp" } filetypes = { "idris2" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end ``` ## intelephense https://intelephense.com/ `intelephense` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g intelephense ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.intelephense.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "intelephense", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "php" } root_dir = root_pattern("composer.json", ".git") ``` ## java_language_server https://github.com/georgewfraser/java-language-server Java language server Point `cmd` to `lang_server_linux.sh` or the equivalent script for macOS/Windows provided by java-language-server This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`java.addExports`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` List of modules to allow access to\, for example \[\"jdk\.compiler\/com\.sun\.tools\.javac\.api\"\] - **`java.classPath`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Relative paths from workspace root to \.jar files\, \.zip files\, or folders that should be included in the Java class path - **`java.debugTestMethod`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Command to debug one test method\, for example \[\"mvn\"\, \"test\"\, \"\-Dmaven\.surefire\.debug\"\, \"\-Dtest\=\$\{class\}\#\$\{method\}\"\. The test should start paused\, listening for the debugger on port 5005\. - **`java.externalDependencies`**: `array` Array items: `{pattern = "^[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+(:[^:]+:[^:]+)?$",type = "string"}` External dependencies of the form groupId\:artifactId\:version or groupId\:artifactId\:packaging\:version\:scope - **`java.home`**: `string` Absolute path to your Java home directory - **`java.testClass`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Command to run all tests in a class\, for example \[\"mvn\"\, \"test\"\, \"\-Dtest\=\$\{class\}\" - **`java.testMethod`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Command to run one test method\, for example \[\"mvn\"\, \"test\"\, \"\-Dtest\=\$\{class\}\#\$\{method\}\" - **`java.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VSCode and the language server\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.java_language_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "java" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = {} ``` ## jdtls https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/eclipse.jdt.ls Language server for Java. IMPORTANT: If you want all the features jdtls has to offer, [nvim-jdtls](https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls) is highly recommended. If all you need is diagnostics, completion, imports, gotos and formatting and some code actions you can keep reading here. For manual installation you can download precompiled binaries from the [official downloads site](http://download.eclipse.org/jdtls/snapshots/?d) Due to the nature of java, settings cannot be inferred. Please set the following environmental variables to match your installation. If you need per-project configuration [direnv](https://github.com/direnv/direnv) is highly recommended. ```bash # Mandatory: # .bashrc export JDTLS_HOME=/path/to/jdtls_root # Directory with the plugin and configs directories # Optional: export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java_home # In case you don't have java in path or want to use a version in particular export WORKSPACE=/path/to/workspace # Defaults to $HOME/workspace ``` ```lua -- init.lua require'lspconfig'.jdtls.setup{} ``` For automatic installation you can use the following unofficial installers/launchers under your own risk: - [jdtls-launcher](https://github.com/eruizc-dev/jdtls-launcher) (Includes lombok support by default) ```lua -- init.lua require'lspconfig'.jdtls.setup{ cmd = { 'jdtls' } } ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`java.autobuild.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable the \'auto build\' - **`java.codeGeneration.generateComments`**: `boolean` Generate method comments when generating the methods\. - **`java.codeGeneration.hashCodeEquals.useInstanceof`**: `boolean` Use \'instanceof\' to compare types when generating the hashCode and equals methods\. - **`java.codeGeneration.hashCodeEquals.useJava7Objects`**: `boolean` Use Objects\.hash and Objects\.equals when generating the hashCode and equals methods\. This setting only applies to Java 7 and higher\. - **`java.codeGeneration.insertionLocation`**: `enum { "afterCursor", "beforeCursor", "lastMember" }` Default: `"afterCursor"` Specifies the insertion location of the code generated by source actions\. - **`java.codeGeneration.toString.codeStyle`**: `enum { "STRING_CONCATENATION", "STRING_BUILDER", "STRING_BUILDER_CHAINED", "STRING_FORMAT" }` Default: `"STRING_CONCATENATION"` The code style for generating the toString method\. - **`java.codeGeneration.toString.limitElements`**: `integer` Default: `0` Limit number of items in arrays\/collections\/maps to list\, if 0 then list all\. - **`java.codeGeneration.toString.listArrayContents`**: `boolean` Default: `true` List contents of arrays instead of using native toString\(\)\. - **`java.codeGeneration.toString.skipNullValues`**: `boolean` Skip null values when generating the toString method\. - **`java.codeGeneration.toString.template`**: `string` Default: `"${object.className} [${member.name()}=${member.value}, ${otherMembers}]"` The template for generating the toString method\. - **`java.codeGeneration.useBlocks`**: `boolean` Use blocks in \'if\' statements when generating the methods\. - **`java.completion.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable code completion support - **`java.completion.favoriteStaticMembers`**: `array` Default: `{ "org.junit.Assert.*", "org.junit.Assume.*", "org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*", "org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.*", "org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicContainer.*", "org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest.*", "org.mockito.Mockito.*", "org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.*", "org.mockito.Answers.*" }` Defines a list of static members or types with static members\. Content assist will propose those static members even if the import is missing\. - **`java.completion.filteredTypes`**: `array` Default: `{ "java.awt.*", "com.sun.*", "sun.*", "jdk.*", "org.graalvm.*", "io.micrometer.shaded.*" }` Defines the type filters\. All types whose fully qualified name matches the selected filter strings will be ignored in content assist or quick fix proposals and when organizing imports\. For example \'java\.awt\.\*\' will hide all types from the awt packages\. - **`java.completion.guessMethodArguments`**: `boolean` When set to true\, method arguments are guessed when a method is selected from as list of code assist proposals\. - **`java.completion.importOrder`**: `array` Default: `{ "java", "javax", "com", "org" }` Defines the sorting order of import statements\. A package or type name prefix \(e\.g\. \'org\.eclipse\'\) is a valid entry\. An import is always added to the most specific group\. - **`java.completion.maxResults`**: `integer` Default: `0` null - **`java.completion.overwrite`**: `boolean` Default: `true` When set to true\, code completion overwrites the current text\. When set to false\, code is simply added instead\. - **`java.configuration.checkProjectSettingsExclusions`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Controls whether to exclude extension\-generated project settings files \(\.project\, \.classpath\, \.factorypath\, \.settings\/\) from the file explorer\. - **`java.configuration.maven.globalSettings`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Path to Maven\'s global settings\.xml - **`java.configuration.maven.notCoveredPluginExecutionSeverity`**: `enum { "ignore", "warning", "error" }` Default: `"warning"` Specifies severity if the plugin execution is not covered by Maven build lifecycle\. - **`java.configuration.maven.userSettings`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Path to Maven\'s user settings\.xml - **`java.configuration.runtimes`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{additionalProperties = false,default = vim.empty_dict(),properties = {default = {description = "Is default runtime? Only one runtime can be default.",type = "boolean"},javadoc = {description = "JDK javadoc path.",type = "string"},name = {description = "Java Execution Environment name. Must be unique.",enum = { "J2SE-1.5", "JavaSE-1.6", "JavaSE-1.7", "JavaSE-1.8", "JavaSE-9", "JavaSE-10", "JavaSE-11", "JavaSE-12", "JavaSE-13", "JavaSE-14", "JavaSE-15", "JavaSE-16", "JavaSE-17" },type = "string"},path = {description = 'JDK home path. Should be the JDK installation directory, not the Java bin path.\n On Windows, backslashes must be escaped, i.e.\n"path":"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Java\\\\jdk1.8.0_161".',pattern = ".*(?\` or \`\}\` - **`java.format.settings.profile`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Optional formatter profile name from the Eclipse formatter settings\. - **`java.format.settings.url`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`java.home`**: `string|null` Default: `vim.NIL` Specifies the folder path to the JDK \(11 or more recent\) used to launch the Java Language Server\. On Windows\, backslashes must be escaped\, i\.e\. \"java\.home\"\:\"C\:\\\\Program Files\\\\Java\\\\jdk11\.0\_8\" - **`java.implementationsCodeLens.enabled`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable the implementations code lens\. - **`java.import.exclusions`**: `array` Default: `{ "**/node_modules/**", "**/.metadata/**", "**/archetype-resources/**", "**/META-INF/maven/**" }` Configure glob patterns for excluding folders\. Use \`\!\` to negate patterns to allow subfolders imports\. You have to include a parent directory\. The order is important\. - **`java.import.generatesMetadataFilesAtProjectRoot`**: `boolean` null - **`java.import.gradle.arguments`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Arguments to pass to Gradle\. - **`java.import.gradle.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable the Gradle importer\. - **`java.import.gradle.home`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Use Gradle from the specified local installation directory or GRADLE\_HOME if the Gradle wrapper is missing or disabled and no \'java\.import\.gradle\.version\' is specified\. - **`java.import.gradle.java.home`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` The location to the JVM used to run the Gradle daemon\. - **`java.import.gradle.jvmArguments`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` JVM arguments to pass to Gradle\. - **`java.import.gradle.offline.enabled`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable the Gradle offline mode\. - **`java.import.gradle.user.home`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Setting for GRADLE\_USER\_HOME\. - **`java.import.gradle.version`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Use Gradle from the specific version if the Gradle wrapper is missing or disabled\. - **`java.import.gradle.wrapper.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Use Gradle from the \'gradle\-wrapper\.properties\' file\. - **`java.import.maven.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable the Maven importer\. - **`java.imports.gradle.wrapper.checksums`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{additionalProperties = false,default = vim.empty_dict(),properties = {allowed = {default = true,label = "Is allowed?",type = "boolean"},sha256 = {label = "SHA-256 checksum.",type = "string"}},required = { "sha256" },type = "object",uniqueItems = true}` Defines allowed\/disallowed SHA\-256 checksums of Gradle Wrappers - **`java.jdt.ls.vmargs`**: `string|null` Default: `"-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:GCTimeRatio=4 -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true -Xmx1G -Xms100m"` Specifies extra VM arguments used to launch the Java Language Server\. Eg\. use \`\-XX\:+UseParallelGC \-XX\:GCTimeRatio\=4 \-XX\:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight\=90 \-Dsun\.zip\.disableMemoryMapping\=true \-Xmx1G \-Xms100m \` to optimize memory usage with the parallel garbage collector - **`java.maven.downloadSources`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable download of Maven source artifacts as part of importing Maven projects\. - **`java.maven.updateSnapshots`**: `boolean` Force update of Snapshots\/Releases\. - **`java.maxConcurrentBuilds`**: `integer` Default: `1` Max simultaneous project builds - **`java.progressReports.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \[Experimental\] Enable\/disable progress reports from background processes on the server\. - **`java.project.importHint`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable the server\-mode switch information\, when Java projects import is skipped on startup\. - **`java.project.importOnFirstTimeStartup`**: `enum { "disabled", "interactive", "automatic" }` Default: `"automatic"` Specifies whether to import the Java projects\, when opening the folder in Hybrid mode for the first time\. - **`java.project.outputPath`**: `string|null` Default: `""` null - **`java.project.referencedLibraries`**: `array|object` Default: `{ "lib/**/*.jar" }` Configure glob patterns for referencing local libraries to a Java project\. - **`java.project.resourceFilters`**: `array` Default: `{ "node_modules", ".git" }` Excludes files and folders from being refreshed by the Java Language Server\, which can improve the overall performance\. For example\, \[\"node\_modules\"\,\"\.git\"\] will exclude all files and folders named \'node\_modules\' or \'\.git\'\. Defaults to \[\"node\_modules\"\,\"\.git\"\]\. - **`java.project.sourcePaths`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`java.quickfix.showAt`**: `enum { "line", "problem" }` Default: `"line"` Show quickfixes at the problem or line level\. - **`java.recommendations.dependency.analytics.show`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Show the recommended Dependency Analytics extension\. - **`java.references.includeAccessors`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Include getter\, setter and builder\/constructor when finding references\. - **`java.references.includeDecompiledSources`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Include the decompiled sources when finding references\. - **`java.referencesCodeLens.enabled`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable the references code lens\. - **`java.saveActions.organizeImports`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable auto organize imports on save action - **`java.selectionRange.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable Smart Selection support for Java\. Disabling this option will not affect the VS Code built\-in word\-based and bracket\-based smart selection\. - **`java.server.launchMode`**: `enum { "Standard", "LightWeight", "Hybrid" }` Default: `"Hybrid"` The launch mode for the Java extension - **`java.settings.url`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`java.showBuildStatusOnStart.enabled`** Default: `"notification"` Automatically show build status on startup\. - **`java.signatureHelp.enabled`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable the signature help\. - **`java.sources.organizeImports.starThreshold`**: `integer` Default: `99` Specifies the number of imports added before a star\-import declaration is used\. - **`java.sources.organizeImports.staticStarThreshold`**: `integer` Default: `99` Specifies the number of static imports added before a star\-import declaration is used\. - **`java.symbols.includeSourceMethodDeclarations`**: `boolean` null - **`java.templates.fileHeader`**: `array` Default: `{}` null - **`java.templates.typeComment`**: `array` Default: `{}` null - **`java.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VS Code and the Java language server\. - **`java.typeHierarchy.lazyLoad`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable lazy loading the content in type hierarchy\. Lazy loading could save a lot of loading time but every type should be expanded manually to load its content\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.jdtls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "/usr/lib/jvm/adoptopenjdk-11-hotspot-amd64/bin/java", "-Declipse.application=org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.id1", "-Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4", "-Declipse.product=org.eclipse.jdt.ls.core.product", "-Dlog.protocol=true", "-Dlog.level=ALL", "-Xms1g", "-Xmx2G", "--add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM", "--add-opens", "java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED", "--add-opens", "java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED", "-jar", "/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar", "-configuration", "config_linux", "-data", "/home/runner/workspace" } filetypes = { "java" } handlers = { ["language/status"] = , ["textDocument/codeAction"] = , ["textDocument/rename"] = , ["workspace/applyEdit"] = } init_options = { jvm_args = {}, workspace = "/home/runner/workspace" } root_dir = { -- Single-module projects { 'build.xml', -- Ant 'pom.xml', -- Maven 'settings.gradle', -- Gradle 'settings.gradle.kts', -- Gradle }, -- Multi-module projects { 'build.gradle', 'build.gradle.kts' }, } or vim.fn.getcwd() single_file_support = true ``` ## jedi_language_server https://github.com/pappasam/jedi-language-server `jedi-language-server`, a language server for Python, built on top of jedi **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.jedi_language_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "jedi-language-server" } filetypes = { "python" } root_dir = vim's starting directory single_file_support = true ``` ## jsonls https://github.com/hrsh7th/vscode-langservers-extracted vscode-json-language-server, a language server for JSON and JSON schema `vscode-json-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted ``` vscode-json-language-server only provides range formatting. You can map a command that applies range formatting to the entire document: ```lua require'lspconfig'.jsonls.setup { commands = { Format = { function() vim.lsp.buf.range_formatting({},{0,0},{vim.fn.line("$"),0}) end } } } ``` Neovim does not currently include built-in snippets. `vscode-json-language-server` only provides completions when snippet support is enabled. To enable completion, install a snippet plugin and add the following override to your language client capabilities during setup. ```lua --Enable (broadcasting) snippet capability for completion local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true require'lspconfig'.jsonls.setup { capabilities = capabilities, } ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`json.colorDecorators.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \%json\.colorDecorators\.enable\.desc\% - **`json.format.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \%json\.format\.enable\.desc\% - **`json.maxItemsComputed`**: `number` Default: `5000` \%json\.maxItemsComputed\.desc\% - **`json.schemaDownload.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \%json\.enableSchemaDownload\.desc\% - **`json.schemas`**: `array` Array items: `{default = {fileMatch = { "/myfile" },url = "schemaURL"},properties = {fileMatch = {description = "%json.schemas.fileMatch.desc%",items = {default = "MyFile.json",description = "%json.schemas.fileMatch.item.desc%",type = "string"},minItems = 1,type = "array"},schema = {["$ref"] = "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",description = "%json.schemas.schema.desc%"},url = {default = "/user.schema.json",description = "%json.schemas.url.desc%",type = "string"}},type = "object"}` \%json\.schemas\.desc\% - **`json.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` \%json\.tracing\.desc\%
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.jsonls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "vscode-json-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "json" } init_options = { provideFormatter = true } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor single_file_support = true ``` ## jsonnet_ls https://github.com/jdbaldry/jsonnet-language-server A Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Jsonnet. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.jsonnet_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "jsonnet-language-server" } filetypes = { "jsonnet", "libsonnet" } on_new_config = function(new_config, root_dir) new_config.cmd_env = { JSONNET_PATH = jsonnet_path(root_dir), } end, root_dir = root_pattern("jsonnetfile.json") ``` ## julials https://github.com/julia-vscode/julia-vscode LanguageServer.jl can be installed with `julia` and `Pkg`: ```sh julia --project=~/.julia/environments/nvim-lspconfig -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("LanguageServer")' ``` where `~/.julia/environments/nvim-lspconfig` is the location where the default configuration expects LanguageServer.jl to be installed. To update an existing install, use the following command: ```sh julia --project=~/.julia/environments/nvim-lspconfig -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.update()' ``` Note: In order to have LanguageServer.jl pick up installed packages or dependencies in a Julia project, you must make sure that the project is instantiated: ```sh julia --project=/path/to/my/project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()' ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`julia.NumThreads`**: `integer|null` Default: `vim.NIL` Number of threads to use for Julia processes\. - **`julia.additionalArgs`**: `array` Default: `{}` Additional Julia arguments\. - **`julia.cellDelimiters`**: `array` Default: `{ "^##(?!#)", "^#(\\s?)%%", "^#-" }` Cell delimiter regular expressions for Julia files\. - **`julia.completionmode`**: `enum { "exportedonly", "import", "qualify" }` Default: `"qualify"` Sets the mode for completions\. - **`julia.debuggerDefaultCompiled`**: `array` Default: `{ "Base.", "-Base.!", "-Base.all", "-Base.all!", "-Base.any", "-Base.any!", "-Base.cd", "-Base.iterate", "-Base.collect", "-Base.collect_similar", "-Base._collect", "-Base.collect_to!", "-Base.collect_to_with_first!", "-Base.filter", "-Base.filter!", "-Base.foreach", "-Base.findall", "-Base.findfirst", "-Base.findlast", "-Base.findnext", "-Base.findprev", "-Base.Generator", "-Base.map", "-Base.map!", "-Base.maximum!", "-Base.minimum!", "-Base.mktemp", "-Base.mktempdir", "-Base.open", "-Base.prod!", "-Base.redirect_stderr", "-Base.redirect_stdin", "-Base.redirect_stdout", "-Base.reenable_sigint", "-Base.setindex!", "-Base.setprecision", "-Base.setrounding", "-Base.show", "-Base.sprint", "-Base.sum", "-Base.sum!", "-Base.task_local_storage", "-Base.timedwait", "-Base.withenv", "-Base.Broadcast", "Core", "Core.Compiler.", "Core.IR", "Core.Intrinsics", "DelimitedFiles", "Distributed", "LinearAlgebra.", "Serialization", "Statistics", "-Statistics.mean", "SparseArrays", "Mmap" }` Functions or modules that are set to compiled mode when setting the defaults\. - **`julia.deleteJuliaCovFiles`**: `boolean` Default: `"true"` Delete Julia \.cov files when running tests with coverage\, leaving only a \.lcov file behind\. - **`julia.editor`**: `string|null` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`julia.enableCrashReporter`**: `boolean|null` Default: `vim.NIL` Enable crash reports to be sent to the julia VS Code extension developers\. - **`julia.enableTelemetry`**: `boolean|null` Default: `vim.NIL` Enable usage data and errors to be sent to the julia VS Code extension developers\. - **`julia.environmentPath`**: `string|null` Default: `vim.NIL` Path to a julia environment\. VS Code needs to be reloaded for changes to take effect\. - **`julia.executablePath`**: `string` Default: `""` Points to the julia executable\. - **`julia.execution.codeInREPL`**: `boolean` Print executed code in REPL and append it to the REPL history\. - **`julia.execution.inlineResults.colors`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`julia.execution.resultType`**: `enum { "REPL", "inline", "inline, errors in REPL", "both" }` Default: `"both"` Specifies how to show inline execution results - **`julia.focusPlotNavigator`**: `boolean` Whether to automatically show the plot navigator when plotting\. - **`julia.lint.call`**: `boolean` Default: `true` This compares call signatures against all known methods for the called function\. Calls with too many or too few arguments\, or unknown keyword parameters are highlighted\. - **`julia.lint.constif`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check for constant conditionals in if statements that result in branches never being reached\.\. - **`julia.lint.datadecl`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check variables used in type declarations are datatypes\. - **`julia.lint.disabledDirs`**: `array` Default: `{ "docs", "test" }` null - **`julia.lint.iter`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check iterator syntax of loops\. Will identify\, for example\, attempts to iterate over single values\. - **`julia.lint.lazy`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check for deterministic lazy boolean operators\. - **`julia.lint.missingrefs`**: `enum { "none", "symbols", "all" }` Default: `"none"` Highlight unknown symbols\. The \`symbols\` option will not mark unknown fields\. - **`julia.lint.modname`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check submodule names do not shadow their parent\'s name\. - **`julia.lint.nothingcomp`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check for use of \`\=\=\` rather than \`\=\=\=\` when comparing against \`nothing\`\. - **`julia.lint.pirates`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check for type piracy \- the overloading of external functions with methods specified for external datatypes\. \'External\' here refers to imported code\. - **`julia.lint.run`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Run the linter on active files\. - **`julia.lint.typeparam`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check parameters declared in \`where\` statements or datatype declarations are used\. - **`julia.lint.useoffuncargs`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check that all declared arguments are used within the function body\. - **`julia.liveTestFile`**: `string` Default: `"test/runtests.jl"` A workspace relative path to a Julia file that contains the tests that should be run for live testing\. - **`julia.packageServer`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`julia.persistentSession.enabled`**: `boolean` null - **`julia.persistentSession.shell`**: `string` Default: `"/bin/sh"` Shell used to start the persistent session\. - **`julia.persistentSession.shellExecutionArgument`**: `string` Default: `"-c"` null - **`julia.persistentSession.tmuxSessionName`**: `string` Default: `"julia_vscode"` null - **`julia.plots.path`**: `string` The output directory to save plots to - **`julia.runtimeCompletions`**: `boolean` Request runtime completions from the integrated REPL\. - **`julia.showRuntimeDiagnostics`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`julia.symbolCacheDownload`**: `boolean|null` Default: `vim.NIL` Download symbol server cache files from GitHub\. - **`julia.symbolserverUpstream`**: `string` Default: `"https://www.julia-vscode.org/symbolcache"` Symbol server cache download URL\. - **`julia.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server\. - **`julia.useCustomSysimage`**: `boolean` Use an existing custom sysimage when starting the REPL - **`julia.usePlotPane`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Display plots within VS Code\. Might require a restart of the Julia process\. - **`julia.useProgressFrontend`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`julia.useRevise`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Load Revise\.jl on startup of the REPL\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.julials.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "julia", "--startup-file=no", "--history-file=no", "-e", ' # Load LanguageServer.jl: attempt to load from ~/.julia/environments/nvim-lspconfig\n # with the regular load path as a fallback\n ls_install_path = joinpath(\n get(DEPOT_PATH, 1, joinpath(homedir(), ".julia")),\n "environments", "nvim-lspconfig"\n )\n pushfirst!(LOAD_PATH, ls_install_path)\n using LanguageServer\n popfirst!(LOAD_PATH)\n depot_path = get(ENV, "JULIA_DEPOT_PATH", "")\n project_path = let\n dirname(something(\n ## 1. Finds an explicitly set project (JULIA_PROJECT)\n Base.load_path_expand((\n p = get(ENV, "JULIA_PROJECT", nothing);\n p === nothing ? nothing : isempty(p) ? nothing : p\n )),\n ## 2. Look for a Project.toml file in the current working directory,\n ## or parent directories, with $HOME as an upper boundary\n Base.current_project(),\n ## 3. First entry in the load path\n get(Base.load_path(), 1, nothing),\n ## 4. Fallback to default global environment,\n ## this is more or less unreachable\n Base.load_path_expand("@v#.#"),\n ))\n end\n @info "Running language server" VERSION pwd() project_path depot_path\n server = LanguageServer.LanguageServerInstance(stdin, stdout, project_path, depot_path)\n server.runlinter = true\n run(server)\n ' } filetypes = { "julia" } root_dir = function(fname) return util.root_pattern 'Project.toml'(fname) or util.find_git_ancestor(fname) end, single_file_support = true ``` ## kotlin_language_server A kotlin language server which was developed for internal usage and released afterwards. Maintaining is not done by the original author, but by fwcd. It is built via gradle and developed on github. Source and additional description: https://github.com/fwcd/kotlin-language-server This server requires vim to be aware of the kotlin-filetype. You could refer for this capability to: https://github.com/udalov/kotlin-vim (recommended) Note that there is no LICENSE specified yet. This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`kotlin.compiler.jvm.target`**: `string` Default: `"default"` Specifies the JVM target\, e\.g\. \"1\.6\" or \"1\.8\" - **`kotlin.completion.snippets.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Specifies whether code completion should provide snippets \(true\) or plain\-text items \(false\)\. - **`kotlin.debounceTime`**: `integer` Default: `250` \[DEPRECATED\] Specifies the debounce time limit\. Lower to increase responsiveness at the cost of possible stability issues\. - **`kotlin.debugAdapter.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \[Recommended\] Specifies whether the debug adapter should be used\. When enabled a debugger for Kotlin will be available\. - **`kotlin.debugAdapter.path`**: `string` Default: `""` Optionally a custom path to the debug adapter executable\. - **`kotlin.externalSources.autoConvertToKotlin`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Specifies whether decompiled\/external classes should be auto\-converted to Kotlin\. - **`kotlin.externalSources.useKlsScheme`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \[Recommended\] Specifies whether URIs inside JARs should be represented using the \'kls\'\-scheme\. - **`kotlin.indexing.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether global symbols in the project should be indexed automatically in the background\. This enables e\.g\. code completion for unimported classes and functions\. - **`kotlin.languageServer.debugAttach.autoSuspend`**: `boolean` \[DEBUG\] If enabled \(together with debugAttach\.enabled\)\, the language server will not immediately launch but instead listen on the specified attach port and wait for a debugger\. This is ONLY useful if you need to debug the language server ITSELF\. - **`kotlin.languageServer.debugAttach.enabled`**: `boolean` \[DEBUG\] Whether the language server should listen for debuggers\, i\.e\. be debuggable while running in VSCode\. This is ONLY useful if you need to debug the language server ITSELF\. - **`kotlin.languageServer.debugAttach.port`**: `integer` Default: `5005` \[DEBUG\] If transport is stdio this enables you to attach to the running language server with a debugger\. This is ONLY useful if you need to debug the language server ITSELF\. - **`kotlin.languageServer.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \[Recommended\] Specifies whether the language server should be used\. When enabled the extension will provide code completions and linting\, otherwise just syntax highlighting\. Might require a reload to apply\. - **`kotlin.languageServer.path`**: `string` Default: `""` Optionally a custom path to the language server executable\. - **`kotlin.languageServer.port`**: `integer` Default: `0` The port to which the client will attempt to connect to\. A random port is used if zero\. Only used if the transport layer is TCP\. - **`kotlin.languageServer.transport`**: `enum { "stdio", "tcp" }` Default: `"stdio"` The transport layer beneath the language server protocol\. Note that the extension will launch the server even if a TCP socket is used\. - **`kotlin.linting.debounceTime`**: `integer` Default: `250` \[DEBUG\] Specifies the debounce time limit\. Lower to increase responsiveness at the cost of possible stability issues\. - **`kotlin.snippetsEnabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` \[DEPRECATED\] Specifies whether code completion should provide snippets \(true\) or plain\-text items \(false\)\. - **`kotlin.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VSCode and the Kotlin language server\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.kotlin_language_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "kotlin-language-server" } filetypes = { "kotlin" } root_dir = root_pattern("settings.gradle") ``` ## lean3ls https://github.com/leanprover/lean-client-js/tree/master/lean-language-server Lean installation instructions can be found [here](https://leanprover-community.github.io/get_started.html#regular-install). Once Lean is installed, you can install the Lean 3 language server by running ```sh npm install -g lean-language-server ``` Note: that if you're using [lean.nvim](https://github.com/Julian/lean.nvim), that plugin fully handles the setup of the Lean language server, and you shouldn't set up `lean3ls` both with it and `lspconfig`. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.lean3ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "lean-language-server", "--stdio", "--", "-M", "4096", "-T", "100000" } filetypes = { "lean3" } root_dir = root_pattern("leanpkg.toml") or root_pattern(".git") or path.dirname single_file_support = true ``` ## leanls https://github.com/leanprover/lean4 Lean installation instructions can be found [here](https://leanprover-community.github.io/get_started.html#regular-install). The Lean 4 language server is built-in with a Lean 4 install (and can be manually run with, e.g., `lean --server`). Note: that if you're using [lean.nvim](https://github.com/Julian/lean.nvim), that plugin fully handles the setup of the Lean language server, and you shouldn't set up `leanls` both with it and `lspconfig`. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.leanls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "lean", "--server" } filetypes = { "lean" } root_dir = root_pattern("lakefile.lean", "lean-toolchain", "leanpkg.toml", ".git") single_file_support = true ``` ## lelwel_ls https://github.com/0x2a-42/lelwel Language server for lelwel grammars. You can install `lelwel-ls` via cargo: ```sh cargo install --features="lsp" lelwel ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.lelwel_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "lelwel-ls" } filetypes = { "llw" } root_dir = function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end ``` ## lemminx https://github.com/eclipse/lemminx The easiest way to install the server is to get a binary at https://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/vscode/stable/lemminx-binary/ and place it in your PATH. **By default, lemminx doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of your unzipped lemminx. ```lua require'lspconfig'.lemminx.setup{ cmd = { "/path/to/lemminx/lemminx" }; ... } ``` NOTE to macOS users: Binaries from unidentified developers are blocked by default. If you trust the downloaded binary from jboss.org, run it once, cancel the prompt, then remove the binary from Gatekeeper quarantine with `xattr -d com.apple.quarantine lemminx`. It should now run without being blocked. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.lemminx.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "xml", "xsd", "svg" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor single_file_support = true ``` ## ltex https://github.com/valentjn/ltex-ls LTeX Language Server: LSP language server for LanguageTool 🔍✔️ with support for LaTeX 🎓, Markdown 📝, and others To install, download the latest [release](https://github.com/valentjn/ltex-ls/releases) and ensure `ltex-ls` is on your path. To support org files or R sweave, users can define a custom filetype autocommand (or use a plugin which defines these filetypes): ```lua vim.cmd [[ autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.org set filetype=org ]] ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`ltex.additionalRules.enablePickyRules`**: `boolean` null - **`ltex.additionalRules.languageModel`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.additionalRules.motherTongue`**: `enum { "", "ar", "ast-ES", "be-BY", "br-FR", "ca-ES", "ca-ES-valencia", "da-DK", "de", "de-AT", "de-CH", "de-DE", "de-DE-x-simple-language", "el-GR", "en", "en-AU", "en-CA", "en-GB", "en-NZ", "en-US", "en-ZA", "eo", "es", "es-AR", "fa", "fr", "ga-IE", "gl-ES", "it", "ja-JP", "km-KH", "nl", "nl-BE", "pl-PL", "pt", "pt-AO", "pt-BR", "pt-MZ", "pt-PT", "ro-RO", "ru-RU", "sk-SK", "sl-SI", "sv", "ta-IN", "tl-PH", "uk-UA", "zh-CN" }` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.additionalRules.neuralNetworkModel`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.additionalRules.word2VecModel`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.bibtex.fields`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.checkFrequency`**: `enum { "edit", "save", "manual" }` Default: `"edit"` null - **`ltex.clearDiagnosticsWhenClosingFile`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`ltex.completionEnabled`**: `boolean` null - **`ltex.configurationTarget`**: `object` Default: `{dictionary = "workspaceFolderExternalFile",disabledRules = "workspaceFolderExternalFile",hiddenFalsePositives = "workspaceFolderExternalFile"}` null - **`ltex.diagnosticSeverity`** Default: `"information"` null - **`ltex.dictionary`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.disabledRules`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.enabled`** Default: `{ "bibtex", "context", "context.tex", "html", "latex", "markdown", "org", "restructuredtext", "rsweave" }` null - **`ltex.enabledRules`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.hiddenFalsePositives`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.java.initialHeapSize`**: `integer` Default: `64` null - **`ltex.java.maximumHeapSize`**: `integer` Default: `512` null - **`ltex.java.path`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.language`**: `enum { "auto", "ar", "ast-ES", "be-BY", "br-FR", "ca-ES", "ca-ES-valencia", "da-DK", "de", "de-AT", "de-CH", "de-DE", "de-DE-x-simple-language", "el-GR", "en", "en-AU", "en-CA", "en-GB", "en-NZ", "en-US", "en-ZA", "eo", "es", "es-AR", "fa", "fr", "ga-IE", "gl-ES", "it", "ja-JP", "km-KH", "nl", "nl-BE", "pl-PL", "pt", "pt-AO", "pt-BR", "pt-MZ", "pt-PT", "ro-RO", "ru-RU", "sk-SK", "sl-SI", "sv", "ta-IN", "tl-PH", "uk-UA", "zh-CN" }` Default: `"en-US"` null - **`ltex.languageToolHttpServerUri`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.languageToolOrg.apiKey`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.languageToolOrg.username`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.latex.commands`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.latex.environments`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.ltex-ls.languageToolHttpServerUri`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.ltex-ls.languageToolOrgApiKey`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.ltex-ls.languageToolOrgUsername`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.ltex-ls.logLevel`**: `enum { "severe", "warning", "info", "config", "fine", "finer", "finest" }` Default: `"fine"` null - **`ltex.ltex-ls.path`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`ltex.markdown.nodes`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`ltex.sentenceCacheSize`**: `integer` Default: `2000` null - **`ltex.statusBarItem`**: `boolean` null - **`ltex.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` null
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.ltex.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ltex-ls" } filetypes = { "bib", "markdown", "org", "plaintex", "rst", "rnoweb", "tex" } get_language_id = function(_, filetype) local language_id = language_id_mapping[filetype] if language_id then return language_id else return filetype end end, root_dir = function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end ``` ## metals https://scalameta.org/metals/ Scala language server with rich IDE features. See full instructions in the Metals documentation: https://scalameta.org/metals/docs/editors/vim.html#using-an-alternative-lsp-client Note: that if you're using [nvim-metals](https://github.com/scalameta/nvim-metals), that plugin fully handles the setup and installation of Metals, and you shouldn't set up Metals both with it and `lspconfig`. To install Metals, make sure to have [coursier](https://get-coursier.io/docs/cli-installation) installed, and once you do you can install the latest Metals with `cs install metals`. You can also manually bootstrap Metals with the following command. ```bash cs bootstrap \ --java-opt -Xss4m \ --java-opt -Xms100m \ org.scalameta:metals_2.12: \ -r bintray:scalacenter/releases \ -r sonatype:snapshots \ -o /usr/local/bin/metals -f ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.metals.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "metals" } filetypes = { "scala" } init_options = { compilerOptions = { snippetAutoIndent = false }, isHttpEnabled = true, statusBarProvider = "show-message" } message_level = 4 root_dir = util.root_pattern("build.sbt", "build.sc", "build.gradle", "pom.xml") ``` ## mint https://www.mint-lang.com Install Mint using the [instructions](https://www.mint-lang.com/install). The language server is included since version 0.12.0. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.mint.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "mint", "ls" } filetypes = { "mint" } root_dir = function(fname) return util.root_pattern 'mint.json'(fname) or util.find_git_ancestor(fname) end, single_file_support = true ``` ## nickel_ls Nickel Language Server https://github.com/tweag/nickel `nls` can be installed with nix, or cargo, from the Nickel repository. ```sh git clone https://github.com/tweag/nickel.git ``` Nix: ```sh cd nickel nix-env -f . -i ``` cargo: ```sh cd nickel/lsp/nls cargo install --path . ``` In order to have lspconfig detect Nickel filetypes (a prequisite for autostarting a server), install the [Nickel vim plugin](https://github.com/nickel-lang/vim-nickel). **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.nickel_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "nls" } filetypes = { "ncl", "nickel" } root_dir = function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end ``` ## nimls https://github.com/PMunch/nimlsp `nimlsp` can be installed via the `nimble` package manager: ```sh nimble install nimlsp ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`nim.buildCommand`**: `string` Default: `"c"` Nim build command \(c\, cpp\, doc\, etc\) - **`nim.buildOnSave`**: `boolean` Execute build task from tasks\.json file on save\. - **`nim.enableNimsuggest`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable calling nimsuggest process to provide completion suggestions\, hover suggestions\, etc\. This option requires restart to take effect\. - **`nim.licenseString`**: `string` Default: `""` Optional license text that will be inserted on nim file creation\. - **`nim.lintOnSave`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Check code by using \'nim check\' on save\. - **`nim.logNimsuggest`**: `boolean` Enable verbose logging of nimsuggest to use profile directory\. - **`nim.nimprettyIndent`**: `integer` Default: `0` Nimpretty\: set the number of spaces that is used for indentation \-\-indent\:0 means autodetection \(default behaviour\)\. - **`nim.nimprettyMaxLineLen`**: `integer` Default: `80` Nimpretty\: set the desired maximum line length \(default\: 80\)\. - **`nim.nimsuggestRestartTimeout`**: `integer` Default: `60` Nimsuggest will be restarted after this timeout in minutes\, if 0 then restart disabled\. This option requires restart to take effect\. - **`nim.project`**: `array` Default: `{}` Nim project file\, if empty use current selected\. - **`nim.projectMapping`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` For non project mode list of per file project mapping using regex\, for example \`\`\`\{\"\(\.\*\)\.inim\"\: \"\$1\.nim\"\}\`\`\` - **`nim.runOutputDirectory`**: `string` Default: `""` Output directory for run selected file command\. The directory is relative to the workspace root\. - **`nim.test-project`**: `string` Default: `""` Optional test project\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.nimls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "nimlsp" } filetypes = { "nim" } root_dir = function(fname) return util.root_pattern '*.nimble'(fname) or util.find_git_ancestor(fname) end, single_file_support = true ``` ## ocamlls https://github.com/ocaml-lsp/ocaml-language-server `ocaml-language-server` can be installed via `npm` ```sh npm install -g ocaml-language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.ocamlls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ocaml-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "ocaml", "reason" } root_dir = root_pattern("*.opam", "esy.json", "package.json") ``` ## ocamllsp https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp `ocaml-lsp` can be installed as described in [installation guide](https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp#installation). To install the lsp server in a particular opam switch: ```sh opam pin add ocaml-lsp-server https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp.git opam install ocaml-lsp-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.ocamllsp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "ocamllsp" } filetypes = { "ocaml", "ocaml.menhir", "ocaml.interface", "ocaml.ocamllex", "reason" } get_language_id = function(_, ftype) return language_id_of[ftype] end root_dir = root_pattern("*.opam", "esy.json", "package.json", ".git") ``` ## omnisharp https://github.com/omnisharp/omnisharp-roslyn OmniSharp server based on Roslyn workspaces `omnisharp-roslyn` can be installed by downloading and extracting a release from [here](https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/releases). Omnisharp can also be built from source by following the instructions [here](https://github.com/omnisharp/omnisharp-roslyn#downloading-omnisharp). Omnisharp requires the [dotnet-sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) to be installed. **By default, omnisharp-roslyn doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of the unzipped run script or binary. ```lua local pid = vim.fn.getpid() -- On linux/darwin if using a release build, otherwise under scripts/OmniSharp(.Core)(.cmd) local omnisharp_bin = "/path/to/omnisharp-repo/run" -- on Windows -- local omnisharp_bin = "/path/to/omnisharp/OmniSharp.exe" require'lspconfig'.omnisharp.setup{ cmd = { omnisharp_bin, "--languageserver" , "--hostPID", tostring(pid) }; ... } ``` Note, if you download the executable for darwin you will need to strip the quarantine label to run: ```bash find /path/to/omnisharp-osx | xargs xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.omnisharp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "cs", "vb" } init_options = {} on_new_config = function(new_config, new_root_dir) if new_root_dir then table.insert(new_config.cmd, '-s') table.insert(new_config.cmd, new_root_dir) end end, root_dir = root_pattern(".sln") or root_pattern(".csproj") ``` ## pasls https://github.com/genericptr/pascal-language-server An LSP server implementation for Pascal variants that are supported by Free Pascal, including Object Pascal. It uses CodeTools from Lazarus as backend. First set `cmd` to the Pascal lsp binary. Customization options are passed to pasls as environment variables for example in your `.bashrc`: ```bash export FPCDIR='/usr/lib/fpc/src' # FPC source directory (This is the only required option for the server to work). export PP='/usr/lib/fpc/3.2.2/ppcx64' # Path to the Free Pascal compiler executable. export LAZARUSDIR='/usr/lib/lazarus' # Path to the Lazarus sources. export FPCTARGET='' # Target operating system for cross compiling. export FPCTARGETCPU='x86_64' # Target CPU for cross compiling. ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.pasls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "pasls" } filetypes = { "pascal" } root_dir = function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end single_file_support = true ``` ## perlls https://github.com/richterger/Perl-LanguageServer/tree/master/clients/vscode/perl `Perl-LanguageServer`, a language server for Perl. To use the language server, ensure that you have Perl::LanguageServer installed and perl command is on your path. This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`perl.cacheDir`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` directory for caching of parsed symbols\, if the directory does not exists\, it will be created\, defaults to \$\{workspace\}\/\.vscode\/perl\-lang\. This should be one unqiue directory per project and an absolute path\. - **`perl.debugAdapterPort`**: `string` Default: `"13603"` port to use for connection between vscode and debug adapter inside Perl\:\:LanguageServer\. On a multi user system every user must use a different port\. - **`perl.disableCache`**: `boolean` if true\, the LanguageServer will not cache the result of parsing source files on disk\, so it can be used within readonly directories - **`perl.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` enable\/disable this extension - **`perl.fileFilter`**: `array` Default: `vim.NIL` array for filtering perl file\, defaults to \*\.pm|\*\.pl - **`perl.ignoreDirs`**: `array` Default: `vim.NIL` directories to ignore\, defaults to \.vscode\, \.git\, \.svn - **`perl.logFile`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` If set\, log output is written to the given logfile\, instead of displaying it in the vscode output pane\. Log output is always appended so you are responsible for rotating the file\. - **`perl.logLevel`**: `integer` Default: `0` Log level 0\-2 - **`perl.pathMap`**: `array` Default: `vim.NIL` mapping of local to remote paths - **`perl.perlCmd`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` defaults to perl - **`perl.perlInc`**: `array` Default: `vim.NIL` array with paths to add to perl library path\. This setting is used by the syntax checker and for the debuggee and also for the LanguageServer itself\. perl\.perlInc should be absolute paths\. - **`perl.showLocalVars`**: `boolean` if true\, show also local variables in symbol view - **`perl.sshAddr`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` ip address of remote system - **`perl.sshArgs`**: `array` Default: `vim.NIL` optional arguments for ssh - **`perl.sshCmd`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` defaults to ssh on unix and plink on windows - **`perl.sshPort`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` optional\, port for ssh to remote system - **`perl.sshUser`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` user for ssh login - **`perl.sshWorkspaceRoot`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` path of the workspace root on remote system
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.perlls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "perl", "-MPerl::LanguageServer", "-e", "Perl::LanguageServer::run", "--", "--port 13603", "--nostdio 0", "--version 2.1.0" } filetypes = { "perl" } root_dir = vim's starting directory settings = { perl = { fileFilter = { ".pm", ".pl" }, ignoreDirs = ".git", perlCmd = "perl", perlInc = " " } } single_file_support = true ``` ## perlpls https://github.com/FractalBoy/perl-language-server https://metacpan.org/pod/PLS `PLS`, another language server for Perl. To use the language server, ensure that you have PLS installed and that it is in your path This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`perl.cwd`**: `string` Default: `"."` Current working directory to use - **`perl.inc`**: `array` Default: `{}` Paths to add to \@INC\. - **`perl.perlcritic.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable perlcritic - **`perl.perlcritic.perlcriticrc`**: `string` Default: `"~/.perlcriticrc"` Path to \.perlcriticrc - **`perl.perltidyrc`**: `string` Default: `"~/.perltidyrc"` Path to \.perltidyrc - **`perl.pls`**: `string` Default: `"pls"` Path to the pls executable script - **`perl.plsargs`**: `array` Default: `{}` Arguments to pass to the pls command - **`perl.syntax.enabled`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable syntax checking - **`perl.syntax.perl`**: `string` Default: `""` Path to the perl binary to use for syntax checking
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.perlpls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "pls" } filetypes = { "perl" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor settings = { perl = { perlcritic = { enabled = false } } } single_file_support = true ``` ## phpactor https://github.com/phpactor/phpactor Installation: https://phpactor.readthedocs.io/en/master/usage/standalone.html#global-installation **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.phpactor.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "phpactor", "language-server" } filetypes = { "php" } root_dir = root_pattern("composer.json", ".git") ``` ## powershell_es https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices Language server for PowerShell. To install, download and extract PowerShellEditorServices.zip from the [releases](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices/releases). To configure the language server, set the property `bundle_path` to the root of the extracted PowerShellEditorServices.zip. The default configuration doesn't set `cmd` unless `bundle_path` is specified. ```lua require'lspconfig'.powershell_es.setup{ bundle_path = 'c:/w/PowerShellEditorServices', } ``` By default the languageserver is started in `pwsh` (PowerShell Core). This can be changed by specifying `shell`. ```lua require'lspconfig'.powershell_es.setup{ bundle_path = 'c:/w/PowerShellEditorServices', shell = 'powershell.exe', } ``` Note that the execution policy needs to be set to `Unrestricted` for the languageserver run under PowerShell If necessary, specific `cmd` can be defined instead of `bundle_path`. See [PowerShellEditorServices](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices#stdio) to learn more. ```lua require'lspconfig'.powershell_es.setup{ cmd = {'pwsh', '-NoLogo', '-NoProfile', '-Command', "c:/PSES/Start-EditorServices.ps1 ..."} } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.powershell_es.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "ps1" } on_new_config = function(new_config, _) -- Don't overwrite cmd if already set if not new_config.cmd then new_config.cmd = make_cmd(new_config) end end, root_dir = git root or current directory shell = "pwsh" single_file_support = true ``` ## prismals npm install -g @prisma/language-server 'prismals, a language server for the prisma javascript and typescript orm' **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.prismals.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "prisma-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "prisma" } root_dir = root_pattern(".git", "package.json") settings = { prisma = { prismaFmtBinPath = "" } } ``` ## psalm https://github.com/vimeo/psalm Can be installed with composer. ```sh composer global require vimeo/psalm ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.psalm.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "psalm-language-server" } filetypes = { "php" } root_dir = root_pattern("psalm.xml", "psalm.xml.dist") ``` ## puppet LSP server for Puppet. Installation: - Clone the editor-services repository: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-editor-services - Navigate into that directory and run: `bundle install` - Install the 'puppet-lint' gem: `gem install puppet-lint` - Add that repository to $PATH. - Ensure you can run `puppet-languageserver` from outside the editor-services directory. This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`puppet.editorService.debugFilePath`**: `string` Default: `""` The absolute filepath where the Puppet Editor Service will output the debugging log\. By default no logfile is generated - **`puppet.editorService.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable advanced Puppet Language Features - **`puppet.editorService.featureFlags`**: `array` Default: `{}` An array of strings of experimental features to enable in the Puppet Editor Service - **`puppet.editorService.foldingRange.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable syntax aware code folding provider - **`puppet.editorService.foldingRange.showLastLine`**: `boolean` Show or hide the last line in code folding regions - **`puppet.editorService.formatOnType.enable`**: `boolean` Enable\/disable the Puppet document on\-type formatter\, for example hashrocket alignment - **`puppet.editorService.formatOnType.maxFileSize`**: `integer` Default: `4096` Sets the maximum file size \(in Bytes\) that document on\-type formatting will occur\. Setting this to zero \(0\) will disable the file size check\. Note that large file sizes can cause performance issues\. - **`puppet.editorService.hover.showMetadataInfo`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable or disable showing Puppet Module version information in the metadata\.json file - **`puppet.editorService.loglevel`**: `enum { "debug", "error", "normal", "warning", "verbose" }` Default: `"normal"` Set the logging verbosity level for the Puppet Editor Service\, with Debug producing the most output and Error producing the least - **`puppet.editorService.protocol`**: `enum { "stdio", "tcp" }` Default: `"stdio"` The protocol used to communicate with the Puppet Editor Service\. By default the local STDIO protocol is used\. - **`puppet.editorService.puppet.confdir`**: `string` Default: `""` The Puppet configuration directory\. See https\:\/\/puppet\.com\/docs\/puppet\/latest\/dirs\_confdir\.html for more information - **`puppet.editorService.puppet.environment`**: `string` Default: `""` The Puppet environment to use\. See https\:\/\/puppet\.com\/docs\/puppet\/latest\/config\_print\.html\#environments for more information - **`puppet.editorService.puppet.modulePath`**: `string` Default: `""` Additional module paths to use when starting the Editor Services\. On Windows this is delimited with a semicolon\, and on all other platforms\, with a colon\. For example C\:\\Path1\;C\:\\Path2 - **`puppet.editorService.puppet.vardir`**: `string` Default: `""` The Puppet cache directory\. See https\:\/\/puppet\.com\/docs\/puppet\/latest\/dirs\_vardir\.html for more information - **`puppet.editorService.puppet.version`**: `string` Default: `""` The version of Puppet to use\. For example \'5\.4\.0\'\. This is generally only applicable when using the PDK installation type\. If Puppet Editor Services is unable to use this version\, it will default to the latest available version of Puppet\. - **`puppet.editorService.tcp.address`**: `string` The IP address or hostname of the remote Puppet Editor Service to connect to\, for example \'computer\.domain\' or \'192\.168\.0\.1\'\. Only applicable when the editorService\.protocol is set to tcp - **`puppet.editorService.tcp.port`**: `integer` The TCP Port of the remote Puppet Editor Service to connect to\. Only applicable when the editorService\.protocol is set to tcp - **`puppet.editorService.timeout`**: `integer` Default: `10` The timeout to connect to the Puppet Editor Service - **`puppet.format.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable the Puppet document formatter - **`puppet.installDirectory`**: `string` null - **`puppet.installType`**: `enum { "auto", "pdk", "agent" }` Default: `"auto"` null - **`puppet.notification.nodeGraph`**: `enum { "messagebox", "statusbar", "none" }` Default: `"messagebox"` The type of notification used when a node graph is being generated\. Default value of messagebox - **`puppet.notification.puppetResource`**: `enum { "messagebox", "statusbar", "none" }` Default: `"messagebox"` The type of notification used when a running Puppet Resouce\. Default value of messagebox - **`puppet.pdk.checkVersion`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable checking if installed PDK version is latest - **`puppet.titleBar.pdkNewModule.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable the PDK New Module icon in the Editor Title Bar - **`puppet.validate.resolvePuppetfiles`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable\/disable using dependency resolution for Puppetfiles
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.puppet.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "puppet-languageserver", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "puppet" } root_dir = root_pattern("manifests", ".puppet-lint.rc", "hiera.yaml", ".git") single_file_support = true ``` ## purescriptls https://github.com/nwolverson/purescript-language-server `purescript-language-server` can be installed via `npm` ```sh npm install -g purescript-language-server ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`purescript.addNpmPath`**: `boolean` Whether to add the local npm bin directory to the PATH for purs IDE server and build command\. - **`purescript.addPscPackageSources`**: `boolean` Whether to add psc\-package sources to the globs passed to the IDE server for source locations \(specifically the output of \`psc\-package sources\`\, if this is a psc\-package project\)\. Update due to adding packages\/changing package set requires psc\-ide server restart\. - **`purescript.addSpagoSources`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether to add spago sources to the globs passed to the IDE server for source locations \(specifically the output of \`spago sources\`\, if this is a spago project\)\. Update due to adding packages\/changing package set requires psc\-ide server restart\. - **`purescript.autoStartPscIde`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether to automatically start\/connect to purs IDE server when editing a PureScript file \(includes connecting to an existing running instance\)\. If this is disabled\, various features like autocomplete\, tooltips\, and other type info will not work until start command is run manually\. - **`purescript.autocompleteAddImport`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether to automatically add imported identifiers when accepting autocomplete result\. - **`purescript.autocompleteAllModules`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether to always autocomplete from all built modules\, or just those imported in the file\. Suggestions from all modules always available by explicitly triggering autocomplete\. - **`purescript.autocompleteGrouped`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether to group completions in autocomplete results\. Requires compiler 0\.11\.6 - **`purescript.autocompleteLimit`**: `null|integer` Default: `vim.NIL` Maximum number of results to fetch for an autocompletion request\. May improve performance on large projects\. - **`purescript.buildCommand`**: `string` Default: `"spago build --purs-args --json-errors"` Build command to use with arguments\. Not passed to shell\. eg \`spago build \-\-purs\-args \-\-json\-errors\` - **`purescript.buildOpenedFiles`**: `boolean` null - **`purescript.censorWarnings`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` The warning codes to censor\, both for fast rebuild and a full build\. Unrelated to any psa setup\. e\.g\.\: \[\"ShadowedName\"\,\"MissingTypeDeclaration\"\] - **`purescript.codegenTargets`**: `array` Default: `vim.NIL` Array items: `{type = "string"}` List of codegen targets to pass to the compiler for rebuild\. e\.g\. js\, corefn\. If not specified \(rather than empty array\) this will not be passed and the compiler will default to js\. Requires 0\.12\.1+ - **`purescript.fastRebuild`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable purs IDE server fast rebuild - **`purescript.formatter`**: `enum { "none", "purty", "purs-tidy", "pose" }` Default: `"purty"` Tool to use to for formatting\. Must be installed and on PATH \(or npm installed with addNpmPath set\) - **`purescript.fullBuildOnSave`**: `boolean` Whether to perform a full build on save with the configured build command \(rather than IDE server fast rebuild\)\. This is not generally recommended because it is slow\, but it does mean that dependent modules are rebuilt as necessary\. - **`purescript.importsPreferredModules`**: `array` Default: `{ "Prelude" }` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Module to prefer to insert when adding imports which have been re\-exported\. In order of preference\, most preferred first\. - **`purescript.outputDirectory`**: `string` Default: `"output/"` Override purs ide output directory \(output\/ if not specified\)\. This should match up to your build command - **`purescript.packagePath`**: `string` Default: `""` Path to installed packages\. Will be used to control globs passed to IDE server for source locations\. Change requires IDE server restart\. - **`purescript.preludeModule`**: `string` Default: `"Prelude"` Module to consider as your default prelude\, if an auto\-complete suggestion comes from this module it will be imported unqualified\. - **`purescript.pscIdePort`**: `integer|null` Default: `vim.NIL` Port to use for purs IDE server \(whether an existing server or to start a new one\)\. By default a random port is chosen \(or an existing port in \.psc\-ide\-port if present\)\, if this is specified no attempt will be made to select an alternative port on failure\. - **`purescript.pscIdelogLevel`**: `string` Default: `""` Log level for purs IDE server - **`purescript.pursExe`**: `string` Default: `"purs"` Location of purs executable \(resolved wrt PATH\) - **`purescript.sourcePath`**: `string` Default: `"src"` Path to application source root\. Will be used to control globs passed to IDE server for source locations\. Change requires IDE server restart\. - **`purescript.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VSCode and the PureScript language service\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.purescriptls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "purescript-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "purescript" } root_dir = root_pattern("spago.dhall, 'psc-package.json', bower.json") ``` ## pylsp https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server A Python 3.6+ implementation of the Language Server Protocol. The language server can be installed via `pipx install 'python-lsp-server[all]'`. Further instructions can be found in the [project's README](https://github.com/python-lsp/python-lsp-server). Note: This is a community fork of `pyls`. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.pylsp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "pylsp" } filetypes = { "python" } root_dir = function(fname) local root_files = { 'pyproject.toml', 'setup.py', 'setup.cfg', 'requirements.txt', 'Pipfile', } return util.root_pattern(unpack(root_files))(fname) or util.find_git_ancestor(fname) end, single_file_support = true ``` ## pyre https://pyre-check.org/ `pyre` a static type checker for Python 3. `pyre` offers an extremely limited featureset. It currently only supports diagnostics, which are triggered on save. Do not report issues for missing features in `pyre` to `lspconfig`. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.pyre.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "pyre", "persistent" } filetypes = { "python" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end ``` ## pyright https://github.com/microsoft/pyright `pyright`, a static type checker and language server for python This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`pyright.disableLanguageServices`**: `boolean` Disables type completion\, definitions\, and references\. - **`pyright.disableOrganizeImports`**: `boolean` Disables the “Organize Imports” command\. - **`python.analysis.autoImportCompletions`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Offer auto\-import completions\. - **`python.analysis.autoSearchPaths`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Automatically add common search paths like \'src\'\? - **`python.analysis.diagnosticMode`**: `enum { "openFilesOnly", "workspace" }` Default: `"openFilesOnly"` null - **`python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` Allows a user to override the severity levels for individual diagnostics\. - **`python.analysis.extraPaths`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Additional import search resolution paths - **`python.analysis.logLevel`**: `enum { "Error", "Warning", "Information", "Trace" }` Default: `"Information"` Specifies the level of logging for the Output panel - **`python.analysis.stubPath`**: `string` Default: `"typings"` Path to directory containing custom type stub files\. - **`python.analysis.typeCheckingMode`**: `enum { "off", "basic", "strict" }` Default: `"basic"` Defines the default rule set for type checking\. - **`python.analysis.typeshedPaths`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Paths to look for typeshed modules\. - **`python.analysis.useLibraryCodeForTypes`**: `boolean` Use library implementations to extract type information when type stub is not present\. - **`python.pythonPath`**: `string` Default: `"python"` Path to Python\, you can use a custom version of Python\. - **`python.venvPath`**: `string` Default: `""` Path to folder with a list of Virtual Environments\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.pyright.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: - PyrightOrganizeImports: Organize Imports Default Values: cmd = { "pyright-langserver", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "python" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = { python = { analysis = { autoSearchPaths = true, diagnosticMode = "workspace", useLibraryCodeForTypes = true } } } single_file_support = true ``` ## r_language_server [languageserver](https://github.com/REditorSupport/languageserver) is an implementation of the Microsoft's Language Server Protocol for the R language. It is released on CRAN and can be easily installed by ```R install.packages("languageserver") ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`r.lsp.args`**: `array` Default: `{}` The command line arguments to use when launching R Language Server - **`r.lsp.debug`**: `boolean` Debug R Language Server - **`r.lsp.diagnostics`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable Diagnostics - **`r.lsp.lang`**: `string` Default: `""` Override default LANG environment variable - **`r.lsp.path`**: `string` Default: `""` Path to R binary for launching Language Server - **`r.lsp.use_stdio`**: `boolean` Use STDIO connection instead of TCP\. \(Unix\/macOS users only\) - **`r.rpath.linux`**: `string` Default: `""` Path to an R executable for Linux\. Must be \"vanilla\" R\, not radian etc\.\! - **`r.rpath.mac`**: `string` Default: `""` Path to an R executable for macOS\. Must be \"vanilla\" R\, not radian etc\.\! - **`r.rpath.windows`**: `string` Default: `""` Path to an R executable for Windows\. Must be \"vanilla\" R\, not radian etc\.\!
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.r_language_server.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "R", "--slave", "-e", "languageserver::run()" } filetypes = { "r", "rmd" } log_level = 2 root_dir = root_pattern(".git") or os_homedir ``` ## racket_langserver [https://github.com/jeapostrophe/racket-langserver](https://github.com/jeapostrophe/racket-langserver) The Racket language server. This project seeks to use [DrRacket](https://github.com/racket/drracket)'s public API to provide functionality that mimics DrRacket's code tools as closely as possible. Install via `raco`: `raco pkg install racket-langserver` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.racket_langserver.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "racket", "--lib", "racket-langserver" } filetypes = { "racket", "scheme" } root_dir = function(path) -- Support git directories and git files (worktrees) if M.path.is_dir(M.path.join(path, '.git')) or M.path.is_file(M.path.join(path, '.git')) then return path end end) end single_file_support = true ``` ## rescriptls https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-vscode ReScript language server **By default, rescriptls doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You have to install the language server manually. You can use the bundled language server inside the [vim-rescript](https://github.com/rescript-lang/vim-rescript) repo. Clone the vim-rescript repo and point `cmd` to `server.js` inside `server/out` directory: ```lua cmd = {'node', '/server/out/server.js', '--stdio'} ``` If you have vim-rescript installed you can also use that installation. for example if you're using packer.nvim you can set cmd to something like this: ```lua cmd = { 'node', '/home/username/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-rescript/server/out/server.js', '--stdio' } ``` Another option is to use vscode extension [release](https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-vscode/releases). Take a look at [here](https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-vscode#use-with-other-editors) for instructions. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.rescriptls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = {} filetypes = { "rescript" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = {} ``` ## rls https://github.com/rust-lang/rls rls, a language server for Rust See https://github.com/rust-lang/rls#setup to setup rls itself. See https://github.com/rust-lang/rls#configuration for rls-specific settings. All settings listed on the rls configuration section of the readme must be set under settings.rust as follows: ```lua nvim_lsp.rls.setup { settings = { rust = { unstable_features = true, build_on_save = false, all_features = true, }, }, } ``` If you want to use rls for a particular build, eg nightly, set cmd as follows: ```lua cmd = {"rustup", "run", "nightly", "rls"} ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.rls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "rls" } filetypes = { "rust" } root_dir = root_pattern("Cargo.toml") ``` ## rnix https://github.com/nix-community/rnix-lsp A language server for Nix providing basic completion and formatting via nixpkgs-fmt. To install manually, run `cargo install rnix-lsp`. If you are using nix, rnix-lsp is in nixpkgs. This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.rnix.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "rnix-lsp" } filetypes = { "nix" } init_options = {} root_dir = vim's starting directory settings = {} ``` ## robotframework_ls https://github.com/robocorp/robotframework-lsp Language Server Protocol implementation for Robot Framework. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.robotframework_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "robotframework_ls" } filetypes = { "robot" } root_dir = util.root_pattern('robotidy.toml', 'pyproject.toml')(fname) or util.find_git_ancestor(fname) ``` ## rome https://rome.tools Language server for the Rome Frontend Toolchain. ```sh npm install [-g] rome ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.rome.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "rome", "lsp" } filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "json", "typescript", "typescript.tsx", "typescriptreact" } root_dir = root_pattern('package.json', 'node_modules', '.git') or dirname single_file_support = true ``` ## rust_analyzer https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer rust-analyzer (aka rls 2.0), a language server for Rust See [docs](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/tree/master/docs/user#settings) for extra settings. This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`$generated-end`** null - **`$generated-start`** null - **`rust-analyzer.assist.allowMergingIntoGlobImports`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.assist.importEnforceGranularity`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.assist.importGranularity`**: `enum { "preserve", "crate", "module", "item" }` Default: `"crate"` null - **`rust-analyzer.assist.importGroup`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.assist.importPrefix`**: `enum { "plain", "self", "crate" }` Default: `"plain"` null - **`rust-analyzer.cache.warmup`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.callInfo.full`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.allFeatures`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.autoreload`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.features`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.noDefaultFeatures`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.noSysroot`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.runBuildScripts`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.target`**: `null|string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.unsetTest`**: `array` Default: `{ "core" }` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargo.useRustcWrapperForBuildScripts`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.cargoRunner`**: `null|string` Default: `vim.NIL` Custom cargo runner extension ID\. - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allFeatures`**: `null|boolean` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.allTargets`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.command`**: `string` Default: `"check"` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.extraArgs`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.features`**: `null|array` Default: `vim.NIL` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.noDefaultFeatures`**: `null|boolean` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.overrideCommand`**: `null|array` Default: `vim.NIL` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.checkOnSave.target`**: `null|string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.completion.addCallArgumentSnippets`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.completion.addCallParenthesis`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.completion.autoimport.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.completion.autoself.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.completion.postfix.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.completion.snippets`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`rust-analyzer.debug.engine`**: `enum { "auto", "vadimcn.vscode-lldb", "ms-vscode.cpptools" }` Default: `"auto"` Preferred debug engine\. - **`rust-analyzer.debug.engineSettings`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`rust-analyzer.debug.openDebugPane`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.debug.sourceFileMap`**: `object|string` Default: `{["/rustc/"] = "${env:USERPROFILE}/.rustup/toolchains//lib/rustlib/src/rust"}` Optional source file mappings passed to the debug engine\. - **`rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enableExperimental`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.diagnostics.remapPrefix`**: `object` Default: `vim.empty_dict()` null - **`rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsHint`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.diagnostics.warningsAsInfo`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.experimental.procAttrMacros`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.files.excludeDirs`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.files.watcher`**: `string` Default: `"client"` null - **`rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.breakPoints`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.exitPoints`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.references`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.highlightRelated.yieldPoints`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.highlighting.strings`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.hover.documentation`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.hover.linksInHover`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.hoverActions.debug`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.hoverActions.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.hoverActions.gotoTypeDef`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.hoverActions.implementations`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.hoverActions.references`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.hoverActions.run`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.inlayHints.chainingHints`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.inlayHints.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether to show inlay hints\. - **`rust-analyzer.inlayHints.hideNamedConstructorHints`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.inlayHints.maxLength`**: `null|integer` Default: `25` null - **`rust-analyzer.inlayHints.parameterHints`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.inlayHints.smallerHints`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Whether inlay hints font size should be smaller than editor\'s font size\. - **`rust-analyzer.inlayHints.typeHints`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinAssignments`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.joinLines.joinElseIf`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.joinLines.removeTrailingComma`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.joinLines.unwrapTrivialBlock`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.debug`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.enumVariantReferences`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.forceCustomCommands`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.implementations`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.methodReferences`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.references`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.lens.run`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.linkedProjects`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = { "string", "object" }}` null - **`rust-analyzer.lruCapacity`**: `null|integer` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.notifications.cargoTomlNotFound`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`rust-analyzer.procMacro.server`**: `null|string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.runnableEnv`** Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.runnables.cargoExtraArgs`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.runnables.overrideCargo`**: `null|string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.rustcSource`**: `null|string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.rustfmt.enableRangeFormatting`**: `boolean` null - **`rust-analyzer.rustfmt.extraArgs`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.rustfmt.overrideCommand`**: `null|array` Default: `vim.NIL` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`rust-analyzer.server.extraEnv`**: `null|object` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.server.path`**: `null|string` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`rust-analyzer.trace.extension`**: `boolean` Enable logging of VS Code extensions itself\. - **`rust-analyzer.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Trace requests to the rust\-analyzer \(this is usually overly verbose and not recommended for regular users\)\. - **`rust-analyzer.updates.askBeforeDownload`**: `boolean` Whether to ask for permission before downloading any files from the Internet\. - **`rust-analyzer.updates.channel`**: `enum { "stable", "nightly" }` Default: `"stable"` null - **`rust-analyzer.workspace.symbol.search.kind`**: `enum { "only_types", "all_symbols" }` Default: `"only_types"` null - **`rust-analyzer.workspace.symbol.search.scope`**: `enum { "workspace", "workspace_and_dependencies" }` Default: `"workspace"` null
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.rust_analyzer.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: - CargoReload: Reload current cargo workspace Default Values: cmd = { "rust-analyzer" } filetypes = { "rust" } root_dir = root_pattern("Cargo.toml", "rust-project.json") settings = { ["rust-analyzer"] = {} } ``` ## scry https://github.com/crystal-lang-tools/scry Crystal language server. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.scry.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "scry" } filetypes = { "crystal" } root_dir = root_pattern('shard.yml', '.git') or dirname single_file_support = true ``` ## serve_d https://github.com/Pure-D/serve-d `Microsoft language server protocol implementation for D using workspace-d.` Download a binary from https://github.com/Pure-D/serve-d/releases and put it in your $PATH. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.serve_d.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "serve-d" } filetypes = { "d" } root_dir = util.root_pattern("dub.json", "dub.sdl", ".git") ``` ## sixtyfps https://github.com/sixtyfpsui/sixtyfps `SixtyFPS`'s language server You can build and install `sixtyfps-lsp` binary with `cargo`: ```sh cargo install sixtyfps-lsp ``` Vim does not have built-in syntax for the `sixtyfps` filetype currently. This can be added via an autocmd: ```lua vim.cmd [[ autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.60 set filetype=sixtyfps ]] ``` or by installing a filetype plugin such as https://github.com/RustemB/sixtyfps-vim **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.sixtyfps.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "sixtyfps-lsp" } filetypes = { "sixtyfps" } single_file_support = true ``` ## solang A language server for Solidity See the [documentation](https://solang.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing.html) for installation instructions. The language server only provides the following capabilities: * Syntax highlighting * Diagnostics * Hover There is currently no support for completion, goto definition, references, or other functionality. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.solang.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "solang", "--language-server", "--target", "ewasm" } filetypes = { "solidity" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor ``` ## solargraph https://solargraph.org/ solargraph, a language server for Ruby You can install solargraph via gem install. ```sh gem install --user-install solargraph ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`solargraph.autoformat`**: `enum { true, false }` Enable automatic formatting while typing \(WARNING\: experimental\) - **`solargraph.bundlerPath`**: `string` Default: `"bundle"` Path to the bundle executable\, defaults to \'bundle\'\. Needs to be an absolute path for the \'bundle\' exec\/shim - **`solargraph.checkGemVersion`**: `enum { true, false }` Default: `true` Automatically check if a new version of the Solargraph gem is available\. - **`solargraph.commandPath`**: `string` Default: `"solargraph"` Path to the solargraph command\. Set this to an absolute path to select from multiple installed Ruby versions\. - **`solargraph.completion`**: `enum { true, false }` Default: `true` Enable completion - **`solargraph.definitions`**: `enum { true, false }` Default: `true` Enable definitions \(go to\, etc\.\) - **`solargraph.diagnostics`**: `enum { true, false }` Enable diagnostics - **`solargraph.externalServer`**: `object` Default: `{host = "localhost",port = 7658}` The host and port to use for external transports\. \(Ignored for stdio and socket transports\.\) - **`solargraph.folding`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Enable folding ranges - **`solargraph.formatting`**: `enum { true, false }` Enable document formatting - **`solargraph.hover`**: `enum { true, false }` Default: `true` Enable hover - **`solargraph.logLevel`**: `enum { "warn", "info", "debug" }` Default: `"warn"` Level of debug info to log\. \`warn\` is least and \`debug\` is most\. - **`solargraph.references`**: `enum { true, false }` Default: `true` Enable finding references - **`solargraph.rename`**: `enum { true, false }` Default: `true` Enable symbol renaming - **`solargraph.symbols`**: `enum { true, false }` Default: `true` Enable symbols - **`solargraph.transport`**: `enum { "socket", "stdio", "external" }` Default: `"socket"` The type of transport to use\. - **`solargraph.useBundler`**: `boolean` Use \`bundle exec\` to run solargraph\. \(If this is true\, the solargraph\.commandPath setting is ignored\.\)
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.solargraph.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "solargraph", "stdio" } filetypes = { "ruby" } init_options = { formatting = true } root_dir = root_pattern("Gemfile", ".git") settings = { solargraph = { diagnostics = true } } ``` ## sorbet https://sorbet.org Sorbet is a fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby. You can install Sorbet via gem install. You might also be interested in how to set Sorbet up for new projects: https://sorbet.org/docs/adopting. ```sh gem install sorbet ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.sorbet.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "srb", "tc", "--lsp" } filetypes = { "ruby" } root_dir = root_pattern("Gemfile", ".git") ``` ## sourcekit https://github.com/apple/sourcekit-lsp Language server for Swift and C/C++/Objective-C. This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`sourcekit-lsp.inlayHints.enabled`**: `boolean` \(experimental\) Render inlay type annotations in the editor\. - **`sourcekit-lsp.serverArguments`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Arguments to pass to sourcekit\-lsp\. Argument keys and values should be provided as separate entries in the array e\.g\. \[\'\-\-log\-level\'\, \'debug\'\] - **`sourcekit-lsp.serverPath`**: `string` Default: `"sourcekit-lsp"` The path of the sourcekit\-lsp executable - **`sourcekit-lsp.toolchainPath`**: `string` Default: `""` \(optional\) The path of the swift toolchain\. By default\, sourcekit\-lsp uses the toolchain it is installed in\. - **`sourcekit-lsp.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VS Code and the SourceKit\-LSP language server\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.sourcekit.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "sourcekit-lsp" } filetypes = { "swift", "c", "cpp", "objective-c", "objective-cpp" } root_dir = root_pattern("Package.swift", ".git") ``` ## spectral https://github.com/luizcorreia/spectral-language-server `A flexible JSON/YAML linter for creating automated style guides, with baked in support for OpenAPI v2 & v3.` `spectral-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g spectral-language-server ``` See [vscode-spectral](https://github.com/stoplightio/vscode-spectral#extension-settings) for configuration options. This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`spectral.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Controls whether or not Spectral is enabled\. - **`spectral.rulesetFile`**: `string` Location of the ruleset file to use when validating\. If omitted\, the default is a \.spectral\.yml\/\.spectral\.json in the same folder as the document being validated\. Paths are relative to the workspace\. - **`spectral.run`**: `enum { "onSave", "onType" }` Default: `"onType"` Run the linter on save \(onSave\) or as you type \(onType\)\. - **`spectral.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Traces the communication between VS Code and the language server\. - **`spectral.validateFiles`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` An array of file globs \(e\.g\.\, \`\*\*\/\*\.yaml\`\) in minimatch glob format which should be validated by Spectral\. If language identifiers are also specified\, the file must match both in order to be validated\. - **`spectral.validateLanguages`**: `array` Default: `{ "json", "yaml" }` Array items: `{type = "string"}` An array of language IDs which should be validated by Spectral\. If file globs are also specified\, the file must match both in order to be validated\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.spectral.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "spectral-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "yaml", "json", "yml" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = { enable = true, run = "onType", validateLanguages = { "yaml", "json", "yml" } } single_file_support = true ``` ## sqlls https://github.com/joe-re/sql-language-server `cmd` value is **not set** by default. The `cmd` value can be overridden in the `setup` table; ```lua require'lspconfig'.sqlls.setup{ cmd = {"path/to/command", "up", "--method", "stdio"}; ... } ``` This LSP can be installed via `npm`. Find further instructions on manual installation of the sql-language-server at [joe-re/sql-language-server](https://github.com/joe-re/sql-language-server).
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.sqlls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "sql", "mysql" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = {} ``` ## sqls https://github.com/lighttiger2505/sqls ```lua require'lspconfig'.sqls.setup{ cmd = {"path/to/command", "-config", "path/to/config.yml"}; ... } ``` Sqls can be installed via `go get github.com/lighttiger2505/sqls`. Instructions for compiling Sqls from the source can be found at [lighttiger2505/sqls](https://github.com/lighttiger2505/sqls). **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.sqls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "sqls" } filetypes = { "sql", "mysql" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = {} single_file_support = true ``` ## stylelint_lsp https://github.com/bmatcuk/stylelint-lsp `stylelint-lsp` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm i -g stylelint-lsp ``` Can be configured by passing a `settings.stylelintplus` object to `stylelint_lsp.setup`: ```lua require'lspconfig'.stylelint_lsp.setup{ settings = { stylelintplus = { -- see available options in stylelint-lsp documentation } } } ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`stylelintplus.autoFixOnFormat`**: `boolean` Auto\-fix on format request\. - **`stylelintplus.autoFixOnSave`**: `boolean` Auto\-fix and format on save\. - **`stylelintplus.config`**: `object` Default: `vim.NIL` Stylelint config\. If config and configFile are unset\, stylelint will automatically look for a config file\. - **`stylelintplus.configFile`**: `string` Default: `vim.NIL` Stylelint config file\. If config and configFile are unset\, stylelint will automatically look for a config file\. - **`stylelintplus.configOverrides`**: `object` Default: `vim.NIL` Stylelint config overrides\. These will be applied on top of the config\, configFile\, or auto\-discovered config file loaded by stylelint\. - **`stylelintplus.cssInJs`**: `boolean` Run stylelint on javascript\/typescript files\. - **`stylelintplus.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` If false\, stylelint will not validate the file\. - **`stylelintplus.filetypes`**: `array` Default: `{ "css", "less", "postcss", "sass", "scss", "sugarss", "vue", "wxss" }` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Filetypes that coc\-stylelintplus will lint\. - **`stylelintplus.trace.server`**: `enum { "off", "messages", "verbose" }` Default: `"off"` Capture trace messages from the server\. - **`stylelintplus.validateOnSave`**: `boolean` Validate after saving\. Automatically enabled if autoFixOnSave is enabled\. - **`stylelintplus.validateOnType`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Validate after making changes\.
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.stylelint_lsp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "stylelint-lsp", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "css", "less", "scss", "sugarss", "vue", "wxss", "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact" } root_dir = root_pattern('.stylelintrc', 'package.json') settings = {} ``` ## sumneko_lua https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server Lua language server. `lua-language-server` can be installed by following the instructions [here](https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server/wiki/Build-and-Run). **By default, lua-language-server doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of your unzipped and compiled lua-language-server. ```lua local system_name if vim.fn.has("mac") == 1 then system_name = "macOS" elseif vim.fn.has("unix") == 1 then system_name = "Linux" elseif vim.fn.has('win32') == 1 then system_name = "Windows" else print("Unsupported system for sumneko") end -- set the path to the sumneko installation; if you previously installed via the now deprecated :LspInstall, use local sumneko_root_path = vim.fn.stdpath('cache')..'/lspconfig/sumneko_lua/lua-language-server' local sumneko_binary = sumneko_root_path.."/bin/"..system_name.."/lua-language-server" local runtime_path = vim.split(package.path, ';') table.insert(runtime_path, "lua/?.lua") table.insert(runtime_path, "lua/?/init.lua") require'lspconfig'.sumneko_lua.setup { cmd = {sumneko_binary, "-E", sumneko_root_path .. "/main.lua"}; settings = { Lua = { runtime = { -- Tell the language server which version of Lua you're using (most likely LuaJIT in the case of Neovim) version = 'LuaJIT', -- Setup your lua path path = runtime_path, }, diagnostics = { -- Get the language server to recognize the `vim` global globals = {'vim'}, }, workspace = { -- Make the server aware of Neovim runtime files library = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true), }, -- Do not send telemetry data containing a randomized but unique identifier telemetry = { enable = false, }, }, }, } ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`Lua.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.IntelliSense.traceReturn`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.color.mode`**: `enum { "Grammar", "Semantic", "SemanticEnhanced" }` Default: `"Semantic"` null - **`Lua.completion.autoRequire`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.completion.callSnippet`**: `enum { "Disable", "Both", "Replace" }` Default: `"Disable"` null - **`Lua.completion.displayContext`**: `integer` Default: `0` null - **`Lua.completion.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.completion.keywordSnippet`**: `enum { "Disable", "Both", "Replace" }` Default: `"Replace"` null - **`Lua.completion.postfix`**: `string` Default: `"@"` null - **`Lua.completion.requireSeparator`**: `string` Default: `"."` null - **`Lua.completion.showParams`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.completion.showWord`**: `enum { "Enable", "Fallback", "Disable" }` Default: `"Fallback"` null - **`Lua.completion.workspaceWord`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.disable`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.globals`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.ignoredFiles`**: `enum { "Enable", "Opened", "Disable" }` Default: `"Opened"` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.libraryFiles`**: `enum { "Enable", "Opened", "Disable" }` Default: `"Opened"` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.neededFileStatus`**: `object` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.severity`**: `object` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.workspaceDelay`**: `integer` Default: `0` null - **`Lua.diagnostics.workspaceRate`**: `integer` Default: `100` null - **`Lua.hint.enable`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.hint.paramName`**: `enum { "All", "Literal", "Disable" }` Default: `"All"` null - **`Lua.hint.paramType`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.hint.setType`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.hover.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.hover.enumsLimit`**: `integer` Default: `5` null - **`Lua.hover.previewFields`**: `integer` Default: `20` null - **`Lua.hover.viewNumber`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.hover.viewString`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.hover.viewStringMax`**: `integer` Default: `1000` null - **`Lua.misc.parameters`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`Lua.runtime.builtin`**: `object` null - **`Lua.runtime.fileEncoding`**: `enum { "utf8", "ansi", "utf16le", "utf16be" }` Default: `"utf8"` null - **`Lua.runtime.nonstandardSymbol`**: `array` Array items: `{enum = { "//", "/**/", "`", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "||", "&&", "!", "!=", "continue" },type = "string"}` null - **`Lua.runtime.path`**: `array` Default: `{ "?.lua", "?/init.lua" }` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`Lua.runtime.pathStrict`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.runtime.plugin`**: `string` Default: `""` null - **`Lua.runtime.special`**: `object` null - **`Lua.runtime.unicodeName`**: `boolean` null - **`Lua.runtime.version`**: `enum { "Lua 5.1", "Lua 5.2", "Lua 5.3", "Lua 5.4", "LuaJIT" }` Default: `"Lua 5.4"` null - **`Lua.signatureHelp.enable`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.telemetry.enable`**: `boolean|null` Default: `vim.NIL` null - **`Lua.window.progressBar`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.window.statusBar`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.workspace.checkThirdParty`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.workspace.ignoreDir`**: `array` Default: `{ ".vscode" }` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`Lua.workspace.ignoreSubmodules`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.workspace.library`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null - **`Lua.workspace.maxPreload`**: `integer` Default: `1000` null - **`Lua.workspace.preloadFileSize`**: `integer` Default: `100` null - **`Lua.workspace.useGitIgnore`**: `boolean` Default: `true` null - **`Lua.workspace.userThirdParty`**: `array` Array items: `{type = "string"}` null
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.sumneko_lua.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "lua" } log_level = 2 root_dir = root_pattern(".git") or bufdir settings = { Lua = { telemetry = { enable = false } } } single_file_support = true ``` ## svelte https://github.com/sveltejs/language-tools/tree/master/packages/language-server `svelte-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g svelte-language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.svelte.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "svelteserver", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "svelte" } root_dir = root_pattern("package.json", ".git") ``` ## svls https://github.com/dalance/svls Language server for verilog and SystemVerilog `svls` can be installed via `cargo`: ```sh cargo install svls ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.svls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "svls" } filetypes = { "verilog", "systemverilog" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor ``` ## tailwindcss https://github.com/tailwindlabs/tailwindcss-intellisense Tailwind CSS Language Server can be installed via npm: ```sh npm install -g @tailwindcss/language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.tailwindcss.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "tailwindcss-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "aspnetcorerazor", "astro", "astro-markdown", "blade", "django-html", "edge", "eelixir", "ejs", "erb", "eruby", "gohtml", "haml", "handlebars", "hbs", "html", "html-eex", "jade", "leaf", "liquid", "markdown", "mdx", "mustache", "njk", "nunjucks", "php", "razor", "slim", "twig", "css", "less", "postcss", "sass", "scss", "stylus", "sugarss", "javascript", "javascriptreact", "reason", "rescript", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "vue", "svelte" } init_options = { userLanguages = { eelixir = "html-eex", eruby = "erb" } } on_new_config = function(new_config) if not new_config.settings then new_config.settings = {} end if not new_config.settings.editor then new_config.settings.editor = {} end if not new_config.settings.editor.tabSize then -- set tab size for hover new_config.settings.editor.tabSize = vim.lsp.util.get_effective_tabstop() end end, root_dir = root_pattern('tailwind.config.js', 'tailwind.config.ts', 'postcss.config.js', 'postcss.config.ts', 'package.json', 'node_modules', '.git') settings = { tailwindCSS = { classAttributes = { "class", "className", "classList", "ngClass" }, lint = { cssConflict = "warning", invalidApply = "error", invalidConfigPath = "error", invalidScreen = "error", invalidTailwindDirective = "error", invalidVariant = "error", recommendedVariantOrder = "warning" }, validate = true } } ``` ## taplo https://taplo.tamasfe.dev/lsp/ Language server for Taplo, a TOML toolkit. `taplo-lsp` can be installed via `cargo`: ```sh cargo install taplo-lsp ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.taplo.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "taplo-lsp", "run" } filetypes = { "toml" } root_dir = root_pattern("*.toml", ".git") single_file_support = true ``` ## terraform_lsp https://github.com/juliosueiras/terraform-lsp Terraform language server Download a released binary from https://github.com/juliosueiras/terraform-lsp/releases. From https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-ls#terraform-ls-vs-terraform-lsp: Both HashiCorp and the maintainer of terraform-lsp expressed interest in collaborating on a language server and are working towards a _long-term_ goal of a single stable and feature-complete implementation. For the time being both projects continue to exist, giving users the choice: - `terraform-ls` providing - overall stability (by relying only on public APIs) - compatibility with any provider and any Terraform >=0.12.0 currently less features - due to project being younger and relying on public APIs which may not offer the same functionality yet - `terraform-lsp` providing - currently more features - compatibility with a single particular Terraform (0.12.20 at time of writing) - configs designed for other 0.12 versions may work, but interpretation may be inaccurate - less stability (due to reliance on Terraform's own internal packages) **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.terraform_lsp.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "terraform-lsp" } filetypes = { "terraform", "hcl" } root_dir = root_pattern(".terraform", ".git") ``` ## terraformls https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-ls Terraform language server Download a released binary from https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-ls/releases. From https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-ls#terraform-ls-vs-terraform-lsp: Both HashiCorp and the maintainer of terraform-lsp expressed interest in collaborating on a language server and are working towards a _long-term_ goal of a single stable and feature-complete implementation. For the time being both projects continue to exist, giving users the choice: - `terraform-ls` providing - overall stability (by relying only on public APIs) - compatibility with any provider and any Terraform >=0.12.0 currently less features - due to project being younger and relying on public APIs which may not offer the same functionality yet - `terraform-lsp` providing - currently more features - compatibility with a single particular Terraform (0.12.20 at time of writing) - configs designed for other 0.12 versions may work, but interpretation may be inaccurate - less stability (due to reliance on Terraform's own internal packages) This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`terraform-ls.excludeRootModules`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Per\-workspace list of module directories for the language server to exclude - **`terraform-ls.experimentalFeatures`**: `object` Experimental \(opt\-in\) terraform\-ls features - **`terraform-ls.ignoreDirectoryNames`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Per\-workspace list of directory names for the language server to ignore when indexing files - **`terraform-ls.rootModules`**: `array` Default: `{}` Array items: `{type = "string"}` Per\-workspace list of module directories for the language server to read - **`terraform-ls.terraformExecPath`**: `string` Path to the Terraform binary - **`terraform-ls.terraformExecTimeout`**: `string` Overrides Terraform execution timeout \(e\.g\. 30s\) - **`terraform-ls.terraformLogFilePath`**: `string` Path to a file for Terraform executions to be logged into \(TF\_LOG\_PATH\) with support for variables \(e\.g\. Timestamp\, Pid\, Ppid\) via Go template syntax \{\{\.VarName\}\} - **`terraform.codelens.referenceCount`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Display reference counts above top level blocks and attributes\. - **`terraform.languageServer`**: `object` Default: `{args = { "serve" },external = true,maxNumberOfProblems = 100,pathToBinary = "",["trace.server"] = "off"}` Language Server settings
**Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.terraformls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "terraform-ls", "serve" } filetypes = { "terraform" } root_dir = root_pattern(".terraform", ".git") ``` ## texlab https://github.com/latex-lsp/texlab A completion engine built from scratch for (La)TeX. See https://github.com/latex-lsp/texlab/blob/master/docs/options.md for configuration options. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.texlab.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: - TexlabBuild: Build the current buffer - TexlabForward: Forward search from current position Default Values: cmd = { "texlab" } filetypes = { "tex", "bib" } root_dir = function(fname) return util.root_pattern '.latexmkrc'(fname) or util.find_git_ancestor(fname) end, settings = { texlab = { auxDirectory = ".", bibtexFormatter = "texlab", build = { args = { "-pdf", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1", "%f" }, executable = "latexmk", forwardSearchAfter = false, onSave = false }, chktex = { onEdit = false, onOpenAndSave = false }, diagnosticsDelay = 300, formatterLineLength = 80, forwardSearch = { args = {} }, latexFormatter = "latexindent", latexindent = { modifyLineBreaks = false } } } single_file_support = true ``` ## tflint https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint A pluggable Terraform linter that can act as lsp server. Installation instructions can be found in https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint#installation. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.tflint.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "tflint", "--langserver" } filetypes = { "terraform" } root_dir = root_pattern(".terraform", ".git", ".tflint.hcl") ``` ## theme_check https://github.com/Shopify/shopify-cli `theme-check-language-server` is bundled with `shopify-cli` or it can also be installed via https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check#installation **NOTE:** If installed via Homebrew, `cmd` must be set to 'theme-check-liquid-server' ```lua require lspconfig.theme_check.setup { cmd = { 'theme-check-liquid-server' } } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.theme_check.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "theme-check-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "liquid" } root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end settings = {} ``` ## tsserver https://github.com/theia-ide/typescript-language-server `typescript-language-server` depends on `typescript`. Both packages can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server ``` To configure type language server, add a [`tsconfig.json`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html) or [`jsconfig.json`](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/jsconfig) to the root of your project. Here's an example that disables type checking in JavaScript files. ```json { "compilerOptions": { "module": "commonjs", "target": "es6", "checkJs": false }, "exclude": [ "node_modules" ] } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.tsserver.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "typescript-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "javascript.jsx", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "typescript.tsx" } init_options = { hostInfo = "neovim" } root_dir = root_pattern("package.json", "tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json", ".git") ``` ## typeprof https://github.com/ruby/typeprof `typeprof` is the built-in analysis and LSP tool for Ruby 3.1+. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.typeprof.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "typeprof", "--lsp", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "ruby", "eruby" } root_dir = root_pattern("Gemfile", ".git") ``` ## vala_ls https://github.com/Prince781/vala-language-server **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.vala_ls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "vala-language-server" } filetypes = { "vala", "genie" } root_dir = root_pattern("meson.build", ".git") single_file_support = true ``` ## vdmj https://github.com/nickbattle/vdmj The VDMJ language server can be installed by cloning the VDMJ repository and running `mvn clean install`. Various options are provided to configure the language server (see below). In particular: - `annotation_paths` is a list of folders and/or jar file paths for annotations that should be used with the language server; - any value of `debugger_port` less than zero will disable the debugger; note that if a non-zero value is used, only one instance of the server can be active at a time. More settings for VDMJ can be changed in a file called `vdmj.properties` under `root_dir/.vscode`. For a description of the available settings, see [Section 7 of the VDMJ User Guide](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nickbattle/vdmj/master/vdmj/documentation/UserGuide.pdf). Note: proof obligations and combinatorial testing are not currently supported by neovim. **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.vdmj.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = Generated from the options given filetypes = { "vdmsl", "vdmpp", "vdmrt" } options = { annotation_paths = {}, debugger_port = -1, high_precision = false, java = "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java", java_opts = { "-Xmx3000m", "-Xss1m" }, logfile = "path.join(vim.fn.stdpath 'cache', 'vdm-lsp.log')", mavenrepo = "$HOME/.m2/repository/com/fujitsu", version = "The latest version installed in `mavenrepo`" } root_dir = util.find_git_ancestor(fname) or find_vscode_ancestor(fname) ``` ## vimls https://github.com/iamcco/vim-language-server You can install vim-language-server via npm: ```sh npm install -g vim-language-server ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.vimls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "vim-language-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "vim" } init_options = { diagnostic = { enable = true }, indexes = { count = 3, gap = 100, projectRootPatterns = { "runtime", "nvim", ".git", "autoload", "plugin" }, runtimepath = true }, iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,-#", runtimepath = "", suggest = { fromRuntimepath = true, fromVimruntime = true }, vimruntime = "" } root_dir = function(fname) return util.find_git_ancestor(fname) or vim.fn.getcwd() end, ``` ## vls https://github.com/vlang/vls V language server. `v-language-server` can be installed by following the instructions [here](https://github.com/vlang/vls#installation). **By default, v-language-server doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of your unzipped and compiled v-language-server. ```lua -- set the path to the vls installation; local vls_root_path = vim.fn.stdpath('cache')..'/lspconfig/vls' local vls_binary = vls_root_path.."/cmd/vls/vls" require'lspconfig'.vls.setup { cmd = {vls_binary}, } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.vls.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: filetypes = { "vlang" } root_dir = root_pattern("v.mod", ".git") ``` ## volar https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar/tree/master/packages/server Volar language server for Vue Volar can be installed via npm: ```sh npm install -g @volar/server ``` Volar by default supports Vue 3 projects. Vue 2 projects need [additional configuration](https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar/blob/master/extensions/vscode-vue-language-features/README.md?plain=1#L28-L63). **Take Over Mode** Volar can serve as a language server for both Vue and TypeScript via [Take Over Mode](https://github.com/johnsoncodehk/volar/discussions/471). To enable Take Over Mode, override the default filetypes in `setup{}` as follows: ```lua require'lspconfig'.volar.setup{ filetypes = {'typescript', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'typescriptreact', 'vue', 'json'} } ``` **Overriding the default TypeScript Server used by Volar** The default config looks for TS in the local node_modules. The alternatives are: - use a global TypeScript Server installation ```lua require'lspconfig'.volar.setup{ init_options = { typescript = { serverPath = '/path/to/.npm/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserverlib.js' } } } ``` - use a global TypeScript Server installation if a local server is not found ```lua local util = require 'lspconfig.util' local function get_typescript_server_path(root_dir) local project_root = util.find_node_modules_ancestor(root_dir) local local_tsserverlib = project_root ~= nil and util.path.join(project_root, 'node_modules', 'typescript', 'lib', 'tsserverlibrary.js') local global_tsserverlib = '/home/[yourusernamehere]/.npm/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary.js' if local_tsserverlib and util.path.exists(local_tsserverlib) then return local_tsserverlib else return global_tsserverlib end end require'lspconfig'.volar.setup{ config = { on_new_config = function(new_config, new_root_dir) new_config.init_options.typescript.serverPath = get_typescript_server_path(new_root_dir) end, } } ``` **Snippet to enable the language server:** ```lua require'lspconfig'.volar.setup{} ``` **Commands and default values:** ```lua Commands: Default Values: cmd = { "volar-server", "--stdio" } filetypes = { "vue" } init_options = { documentFeatures = { documentColor = false, documentFormatting = { defaultPrintWidth = 100 }, documentSymbol = true, foldingRange = true, linkedEditingRange = true, selectionRange = true }, languageFeatures = { callHierarchy = true, codeAction = true, codeLens = true, completion = { defaultAttrNameCase = "kebabCase", defaultTagNameCase = "both" }, definition = true, diagnostics = true, documentHighlight = true, documentLink = true, hover = true, references = true, rename = true, renameFileRefactoring = true, schemaRequestService = true, semanticTokens = false, signatureHelp = true, typeDefinition = true }, typescript = { serverPath = "" } } on_new_config = function(new_config, new_root_dir) if new_config.init_options and new_config.init_options.typescript and new_config.init_options.typescript.serverPath == '' then new_config.init_options.typescript.serverPath = get_typescript_server_path(new_root_dir) end end, root_dir = function(startpath) return M.search_ancestors(startpath, matcher) end ``` ## vuels https://github.com/vuejs/vetur/tree/master/server Vue language server(vls) `vue-language-server` can be installed via `npm`: ```sh npm install -g vls ``` This server accepts configuration via the `settings` key.
Available settings: - **`vetur.completion.autoImport`**: `boolean` Default: `true` Include completion for module export and auto import them - **`vetur.completion.scaffoldSnippetSources`**: `object` Default: `{user = "🗒️",vetur = "✌",workspace = "💼"}` Where Vetur source Scaffold Snippets from and how to indicate them\. Set a source to \"\" to disable it\. \- workspace\: \`\\/\.vscode\/vetur\/snippets\`\. \- user\: \`\\/User\/snippets\/vetur\`\. \- vetur\: Bundled in Vetur\. The default is\: \`\`\` \"vetur\.completion\.scaffoldSnippetSources\"\: \{ \"workspace\"\: \"💼\"\, \"user\"\: \"🗒️\"\, \"vetur\"\: \"✌\" \} \`\`\` Alternatively\, you can do\: \`\`\` \"vetur\.completion\.scaffoldSnippetSources\"\: \{ \"workspace\"\: \"\(W\)\"\, \"user\"\: \"\(U\)\"\, \"vetur\"\: \"\(V\)\" \} \`\`\` Read more\: https\:\/\/vuejs\.github\.io\/vetur\/snippet\.html\. - **`vetur.completion.tagCasing`**: `enum { "initial", "kebab" }` Default: `"kebab"` Casing conversion for tag completion - **`vetur.dev.logLevel`**: `enum { "INFO", "DEBUG" }` Default: `"INFO"` Log level for VLS - **`vetur.dev.vlsPath`**: `string` Path to vls for Vetur developers\. There are two ways of using it\. 1\. Clone vuejs\/vetur from GitHub\, build it and point it to the ABSOLUTE path of \`\/server\`\. 2\. \`yarn global add vls\` and point Vetur to the installed location \(\`yarn global dir\` + node\_modules\/vls\) - **`vetur.dev.vlsPort`**: `number` Default: `-1` The port that VLS listens to\. Can be used for attaching to the VLS Node process for debugging \/ profiling\. - **`vetur.experimental.templateInterpolationService`**: `boolean` Enable template interpolation service that offers hover \/ definition \/ references in Vue interpolations\. - **`vetur.format.defaultFormatter.css`**: `enum { "none", "prettier" }` Default: `"prettier"` Default formatter for \ region - **`vetur.format.defaultFormatter.html`**: `enum { "none", "prettyhtml", "js-beautify-html", "prettier" }` Default: `"prettier"` Default formatter for \ region - **`vetur.format.defaultFormatter.js`**: `enum { "none", "prettier", "prettier-eslint", "vscode-typescript" }` Default: `"prettier"` Default formatter for \ region - **`vetur.format.defaultFormatter.less`**: `enum { "none", "prettier" }` Default: `"prettier"` Default formatter for \