"============================================================================= " FILE: handler.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= function! deoplete#handler#_init() abort augroup deoplete autocmd! autocmd InsertLeave * call s:on_insert_leave() autocmd CompleteDone * call s:on_complete_done() augroup END for event in [ \ 'InsertEnter', 'InsertLeave', \ 'BufReadPost', 'BufWritePost', \ 'VimLeavePre', 'FileType', \ ] call s:define_on_event(event) endfor if deoplete#custom#_get_option('on_text_changed_i') call s:define_completion_via_timer('TextChangedI') endif if deoplete#custom#_get_option('on_insert_enter') call s:define_completion_via_timer('InsertEnter') endif if deoplete#custom#_get_option('refresh_always') call s:define_completion_via_timer('TextChangedP') endif " Note: Vim 8 GUI(MacVim and Win32) is broken " dummy timer call is needed before complete() if !has('nvim') && has('gui_running') \ && (has('gui_macvim') || has('win32')) let s:dummy_timer = timer_start(200, {timer -> 0}, {'repeat': -1}) endif if deoplete#util#has_yarp() " To fix "RuntimeError: Event loop is closed" issue " Note: Workaround autocmd deoplete VimLeavePre * call s:kill_yarp() endif endfunction function! deoplete#handler#_do_complete() abort let context = g:deoplete#_context let event = get(context, 'event', '') if s:is_exiting() || v:insertmode !=# 'i' || s:check_input_method() \ || !has_key(context, 'candidates') return endif let prev = g:deoplete#_prev_completion let prev.event = context.event let prev.input = context.input let prev.candidates = context.candidates let prev.complete_position = context.complete_position let prev.linenr = line('.') let prev.time = context.time if context.event ==# 'Manual' let context.event = '' endif let auto_popup = deoplete#custom#_get_option( \ 'auto_complete_popup') !=# 'manual' " Enable auto refresh when popup is displayed if deoplete#util#check_popup() let auto_popup = v:true endif if auto_popup " Note: completeopt must be changed before complete() and feedkeys() call deoplete#mapping#_set_completeopt(g:deoplete#_context.is_async) call feedkeys("\<Plug>_", 'i') endif endfunction function! deoplete#handler#_check_omnifunc(context) abort let prev = g:deoplete#_prev_completion let blacklist = ['LanguageClient#complete'] if a:context.event ==# 'Manual' \ || &l:omnifunc ==# '' \ || index(blacklist, &l:omnifunc) >= 0 \ || prev.input ==# a:context.input \ || s:check_input_method() \ || deoplete#custom#_get_option('auto_complete_popup') ==# 'manual' return endif for filetype in a:context.filetypes for pattern in deoplete#util#convert2list( \ deoplete#custom#_get_filetype_option( \ 'omni_patterns', filetype, '')) if pattern !=# '' && a:context.input =~# '\%('.pattern.'\)$' let g:deoplete#_context.candidates = [] let prev.event = a:context.event let prev.input = a:context.input let prev.candidates = [] call deoplete#mapping#_set_completeopt(v:true) call feedkeys("\<C-x>\<C-o>", 'in') endif endfor endfor endfunction function! s:completion_timer_start(event) abort if exists('s:completion_timer') call s:completion_timer_stop() endif let delay = deoplete#custom#_get_option('auto_complete_delay') if delay > 0 let s:completion_timer = timer_start( \ delay, {-> deoplete#handler#_completion_begin(a:event)}) else call deoplete#handler#_completion_begin(a:event) endif endfunction function! s:completion_timer_stop() abort if !exists('s:completion_timer') return endif call timer_stop(s:completion_timer) unlet s:completion_timer endfunction function! deoplete#handler#_check_prev_completion(event) abort let prev = g:deoplete#_prev_completion if a:event ==# 'Async' || a:event ==# 'Update' || mode() !=# 'i' \ || empty(get(prev, 'candidates', [])) \ || s:check_input_method() return endif let input = deoplete#util#get_input(a:event) let complete_str = matchstr(input, '\w\+$') let min_pattern_length = deoplete#custom#_get_option('min_pattern_length') if prev.linenr != line('.') || len(complete_str) < min_pattern_length return endif let mode = deoplete#custom#_get_option('prev_completion_mode') let candidates = copy(prev.candidates) if mode ==# 'filter' || mode ==# 'length' let input = input[prev.complete_position :] let escaped_input = escape(input, '~\.^$[]*') let pattern = substitute(escaped_input, '\w', '\\w*\0', 'g') call filter(candidates, { _, val -> val.word =~? pattern }) if mode ==# 'length' call filter(candidates, { _, val -> len(val.word) > len(input) }) endif elseif mode ==# 'mirror' " pass else return endif let g:deoplete#_filtered_prev = { \ 'complete_position': prev.complete_position, \ 'candidates': candidates, \ } return 1 endfunction function! deoplete#handler#_async_timer_start() abort let delay = deoplete#custom#_get_option('auto_refresh_delay') if delay <= 0 return endif call timer_start(max([20, delay]), {-> deoplete#auto_complete()}) endfunction function! deoplete#handler#_completion_begin(event) abort call deoplete#custom#_update_cache() let auto_popup = deoplete#custom#_get_option( \ 'auto_complete_popup') !=# 'manual' let prev_input = get(g:deoplete#_context, 'input', '') let cur_input = deoplete#util#get_input(a:event) let check_back_space = auto_popup \ && cur_input !=# prev_input \ && len(cur_input) + 1 ==# len(prev_input) \ && stridx(prev_input, cur_input) == 0 let refresh_backspace = deoplete#custom#_get_option('refresh_backspace') if s:is_skip(a:event) || (check_back_space && !refresh_backspace) let g:deoplete#_context.candidates = [] let g:deoplete#_context.input = cur_input return endif if auto_popup && deoplete#handler#_check_prev_completion(a:event) call feedkeys("\<Plug>+", 'i') endif if a:event !=# 'Update' && a:event !=# 'Async' call deoplete#init#_prev_completion() endif call deoplete#util#rpcnotify( \ 'deoplete_auto_completion_begin', {'event': a:event}) " For <BS> popup flicker if check_back_space && empty(v:completed_item) call feedkeys("\<Plug>_", 'i') endif endfunction function! s:is_skip(event) abort if a:event ==# 'TextChangedP' && !empty(v:completed_item) return 1 endif " Note: The check is needed for <C-y> mapping if s:is_skip_prev_text(a:event) return 1 endif if s:is_skip_text(a:event) " Close the popup if deoplete#util#check_popup() call feedkeys("\<Plug>_", 'i') endif return 1 endif " Check nofile buffers if &l:buftype =~# 'nofile' && bufname('%') !=# '[Command Line]' let nofile_complete_filetypes = deoplete#custom#_get_option( \ 'nofile_complete_filetypes') if index(nofile_complete_filetypes, &l:filetype) < 0 return 1 endif endif let auto_complete = deoplete#custom#_get_option('auto_complete') if &paste \ || (a:event !=# 'Manual' && a:event !=# 'Update' && !auto_complete) \ || v:insertmode !=# 'i' return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:is_skip_prev_text(event) abort let input = deoplete#util#get_input(a:event) " Note: Use g:deoplete#_context is needed instead of " g:deoplete#_prev_completion let prev_input = get(g:deoplete#_context, 'input', '') if input ==# prev_input \ && input !=# '' \ && a:event !=# 'Manual' \ && a:event !=# 'Async' \ && a:event !=# 'Update' \ && a:event !=# 'TextChangedP' return 1 endif " Note: It fixes insert first candidate automatically problem if a:event ==# 'Update' && prev_input !=# '' && input !=# prev_input return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! s:is_skip_text(event) abort let input = deoplete#util#get_input(a:event) if !has('nvim') && iconv(iconv(input, 'utf-8', 'utf-16'), \ 'utf-16', 'utf-8') !=# input " In Vim8, invalid bytes brokes nvim-yarp. return 1 endif let lastchar = matchstr(input, '.$') let skip_multibyte = deoplete#custom#_get_option('skip_multibyte') if skip_multibyte && len(lastchar) != strwidth(lastchar) \ && empty(get(b:, 'eskk', [])) return 1 endif let displaywidth = strdisplaywidth(input) + 1 let is_virtual = virtcol('.') >= displaywidth if &l:formatoptions =~# '[tca]' && &l:textwidth > 0 \ && displaywidth >= &l:textwidth if &l:formatoptions =~# '[ta]' \ || !empty(filter(deoplete#util#get_syn_names(), \ { _, val -> val ==# 'Comment' })) \ || is_virtual return 1 endif endif if a:event =~# '^TextChanged' && s:matched_indentkeys(input) !=# '' call deoplete#util#indent_current_line() return 1 endif let skip_chars = deoplete#custom#_get_option('skip_chars') return (a:event !=# 'Manual' && input !=# '' \ && index(skip_chars, input[-1:]) >= 0) endfunction function! s:check_input_method() abort return exists('*getimstatus') && getimstatus() endfunction function! s:matched_indentkeys(input) abort if &l:indentexpr ==# '' " Disable auto indent return '' endif " Note: check the last word let checkstr = matchstr(a:input, '\w\+$') for word in filter(map(split(&l:indentkeys, ','), \ { _, val -> matchstr(val, 'e\|=\zs.*') }), \ { _, val -> val !=# '' && val =~# '\h\w*' }) if word ==# 'e' let word = 'else' endif let lastpos = len(a:input) - len(word) if checkstr ==# word || (word =~# '^\W\+$' && \ lastpos >= 0 && strridx(a:input, word) == lastpos) return word endif endfor return '' endfunction function! s:define_on_event(event) abort if !exists('##' . a:event) return endif execute 'autocmd deoplete' a:event \ '* call deoplete#send_event('.string(a:event).')' endfunction function! s:define_completion_via_timer(event) abort if !exists('##' . a:event) return endif execute 'autocmd deoplete' a:event \ '* call s:completion_timer_start('.string(a:event).')' endfunction function! s:on_insert_leave() abort call deoplete#mapping#_restore_completeopt() let g:deoplete#_context = {} call deoplete#init#_prev_completion() if &cpoptions =~# '$' " If 'cpoptions' includes '$' with popup, redraw problem exists. redraw endif endfunction function! s:on_complete_done() abort if get(v:completed_item, 'word', '') ==# '' \ || !has_key(g:deoplete#_context, 'complete_str') return endif call deoplete#handler#_skip_next_completion() let max_used = 100 let g:deoplete#_recently_used = insert( \ g:deoplete#_recently_used, \ tolower(v:completed_item.word), \ ) let min_pattern_length = deoplete#custom#_get_option('min_pattern_length') if len(g:deoplete#_context['complete_str']) > min_pattern_length let g:deoplete#_recently_used = insert( \ g:deoplete#_recently_used, \ tolower(g:deoplete#_context['complete_str']), \ ) endif let g:deoplete#_recently_used = deoplete#util#uniq( \ g:deoplete#_recently_used)[: max_used] let user_data = get(v:completed_item, 'user_data', '') if type(user_data) !=# v:t_string || user_data ==# '' return endif try call s:substitute_suffix(json_decode(user_data)) catch /.*/ endtry endfunction function! s:substitute_suffix(user_data) abort if !deoplete#custom#_get_option('complete_suffix') \ || !has_key(a:user_data, 'old_suffix') \ || !has_key(a:user_data, 'new_suffix') return endif let old_suffix = a:user_data.old_suffix let new_suffix = a:user_data.new_suffix let next_text = deoplete#util#get_next_input('CompleteDone') if stridx(next_text, old_suffix) != 0 return endif let next_text = new_suffix . next_text[len(old_suffix):] call setline('.', deoplete#util#get_input('CompleteDone') . next_text) endfunction function! deoplete#handler#_skip_next_completion() abort if !exists('g:deoplete#_context') return endif let input = deoplete#util#get_input('CompleteDone') if input !~# '[/.]$' let g:deoplete#_context.input = input endif call deoplete#mapping#_restore_completeopt() call deoplete#init#_prev_completion() endfunction function! s:is_exiting() abort return exists('v:exiting') && v:exiting != v:null endfunction function! s:kill_yarp() abort if !exists('g:deoplete#_yarp') return endif if g:deoplete#_yarp.job_is_dead return endif let job = g:deoplete#_yarp.job if !has('nvim') && !exists('g:yarp_jobstart') " Get job object from vim-hug-neovim-rpc let job = g:_neovim_rpc_jobs[job].job endif if has('nvim') call jobstop(job) else call job_stop(job, 'kill') endif let g:deoplete#_yarp.job_is_dead = 1 endfunction