*SpaceVim.txt* Like spacemacs, but for vim wsdjeg *Maktaba* *SpaceVim* ============================================================================== CONTENTS *SpaceVim-contents* 1. Introduction.............................................|SpaceVim-intro| 2. Configuration...........................................|SpaceVim-config| 3. Functions............................................|SpaceVim-functions| 4. Layers..................................................|SpaceVim-layers| 5. Colorscheme........................................|SpaceVim-colorscheme| 6. Layer_lang_java................................|SpaceVim-layer_lang_java| 7. Layer_lang_php..................................|SpaceVim-layer_lang_php| 8. Layer_lang_c......................................|SpaceVim-layer_lang_c| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *SpaceVim-intro* SpaceVim is a Modular configuration, a bundle of custom settings and plugins, for Vim. It got inspired by spacemacs. ============================================================================== CONFIGURATION *SpaceVim-config* *g:spacevim_default_indent* Change the default indent of SpaceVim. default is 2. > let g:spacevim_default_indent = 2 < *g:spacevim_max_column* Change the max column of SpaceVim, default is 120. > let g:spacevim_max_column = 120 < *g:spacevim_enable_guicolors* Enable true color support in terminal. > let g:spacevim_enable_guicolors = 1 < *g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest* Enable/Disable google suggestion for neocomplete. by default it is Disabled. you can enable it by: > let g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest = 1 < *g:spacevim_windows_leader* Windows function leader of SpaceVim, default is `s`, set to empty to disable this feature, or you can set to other char. > let g:spacevim_windows_leader = '' < *g:spacevim_unite_leader* Unite work flow leader of SpaceVim, default is `f`, set to empty to disable this feature, or you can set to other char. *g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir* Set the cache dir of plugins, by default, it is `~/.cache/vimfiles`. you can set it by: > let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '~/.cache/vimplugs' < *g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide* Disable/Enable realtime leader guide, by default it is 0. to enable this feature: > let g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide = 1 < *g:spacevim_guifont* set the guifont of Spacevim, default is empty. > let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11' < *g:spacevim_enable_ycm* Enable ycm or not, but default it is 0. > let g:spacevim_enable_ycm = 1 < *g:spacevim_enable_cursorline* Enable cursorline > let g:spacevim_enable_cursorline = 1 < *g:spacevim_error_symbol* Set the error symbol of SpaceVim's syntax maker. example: > let g:spacevim_error_symbol = '+' < *g:spacevim_warning_symbol* Set the warning symbol of SpaceVim's syntax maker. example: > let g:spacevim_warning_symbol = '!' < *g:spacevim_vim_help_language* Set the help language of vim. By default it is `en`, you can change it to chinese. > let g:spacevim_vim_help_language = 'chinese' < *g:spacevim_colorscheme* The colorscheme of SpaceVim, if colorscheme groups are installed. *g:spacevim_colorscheme_default* The default colorscheme of SpaceVim. By default SpaceVim use desert, if colorscheme which name is the value of g:spacevim_colorscheme has not been installed.you can change it in custom config file. > let g:spacevim_colorscheme_default = 'other_color' < *g:spacevim_simple_mode* Disable/Enable simple mode of SpaceVim, in this mode, only few plugins will be installed. > let g:spacevim_simple_mode = 1 < *g:spacevim_filemanager* The default file manager of SpaceVim. *g:spacevim_plugin_manager* The default plugin manager of SpaceVim, dein, neobundle or vim-plug. by default it is dein. *g:spacevim_checkinstall* Enable/Disable checkinstall on SpaceVim startup. by default is 1. To disable it: > let g:spacevim_checkinstall = 0 < *g:spacevim_enable_debug* Enable/Disable debug mode for SpaceVim, by default it is disabled. to enable it: > let g:spacevim_enable_debug = 1 < *g:spacevim_debug_level* Set the debug level of SpaceVim, by default it is 1. *g:spacevim_plugin_groups* groups of plugins should be loaded. example: > let g:spacevim_plugin_groups = ['core', 'lang'] < now Space Vim support these groups: *g:spacevim_disabled_plugins* Disable plugins by names. example: > let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins = ['vim-foo', 'vim-bar'] < *g:spacevim_custom_plugins* Add custom plugins > let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [ \ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', 'on_ft' : 'markdown'], \ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'], \ ] < *g:spacevim_force_global_config* SpaceVim will load global config after local config if set to 1. by default it is 0, if you has local config, the global config will not be loaded. > let g:spacevim_force_global_config = 1 < *g:spacevim_enable_powerline_fonts* enable/disable SpaceVim with powerline symbols. *g:spacevim_lint_on_save* Enable/Disable lint on save feature of SpaceVim's maker. To disable lint on save: > let g:spacevim_lint_on_save = 0 < *g:spacevim_hosts_url* The host file url. this option is for chinese users who can not use google and twitter. ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *SpaceVim-functions* SpaceVim#layers#load({layer}) *SpaceVim#layers#load()* Load the {layer} you want, for all the layers SpaceVim supported, see |SpaceVim-layers|. SpaceVim#logger#setLevel({level}) *SpaceVim#logger#setLevel()* Set debug level of SpaceVim, by default it is 1. all message will be logged. 1 : log all the message. 2 : log warning and error message 3 : log error message only SpaceVim#logger#setOutput({file}) *SpaceVim#logger#setOutput()* Set log output file of SpaceVim. by default it is `~/.SpaceVim/.SpaceVim.log` ============================================================================== LAYERS *SpaceVim-layers* SpaceVim support such layers: ============================================================================== COLORSCHEME *SpaceVim-colorscheme* gruvbox : this is SpaceVim default colorscheme. SpaceVim also support there colorschemes: > hybrid-material solarized < ============================================================================== LAYER_LANG_JAVA *SpaceVim-layer_lang_java* This layer is for java development. > import-mappings: mode key function normal import class under corsor. insert import class under corsor. normal jI import missing classes. normal jR remove unused imports. normal ji smart import class under corsor. normal jii same as insert I import missing imports. insert R remove unused imports. insert i smart import class under corsor. insert ii add import for class under corsor. generate-mappings: mode key function normal jA generate accessors. normal js generate setter accessor. normal jg generate getter accessor. normal ja generate setter and getter accessor. normal jts generate toString function. normal jeq generate equals and hashcode function. normal jc generate constructor. normal jcc generate default constructor. insert s generate setter accessor. insert g generate getter accessor. insert a generate getter and setter accessor. visual js generate setter accessor. visual jg generate getter accessor. visual ja generate setter and getter acctssor. < ============================================================================== LAYER_LANG_PHP *SpaceVim-layer_lang_php* lang#php : this layer is for php development, and it provide auto codo completion, and syntax check, and jump to the definition location. requirement: PHP 5.3+ PCNTL Extension Msgpack 0.5.7+(for NeoVim) Extension or JSON(for Vim 7.4+) Extension Composer Project ============================================================================== LAYER_LANG_C *SpaceVim-layer_lang_c* lang#c : this layer provide c family language code completion. requirement: clang libclang vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: