snippet     with
abbr        with ...;...
options     head
	with ${1};${2}

snippet     package
abbr        package {NAME} is {...} end
options     head
	package ${1} is
        end $1;

snippet     package_body
abbr        package body {NAME} is {...} end
options     head
	package body ${1} is
	end $1;

snippet     entry
abbr        entry {...} when
options     head
	entry ${1}(${2}) when ${3} is
	end $1;

snippet     task
options     head
	task ${1} is
		entry ${0}
	end $1;

snippet     task_body
abbr        task body
options     head
	task body ${1} is
	end $1;

snippet     accept
options     head
	accept ${1}(${2}) do
	end $1;

snippet     protected_type
abbr        protected type
options     head
	protected type ${1}(${2}) is
	end $1;

snippet     protected_body
abbr        protected body
options     head
	protected body ${1} is
	end $1;

snippet     generic
abbr        generic type
options     head
		type ${1} is ${2};${0}

snippet     type
options     head
	type ${1} is ${2};${0}

snippet     type_default
abbr        type with default value
options     head
	type ${1} is ${2}
		with Default_Value => ${3};${0}

snippet     subtype
options     head
	subtype ${1} is ${2};${0}

snippet     declare
abbr        declare block
options     head

snippet     declare_named
abbr        declare named block
options     head
	end $1;

snippet     ife
abbr        if expression
options     head
	if ${1} then ${2} else ${0}

snippet     case_expression
abbr        case expression
options     head
	case ${1} is
		when ${2} => ${3},${0}

snippet     for_all
abbr        for all
options     head
	for all ${1} ${2:in} ${3} => ${0}

snippet     for_some
abbr        for some
options     head
	for some ${1} ${2:in} ${3} => ${0}

snippet     if
options     head
	if ${1} then
	end if;

snippet     ifelse
abbr        if ... else
options     head
	if ${1} then
	end if;

snippet     else
options     head

snippet     elseif
alias       ei
options     head
	elsif ${1} then

snippet     while
alias       w
options     head
	while ${1} loop
	end loop;

snippet     named_while
abbr        named while
options     head
	while ${2} loop
	end loop $1;

snippet     for
options     head
	for ${1:I} in ${2} loop
	end loop;

snippet     for_each
abbr        for each
options     head
	for ${1} of ${2} loop
	end loop;

snippet     named_for
abbr        named for
options     head
	for ${2:I} in ${3} loop
	end loop $1;

snippet     named_for_each
abbr        named for each
options     head
	for ${2} of ${3} loop
	end loop $1;

snippet     procedure
options     head
	procedure ${1}(${2}) is
	end $1;

snippet     procedure_declare
abbr        procedure declaration
options     head
	procedure ${1};${0}

snippet     function
options     head
	function ${1}(${2}) return ${3} is
	end $1;

snippet     function_expr
abbr        expression function
options     head
	function ${1} return ${2} is

snippet     function_declare
abbr        function declaration
options     head
	function ${1} return ${2};${0}

snippet     return
abbr        extended return
options     head
	return ${1} do
	end return;

snippet     record
options     head
	end record;

snippet     case
options     head
	case ${1} is
		when ${2} => ${3};${0}
	end case;

snippet     when
options     head
	when ${1} => ${2};${0}

snippet     when_others
abbr        when others
options     head
	when others => ${1};${0}

snippet     loop
options     head
	end loop;

snippet     named_loop
abbr        named loop
options     head
	end loop $1;

snippet     exit_when
abbr        exit when
options     head
	exit when ${1};

snippet     put
abbr        Ada.Text_IO.Put
options     head

snippet     put_line
abbr        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
options     head

snippet     get
abbr        Ada.Text_IO.Get
options     head

snippet     get_line
abbr        Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line
options     head

snippet     newline
abbr        Ada.Text_IO.New_Line
options     head