--- title: SpaceVim release v0.1.0 categories: changelog description: "First public release of SpaceVim with IDE-like UI, most language support, modular configuration" type: NewsArticle comments: true --- # [Changelogs](development#changelog) > SpaceVim release v0.1.0 SpaceVim is a modular configuration inspired by spacemacs, compatible with vim and neovim. What's been done so far - Neovim-centric - Modular configuration - multiple leader mode - Lazy-load 90% of plugins with dein.vim - Robust, yet light weight - Unite centric work-flow - Awesome ui - Language specific mode, code completion, syntax check, etc. - c family - java - js - rust - php - go - php - lua - perl - python - Extensive Neocomplete setup - Central location for tags - Lightweight simple status/tabline - Premium color-schemes