--- title: SpaceVim release v2.1.0 categories: [changelog, blog] description: "SpaceVim release v2.1.0 with more lua plugins and better experience." type: article image: https://img.spacevim.org/228742293-1ca7c173-84a6-461a-9fb5-656d23953e12.png commentsID: "SpaceVim release v2.1.0" comments: true --- # [Changelogs](../development#changelog) > SpaceVim release v2.1.0 <!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM --> - [What's New](#whats-new) - [New layers](#new-layers) - [New feature](#new-feature) - [Improvements](#improvements) - [Git Commits](#git-commits) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> The last release is v2.0.0, After 9 months development. The v2.1.0 has been released. So let's take a look at what happened since last release.  - [Quick start guide](../quick-start-guide/): installation, configuration, and resources of learning SpaceVim - [documentation](../documentation/): the primary official document of SpaceVim - [available layers](../layers/): a list of available layers which can be used in SpaceVim ## What's New ### New layers Since last release, the following layers have been added: - `zettelkasten` layer - `xmake` layer ### New feature - add `:Git clean` command - add `spacevim.command` module - add `open_error_list` option in `checkers` layer - add `clipboard#set` function and more debug info - add `default.lua` - rewrite todomanager in lua - add XDG support - add json5 support - add custom leader function - add maven task provider - support notify multiple lines ### Improvements This release is still focused on making the plugin run faster. - implement `autosave` plugin in lua - improve `a.lua` plugin - use lua plugin for nvim 0.7 - improve lua version `flygrep` - improve lua version `iedit` - use notify api for git.vim - remove invalid entries from c language checkers ## Git Commits If you want to view all the git commits, use following command in your terminal. ``` git -C ~/.SpaceVim log v2.0.0..v2.1.0 ```