snippet     scaffold
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <template> <script> and <style>

     export default {



snippet     template_with_html
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <template> with html

snippet     template_with_pug
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <template> with pug
     <template lang="pug">

snippet     script_with_JavaScript
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <script> with JavaScript
     export default {

snippet     script_with_TypeScript
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <script> with TypeScript
     <script lang="ts">
     import Vue from 'vue'
     export default Vue.extend({

snippet     style_with_CSS
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with CSS

snippet     style_with_CSS_scoped
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with CSS scoped
     <style scoped>

snippet     style_with_scss
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with scss
     <style lang="scss">

snippet     style_with_scss_scoped
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with scss scoped
     <style lang="scss" scoped>

snippet     style_with_less
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with less
     <style lang="less">

snippet     style_with_less_scoped
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with less scoped
     <style lang="less" scoped>

snippet     style_with_sass
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with sass
     <style lang="sass">

snippet     style_with_sass_scoped
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with sass scoped
     <style lang="sass" scoped>

snippet     style_with_postcss
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with postcss
     <style lang="postcss">

snippet     style_with_postcss_scoped
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with postcss scoped
     <style lang="postcss" scoped>

snippet     style_with_stylus
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with stylus
     <style lang="stylus">

snippet     style_with_stylus_scoped
options     head
abbr        Scaffold <style> with stylus scoped
     <style lang="stylus" scoped>