" custom matchers function! ToHaveBookmark(file, line) return bm#has_bookmark_at_line(a:file, a:line) endfunction function! ToHaveBookmark_should_msg(file, line) return a:file . ' should have a bookmark at line ' . a:line endfunction function! ToHaveBookmark_should_not_msg(file, line) return a:file . ' should not have a bookmark at line ' . a:line endfunction call vspec#customize_matcher('to_have_bookmark_at', { \ 'match': function('ToHaveBookmark'), \ 'failure_message_for_should': function('ToHaveBookmark_should_msg'), \ 'failure_message_for_should_not': function('ToHaveBookmark_should_not_msg') \ }) function! ToHaveBookmarks(file) return bm#has_bookmarks_in_file(a:file) endfunction function! ToHaveBookmarks_should_msg(file) return a:file . ' should have bookmarks' endfunction function! ToHaveBookmarks_should_not_msg(file) return a:file . ' should not have bookmarks' endfunction call vspec#customize_matcher('to_have_bookmarks', { \ 'match': function('ToHaveBookmarks'), \ 'failure_message_for_should': function('ToHaveBookmarks_should_msg'), \ 'failure_message_for_should_not': function('ToHaveBookmarks_should_not_msg') \ }) " source the plugin file source plugin/bookmark.vim describe 'BookmarkMove* commands' before edit! LICENSE let g:file = expand('%:p') end it 'should work with and without arguments' Expect g:file not to_have_bookmarks normal 3G BookmarkToggle Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 3 BookmarkMoveUp Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 2 BookmarkMoveDown 3 Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 5 BookmarkMoveDown Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 6 BookmarkMoveDown 1 Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 7 BookmarkMoveUp 3 Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 4 " bad input BookmarkMoveDown 2abc Expect g:file not to_have_bookmark_at 2 BookmarkMoveUp xyz2 Expect g:file not to_have_bookmark_at 2 " invalid range BookmarkMoveDown 999 Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 4 BookmarkMoveUp 999 Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 4 normal 10G BookmarkToggle Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 10 execute "BookmarkMoveToLine " . line('$') Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at line('$') execute "normal :BookmarkMoveToLine\<CR>12\<CR>" Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 12 execute "normal :BookmarkMoveToLine\<CR>13abc\<CR>" Expect g:file not to_have_bookmark_at 13 " sadly this doesn't work in the test runner - possibly related to vspec-faq/c " execute "normal :BookmarkMoveToLine\<CR>13\<Esc>" " Expect g:file not to_have_bookmark_at 13 BookmarkMoveToLine 13abc Expect g:file not to_have_bookmark_at 13 BookmarkMoveToLine 4 Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 12 normal 4G BookmarkToggle normal 12G BookmarkToggle Expect g:file not to_have_bookmarks end after call BookmarkClear() end end describe 'BookmarkMove* mappings' before edit! LICENSE let g:file = expand('%:p') end it 'should move a bookmark when count is not specified' Expect g:file not to_have_bookmarks normal gg normal mm Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 1 normal mkk Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 1 normal mjj normal mjj normal mjj Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 4 normal mkk normal mkk Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 2 normal G normal mm Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at line('$') normal mjj Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at line('$') execute "normal mg7abc\<CR>" Expect g:file not to_have_bookmark_at 7 execute "normal mg7\<CR>" Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 7 normal mm normal 2G normal mm Expect g:file not to_have_bookmarks end it 'should respect [count] when specified' Expect g:file not to_have_bookmarks normal gg normal mm normal 2mjj normal 3mjj Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 6 normal 3mkk normal mkk Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 2 normal 999mkk Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 2 normal 999mjj Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 2 normal 5G normal mm Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 5 normal 2mg Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 5 normal 1000mg Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 5 normal 8mg Expect g:file to_have_bookmark_at 8 normal 2G normal mm normal 8G normal mm Expect g:file not to_have_bookmarks end after call BookmarkClear() end end