"============================================================================= " FILE: helpers.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! unite#helper#call_hook(sources, hook_name) abort "{{{ let context = unite#get_context() if context.unite__disable_hooks return endif let custom = unite#custom#get() for source in a:sources let custom_source = get(custom.sources, source.name, {}) try if has_key(source.hooks, a:hook_name) call call(source.hooks[a:hook_name], \ [source.args, source.unite__context], source.hooks) endif if has_key(custom_source, a:hook_name) call call(custom_source[a:hook_name], \ [source.args, source.unite__context]) endif catch call unite#print_error(v:throwpoint) call unite#print_error(v:exception) call unite#print_error( \ 'Error occurred in calling hook "' . a:hook_name . '"!') call unite#print_error( \ 'Source name is ' . source.name) endtry endfor endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_substitute_input(input) abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() let input = a:input if empty(unite.args) && input =~ '^.\{-}\%(\\\@<!\s\)\+' " Ignore source name let input = matchstr(input, '^.\{-}\%(\\\@<!\s\)\+\zs.*') endif let substitute_patterns = reverse(unite#util#sort_by( \ values(unite#custom#get_profile(unite.profile_name, \ 'substitute_patterns')), \ 'v:val.priority')) if unite.input != '' && stridx(input, unite.input) == 0 \ && !empty(unite.args) " Substitute after input. let input_save = input let input = input_save[len(unite.input) :] let head = input_save[: len(unite.input)-1] else " Substitute all input. let head = '' endif let inputs = unite#helper#get_substitute_input_loop( \ input, substitute_patterns) return map(inputs, 'head . v:val') endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_substitute_input_loop(input, substitute_patterns) abort "{{{ if empty(a:substitute_patterns) return [a:input] endif let inputs = [a:input] for pattern in a:substitute_patterns let cnt = 0 for input in inputs if input =~ pattern.pattern if type(pattern.subst) == type([]) if len(inputs) == 1 " List substitute. let inputs = [] for subst in pattern.subst call add(inputs, \ substitute(input, pattern.pattern, subst, 'g')) endfor endif else let inputs[cnt] = substitute( \ input, pattern.pattern, pattern.subst, 'g') endif endif let cnt += 1 endfor endfor return inputs endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#adjustments(currentwinwidth, the_max_source_name, size) abort "{{{ let max_width = a:currentwinwidth - a:the_max_source_name - a:size if max_width < 20 return [a:currentwinwidth - a:size, 0] else return [max_width, a:the_max_source_name] endif endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#parse_options(cmdline) abort "{{{ let args = [] let options = {} " Eval let cmdline = (a:cmdline =~ '\\\@<!`.*\\\@<!`') ? \ s:eval_cmdline(a:cmdline) : a:cmdline for arg in split(cmdline, '\%(\\\@<!\s\)\+') let arg = substitute(arg, '\\\( \)', '\1', 'g') let arg_key = substitute(arg, '=\zs.*$', '', '') let name = substitute(tr(arg_key, '-', '_'), '=$', '', '') let value = (arg_key =~ '=$') ? arg[len(arg_key) :] : 1 if arg_key =~ '^-custom-' \ || index(unite#variables#options(), arg_key) >= 0 let options[name[1:]] = value else call add(args, arg) endif endfor return [args, options] endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#parse_options_args(cmdline) abort "{{{ let _ = [] let [args, options] = unite#helper#parse_options(a:cmdline) for arg in args " Add source name. let source_name = matchstr(arg, '^[^:]*') let source_arg = arg[len(source_name)+1 :] let source_args = source_arg == '' ? [] : \ map(split(source_arg, '\\\@<!:', 1), \ 'substitute(v:val, ''\\\(.\)'', "\\1", "g")') call add(_, insert(source_args, source_name)) endfor return [_, options] endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#parse_options_user(args) abort "{{{ " Add for history/unite. let [args, options] = unite#helper#parse_options_args(a:args) let options.unite__is_manual = 1 return [args, options] endfunction"}}} function! s:eval_cmdline(cmdline) abort "{{{ let cmdline = '' let prev_match = 0 let match = match(a:cmdline, '\\\@<!`.\{-}\\\@<!`') while match >= 0 if match - prev_match > 0 let cmdline .= a:cmdline[prev_match : match - 1] endif let prev_match = matchend(a:cmdline, \ '\\\@<!`.\{-}\\\@<!`', match) let cmdline .= escape(eval(a:cmdline[match+1 : prev_match - 2]), '\: ') let match = match(a:cmdline, '\\\@<!`.\{-}\\\@<!`', prev_match) endwhile if prev_match >= 0 let cmdline .= a:cmdline[prev_match :] endif return cmdline endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#parse_source_args(args) abort "{{{ let args = copy(a:args) if empty(args) return [] endif let args[0] = unite#helper#parse_source_path(args[0]) return args endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#parse_source_path(path) abort "{{{ " Expand ?!/buffer_project_subdir, !/project_subdir and ?/buffer_subdir if a:path =~ '^?!' " Use project directory from buffer directory let path = unite#helper#get_buffer_directory(bufnr('%')) let path = unite#util#substitute_path_separator( \ unite#util#path2project_directory(path) . a:path[2:]) elseif a:path =~ '^!' " Use project directory from cwd let path = &filetype ==# 'vimfiler' ? \ b:vimfiler.current_dir : \ unite#util#substitute_path_separator(getcwd()) let path = unite#util#substitute_path_separator( \ unite#util#path2project_directory(path) . a:path[1:]) elseif a:path =~ '^?' " Use buffer directory let path = unite#util#substitute_path_separator( \ unite#helper#get_buffer_directory(bufnr('%')) . a:path[1:]) else let path = a:path endif " Don't assume empty path means current directory. " Let the sources customize default rules. if path != '' let pathlist = path =~ "\n" ? split(path, "\n") : [path] for pathitem in pathlist " resolve .. in the paths let pathitem = resolve(unite#util#substitute_path_separator( \ fnamemodify(unite#util#expand(pathitem), ':p'))) endfor let path = join(pathlist, "\n") endif return path endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_marked_candidates() abort "{{{ return unite#util#sort_by(filter(copy(unite#get_unite_candidates()), \ 'v:val.unite__is_marked'), 'v:val.unite__marked_time') endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_input(...) abort "{{{ let is_force = get(a:000, 0, 0) let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if !is_force && mode() !=# 'i' return unite.context.input endif if unite.prompt_linenr == 0 return '' endif " Prompt check. if unite.context.prompt != '' && \ getline(unite.prompt_linenr)[: len(unite.context.prompt)-1] \ !=# unite.context.prompt let modifiable_save = &l:modifiable setlocal modifiable " Restore prompt. call setline(unite.prompt_linenr, unite.context.prompt) let &l:modifiable = modifiable_save endif return getline(unite.prompt_linenr)[len(unite.context.prompt):] endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_source_names(sources) abort "{{{ return map(map(copy(a:sources), \ "type(v:val) == type([]) ? v:val[0] : v:val"), \ "type(v:val) == type('') ? v:val : v:val.name") endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_postfix(prefix, is_create, ...) abort "{{{ let prefix = substitute(a:prefix, '@\d\+$', '', '') let buffers = get(a:000, 0, range(1, bufnr('$'))) let buflist = sort(filter(map(buffers, \ 'bufname(v:val)'), 'stridx(v:val, prefix) >= 0'), 's:sort_buffer_name') if empty(buflist) return '' endif return a:is_create ? '@'.(matchstr(buflist[-1], '@\zs\d\+$') + 1) \ : matchstr(buflist[-1], '@\d\+$') endfunction"}}} function! s:sort_buffer_name(lhs, rhs) abort "{{{ return matchstr(a:lhs, '@\zs\d\+$') - matchstr(a:rhs, '@\zs\d\+$') endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#convert_source_name(source_name) abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() return (len(unite.sources) == 1 || \ !unite.context.short_source_names) ? a:source_name : \ a:source_name !~ '\A' ? a:source_name[:1] : \ substitute(a:source_name, '\a\zs\a\+', '', 'g') endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#invalidate_cache(source_name) abort "{{{ for source in unite#get_current_unite().sources if source.name ==# a:source_name let source.unite__is_invalidate = 1 endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_unite_winnr(buffer_name) abort "{{{ for winnr in filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ "getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), '&filetype') ==# 'unite'") let buffer_context = get(getbufvar( \ winbufnr(winnr), 'unite'), 'context', {}) if !empty(buffer_context) && \ buffer_context.buffer_name ==# a:buffer_name if buffer_context.temporary \ && !empty(filter(copy(buffer_context.unite__old_buffer_info), \ 'v:val.buffer_name ==# buffer_context.buffer_name')) " Disable resume. let buffer_context.unite__old_buffer_info = [] endif return winnr endif endfor return -1 endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_unite_bufnr(buffer_name) abort "{{{ for bufnr in filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), \ "getbufvar(v:val, '&filetype') ==# 'unite'") let buffer_context = get(getbufvar(bufnr, 'unite'), 'context', {}) if !empty(buffer_context) && \ buffer_context.buffer_name ==# a:buffer_name if buffer_context.temporary \ && !empty(filter(copy(buffer_context.unite__old_buffer_info), \ 'v:val.buffer_name ==# buffer_context.buffer_name')) " Disable resume. let buffer_context.unite__old_buffer_info = [] endif return bufnr endif endfor return -1 endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_current_candidate(...) abort "{{{ let linenr = a:0 >= 1? a:1 : line('.') let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if unite.context.prompt_direction ==# 'below' let num = unite.prompt_linenr == 0 ? \ linenr - line('$') - 1 : \ linenr == unite.prompt_linenr ? \ -1 : linenr - line('$') else let num = linenr == unite.prompt_linenr ? \ 0 : linenr - 1 - unite.prompt_linenr endif let unite.candidate_cursor = num return get(unite#get_unite_candidates(), num, {}) endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_current_candidate_linenr(num) abort "{{{ let candidate_num = 0 let num = 0 for candidate in unite#get_unite_candidates() if !candidate.is_dummy let candidate_num += 1 endif if candidate_num > a:num break endif let num += 1 endfor let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if unite.context.prompt_direction ==# 'below' let num = num * -1 if unite.prompt_linenr == 0 let num += line('$') + 1 endif else let num += 1 endif return unite.prompt_linenr + num endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#call_filter(filter_name, candidates, context) abort "{{{ let filter = unite#get_filters(a:filter_name) if empty(filter) return a:candidates endif return filter.filter(a:candidates, a:context) endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#call_source_filters(filters, candidates, context, source) abort "{{{ let candidates = a:candidates for l:Filter in a:filters if type(l:Filter) == type('') let candidates = unite#helper#call_filter( \ l:Filter, candidates, a:context) else let candidates = call(l:Filter, [candidates, a:context], a:source) endif unlet l:Filter endfor return candidates endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_source_args(sources) abort "{{{ return map(copy(a:sources), \ 'type(v:val) == type([]) ? [v:val[0], v:val[1:]] : [v:val, []]') endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#choose_window() abort "{{{ " Create key table. let keys = {} for [key, number] in items(g:unite_quick_match_table) let keys[number] = key endfor " Save statusline. let save_statuslines = map(unite#helper#get_choose_windows(), \ "[v:val, getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), '&statusline')]") let save_laststatus = &laststatus try let &laststatus = 2 let winnr_save = winnr() for [winnr, statusline] in save_statuslines noautocmd execute winnr.'wincmd w' let &l:statusline = \ repeat(' ', winwidth(0)/2-len(winnr())).get(keys, winnr()-1, 0) redraw endfor noautocmd execute winnr_save.'wincmd w' redraw while 1 echohl PreProc echon 'choose > ' echohl Normal let num = get(g:unite_quick_match_table, \ nr2char(getchar()), 0) + 1 if num < 0 || winbufnr(num) > 0 return num endif echo '' endwhile finally let &laststatus = save_laststatus echo '' let winnr_save = winnr() for [winnr, statusline] in save_statuslines noautocmd execute winnr.'wincmd w' let &l:statusline = statusline redraw endfor noautocmd execute winnr_save.'wincmd w' redraw endtry endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_choose_windows() abort "{{{ return filter(range(1, winnr('$')), " \ !getwinvar(v:val, '&previewwindow') \ && getwinvar(v:val, '&filetype') !=# 'vimfiler' \ && getwinvar(v:val, '&filetype') !=# 'unite' \ && getwinvar(v:val, '&buftype') !~# 'terminal' \ && (getwinvar(v:val, '&buftype') !~# 'nofile' \ || getwinvar(v:val, '&buftype') =~# 'acwrite') \ && getwinvar(v:val, '&filetype') !=# 'qf'") endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_buffer_directory(bufnr) abort "{{{ let filetype = getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&filetype') if filetype ==# 'vimfiler' let dir = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'vimfiler').current_dir elseif filetype ==# 'vimshell' let dir = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'vimshell').current_dir elseif filetype ==# 'vinarise' let dir = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'vinarise').current_dir else let path = unite#util#substitute_path_separator(bufname(a:bufnr)) let dir = unite#util#path2directory(path) endif return dir endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#cursor_prompt() abort "{{{ " Move to prompt linenr. let unite = unite#get_current_unite() call cursor((unite.context.prompt_direction ==# 'below' ? \ line('$') : unite.init_prompt_linenr), 0) endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#skip_prompt() abort "{{{ " Skip prompt linenr. let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if line('.') == unite.prompt_linenr call cursor(line('.') + (unite.context.prompt_direction \ ==# 'below' ? -1 : 1), 1) endif endfunction"}}} if unite#util#has_lua() function! unite#helper#paths2candidates(paths) abort "{{{ let candidates = [] lua << EOF do local paths = vim.eval('a:paths') local candidates = vim.eval('candidates') for path in paths() do local candidate = vim.dict() candidate.word = path candidate.action__path = path candidates:add(candidate) end end EOF return candidates endfunction"}}} else function! unite#helper#paths2candidates(paths) abort "{{{ return map(copy(a:paths), "{ \ 'word' : v:val, \ 'action__path' : v:val, \ }") endfunction"}}} endif function! unite#helper#get_candidate_directory(candidate) abort "{{{ return has_key(a:candidate, 'action__directory') ? \ a:candidate.action__directory : \ unite#util#path2directory(a:candidate.action__path) endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#is_prompt(line) abort "{{{ let prompt_linenr = unite#get_current_unite().prompt_linenr let context = unite#get_context() return (context.prompt_direction ==# 'below' && a:line >= prompt_linenr) \ || (context.prompt_direction !=# 'below' && a:line <= prompt_linenr) endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#relative_target(target) abort "{{{ let target = unite#util#substitute_path_separator(fnamemodify( \ substitute(a:target, '[^:]\zs/$', '', ''), ':.')) if target == unite#util#substitute_path_separator(getcwd()) return '.' endif if unite#util#is_windows() let drive_letter = matchstr(a:target, '^\a:') let target = strpart(target, 0, 1) ==# '/' && drive_letter !=# '' ? \ drive_letter . target : target endif return target endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#join_targets(targets) abort "{{{ return join(map(copy(a:targets), \ "unite#util#escape_shell(unite#helper#relative_target(v:val))")) endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#is_pty(command) abort "{{{ " Note: "pt" and "ack" and "ag" and "hw" needs pty. " It is too bad. return fnamemodify(a:command, ':t:r') =~# \ '^pt$\|^ack\%(-grep\)\?$\|^ag$\|^hw$' endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#complete_search_history(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort "{{{ return filter(map(unite#util#uniq(s:histget('search') \ + s:histget('input')), \ "substitute(v:val, '\\c^\\(\\\\[cmv<]\\)*\\|\\\\>$', '', 'g')"), \ "stridx(tolower(v:val), tolower(a:arglead)) == 0") endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#get_input_list(input) abort "{{{ return map(split(a:input, '\\\@<! ', 1), " \ substitute(unite#util#expand(v:val), '\\\\ ', ' ', 'g')") endfunction"}}} function! s:histget(type) abort "{{{ return filter(map(reverse(range(1, histnr(a:type))), \ 'histget(a:type, v:val)'), \ 'v:val != ""') endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#ignore_candidates(candidates, context) abort "{{{ let candidates = copy(a:candidates) if a:context.ignore_pattern != '' let candidates = unite#filters#vim_filter_pattern( \ candidates, a:context.ignore_pattern) endif if !empty(a:context.ignore_globs) let candidates = unite#filters#filter_patterns(candidates, \ unite#filters#globs2patterns(a:context.ignore_globs), \ unite#filters#globs2patterns(a:context.white_globs)) endif return candidates endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#call_unite(command, args, line1, line2) abort "{{{ let [args, context] = unite#helper#parse_options_user(a:args) if a:command ==# 'UniteWithCurrentDir' \ && !has_key(context, 'path') let path = &filetype ==# 'vimfiler' ? \ b:vimfiler.current_dir : \ unite#util#substitute_path_separator(fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':p')) let context.path = path elseif a:command ==# 'UniteWithBufferDir' \ && !has_key(context, 'path') let context.path = unite#helper#get_buffer_directory(bufnr('%')) elseif a:command ==# 'UniteWithProjectDir' \ && !has_key(context, 'path') let path = &filetype ==# 'vimfiler' ? \ b:vimfiler.current_dir : \ unite#util#substitute_path_separator(getcwd()) let context.path = unite#util#path2project_directory(path) elseif a:command ==# 'UniteWithInputDirectory' \ && !has_key(context, 'path') let context.path = unite#helper#parse_source_path( \ input('Input narrowing directory: ', '', 'dir')) elseif a:command ==# 'UniteWithCursorWord' \ && !has_key(context, 'input') let context.input = expand('<cword>') elseif a:command ==# 'UniteWithInput' \ && !has_key(context, 'input') let context.input = input('Input narrowing text: ', '') endif let context.firstline = a:line1 let context.lastline = a:line2 let context.bufnr = bufnr('%') call unite#start(args, context) endfunction"}}} function! unite#helper#call_unite_resume(args) abort "{{{ let [args, context] = unite#helper#parse_options(a:args) call unite#resume(join(args), context) endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker