" File: autoload/delimitMate.vim " Version: 2.7 " Modified: 2013-07-15 " Description: This plugin provides auto-completion for quotes, parens, etc. " Maintainer: Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com> " Manual: Read ":help delimitMate". " ============================================================================ "let delimitMate_loaded = 1 if !exists('s:options') let s:options = {} endif function! s:set(name, value, ...) "{{{ let scope = a:0 ? a:1 : 's' let bufnr = bufnr('%') if !exists('s:options[bufnr]') let s:options[bufnr] = {} endif if scope == 's' let name = 's:options.' . bufnr . '.' . a:name else let name = scope . ':delimitMate_' . a:name if exists('name') exec 'unlet! ' . name endif endif exec 'let ' . name . ' = a:value' endfunction "}}} function! s:get(name, ...) "{{{ if a:0 == 2 return deepcopy(get(a:2, 'delimitMate_' . a:name, a:1)) elseif a:0 == 1 let bufoptions = get(s:options, bufnr('%'), {}) return deepcopy(get(bufoptions, a:name, a:1)) else return deepcopy(eval('s:options.' . bufnr('%') . '.' . a:name)) endif endfunction "}}} function! s:exists(name, ...) "{{{ let scope = a:0 ? a:1 : 's' if scope == 's' let bufnr = bufnr('%') let name = 'options.' . bufnr . '.' . a:name else let name = 'delimitMate_' . a:name endif return exists(scope . ':' . name) endfunction "}}} function! s:is_jump(...) "{{{ " Returns 1 if the next character is a closing delimiter. let char = s:get_char(0) let list = s:get('right_delims') + s:get('quotes_list') " Closing delimiter on the right. if (!a:0 && index(list, char) > -1) \ || (a:0 && char == a:1) return 1 endif " Closing delimiter with space expansion. let nchar = s:get_char(1) if !a:0 && s:get('expand_space') && char == " " if index(list, nchar) > -1 return 2 endif elseif a:0 && s:get('expand_space') && nchar == a:1 && char == ' ' return 3 endif if !s:get('jump_expansion') return 0 endif " Closing delimiter with CR expansion. let uchar = matchstr(getline(line('.') + 1), '^\s*\zs\S') if !a:0 && s:get('expand_cr') && char == "" if index(list, uchar) > -1 return 4 endif elseif a:0 && s:get('expand_cr') && uchar == a:1 return 5 endif return 0 endfunction "}}} function! s:rquote(char) "{{{ let pos = matchstr(getline('.')[col('.') : ], escape(a:char, '[]*.^$\'), 1) let i = 0 while s:get_char(i) ==# a:char let i += 1 endwhile return i endfunction "}}} function! s:lquote(char) "{{{ let i = 0 while s:get_char(i - 1) ==# a:char let i -= 1 endwhile return i * -1 endfunction "}}} function! s:get_char(...) "{{{ let idx = col('.') - 1 if !a:0 || (a:0 && a:1 >= 0) " Get char from cursor. let line = getline('.')[idx :] let pos = a:0 ? a:1 : 0 return matchstr(line, '^'.repeat('.', pos).'\zs.') endif " Get char behind cursor. let line = getline('.')[: idx - 1] let pos = 0 - (1 + a:1) return matchstr(line, '.\ze'.repeat('.', pos).'$') endfunction "s:get_char }}} function! s:is_cr_expansion(...) " {{{ let nchar = getline(line('.')-1)[-1:] let schar = matchstr(getline(line('.')+1), '^\s*\zs\S') let isEmpty = a:0 ? getline('.') =~ '^\s*$' : empty(getline('.')) if index(s:get('left_delims'), nchar) > -1 \ && index(s:get('left_delims'), nchar) \ == index(s:get('right_delims'), schar) \ && isEmpty return 1 elseif index(s:get('quotes_list'), nchar) > -1 \ && index(s:get('quotes_list'), nchar) \ == index(s:get('quotes_list'), schar) \ && isEmpty return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction " }}} s:is_cr_expansion() function! s:is_space_expansion() " {{{ if col('.') > 2 let pchar = s:get_char(-2) let nchar = s:get_char(1) let isSpaces = \ (s:get_char(-1) \ == s:get_char(0) \ && s:get_char(-1) == " ") if index(s:get('left_delims'), pchar) > -1 && \ index(s:get('left_delims'), pchar) \ == index(s:get('right_delims'), nchar) && \ isSpaces return 1 elseif index(s:get('quotes_list'), pchar) > -1 && \ index(s:get('quotes_list'), pchar) \ == index(s:get('quotes_list'), nchar) && \ isSpaces return 1 endif endif return 0 endfunction " }}} IsSpaceExpansion() function! s:is_empty_matchpair() "{{{ " get char before the cursor. let open = s:get_char(-1) let idx = index(s:get('left_delims'), open) if idx == -1 return 0 endif let close = get(s:get('right_delims'), idx, '') return close ==# s:get_char(0) endfunction "}}} function! s:is_empty_quotes() "{{{ " get char before the cursor. let quote = s:get_char(-1) let idx = index(s:get('quotes_list'), quote) if idx == -1 return 0 endif return quote ==# s:get_char(0) endfunction "}}} function! s:cursor_idx() "{{{ let idx = len(split(getline('.')[: col('.') - 1], '\zs')) - 1 return idx endfunction "delimitMate#CursorCol }}} function! s:get_syn_name() "{{{ let col = col('.') if col == col('$') let col = col - 1 endif return synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line('.'), col, 1)), 'name') endfunction " }}} function! s:is_excluded_ft(ft) "{{{ if !exists("g:delimitMate_excluded_ft") return 0 endif return index(split(g:delimitMate_excluded_ft, ','), a:ft, 0, 1) >= 0 endfunction "}}} function! s:is_forbidden(char) "{{{ if s:is_excluded_ft(&filetype) return 1 endif if !s:get('excluded_regions_enabled') return 0 endif let region = s:get_syn_name() return index(s:get('excluded_regions_list'), region) >= 0 endfunction "}}} function! s:balance_matchpairs(char) "{{{ " Returns: " = 0 => Parens balanced. " > 0 => More opening parens. " < 0 => More closing parens. let line = getline('.') let col = s:cursor_idx() - 1 let col = col >= 0 ? col : 0 let list = split(line, '\zs') let left = s:get('left_delims')[index(s:get('right_delims'), a:char)] let right = a:char let opening = 0 let closing = 0 " If the cursor is not at the beginning, count what's behind it. if col > 0 " Find the first opening paren: let start = index(list, left) " Must be before cursor: let start = start < col ? start : col - 1 " Now count from the first opening until the cursor, this will prevent " extra closing parens from being counted. let opening = count(list[start : col - 1], left) let closing = count(list[start : col - 1], right) " I don't care if there are more closing parens than opening parens. let closing = closing > opening ? opening : closing endif " Evaluate parens from the cursor to the end: let opening += count(list[col :], left) let closing += count(list[col :], right) " Return the found balance: return opening - closing endfunction "}}} function! s:is_smart_quote(char) "{{{ " TODO: Allow using a:char in the pattern. let tmp = s:get('smart_quotes') if empty(tmp) return 0 endif let regex = matchstr(tmp, '^!\?\zs.*') " Flip matched value if regex starts with ! let mod = tmp =~ '^!' ? [1, 0] : [0, 1] let matched = search(regex, 'ncb', line('.')) > 0 let noescaped = substitute(getline('.'), '\\.', '', 'g') let odd = (count(split(noescaped, '\zs'), a:char) % 2) let result = mod[matched] || odd return result endfunction "delimitMate#SmartQuote }}} function! delimitMate#Set(...) "{{{ return call('s:set', a:000) endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#Get(...) "{{{ return call('s:get', a:000) endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#ShouldJump(...) "{{{ return call('s:is_jump', a:000) endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#IsEmptyPair(str) "{{{ if strlen(substitute(a:str, ".", "x", "g")) != 2 return 0 endif let idx = index(s:get('left_delims'), matchstr(a:str, '^.')) if idx > -1 && \ s:get('right_delims')[idx] == matchstr(a:str, '.$') return 1 endif let idx = index(s:get('quotes_list'), matchstr(a:str, '^.')) if idx > -1 && \ s:get('quotes_list')[idx] == matchstr(a:str, '.$') return 1 endif return 0 endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() "{{{ " if cursor is at column 1 return 0 if col('.') == 1 return 0 endif " get char before the cursor. let char1 = s:get_char(-1) " get char under the cursor. let char2 = s:get_char(0) return delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( char1.char2 ) endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#SkipDelim(char) "{{{ if s:is_forbidden(a:char) return a:char endif let col = col('.') - 1 let line = getline('.') if col > 0 let cur = s:get_char(0) let pre = s:get_char(-1) else let cur = s:get_char(0) let pre = "" endif if pre == "\\" " Escaped character return a:char elseif cur == a:char " Exit pair return a:char . "\<Del>" elseif delimitMate#IsEmptyPair( pre . a:char ) " Add closing delimiter and jump back to the middle. return a:char . s:joinUndo() . "\<Left>" else " Nothing special here, return the same character. return a:char endif endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#ParenDelim(right) " {{{ let left = s:get('left_delims')[index(s:get('right_delims'),a:right)] if s:is_forbidden(a:right) return left endif " Try to balance matchpairs if s:get('balance_matchpairs') && \ s:balance_matchpairs(a:right) < 0 return left endif let line = getline('.') let col = col('.')-2 if s:get('smart_matchpairs') != '' let smart_matchpairs = substitute(s:get('smart_matchpairs'), '\\!', left, 'g') let smart_matchpairs = substitute(smart_matchpairs, '\\#', a:right, 'g') if line[col+1:] =~ smart_matchpairs return left endif endif if len(line) == (col + 1) && s:get('insert_eol_marker') == 1 let tail = s:get('eol_marker') else let tail = '' endif return left . a:right . tail . repeat(s:joinUndo() . "\<Left>", len(split(tail, '\zs')) + 1) endfunction " }}} function! delimitMate#QuoteDelim(char) "{{{ if s:is_forbidden(a:char) return a:char endif let char_at = s:get_char(0) let char_before = s:get_char(-1) let nesting_on = index(s:get('nesting_quotes'), a:char) > -1 let left_q = nesting_on ? s:lquote(a:char) : 0 if nesting_on && left_q > 1 " Nesting quotes. let right_q = s:rquote(a:char) let quotes = right_q > left_q + 1 ? 0 : left_q - right_q + 2 let lefts = quotes - 1 return repeat(a:char, quotes) . repeat(s:joinUndo() . "\<Left>", lefts) elseif char_at == a:char " Inside an empty pair, jump out return a:char . "\<Del>" elseif a:char == '"' && index(split(&ft, '\.'), "vim") != -1 && getline('.') =~ '^\s*$' " If we are in a vim file and it looks like we're starting a comment, do " not add a closing char. return a:char elseif s:is_smart_quote(a:char) " Seems like a smart quote, insert a single char. return a:char elseif (char_before == a:char && char_at != a:char) \ && !empty(s:get('smart_quotes')) " Seems like we have an unbalanced quote, insert one quotation " mark and jump to the middle. return a:char . s:joinUndo() . "\<Left>" else " Insert a pair and jump to the middle. let sufix = '' if !empty(s:get('eol_marker')) && col('.') - 1 == len(getline('.')) let idx = len(s:get('eol_marker')) * -1 let marker = getline('.')[idx : ] let has_marker = marker == s:get('eol_marker') let sufix = !has_marker ? s:get('eol_marker') : '' endif return a:char . a:char . s:joinUndo() . "\<Left>" endif endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#JumpOut(char) "{{{ if s:is_forbidden(a:char) return a:char endif let jump = s:is_jump(a:char) if jump == 1 " HACK: Instead of <Right>, we remove the char to be jumped over and " insert it again. This will trigger re-indenting via 'indentkeys'. " Ref: https://github.com/Raimondi/delimitMate/issues/168 return "\<Del>".a:char elseif jump == 3 return s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" . s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" elseif jump == 5 return "\<Down>\<C-O>I" . s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" else return a:char endif endfunction " }}} function! delimitMate#JumpAny(...) " {{{ if s:is_forbidden('') return '' endif if !s:is_jump() return '' endif " Let's get the character on the right. let char = s:get_char(0) if char == " " " Space expansion. return s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" . s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" elseif char == "" " CR expansion. return "\<CR>" . getline(line('.') + 1)[0] . "\<Del>\<Del>" else return s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" endif endfunction " delimitMate#JumpAny() }}} function! delimitMate#JumpMany() " {{{ let line = split(getline('.')[col('.') - 1 : ], '\zs') let rights = "" let found = 0 for char in line if index(s:get('quotes_list'), char) >= 0 || \ index(s:get('right_delims'), char) >= 0 let rights .= s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" let found = 1 elseif found == 0 let rights .= s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>" else break endif endfor if found == 1 return rights else return '' endif endfunction " delimitMate#JumpMany() }}} function! delimitMate#ExpandReturn() "{{{ if s:is_forbidden("") return "\<CR>" endif let escaped = s:cursor_idx() >= 2 \ && s:get_char(-2) == '\' let expand_right_matchpair = s:get('expand_cr') == 2 \ && index(s:get('right_delims'), s:get_char(0)) > -1 let expand_inside_quotes = s:get('expand_inside_quotes') \ && s:is_empty_quotes() \ && !escaped let is_empty_matchpair = s:is_empty_matchpair() if !pumvisible( ) \ && ( is_empty_matchpair \ || expand_right_matchpair \ || expand_inside_quotes) let val = "\<Esc>a" if is_empty_matchpair && s:get('insert_eol_marker') == 2 \ && !search(escape(s:get('eol_marker'), '[]\.*^$').'$', 'cnW', '.') let tail = getline('.')[col('.') - 1 : ] let times = len(split(tail, '\zs')) let val .= repeat(s:joinUndo() . "\<Right>", times) . s:get('eol_marker') . repeat(s:joinUndo() . "\<Left>", times + 1) endif let val .= "\<CR>" if &smartindent && !&cindent && !&indentexpr \ && s:get_char(0) == '}' " indentation is controlled by 'smartindent', and the first character on " the new line is '}'. If this were typed manually it would reindent to " match the current line. Let's reproduce that behavior. let shifts = indent('.') / &sw let spaces = indent('.') - (shifts * &sw) let val .= "^\<C-D>".repeat("\<C-T>", shifts).repeat(' ', spaces) endif " Expand: " XXX zv prevents breaking expansion with syntax folding enabled by " InsertLeave. let val .= "\<Esc>zvO" return val else return "\<CR>" endif endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#ExpandSpace() "{{{ if s:is_forbidden("\<Space>") return "\<Space>" endif let escaped = s:cursor_idx() >= 2 \ && s:get_char(-2) == '\' let expand_inside_quotes = s:get('expand_inside_quotes') \ && s:is_empty_quotes() \ && !escaped if s:is_empty_matchpair() || expand_inside_quotes " Expand: return "\<Space>\<Space>" . s:joinUndo() . "\<Left>" else return "\<Space>" endif endfunction "}}} function! delimitMate#BS() " {{{ if s:is_forbidden("") let extra = '' elseif &bs !~ 'start\|2' let extra = '' elseif delimitMate#WithinEmptyPair() let extra = "\<Del>" elseif s:is_space_expansion() let extra = "\<Del>" elseif s:is_cr_expansion() let extra = repeat("\<Del>", \ len(matchstr(getline(line('.') + 1), '^\s*\S'))) else let extra = '' endif return "\<BS>" . extra endfunction " }}} delimitMate#BS() function! delimitMate#Test() "{{{ %d _ " Check for script options: let result = [ \ 'delimitMate Report', \ '==================', \ '', \ '* Options: ( ) default, (g) global, (b) buffer', \ ''] for option in sort(keys(s:options[bufnr('%')])) if s:exists(option, 'b') let scope = '(b)' elseif s:exists(option, 'g') let scope = '(g)' else let scope = '( )' endif call add(result, \ scope . ' delimitMate_' . option \ . ' = ' \ . string(s:get(option))) endfor call add(result, '') let option = 'delimitMate_excluded_ft' call add(result, \(exists('g:'.option) ? '(g) ' : '( ) g:') . option . ' = ' \. string(get(g:, option, ''))) call add(result, '--------------------') call add(result, '') " Check if mappings were set. let left_delims = s:get('autoclose') ? s:get('left_delims') : [] let special_keys = ['<BS>', '<S-BS>', '<S-Tab>', '<C-G>g'] if s:get('expand_cr') call add(special_keys, '<CR>') endif if s:get('expand_space') call add(special_keys, '<Space>') endif let maps = \ s:get('right_delims') \ + left_delims \ + s:get('quotes_list') \ + s:get('apostrophes_list') \ + special_keys call add(result, '* Mappings:') call add(result, '') for map in maps let output = '' if map == '|' let map = '<Bar>' endif redir => output | execute "verbose imap ".map | redir END call extend(result, split(output, '\n')) endfor call add(result, '--------------------') call add(result, '') call add(result, '* Showcase:') call add(result, '') call setline(1, result) call s:test_mappings(s:get('left_delims'), 1) call s:test_mappings(s:get('quotes_list'), 0) let result = [] redir => setoptions echo " * Vim configuration:\<NL>" filetype echo "" set version redir END call extend(result, split(setoptions,"\n")) call add(result, '--------------------') setlocal nowrap call append('$', result) call feedkeys("\<Esc>\<Esc>", 'n') endfunction "}}} function! s:test_mappings(list, is_matchpair) "{{{ let prefix = "normal Go0\<C-D>" let last = "|" let open = s:get('autoclose') ? 'Open: ' : 'Open & close: ' for s in a:list if a:is_matchpair let pair = s:get('right_delims')[index(s:get('left_delims'), s)] else let pair = s endif if !s:get('autoclose') let s .= pair endif exec prefix . open . s . last exec prefix . "Delete: " . s . "\<BS>" . last exec prefix . "Exit: " . s . pair . last if s:get('expand_space') \ && (a:is_matchpair || s:get('expand_inside_quotes')) exec prefix . "Space: " . s . " " . last exec prefix . "Delete space: " . s . " \<BS>" . last endif if s:get('expand_cr') \ && (a:is_matchpair || s:get('expand_inside_quotes')) exec prefix . "Car return: " . s . "\<CR>" . last exec prefix . "Delete car return: " . s . "\<CR>0\<C-D>\<BS>" . last endif call append('$', '') endfor endfunction "}}} function! s:joinUndo() "{{{ if v:version < 704 \ || ( v:version == 704 && !has('patch849') ) return '' endif return "\<C-G>U" endfunction "}}} " vim:foldmethod=marker:foldcolumn=4:ts=2:sw=2