---@tag telescope.layout ---@config { ["module"] = "telescope.layout" } ---@brief [[ --- The layout of telescope pickers can be adjusted using the --- |telescope.defaults.layout_strategy| and |telescope.defaults.layout_config| options. --- For example, the following configuration changes the default layout strategy and the --- default size of the picker: --- --- require('telescope').setup{ --- defaults = { --- layout_strategy = 'vertical', --- layout_config = { height = 0.95 }, --- }, --- } --- --- --- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── --- --- Layout strategies are different functions to position telescope. --- --- All layout strategies are functions with the following signature: --- --- --- function(picker, columns, lines, layout_config) --- -- Do some calculations here... --- return { --- preview = preview_configuration --- results = results_configuration, --- prompt = prompt_configuration, --- } --- end --- --- ---
---   Parameters: ~
---     - picker        : A Picker object. (docs coming soon)
---     - columns       : (number) Columns in the vim window
---     - lines         : (number) Lines in the vim window
---     - layout_config : (table) The configuration values specific to the picker.
--- --- This means you can create your own layout strategy if you want! Just be aware --- for now that we may change some APIs or interfaces, so they may break if you create --- your own. --- --- A good method for creating your own would be to copy one of the strategies that most --- resembles what you want from "./lua/telescope/pickers/layout_strategies.lua" in the --- telescope repo. --- ---@brief ]] local resolve = require "telescope.config.resolve" local p_window = require "telescope.pickers.window" local if_nil = vim.F.if_nil local get_border_size = function(opts) if opts.window.border == false then return 0 end return 1 end local calc_tabline = function(max_lines) local tbln = (vim.o.showtabline == 2) or (vim.o.showtabline == 1 and #vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() > 1) if tbln then max_lines = max_lines - 1 end return max_lines, tbln end -- Helper function for capping over/undersized width/height, and calculating spacing --@param cur_size number: size to be capped --@param max_size any: the maximum size, e.g. max_lines or max_columns --@param bs number: the size of the border --@param w_num number: the maximum number of windows of the picker in the given direction --@param b_num number: the number of border rows/column in the given direction (when border enabled) --@param s_num number: the number of gaps in the given direction (when border disabled) local calc_size_and_spacing = function(cur_size, max_size, bs, w_num, b_num, s_num) local spacing = s_num * (1 - bs) + b_num * bs cur_size = math.min(cur_size, max_size) cur_size = math.max(cur_size, w_num + spacing) return cur_size, spacing end local layout_strategies = {} layout_strategies._configurations = {} --@param strategy_config table: table with keys for each option for a strategy --@return table: table with keys for each option (for this strategy) and with keys for each layout_strategy local get_valid_configuration_keys = function(strategy_config) local valid_configuration_keys = { -- TEMP: There are a few keys we should say are valid to start with. preview_cutoff = true, prompt_position = true, } for key in pairs(strategy_config) do valid_configuration_keys[key] = true end for name in pairs(layout_strategies) do valid_configuration_keys[name] = true end return valid_configuration_keys end local adjust_pos = function(pos, ...) for _, opts in ipairs { ... } do opts.col = opts.col and opts.col + pos[1] opts.line = opts.line and opts.line + pos[2] end end --@param strategy_name string: the name of the layout_strategy we are validating for --@param configuration table: table with keys for each option available --@param values table: table containing all of the non-default options we want to set --@param default_layout_config table: table with the default values to configure layouts --@return table: table containing the combined options (defaults and non-defaults) local function validate_layout_config(strategy_name, configuration, values, default_layout_config) assert(strategy_name, "It is required to have a strategy name for validation.") local valid_configuration_keys = get_valid_configuration_keys(configuration) -- If no default_layout_config provided, check Telescope's config values default_layout_config = if_nil(default_layout_config, require("telescope.config").values.layout_config) local result = {} local get_value = function(k) -- skip "private" items if string.sub(k, 1, 1) == "_" then return end local val -- Prioritise options that are specific to this strategy if values[strategy_name] ~= nil and values[strategy_name][k] ~= nil then val = values[strategy_name][k] end -- Handle nested layout config values if layout_strategies[k] and strategy_name ~= k and type(val) == "table" then val = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", default_layout_config[k], val) end if val == nil and values[k] ~= nil then val = values[k] end if val == nil then if default_layout_config[strategy_name] ~= nil and default_layout_config[strategy_name][k] ~= nil then val = default_layout_config[strategy_name][k] else val = default_layout_config[k] end end return val end -- Always set the values passed first. for k in pairs(values) do if not valid_configuration_keys[k] then -- TODO: At some point we'll move to error here, -- but it's a bit annoying to just straight up crash everyone's stuff. vim.api.nvim_err_writeln( string.format( "Unsupported layout_config key for the %s strategy: %s\n%s", strategy_name, k, vim.inspect(values) ) ) end result[k] = get_value(k) end -- And then set other valid keys via "inheritance" style extension for k in pairs(valid_configuration_keys) do if result[k] == nil then result[k] = get_value(k) end end return result end -- List of options that are shared by more than one layout. local shared_options = { width = { "How wide to make Telescope's entire layout", "See |resolver.resolve_width()|" }, height = { "How tall to make Telescope's entire layout", "See |resolver.resolve_height()|" }, mirror = "Flip the location of the results/prompt and preview windows", scroll_speed = "The number of lines to scroll through the previewer", prompt_position = { "Where to place prompt window.", "Available Values: 'bottom', 'top'" }, anchor = { "Which edge/corner to pin the picker to", "See |resolver.resolve_anchor_pos()|" }, } -- Used for generating vim help documentation. layout_strategies._format = function(name) local strategy_config = layout_strategies._configurations[name] if vim.tbl_isempty(strategy_config) then return {} end local results = { "
", "`picker.layout_config` shared options:" }

  local strategy_keys = vim.tbl_keys(strategy_config)
  table.sort(strategy_keys, function(a, b)
    return a < b

  local add_value = function(k, val)
    if type(val) == "string" then
      table.insert(results, string.format("  - %s: %s", k, val))
    elseif type(val) == "table" then
      table.insert(results, string.format("  - %s:", k))
      for _, line in ipairs(val) do
        table.insert(results, string.format("    - %s", line))
      error(string.format("expected string or table but found '%s'", type(val)))

  for _, k in ipairs(strategy_keys) do
    if shared_options[k] then
      add_value(k, strategy_config[k])

  table.insert(results, "")
  table.insert(results, "`picker.layout_config` unique options:")

  for _, k in ipairs(strategy_keys) do
    if not shared_options[k] then
      add_value(k, strategy_config[k])

  table.insert(results, "
") return results end --@param name string: the name to be assigned to the layout --@param layout_config table: table where keys are the available options for the layout --@param layout function: function with signature -- function(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config): table -- the returned table is the sizing and location information for the parts of the picker --@retun function: wrapped function that inputs a validated layout_config into the `layout` function local function make_documented_layout(name, layout_config, layout) -- Save configuration data to be used by documentation layout_strategies._configurations[name] = layout_config -- Return new function that always validates configuration return function(self, max_columns, max_lines, override_layout) return layout( self, max_columns, max_lines, validate_layout_config( name, layout_config, vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", if_nil(override_layout, {}), if_nil(self.layout_config, {})) ) ) end end --- Horizontal layout has two columns, one for the preview --- and one for the prompt and results. --- ---
--- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
--- │                                                  │
--- │    ┌───────────────────┐┌───────────────────┐    │
--- │    │                   ││                   │    │
--- │    │                   ││                   │    │
--- │    │                   ││                   │    │
--- │    │      Results      ││                   │    │
--- │    │                   ││      Preview      │    │
--- │    │                   ││                   │    │
--- │    │                   ││                   │    │
--- │    └───────────────────┘│                   │    │
--- │    ┌───────────────────┐│                   │    │
--- │    │      Prompt       ││                   │    │
--- │    └───────────────────┘└───────────────────┘    │
--- │                                                  │
--- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
---@eval { ["description"] = require('telescope.pickers.layout_strategies')._format("horizontal") } --- layout_strategies.horizontal = make_documented_layout( "horizontal", vim.tbl_extend("error", shared_options, { preview_width = { "Change the width of Telescope's preview window", "See |resolver.resolve_width()|" }, preview_cutoff = "When columns are less than this value, the preview will be disabled", }), function(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config) local initial_options = p_window.get_initial_window_options(self) local preview = initial_options.preview local results = initial_options.results local prompt = initial_options.prompt local tbln max_lines, tbln = calc_tabline(max_lines) local width_opt = layout_config.width local width = resolve.resolve_width(width_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) local height_opt = layout_config.height local height = resolve.resolve_height(height_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) local bs = get_border_size(self) local w_space if self.previewer and max_columns >= layout_config.preview_cutoff then -- Cap over/undersized width (with previewer) width, w_space = calc_size_and_spacing(width, max_columns, bs, 2, 4, 1) preview.width = resolve.resolve_width(if_nil(layout_config.preview_width, function(_, cols) if cols < 150 then return math.floor(cols * 0.4) elseif cols < 200 then return 80 else return 120 end end))(self, width, max_lines) results.width = width - preview.width - w_space prompt.width = results.width else -- Cap over/undersized width (without previewer) width, w_space = calc_size_and_spacing(width, max_columns, bs, 1, 2, 0) preview.width = 0 results.width = width - preview.width - w_space prompt.width = results.width end local h_space -- Cap over/undersized height height, h_space = calc_size_and_spacing(height, max_lines, bs, 2, 4, 1) prompt.height = 1 results.height = height - prompt.height - h_space if self.previewer then preview.height = height - 2 * bs else preview.height = 0 end local width_padding = math.floor((max_columns - width) / 2) -- Default value is false, to use the normal horizontal layout if not layout_config.mirror then results.col = width_padding + bs + 1 prompt.col = results.col preview.col = results.col + results.width + 1 + bs else preview.col = width_padding + bs + 1 prompt.col = preview.col + preview.width + 1 + bs results.col = preview.col + preview.width + 1 + bs end preview.line = math.floor((max_lines - height) / 2) + bs + 1 if layout_config.prompt_position == "top" then prompt.line = preview.line results.line = prompt.line + prompt.height + 1 + bs elseif layout_config.prompt_position == "bottom" then results.line = preview.line prompt.line = results.line + results.height + 1 + bs else error(string.format("Unknown prompt_position: %s\n%s", self.window.prompt_position, vim.inspect(layout_config))) end local anchor_pos = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(layout_config.anchor or "", width, height, max_columns, max_lines) adjust_pos(anchor_pos, prompt, results, preview) if tbln then prompt.line = prompt.line + 1 results.line = results.line + 1 preview.line = preview.line + 1 end return { preview = self.previewer and preview.width > 0 and preview, results = results, prompt = prompt, } end ) --- Centered layout with a combined block of the prompt --- and results aligned to the middle of the screen. --- The preview window is then placed in the remaining --- space above or below, according to `anchor` or `mirror`. --- Particularly useful for creating dropdown menus --- (see |telescope.themes| and |themes.get_dropdown()|). --- --- Note that vertical anchoring, i.e. `anchor` containing --- `"N"` or `"S"`, will override `mirror` config. For `"N"` --- anchoring preview will be placed below prompt/result --- block. For `"S"` anchoring preview will be placed above --- prompt/result block. For horizontal only anchoring preview --- will be placed according to `mirror` config, default is --- above the prompt/result block. --- ---
--- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
--- │    ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐    │
--- │    |                 Preview                |    │
--- │    |                 Preview                |    │
--- │    └────────────────────────────────────────┘    │
--- │    ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐    │
--- │    |                 Prompt                 |    │
--- │    ├────────────────────────────────────────┤    │
--- │    |                 Result                 |    │
--- │    |                 Result                 |    │
--- │    └────────────────────────────────────────┘    │
--- │                                                  │
--- │                                                  │
--- │                                                  │
--- │                                                  │
--- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
---@eval { ["description"] = require("telescope.pickers.layout_strategies")._format("center") } --- layout_strategies.center = make_documented_layout( "center", vim.tbl_extend("error", shared_options, { preview_cutoff = "When lines are less than this value, the preview will be disabled", }), function(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config) local initial_options = p_window.get_initial_window_options(self) local preview = initial_options.preview local results = initial_options.results local prompt = initial_options.prompt local tbln max_lines, tbln = calc_tabline(max_lines) -- This sets the width for the whole layout local width_opt = layout_config.width local width = resolve.resolve_width(width_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) -- This sets the height for the whole layout local height_opt = layout_config.height local height = resolve.resolve_height(height_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) local bs = get_border_size(self) local w_space -- Cap over/undersized width width, w_space = calc_size_and_spacing(width, max_columns, bs, 1, 2, 0) prompt.width = width - w_space results.width = width - w_space preview.width = width - w_space local h_space -- Cap over/undersized height height, h_space = calc_size_and_spacing(height, max_lines, bs, 2, 3, 0) prompt.height = 1 results.height = height - prompt.height - h_space local topline = math.floor((max_lines / 2) - ((results.height + (2 * bs)) / 2) + 1) -- Align the prompt and results so halfway up the screen is -- in the middle of this combined block if layout_config.prompt_position == "top" then prompt.line = topline results.line = prompt.line + 1 + bs elseif layout_config.prompt_position == "bottom" then results.line = topline prompt.line = results.line + results.height + bs if type(prompt.title) == "string" then prompt.title = { { pos = "S", text = prompt.title } } end else error(string.format("Unknown prompt_position: %s\n%s", self.window.prompt_position, vim.inspect(layout_config))) end local width_padding = math.floor((max_columns - width) / 2) + bs + 1 results.col, preview.col, prompt.col = width_padding, width_padding, width_padding local anchor = layout_config.anchor or "" local anchor_pos = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(anchor, width, height, max_columns, max_lines) adjust_pos(anchor_pos, prompt, results, preview) -- Vertical anchoring (S or N variations) ignores layout_config.mirror anchor = anchor:upper() local mirror if anchor:find "S" then mirror = false elseif anchor:find "N" then mirror = true else mirror = layout_config.mirror end -- Set preview position local block_line = math.min(results.line, prompt.line) if not mirror then -- Preview at top preview.line = 1 + bs preview.height = block_line - (2 + 2 * bs) else -- Preview at bottom preview.line = block_line + results.height + 2 + 2 * bs preview.height = max_lines - preview.line - bs + 1 end if not (self.previewer and max_lines >= layout_config.preview_cutoff) then preview.height = 0 end if tbln then prompt.line = prompt.line + 1 results.line = results.line + 1 preview.line = preview.line + 1 end return { preview = self.previewer and preview.height > 0 and preview, results = results, prompt = prompt, } end ) --- Cursor layout dynamically positioned below the cursor if possible. --- If there is no place below the cursor it will be placed above. --- ---
--- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
--- │                                                  │
--- │   █                                              │
--- │   ┌──────────────┐┌─────────────────────┐        │
--- │   │    Prompt    ││      Preview        │        │
--- │   ├──────────────┤│      Preview        │        │
--- │   │    Result    ││      Preview        │        │
--- │   │    Result    ││      Preview        │        │
--- │   └──────────────┘└─────────────────────┘        │
--- │                                         █        │
--- │                                                  │
--- │                                                  │
--- │                                                  │
--- │                                                  │
--- │                                                  │
--- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
layout_strategies.cursor = make_documented_layout( "cursor", vim.tbl_extend("error", { width = shared_options.width, height = shared_options.height, scroll_speed = shared_options.scroll_speed, }, { preview_width = { "Change the width of Telescope's preview window", "See |resolver.resolve_width()|" }, preview_cutoff = "When columns are less than this value, the preview will be disabled", }), function(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config) local initial_options = p_window.get_initial_window_options(self) local preview = initial_options.preview local results = initial_options.results local prompt = initial_options.prompt local height_opt = layout_config.height local height = resolve.resolve_height(height_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) local width_opt = layout_config.width local width = resolve.resolve_width(width_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) local bs = get_border_size(self) local h_space -- Cap over/undersized height height, h_space = calc_size_and_spacing(height, max_lines, bs, 2, 3, 0) prompt.height = 1 results.height = height - prompt.height - h_space preview.height = height - 2 * bs local w_space if self.previewer and max_columns >= layout_config.preview_cutoff then -- Cap over/undersized width (with preview) width, w_space = calc_size_and_spacing(width, max_columns, bs, 2, 4, 0) preview.width = resolve.resolve_width(if_nil(layout_config.preview_width, 2 / 3))(self, width, max_lines) prompt.width = width - preview.width - w_space results.width = prompt.width else -- Cap over/undersized width (without preview) width, w_space = calc_size_and_spacing(width, max_columns, bs, 1, 2, 0) preview.width = 0 prompt.width = width - w_space results.width = prompt.width end local position = vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(0) local top_left = { line = vim.fn.winline() + position[1] + bs, col = vim.fn.wincol() + position[2], } local bot_right = { line = top_left.line + height - 1, col = top_left.col + width - 1, } if bot_right.line > max_lines then -- position above current line top_left.line = top_left.line - height - 1 end if bot_right.col >= max_columns then -- cap to the right of the screen top_left.col = max_columns - width end prompt.line = top_left.line + 1 results.line = prompt.line + bs + 1 preview.line = prompt.line prompt.col = top_left.col + 1 results.col = prompt.col preview.col = results.col + (bs * 2) + results.width return { preview = self.previewer and preview.width > 0 and preview, results = results, prompt = prompt, } end ) --- Vertical layout stacks the items on top of each other. --- Particularly useful with thinner windows. --- ---
--- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
--- │                                                  │
--- │    ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐    │
--- │    |                 Preview                |    │
--- │    |                 Preview                |    │
--- │    |                 Preview                |    │
--- │    └────────────────────────────────────────┘    │
--- │    ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐    │
--- │    |                 Result                 |    │
--- │    |                 Result                 |    │
--- │    └────────────────────────────────────────┘    │
--- │    ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐    │
--- │    |                 Prompt                 |    │
--- │    └────────────────────────────────────────┘    │
--- │                                                  │
--- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
---@eval { ["description"] = require("telescope.pickers.layout_strategies")._format("vertical") } --- layout_strategies.vertical = make_documented_layout( "vertical", vim.tbl_extend("error", shared_options, { preview_cutoff = "When lines are less than this value, the preview will be disabled", preview_height = { "Change the height of Telescope's preview window", "See |resolver.resolve_height()|" }, }), function(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config) local initial_options = p_window.get_initial_window_options(self) local preview = initial_options.preview local results = initial_options.results local prompt = initial_options.prompt local tbln max_lines, tbln = calc_tabline(max_lines) local width_opt = layout_config.width local width = resolve.resolve_width(width_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) local height_opt = layout_config.height local height = resolve.resolve_height(height_opt)(self, max_columns, max_lines) local bs = get_border_size(self) local w_space -- Cap over/undersized width width, w_space = calc_size_and_spacing(width, max_columns, bs, 1, 2, 0) prompt.width = width - w_space results.width = prompt.width preview.width = prompt.width local h_space if self.previewer and max_lines >= layout_config.preview_cutoff then -- Cap over/undersized height (with previewer) height, h_space = calc_size_and_spacing(height, max_lines, bs, 3, 6, 2) preview.height = resolve.resolve_height(if_nil(layout_config.preview_height, 0.5))(self, max_columns, height) else -- Cap over/undersized height (without previewer) height, h_space = calc_size_and_spacing(height, max_lines, bs, 2, 4, 1) preview.height = 0 end prompt.height = 1 results.height = height - preview.height - prompt.height - h_space local width_padding = math.floor((max_columns - width) / 2) + bs + 1 results.col, preview.col, prompt.col = width_padding, width_padding, width_padding local height_padding = math.floor((max_lines - height) / 2) if not layout_config.mirror then preview.line = height_padding + (1 + bs) if layout_config.prompt_position == "top" then prompt.line = (preview.height == 0) and preview.line or preview.line + preview.height + (1 + bs) results.line = prompt.line + prompt.height + (1 + bs) elseif layout_config.prompt_position == "bottom" then results.line = (preview.height == 0) and preview.line or preview.line + preview.height + (1 + bs) prompt.line = results.line + results.height + (1 + bs) else error(string.format("Unknown prompt_position: %s\n%s", self.window.prompt_position, vim.inspect(layout_config))) end else if layout_config.prompt_position == "top" then prompt.line = height_padding + (1 + bs) results.line = prompt.line + prompt.height + (1 + bs) preview.line = results.line + results.height + (1 + bs) elseif layout_config.prompt_position == "bottom" then results.line = height_padding + (1 + bs) prompt.line = results.line + results.height + (1 + bs) preview.line = prompt.line + prompt.height + (1 + bs) else error(string.format("Unknown prompt_position: %s\n%s", self.window.prompt_position, vim.inspect(layout_config))) end end local anchor_pos = resolve.resolve_anchor_pos(layout_config.anchor or "", width, height, max_columns, max_lines) adjust_pos(anchor_pos, prompt, results, preview) if tbln then prompt.line = prompt.line + 1 results.line = results.line + 1 preview.line = preview.line + 1 end return { preview = self.previewer and preview.height > 0 and preview, results = results, prompt = prompt, } end ) --- Flex layout swaps between `horizontal` and `vertical` strategies based on the window width --- - Supports |layout_strategies.vertical| or |layout_strategies.horizontal| features --- ---@eval { ["description"] = require("telescope.pickers.layout_strategies")._format("flex") } --- layout_strategies.flex = make_documented_layout( "flex", vim.tbl_extend("error", shared_options, { flip_columns = "The number of columns required to move to horizontal mode", flip_lines = "The number of lines required to move to horizontal mode", vertical = "Options to pass when switching to vertical layout", horizontal = "Options to pass when switching to horizontal layout", }), function(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config) local flip_columns = if_nil(layout_config.flip_columns, 100) local flip_lines = if_nil(layout_config.flip_lines, 20) if max_columns < flip_columns and max_lines > flip_lines then self.__flex_strategy = "vertical" return layout_strategies.vertical(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config.vertical) else self.__flex_strategy = "horizontal" return layout_strategies.horizontal(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config.horizontal) end end ) layout_strategies.current_buffer = make_documented_layout("current_buffer", { -- No custom options. -- height, width ignored }, function(self, _, _, _) local initial_options = p_window.get_initial_window_options(self) local window_width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0) local window_height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(0) local preview = initial_options.preview local results = initial_options.results local prompt = initial_options.prompt local bs = get_border_size(self) -- Width local width_padding = (1 + bs) -- TODO(l-kershaw): make this configurable prompt.width = window_width - 2 * width_padding results.width = prompt.width preview.width = prompt.width -- Height local height_padding = (1 + bs) -- TODO(l-kershaw): make this configurable prompt.height = 1 if self.previewer then results.height = 10 -- TODO(l-kershaw): make this configurable preview.height = window_height - results.height - prompt.height - 2 * (1 + bs) - 2 * height_padding else results.height = window_height - prompt.height - (1 + bs) - 2 * height_padding preview.height = 0 end local win_position = vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(0) local line = win_position[1] if self.previewer then preview.line = height_padding + line + 1 results.line = preview.line + preview.height + (1 + bs) prompt.line = results.line + results.height + (1 + bs) else results.line = height_padding + line + 1 prompt.line = results.line + results.height + (1 + bs) end local col = win_position[2] + width_padding + 1 preview.col, results.col, prompt.col = col, col, col return { preview = preview.height > 0 and preview, results = results, prompt = prompt, } end) --- Bottom pane can be used to create layouts similar to "ivy". --- --- For an easy ivy configuration, see |themes.get_ivy()| layout_strategies.bottom_pane = make_documented_layout( "bottom_pane", vim.tbl_extend("error", shared_options, { preview_width = { "Change the width of Telescope's preview window", "See |resolver.resolve_width()|" }, preview_cutoff = "When columns are less than this value, the preview will be disabled", }), function(self, max_columns, max_lines, layout_config) local initial_options = p_window.get_initial_window_options(self) local results = initial_options.results local prompt = initial_options.prompt local preview = initial_options.preview local tbln max_lines, tbln = calc_tabline(max_lines) local height = if_nil(resolve.resolve_height(layout_config.height)(self, max_columns, max_lines), 25) if type(layout_config.height) == "table" and type(layout_config.height.padding) == "number" then -- Since bottom_pane only has padding at the top, we only need half as much padding in total -- This doesn't match the vim help for `resolve.resolve_height`, but it matches expectations height = math.floor((max_lines + height) / 2) end local bs = get_border_size(self) -- Cap over/undersized height height, _ = calc_size_and_spacing(height, max_lines, bs, 2, 3, 0) -- Height prompt.height = 1 results.height = height - prompt.height - (2 * bs) preview.height = results.height - bs -- Width prompt.width = max_columns - 2 * bs if self.previewer and max_columns >= layout_config.preview_cutoff then -- Cap over/undersized width (with preview) local width, w_space = calc_size_and_spacing(max_columns, max_columns, bs, 2, 4, 0) preview.width = resolve.resolve_width(if_nil(layout_config.preview_width, 0.5))(self, width, max_lines) results.width = width - preview.width - w_space else results.width = prompt.width preview.width = 0 end -- Line if layout_config.prompt_position == "top" then prompt.line = max_lines - results.height - (1 + bs) + 1 results.line = prompt.line + 1 preview.line = results.line + bs if results.border == true then results.border = { 0, 1, 1, 1 } end if type(results.title) == "string" then results.title = { { pos = "S", text = results.title } } end elseif layout_config.prompt_position == "bottom" then results.line = max_lines - results.height - (1 + bs) + 1 preview.line = results.line prompt.line = max_lines - bs if type(prompt.title) == "string" then prompt.title = { { pos = "S", text = prompt.title } } end if results.border == true then results.border = { 1, 1, 0, 1 } end else error(string.format("Unknown prompt_position: %s\n%s", self.window.prompt_position, vim.inspect(layout_config))) end -- Col prompt.col = 0 -- centered if layout_config.mirror and preview.width > 0 then results.col = preview.width + (3 * bs) + 1 preview.col = bs + 1 else results.col = bs + 1 preview.col = results.width + (3 * bs) + 1 end if tbln then prompt.line = prompt.line + 1 results.line = results.line + 1 preview.line = preview.line + 1 end return { preview = self.previewer and preview.width > 0 and preview, prompt = prompt, results = results, } end ) layout_strategies._validate_layout_config = validate_layout_config return layout_strategies