local M = {} local fn = vim.fn local config = require("zettelkasten.config") local ZK_FULL_TITLE_PATTERN = "# %d+-%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+ .+" local ZK_ID_PATTERN = "%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+" local ZK_FILE_NAME_PATTERN = "%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+-%d+.md" local s_note_cache_with_file_path = {} local s_note_cache_with_id = {} local function get_files(folder) local files = fn.split(fn.globpath(folder, "*.md"), "\\n") files = vim.tbl_filter(function(file) return string.match(file, ZK_FILE_NAME_PATTERN) ~= nil end, files) return files end local function extract_id_and_title(line) local zk_id = string.match(line, ZK_FULL_TITLE_PATTERN) if zk_id == nil then return nil end zk_id = string.gsub(zk_id, "# ", "") local note_id = string.match(zk_id, ZK_ID_PATTERN) local title = vim.trim(string.gsub(zk_id, ZK_ID_PATTERN, "")) return { id = note_id, title = string.gsub(title, "\r", "") } end local function extract_references(line, linenr) assert(line ~= nil) local references = {} for ref in string.gmatch(line, "(%[%[" .. ZK_ID_PATTERN .. "%]%])") do ref = string.gsub(ref, "%[%[", "") ref = string.gsub(ref, "%]%]", "") table.insert(references, { id = ref, linenr = linenr }) end return references end local function extract_back_references(notes, note_id) assert(note_id ~= nil) local back_references = {} for _, note in ipairs(notes) do if note.id == note_id then goto continue end local references = note.references for _, ref in ipairs(references) do if ref.id == note_id then table.insert(back_references, { id = note.id, title = note.title, file_name = note.file_name, linenr = ref.linenr, }) break end end ::continue:: end return back_references end local function extract_tags(line, linenr) assert(line ~= nil) local tags = {} for tag in string.gmatch(line, "(%#%a[%w-]+)") do local start_pos, _ = string.find(line, tag, 1, true) local previous_char = string.sub(line, start_pos - 1, start_pos - 1) if previous_char == "" or previous_char == " " then table.insert(tags, { linenr = linenr, name = tag }) end end return tags end local function get_note_information(file_path) local last_modified = fn.strftime("%Y-%m-%d.%H:%M:%S", fn.getftime(file_path)) if s_note_cache_with_file_path[file_path] ~= nil and s_note_cache_with_file_path[file_path].last_modified == last_modified then return s_note_cache_with_file_path[file_path] end local file = io.open(file_path, "r") if file:read(0) == nil then return nil end local info = { file_name = file_path, last_modified = last_modified, tags = {}, references = {}, back_references = {}, } local linenr = 0 while true do linenr = linenr + 1 local line = file:read("*line") if line == nil then break end if line == "" then goto continue end if info.id == nil then local id_title = extract_id_and_title(line) if id_title then info = vim.tbl_extend("error", info, id_title) goto continue end end local refs = extract_references(line, linenr) if refs then vim.list_extend(info.references, refs) end local tags = extract_tags(line, linenr) if tags then vim.list_extend(info.tags, tags) end ::continue:: end s_note_cache_with_file_path[file_path] = info s_note_cache_with_id[info.id] = info return info end function M.get_note(id) if s_note_cache_with_id[id] ~= nil then return s_note_cache_with_id[id] end local _ = M.get_notes() if s_note_cache_with_id[id] ~= nil then return s_note_cache_with_id[id] end return nil end function M.get_notes() local folder = config.get().notes_path local files = get_files(folder) local all_notes = {} for _, file in ipairs(files) do table.insert(all_notes, get_note_information(file)) end for _, note in ipairs(all_notes) do if note.id == nil then goto continue end local back_references = extract_back_references(all_notes, note.id) if back_references then -- When notes are cached, `back_references` field will have the references from before. -- Since the files that refer to this one might have changed, we'll overwrite it here. -- extract_back_references() already re-processes the references. note.back_references = back_references end ::continue:: end return all_notes end function M.get_tags() local notes = M.get_notes() local tags = {} for _, note in ipairs(notes) do if #note.tags == 0 then goto continue end for _, tag in ipairs(note.tags) do table.insert(tags, { linenr = tag.linenr, name = tag.name, file_name = note.file_name, }) end ::continue:: end return tags end return M