local api = vim.api local configs = require "nvim-treesitter.configs" local ts_utils = require "nvim-treesitter.ts_utils" local locals = require "nvim-treesitter.locals" local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers" local queries = require "nvim-treesitter.query" local M = {} ---@type table> local selections = {} function M.init_selection() local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local node = ts_utils.get_node_at_cursor() selections[buf] = { [1] = node } ts_utils.update_selection(buf, node) end -- Get the range of the current visual selection. -- -- The range starts with 1 and the ending is inclusive. ---@return integer, integer, integer, integer local function visual_selection_range() local _, csrow, cscol, _ = unpack(vim.fn.getpos "'<") ---@type integer, integer, integer, integer local _, cerow, cecol, _ = unpack(vim.fn.getpos "'>") ---@type integer, integer, integer, integer local start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col ---@type integer, integer, integer, integer if csrow < cerow or (csrow == cerow and cscol <= cecol) then start_row = csrow start_col = cscol end_row = cerow end_col = cecol else start_row = cerow start_col = cecol end_row = csrow end_col = cscol end return start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col end ---@param node TSNode ---@return boolean local function range_matches(node) local csrow, cscol, cerow, cecol = visual_selection_range() local srow, scol, erow, ecol = ts_utils.get_vim_range { node:range() } return srow == csrow and scol == cscol and erow == cerow and ecol == cecol end ---@param get_parent fun(node: TSNode): TSNode|nil ---@return fun():nil local function select_incremental(get_parent) return function() local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local nodes = selections[buf] local csrow, cscol, cerow, cecol = visual_selection_range() -- Initialize incremental selection with current selection if not nodes or #nodes == 0 or not range_matches(nodes[#nodes]) then local root = parsers.get_parser():parse()[1]:root() local node = root:named_descendant_for_range(csrow - 1, cscol - 1, cerow - 1, cecol) ts_utils.update_selection(buf, node) if nodes and #nodes > 0 then table.insert(selections[buf], node) else selections[buf] = { [1] = node } end return end -- Find a node that changes the current selection. local node = nodes[#nodes] ---@type TSNode while true do local parent = get_parent(node) if not parent or parent == node then -- Keep searching in the main tree -- TODO: we should search on the parent tree of the current node. local root = parsers.get_parser():parse()[1]:root() parent = root:named_descendant_for_range(csrow - 1, cscol - 1, cerow - 1, cecol) if not parent or root == node or parent == node then ts_utils.update_selection(buf, node) return end end node = parent local srow, scol, erow, ecol = ts_utils.get_vim_range { node:range() } local same_range = (srow == csrow and scol == cscol and erow == cerow and ecol == cecol) if not same_range then table.insert(selections[buf], node) if node ~= nodes[#nodes] then table.insert(nodes, node) end ts_utils.update_selection(buf, node) return end end end end M.node_incremental = select_incremental(function(node) return node:parent() or node end) M.scope_incremental = select_incremental(function(node) local lang = parsers.get_buf_lang() if queries.has_locals(lang) then return locals.containing_scope(node:parent() or node) else return node end end) function M.node_decremental() local buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() local nodes = selections[buf] if not nodes or #nodes < 2 then return end table.remove(selections[buf]) local node = nodes[#nodes] ---@type TSNode ts_utils.update_selection(buf, node) end local FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS = { init_selection = "Start selecting nodes with nvim-treesitter", node_incremental = "Increment selection to named node", scope_incremental = "Increment selection to surrounding scope", node_decremental = "Shrink selection to previous named node", } ---@param bufnr integer function M.attach(bufnr) local config = configs.get_module "incremental_selection" for funcname, mapping in pairs(config.keymaps) do if mapping then ---@type string, string|function local mode, rhs if funcname == "init_selection" then mode = "n" ---@type function rhs = M[funcname] else mode = "x" -- We need to move to command mode to access marks '< (visual area start) and '> (visual area end) which are not -- properly accessible in visual mode. rhs = string.format(":lua require'nvim-treesitter.incremental_selection'.%s()", funcname) end vim.keymap.set( mode, mapping, rhs, { buffer = bufnr, silent = true, noremap = true, desc = FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS[funcname] } ) end end end function M.detach(bufnr) local config = configs.get_module "incremental_selection" for f, mapping in pairs(config.keymaps) do if mapping then if f == "init_selection" then vim.keymap.del("n", mapping, { buffer = bufnr }) else vim.keymap.del("x", mapping, { buffer = bufnr }) end end end end return M