local api = vim.api local fn = vim.fn local luv = vim.loop local M = {} -- Wrapper around vim.notify with common options set. ---@param msg string ---@param log_level number|nil ---@param opts table|nil function M.notify(msg, log_level, opts) local default_opts = { title = "nvim-treesitter" } vim.notify(msg, log_level, vim.tbl_extend("force", default_opts, opts or {})) end -- Returns the system-specific path separator. ---@return string function M.get_path_sep() return (fn.has "win32" == 1 and not vim.opt.shellslash:get()) and "\\" or "/" end -- Returns a function that joins the given arguments with separator. Arguments -- can't be nil. Example: -- --[[ print(M.generate_join(" ")("foo", "bar")) --]] --prints "foo bar" ---@param separator string ---@return fun(...: string): string function M.generate_join(separator) return function(...) return table.concat({ ... }, separator) end end M.join_path = M.generate_join(M.get_path_sep()) M.join_space = M.generate_join " " ---@class Command ---@field run function ---@field f_args string ---@field args string -- Define user defined vim command which calls nvim-treesitter module function -- - If module name is 'mod', it should be defined in hierarchy 'nvim-treesitter.mod' -- - A table with name 'commands' should be defined in 'mod' which needs to be passed as -- the commands param of this function -- ---@param mod string Name of the module that resides in the hierarchy - nvim-treesitter.module ---@param commands table Command list for the module --- - {command_name} Name of the vim user defined command, Keys: --- - {run}: (function) callback function that needs to be executed --- - {f_args}: (string, default ) --- - type of arguments that needs to be passed to the vim command --- - {args}: (string, optional) --- - vim command attributes --- ---* @example --- If module is nvim-treesitter.custom_mod ---
---  M.commands = {
---      custom_command = {
---          run = M.module_function,
---          f_args = "",
---          args = {
---              "-range"
---          }
---      }
---  }
---  utils.setup_commands("custom_mod", require("nvim-treesitter.custom_mod").commands)
--- --- Will generate command : ---
---  command! -range custom_command \
---      lua require'nvim-treesitter.custom_mod'.commands.custom_command['run']()
function M.setup_commands(mod, commands) for command_name, def in pairs(commands) do local f_args = def.f_args or "" local call_fn = string.format("lua require'nvim-treesitter.%s'.commands.%s['run'](%s)", mod, command_name, f_args) local parts = vim.tbl_flatten { "command!", "-bar", def.args, command_name, call_fn, } api.nvim_command(table.concat(parts, " ")) end end ---@param dir string ---@param create_err string ---@param writeable_err string ---@return string|nil, string|nil function M.create_or_reuse_writable_dir(dir, create_err, writeable_err) create_err = create_err or M.join_space("Could not create dir '", dir, "': ") writeable_err = writeable_err or M.join_space("Invalid rights, '", dir, "' should be read/write") -- Try creating and using parser_dir if it doesn't exist if not luv.fs_stat(dir) then local ok, error = pcall(vim.fn.mkdir, dir, "p", "0755") if not ok then return nil, M.join_space(create_err, error) end return dir end -- parser_dir exists, use it if it's read/write if luv.fs_access(dir, "RW") then return dir end -- parser_dir exists but isn't read/write, give up return nil, M.join_space(writeable_err, dir, "'") end function M.get_package_path() -- Path to this source file, removing the leading '@' local source = string.sub(debug.getinfo(1, "S").source, 2) -- Path to the package root return fn.fnamemodify(source, ":p:h:h:h") end function M.get_cache_dir() local cache_dir = fn.stdpath "data" if luv.fs_access(cache_dir, "RW") then return cache_dir elseif luv.fs_access("/tmp", "RW") then return "/tmp" end return nil, M.join_space("Invalid cache rights,", fn.stdpath "data", "or /tmp should be read/write") end -- Returns $XDG_DATA_HOME/nvim/site, but could use any directory that is in -- runtimepath function M.get_site_dir() return M.join_path(fn.stdpath "data", "site") end -- Gets a property at path ---@param tbl table the table to access ---@param path string the '.' separated path ---@return table|nil result the value at path or nil function M.get_at_path(tbl, path) if path == "" then return tbl end local segments = vim.split(path, ".", true) ---@type table[]|table local result = tbl for _, segment in ipairs(segments) do if type(result) == "table" then ---@type table -- TODO: figure out the actual type of tbl result = result[segment] end end return result end function M.set_jump() vim.cmd "normal! m'" end -- Filters a list based on the given predicate ---@param tbl any[] The list to filter ---@param predicate fun(v:any, i:number):boolean The predicate to filter with function M.filter(tbl, predicate) local result = {} for i, v in ipairs(tbl) do if predicate(v, i) then table.insert(result, v) end end return result end -- Returns a list of all values from the first list -- that are not present in the second list. ---@param tbl1 any[] The first table ---@param tbl2 any[] The second table ---@return table function M.difference(tbl1, tbl2) return M.filter(tbl1, function(v) return not vim.tbl_contains(tbl2, v) end) end function M.identity(a) return a end -- Returns a function returning the given value ---@param a any ---@return fun():any function M.constant(a) return function() return a end end -- Returns a function that returns the given value if it is a function, -- otherwise returns a function that returns the given value. ---@param a any ---@return fun(...):any function M.to_func(a) return type(a) == "function" and a or M.constant(a) end ---@return string|nil function M.ts_cli_version() if fn.executable "tree-sitter" == 1 then local handle = io.popen "tree-sitter -V" if not handle then return end local result = handle:read "*a" handle:close() return vim.split(result, "\n")[1]:match "[^tree%psitter ].*" end end return M