"============================================================================= " clipboard.vim --- clipboard for neovim and vim8 " Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Wang Shidong & Contributors " Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > " URL: https://spacevim.org " License: GPLv3 "============================================================================= let s:LOGGER =SpaceVim#logger#derive('clipboard') " This script is based on kamilkrz (Kamil KrzeĊ)'s idea about using clipboard. function! s:set_command() abort let yank = '' let paste = '' " the logic is based on nvim's clipboard provider " in vim8, system() do not support list argv if has('mac') let yank = 'pbcopy' let paste = 'pbpaste' elseif !empty($WAYLAND_DISPLAY) && executable('wl-copy') && executable('wl-paste') let yank = 'wl-copy --foreground --type text/plain' let paste = 'wl-paste --no-newline' elseif !empty($DISPLAY) && executable('xclip') let yank = 'xclip -quiet -i -selection clipboard' let paste = 'xclip -o -selection clipboard' elseif !empty($DISPLAY) && executable('xsel') let yank = 'xsel --nodetach -i -b' let paste = 'xsel -o -b' elseif executable('lemonade') let yank = 'lemonade copy' let paste = 'lemonade paste' elseif executable('doitclient') let yank = 'doitclient wclip' let paste = 'doitclient wclip -r' elseif executable('win32yank.exe') if has('wsl') && getftype(exepath('win32yank.exe')) == 'link' let win32yank = resolve(exepath('win32yank.exe')) else let win32yank = 'win32yank.exe' endif let yank = shellescape(win32yank) . ' -i --crlf' let paste = shellescape(win32yank) . ' -o --lf' elseif executable('termux-clipboard-set') let yank = 'termux-clipboard-set' let paste = 'termux-clipboard-get' elseif !empty($TMUX) && executable('tmux') let yank = 'tmux load-buffer -' let paste = 'tmux save-buffer -' endif return [yank, paste] endfunction " yank to system clipboard function! clipboard#yank() abort if !empty(s:yank_cmd) call system(s:yank_cmd, s:get_selection_text()) else if has('clipboard') let @+ = s:get_selection_text() else endif endif endfunction " The mode can be `p` or `P` function! clipboard#paste(mode) abort if !empty(s:paste_cmd) let @" = system(s:paste_cmd) else if has('clipboard') let @" = @+ else endif endif return a:mode endfunction function! s:get_selection_text() let [begin, end] = [getpos("'<"), getpos("'>")] let lastchar = matchstr(getline(end[1])[end[2]-1 :], '.') if begin[1] ==# end[1] let lines = [getline(begin[1])[begin[2]-1 : end[2]-2]] else let lines = [getline(begin[1])[begin[2]-1 :]] \ + (end[1] - begin[1] <# 2 ? [] : getline(begin[1]+1, end[1]-1)) \ + [getline(end[1])[: end[2]-2]] endif return join(lines, "\n") . lastchar . (visualmode() ==# 'V' ? "\n" : '') endfunction let [s:yank_cmd, s:paste_cmd] = s:set_command() call s:LOGGER.info('yank_cmd is:' . string(s:yank_cmd)) call s:LOGGER.info('paste_cmd is:' . string(s:paste_cmd)) function! clipboard#set(yank, past) abort let s:yank_cmd = a:yank let s:paste_cmd = a:past call s:LOGGER.info('yank_cmd is:' . string(s:yank_cmd)) call s:LOGGER.info('paste_cmd is:' . string(s:paste_cmd)) endfunction