## Steps of sending a PR

1. fork this repo
2. checkout a new branch from master
3. push your commits
4. sending pull request

<!-- Update the labels call SpaceVim#dev#wiki#updateLabels() -->

<!-- SpaceVim Wiki labels info start -->

## Labels

| Name                  | color   | description                                         |
| --------------------- | ------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| bug                   | #ee0701 | bug of SpaceVim core                                |
| bug-upstream          | #ffd5bc | bug of upstream plugins for vim/neovim              |
| can-not-reproduce     | #8851b5 | Can not reproduce this issue                        |
| colorscheme           | #D63BEB | Request for new colorscheme                         |
| dependencies          | #0366d6 | Pull requests that update a dependency file         |
| detach                | #d4c5f9 | Bug in detached plugins                             |
| discussion            | #1be209 | general dicussion about spacevim                    |
| doc                   | #24cc56 | doc type or need to be improved                     |
| duplicate             | #bfdadc | duplicate issue                                     |
| enhancement           | #84b6eb | improvement of exist feature                        |
| feature request       | #f9c77c | request for new features                            |
| good first issue      | #add4ed |
| has-PR                | #2b49f2 | there is a pull request against this issue          |
| help wanted           | #d5ff9e | We need some help with these issues.                |
| lang:C/C++            | #f4711f |
| lang:go               | #8cf2c2 | Issue about go layer                                |
| lang:TypeScript       | #38b8d8 | TypeScript specific issue                           |
| languages             | #97c425 |
| missing-debug-info    | #89484F | Missing debug information                           |
| new layer             | #c5def5 | discussion about new layer                          |
| os:mac                | #a8b8ed | Problems with mac                                   |
| os:windows            | #036d5f | Problems with Windows.                              |
| PR welcome            | #674eb2 | pull request is welcome                             |
| questions             | #A7A0C5 | General usage questions                             |
| RDY                   | #e99695 | Ready, can be merged                                |
| RFC                   | #006b75 | Request For Comment                                 |
| ruby                  | #ce2d2d | Pull requests that update Ruby code                 |
| todo :spiral_notepad: | #00B0D8 | null                                                |
| unplanned             | #eaf24d | unplanned feature, but PR or discussion is welcome. |
| usage                 | #fef2c0 | usage of vim/neovim/spacevim                        |

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