*neo-tree.txt* Plugin to browse the file system and other tree like structures CONTENTS *neo-tree* Introduction ................ |neo-tree-introduction| Commands .................... |neo-tree-commands| Mappings .................... |neo-tree-mappings| Help ...................... |neo-tree-help| Navigation ................ |neo-tree-navigation| View Changes .............. |neo-tree-view-changes| File Actions .............. |neo-tree-file-actions| Filter .................... |neo-tree-filter| Global custom commands .... |neo-tree-custom-commands-global| Configuration ............... |neo-tree-configuration| Setup ..................... |neo-tree-setup| Source Selector ........... |neo-tree-source-selector| Filtered Items ............ |neo-tree-filtered-items| Preview Mode .............. |neo-tree-preview-mode| Hijack Netrw Behavior ..... |neo-tree-netrw-hijack| Component Configs ......... |neo-tree-component-configs| Git Status ................ |neo-tree-git-status| Diagnostics ............... |neo-tree-diagnostics| Indent markers ............ |neo-tree-indent-markers| Expanders ................. |neo-tree-expanders| File nesting .............. |neo-tree-file-nesting| Highlights ................ |neo-tree-highlights| Events .................... |neo-tree-events| Components and Renderers .. |neo-tree-renderers| Buffer Variables .......... |neo-tree-buffer-variables| Popups .................... |neo-tree-popups| Other Sources ............... |neo-tree-sources| Buffers ................... |neo-tree-buffers| Git Status ................ |neo-tree-git-status-source| Document Symbols .......... |neo-tree-document-symbols| INTRODUCTION *neo-tree-introduction* Neo-tree is a plugin for nvim that can display tree structures in a sidebar, floating window, or in a split. The current version includes a filesystem browser, a buffer list, and a git status view. If you want to use this in splits like |netrw| instead of as a sidebar or floating window, use the *Split commands, such as |NeoTreeRevealInSplit|. You may use both styles at the same time if you want. COMMANDS *:Neotree* *neo-tree-commands* Neo-tree does not define any default keybindings for nvim. The suggested keybindings are: nnoremap / :Neotree toggle current reveal_force_cwd<cr> nnoremap | :Neotree reveal<cr> nnoremap gd :Neotree float reveal_file=<cfile> reveal_force_cwd<cr> nnoremap <leader>b :Neotree toggle show buffers right<cr> nnoremap <leader>s :Neotree float git_status<cr> The single |:Neotree| command accepts a range of arguments that give you full control over the details of what and where it will show. Arguments can be specified as either a key=value pair or just as the value. The key=value form is more verbose but may help with clarity. For example, the "buffers" command above can also be specified as: >vim :Neotree action=show source=buffers position=right toggle=true < These arguments can be specified in any order. Here is the full list of arguments you can use: action~ What to do. Can be one of: focus : Show and/or switch focus to the specified Neotree window. DEFAULT show : Show the window, but keep focus on your current window. close : Close the window(s) specified. Can be combined with "position" and/or "source" to specify which window(s) to close. source~ What to show. Can be one of: filesystem : Show a file browser. DEFAULT buffers : Show a list of currently open buffers. git_status : Show the output of `git status` in a tree layout. position~ Where to show it, can be one of: left : Open as left hand sidebar. DEFAULT right : Open as right hand sidebar. float : Open as floating window. current : Open within the current window, like netrw or vinegar would. toggle~ This is a boolean flag. Adding this means that the window will be closed if it is already open. dir~ The directory to set as the root/cwd of the specified window. If you include a directory as one of the arguments, it will be assumed to be this option, you don't need the full dir=/path. You may use any value that can be passed to the 'expand' function, such as `%:p:h:h` to specify two directories up from the current file. git_base~ The base that is used to calculate the git status for each dir/file. By default it uses `HEAD`, so it shows all changes that are not yet committed. You can for example work on a feature branch, and set it to `main`. It will show all changes that happened on the feature branch and main since you branched off. Any git ref, commit, tag, or sha will work. reveal~ This is a boolean flag. Adding this will make Neotree automatically find and focus the current file when it opens. reveal_path~ A path to a file to reveal. This supersedes the "reveal" flag so there is no need to specify both. Use this if you want to reveal something other than the current file. If you include a path to a file as one of the arguments, it will be assumed to be this option. Like "dir", you can pass any value that can be passed to the 'expand' function. reveal_force_cwd~ This is a boolean flag. Normally, if you use one of the reveal options and the given file is not within the current working directory, you will be asked if you want to change the current working directory. If you include this flag, it will automatically change the directory without prompting. This option implies "reveal", so you do not need to specify both. DEPRECATED_COMMANDS The following commands from Neotree v1.x will remain until v3.0 for backwards compatibility. You should not use them if you are a new user, and existing users should change their mapping to the new |:Neotree| command specified above. :NeoTreeFocus -> :Neotree :NeoTreeShow -> :Neotree show :NeoTreeShowInSplit -> :Neotree show current :NeoTreeReveal -> :Neotree reveal :NeoTreeRevealInSplit -> :Neotree reveal current :NeoTreeFloat -> :Neotree float :NeoTreeClose -> :Neotree close :NeoTreePasteConfig -> :lua require("neo-tree").paste_default_config() Once you have migrated your mappings, it is recommended that you remove the old commands by adding this option before the Neotree config is run: >vim let g:neo_tree_remove_legacy_commands = 1 < =============================================================================== MAPPINGS ~ =============================================================================== *neo-tree-mappings* HELP *neo-tree-help* ? = show_help: Shows a popup window with all of the mappings for the current Neotree window. Pressing one of those keys will close the help screen and execute the chosen command in the original Neotree window. NOTE that selecting a line in the help window and pressing enter will not execute that command, it will just execute whatever the enter key is mapped to. NAVIGATION *neo-tree-navigation* Within the neo-tree window, for the filesystem source, the following mappings are defined by default. All built-in commands are listed here but some are not mapped by default. See |neo-tree-custom-commands| for details on how to use them in a custom mapping. Note: The "selected" item is the line the cursor is currently on. < = prev_source: Switches to the previous source. > = next_source: Switches to the next source. <bs> = navigate_up: Moves the root directory up one level. . = set_root: Changes the root directory to the currently selected folder. <space> = toggle_node Expand or collapse a node with children, which may be a directory or a nested file. <2-LeftMouse> = open: Expand or collapse a folder. If a file is selected, open it in the window closest to the tree. <cr> = open: Same as above. C = close_node: Close node if it is open, else close it's parent. z = close_all_nodes: Close all nodes in the tree. close_all_subnodes: Same as "close_node", but also recursively collapse all subnodes, similar to "close_all_nodes" expand_all_nodes: Expand all directory nodes in the tree recursively. P = toggle_preview: Toggles "preview mode", see |neo-tree-preview-mode| l = focus_preview: Focus the active preview window <esc> = revert_preview: Ends "preview_mode" if it is enabled, and reverts any preview windows to what was being shown before preview mode began. S = open_split: Same as open, but opens in a new horizontal split. s = open_vsplit: Same as open, but opens in a vertical split. t = open_tabnew: Same as open, but opens in a new tab. open_drop: Same as open, but opens with the |:drop| command. open_tab_drop: Same as open, but opens in a new tab with the |:drop| command with the |:tab| modifier. w = open_with_window_picker: Uses the `window-picker` plugin to select a window to open the selected node in. Requires that https://github.com/s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker be installed. split_with_window_picker: Same as `open_with_window_picker` but opens split in selected node instead. vsplit_with_window_picker: Same as `open_with_window_picker` but opens vertical split in selected node instead. [g = prev_git_modified: Jump to the previous file reported by `git status` that is within the current working directory. This will loop around if you are on the last one. ]g = next_git_modified: Jump to the next file reported by `git status` that is within the current working directory. This will loop around if you are on the last one. FILE ACTIONS *neo-tree-file-actions* a = add: Create a new file OR directory. Add a `/` to the end of the name to make a directory. This command supports an optional `config.show_path` option which controls what portion of the path is shown in the prompt. The choices for this option are: `"none"`: which is the default. `"relative"`: shows the portion which is relative to the current root of the tree. `"absolute"`: is the full path to the current directory. The file path also supports BASH style brace expansion. sequence style ("{00..05..2}") as well as nested braces. Here are some examples how this expansion works. "x{a..e..2}" : "xa", "xc", "xe" "file.txt{,.bak}" : "file.txt", "file.txt.bak" "./{a,b}/{00..02}.lua" : "./a/00.lua", "./a/01.lua", "./a/02.lua", "./b/00.lua", "./b/01.lua", "./b/02.lua" A = add_directory: Create a new directory, in this mode it does not need to end with a `/`. The path also supports BASH style brace expansion as explained in `add` command. Also accepts `config.show_path` options d = delete: Delete the selected file or directory. Supports visual selection.~ r = rename: Rename the selected file or directory. y = copy_to_clipboard: Mark file to be copied. Supports visual selection.~ x = cut_to_clipboard: Mark file to be cut (moved). Supports visual selection.~ p = paste_from_clipboard: Copy/move each marked file to the selected folder. c = copy: Copy the selected file or directory. Also accepts the optional `config.show_path` option like the add file action. m = move: Move the selected file or directory. Also accepts the optional `config.show_path` option like the add file action. VIEW CHANGES *neo-tree-view-changes* H = toggle_hidden: Toggle whether hidden (filtered items) are shown or not. R = refresh: Rescan the filesystem and redraw the tree. Changes made within nvim should be detected automatically, but this is useful for changes made elsewhere. FILTER *neo-tree-filter* NOTE: All of the below commands are affected by the `find_by_full_path_words` option: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { find_by_full_path_words = false, } }) < `false` means it only searches the tail of a path and is the default. `true` will change the filter into a full path search with space as an implicit `".*"`, so `fi init` will match: `./sources/filesystem/init.lua` / = fuzzy_finder: Filter the tree recursively, searching for files and folders that contain the specified term as you type. This will use fd if it is installed, or find, or which if you are on Windows. As of v1.28, this acts like a fuzzy finder, meaning that pressing up/down while the filter window is open will move the cursor up and down in the tree, and pressing `<enter>` will open that item and clear the filter. Any other method of closing the filter window will also clear the filter. D = fuzzy_finder_directory: Like fuzzy_finder above, but only shows directories. Pressing <enter> on a directory will clear the search and set the focus on that directory. Requires `fd` or `find` to be installed~ # = fuzzy_sorter: Sort the tree recursively based on fzy algorithm, showing top score files. Space separated keywords are treated as `and` which will be useful to narrow down as you type. The file list is taken from fd and other programs mentioned in `fuzzy_finder`. `fuzzy_sorter_directory` can be used to show list of directories instead. f = filter_on_submit: Same as above, but does not search until you hit enter. Useful if filter_as_you_type is too slow. Also useful if you want to leave the tree filtered. <C-x> = clear_filter: Removes the filter. PREVIEW MODE *neo-tree-preview-mode* Preview mode will temporarily show whatever file the cursor is on without switching focus from the Neo-tree window. By default, files will be previewed in a new floating window. This can also be configured to automatically choose an existing split by configuring the command like this: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ window = { mappings = { ["P"] = { "toggle_preview", config = { use_float = false } }, } } }) < Anything that causes Neo-tree to lose focus will end preview mode. When `use_float = false`, the window that was taken over by preview mode will revert back to whatever was shown in that window before preview mode began. If you want to work with the floating preview mode window in autocmds or other custom code, the window will have the `neo-tree-preview` filetype. When preview mode is not using floats, the window will have the window local variable `neo_tree_preview` set to `1` to indicate that it is being used as a preview window. You can refer to this in statusline and winbar configs to mark a window as being used as a preview. CUSTOM MAPPINGS *neo-tree-custom-mappings* If you want to change the mappings, you can do so in two places. Mappings defined in `window.mappings` apply to all sources, and mappings defined at the source level, such as `filesystem.window.mappings` will override and extend those global mappings for that particular source. For example: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ window = { mappings = { ["A"] = "command_a" } }, filesystem = { window = { mappings = { ["A"] = "command_b" } } } }) < The above config will map `A` to command_a for all sources except for filesystem, which will use command_b instead. If you don't want to use *any* default mappings, you can set `use_default_mappings = false` in your config. If you want to remove one or more particular default mappings, you can map the sequence to `none` or `noop`. For example, if you don’t wish to use fuzzy finder (default mapping `/`), but instead rely on Neovim’s built-in search functionality, you can do that like so this: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { window = { mappings = { -- disable fuzzy finder ["/"] = "noop" } } } }) < NOTE: Not all commands work for all sources. If it is defined in the source section in the default config instead of at the root level, that means it is specific to that source and will not work for others. CUSTOM COMMANDS *neo-tree-custom-commands* If you want to define your own command, you have two options: 1. You can define (or override) a command in the `commands` section of the config for each source, then reference that by name in a mapping. 2. You can map directly to a function and skip defining a command. You probably want #2: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { window = { mappings = { ["?"] = function(state) local node = state.tree:get_node() print(node.name) end } } } }) < ..or >lua local print_me = function(state) local node = state.tree:get_node() print(node.name) end require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { window = { mappings = { ["?"] = print_me } } } }) < ...but if you want #1, here is how that works: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { commands = { print_me = function(state) local node = state.tree:get_node() print(node.name) end }, mappings = { ["?"] = "print_me" } } }) < GLOBAL CUSTOM COMMANDS *neo-tree-custom-commands-global* You can also have global custom commands that will be added to all available sources. If you need it you can then override it in a specific source. >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ commands = { hello = function() -- define a global "hello world" function print("Hello world") end }, window = { mappings = { ["<C-c>"] = "hello" -- define a global mapping to call 'hello' in every source } }, filesystem = { commands = { -- override implementation of the 'hello' action in filesystem source hello = function() print("Hello inside filesystem") end } } }) < Now when pressing `<C-c>` in 'buffers' or 'git_status' it will print "Hello world", but in 'filesystem' it will print "Hello inside filesystem". CUSTOM MAPPINGS WITH VISUAL MODE If you want to create a mapping that supports visual mode, the way to do that is to add a second command where the name is the same as the normal mode command, but with `_visual` added to the end. Any mapping for this command will then work in either normal or visual mode. The `_visual` version of the command will be called with a second argument which is a list of the nodes that were selected when the command was called. For example, this is how the built-in `delete` command is defined: >lua M.delete = function(state, callback) local tree = state.tree local node = tree:get_node() fs_actions.delete_node(node.path, callback) end M.delete_visual = function(state, selected_nodes, callback) local paths_to_delete = {} for _, node_to_delete in pairs(selected_nodes) do table.insert(paths_to_delete, node_to_delete.path) end fs_actions.delete_nodes(paths_to_delete, callback) end < CUSTOM MAPPINGS WITH ARGUMENTS If you want to include options for your mappings, such as `nowait`, you can set this for all mappings using the `mapping_options` key, or on individual mappings by specifying them as a table that consists of the command and any options you want to use. If both are specified, the mapping merges with and overrides the global `mapping_options` The command can be either the string name of a built-in command, or a function, and is specified either as the first element in the table or by assigning it to the `command` key: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { window = { mapping_options = { noremap = true, nowait = false, }, mappings = { ["?"] = { function(state) local node = state.tree:get_node() print(node.name) end, nowait = true }, ["i"] = { command = function(state) local node = state.tree:get_node() print(node.name) end, nowait = true }, ["o"] = { command = "open", nowait = true }, ["O"] = { "open", nowait = true }, } } } }) < See |:map-arguments| for possible values to include. "buffer" and "nnoremap" are enabled by default. CUSTOM MAPPINGS WITH CONFIG Some mappings may accept an optional `config` table to control it's behavior. When that is the case, the command is specified using the table syntax, and the config options are in a table bound to the `config` key: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { window = { mappings = { ["a"] = { "add", nowait = true config = { show_path = "none" -- "none", "relative", "absolute" } }, } } } }) < When the `config` key is used, it is added to the `state` argument that is passed to the command function: >lua M.add = function(state, callback) local show_path = state.config.show_path ... < ================================================================================ CONFIGURATION ~ ================================================================================ *neo-tree-configuration* Neo-tree is highly configurable and you should be able to make it do whatever you want without having to change the internal code. Here are the ways you can customize it: By setting config options in the |neo-tree-setup| function. This is for very common items and is how you would configure most lua plugins. You can also change the look by configuring the appropriate highlight groups, see |neo-tree-highlights|. By creating custom mappings (see |neo-tree-mappings|). You can of course just change what keys are mapped to which built-in functions, but you can also map keys to a custom function and do whatever you want. See the wiki for some examples: https://github.com/nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim/wiki/Recipes#commands By hooking into |neo-tree-events|. You can do things like always clear the search after opening a file, or define a custom file opener to choose what window will be used, or respond to file events like renames and moves. By configuring, rearranging, adding, or removing |neo-tree-renderers| for each node type. The renderer is a list of components, such as "icon" and "name", which determines how each node displayed. Use them as lego pieces to build what you want to see. By adding or replacing |neo-tree-components|. Components are the functions called by the renderers, and they return the text and highlight group to be displayed. If you want to gather extra data just once per render to be used by a custom component, you can do so in the "before_render" event (see |neo-tree-events|), set that data on the `state` object, and reference it in the component. See the wiki for some examples of custom components: https://github.com/nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim/wiki/Recipes#components SETUP *neo-tree-setup* To override the defaults or add new functionality, call the setup() function with your overrides. For example, to add your own mappings in 'lua': >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { window = { mappings = { ["<F5>"] = "refresh", ["o"] = "open", } } } }) < NOTE: The mappings you define will be merged with the default mappings. If you wish to remove a default mapping without overriding it with your own function, assign it the the string "none". This will cause it to be skipped and allow any existing global mappings to work. NOTE: SOME OPTIONS ARE ONLY DOCUMENTED IN THE DEFAULT CONFIG!~ Run `:lua require("neo-tree").paste_default_config()` to dump the fully commented default config in your current file. Even if you don't want to use that config as your starting point, you still may want to dump it to a blank lua file just to read it as documentation. SOURCE SELECTOR *neo-tree-source-selector* You can enable a clickable source selector in either the winbar (requires neovim 0.8+) or the statusline. To do so, set one of these options to `true`: >lua requires("neo-tree").setup({ source_selector = { winbar = false, statusline = false } }) < The configuration options for source selector are all placed inside `source_selector` table. Below are the options with their default values and type notations. >lua requires("neo-tree").setup({ source_selector = { winbar = false, -- toggle to show selector on winbar statusline = false, -- toggle to show selector on statusline show_scrolled_off_parent_node = false, -- boolean sources = { -- table { source = "filesystem", -- string display_name = " Files " -- string | nil }, { source = "buffers", -- string display_name = " Buffers " -- string | nil }, { source = "git_status", -- string display_name = " Git " -- string | nil }, }, content_layout = "start", -- string tabs_layout = "equal", -- string truncation_character = "…", -- string tabs_min_width = nil, -- int | nil tabs_max_width = nil, -- int | nil padding = 0, -- int | { left: int, right: int } separator = { left = "▏", right= "▕" }, -- string | { left: string, right: string, override: string | nil } separator_active = nil, -- string | { left: string, right: string, override: string | nil } | nil show_separator_on_edge = false, -- boolean highlight_tab = "NeoTreeTabInactive", -- string highlight_tab_active = "NeoTreeTabActive", -- string highlight_background = "NeoTreeTabInactive", -- string highlight_separator = "NeoTreeTabSeparatorInactive", -- string highlight_separator_active = "NeoTreeTabSeparatorActive", -- string }, }) < Keywords: > <tab> <tab> <tab> <background> ┃/ a \/ b \/ c \ ┃ <- edge of window ^ ^^ ^^ ^ separators left separator right separator < Configuration Options: When `show_scrolled_off_parent_node` is `true`, tabs are replaced with the parent path of the top visible node when scrolled down. `sources` is a table to configure the contents of the bar. Previously known as `tab_labels`. Sources should be a table of tables. Each table inside `sources` must contain a `source` key, which will refer to the "name" of the source to add to the bar. A second optional `display_name` key can be provided to modify how you wish that source to appear in the bar. It is safe to add sources that do not exist, they will simply be omitted from the bar if they cannot be found. NOTE: If `source_selector` is enabled (via `winbar=true` or `statusline=true`) then the `default_source` will be updated to be the first entry of `sources`. `content_layout` defines how the labels are placed inside a tab. This only takes effect when the tab width is greater than the length of label i.e. `tabs_layout = "equal", "focus"` or when `tabs_min_width` is large enough. Following options are available. 'start' : left aligned / 裡 bufname \/.. 'end' : right aligned / 裡 bufname \/... 'center' : centered with equal padding / 裡 bufname \/... `tabs_layout` defines how the tabs are aligned inside the window when there is more than enough space. The following options are available. `active` will expand the focused tab as much as possible. Bars denote the edge of window. 'start' : left aligned ┃/ ~ \/ ~ \/ ~ \ ┃ 'end' : right aligned ┃ / ~ \/ ~ \/ ~ \┃ 'center' : centered with equal padding ┃ / ~ \/ ~ \/ ~ \ ┃ 'equal' : expand all tabs equally to fit the window width ┃/ ~ \/ ~ \/ ~ \┃ 'active' : expand the focused tab to fit the window width ┃/ focused tab \/ ~ \/ ~ \┃ `padding` defines the global padding of the source selector. It can be an integer or a table with keys `left` and `right`. Setting `padding = 2` is exactly the same as `{ left = 2, right = 2 }` `separator` and `separator_active` take string or table to define the separators surrounding non-active and active tab respectively. When `separator_active` is `nil`, it falls back to `separator`. They require three keys `left`, `right`, and `override` which define how the separators of neighboring tabs are merged together. The following four options are available for `override`. The examples show the result of `{ left = "/", right = "\", override = ... }` 'nil' : never merged / ~ \/ ~ \/ ~ \... '"right"' : all merged to the right / ~ \ ~ \ ~ \... '"left"' : all merged to the left / ~ / ~ / ~ /... '"active"' : merged towards the active tab / ~ / focused tab \ ~ \... When set to string such as "┃", it is equivalent to `{ left = "┃", right = "┃", override = "active" }`. `show_separator_on_edge` takes a boolean value where `false` (default) hides the separators on the far left / right. Especially useful when left and right separator are the same. 'true' : ┃/ ~ \/ ~ \/ ~ \┃ 'false' : ┃ ~ \/ ~ \/ ~ ┃ CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY *neo-tree-cwd* By default, Neo-tree will maintain a two-way binding between the cwd of nvim and the root of the tree. Changing the root in Neo-tree will change the working directory of nvim and vice versa. In the case of a sidebar, this will be synced with the tab working directory (|tcd|). If you open it in the "current" position, aka netrw style, it will sync with the window local working directory (|lcd|). These defaults can be changed by setting the following options: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { bind_to_cwd = true, -- true creates a 2-way binding between vim's cwd and neo-tree's root cwd_target = { sidebar = "tab", -- sidebar is when position = left or right current = "window" -- current is when position = current }, } }) < In addition to `"tab"` and `"window"`, you can also set the target to `"global"` for either option, which is the same as using the |cd| command. Setting the target to `"none"` will prevent neo-tree from setting vim's cwd for that position. FILTERED ITEMS *neo-tree-filtered-items* The `filesystem` source has a `filtered_items` section in it's config that allows you to specify what files and folders should be hidden. By default, any item identified by these filters will not be visible, but that visibility can be toggled on and off with a command. Each type of filter has a corresponding highlight group which will be applied when they are visible, see |neo-tree-highlights| for details. The following options are available: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { filtered_items = { visible = false, -- when true, they will just be displayed differently than normal items hide_dotfiles = true, hide_gitignored = true, hide_hidden = true, -- only works on Windows for hidden files/directories hide_by_name = { ".DS_Store", "thumbs.db", --"node_modules", }, hide_by_pattern = { --"*.meta", --"*/src/*/tsconfig.json", }, always_show = { -- remains visible even if other settings would normally hide it --".gitignored", }, never_show = { -- remains hidden even if visible is toggled to true, this overrides always_show --".DS_Store", --"thumbs.db", }, never_show_by_pattern = { -- uses glob style patterns --".null-ls_*", }, }, } }) < The `visible` option just defines the default value. This value is toggled by the "toggle_hidden" command, which is mapped to H by default. The `hide_dotfiles` option just hides anything that starts with `. `(period). The `hide_gitignored` option will query git for the files and folders being shown, and hide those that are marked as ignored. The `hide_hidden` option only will work on Windows using the Windows logic that determines if a file or directory is hidden. The `hide_by_name` option is a list of file/folder names that should be hidden. This is an exact match. The `hide_by_pattern` option uses glob syntax, which is converted to lua patterns. No guarantees on how it handles advanced patterns. The `always_show` option is a list of file/folder names that will always be visible, even if other settings would normally hide it. This section takes precedence over all other options except for `never_show`. The `never_show` option is the same as `hide_by_name`, except that those items will remain hidden even if you toggle `visible` to true. This section takes precedence over the others. The `never_show_by_pattern` option is the same as `hide_by_pattern`, except that those items will remain hidden even if you toggle `visible` to true. This section takes precedence over the others. NETRW HIJACK BEHAVIOR *neo-tree-netrw-hijack* Neo-tree can and does hijack Netrw by default. This is configurable and can be disabled if you use Netrw, or have other plugins that use Netrw functionality. This can be controlled by setting the `filesystem.hijack_netrw_behavior` option to one of: disabled Netrw left alone, neo-tree does not handle opening dirs. open_default (default) Netrw disabled, opening a directory opens neo-tree in whatever position is specified in `window.position`. open_current Netrw disabled, opening a directory opens within the window like netrw would, regardless of `window.position`. >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { hijack_netrw_behavior = "open_default", -- "open_current", -- "disabled", }) < COMPONENT CONFIGS *neo-tree-component-configs* The visual display of a node is made up of a series of components rendered in a certain order and with certain configuration options. See |neo-tree-components| for a deeper dive into customizing this aspect. If you wish to configure those components in a universal way, the best place to do that is in the `default_component_configs` section of the config. For example, to add indent markers, you can apply your settings in each renderer for each source, or just do it once in the default_component_configs section: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ default_component_configs = { indent = { with_markers = true, indent_marker = "│", last_indent_marker = "└", indent_size = 2, }, }, }) < See |neo-tree-indent-markers| for more details. The default config has more examples of component configuration, use |NeoTreePasteConfig| to view that default config. GIT STATUS *neo-tree-git-status* By default, Neo-tree will attempt to get the git status for files in the current directory. It will use this information to add markers to the right of your files, and will set the highlight groups of files and directories. To disable this feature entirely, set `enable_git_status = false` in your config when calling the setup function. To just disable colors on file or directory names, you can set `use_git_status_colors = false` in the `name` component of your renderer(s). Starting with 2.0, this will display symbols by default. The default symbols will require a nerd font to be installed. To change these symbols, you can set the following properties: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ default_component_configs = { symbols = { -- Change type added = "✚", deleted = "✖", modified = "", renamed = "", -- Status type untracked = "", ignored = "", unstaged = "", staged = "", conflict = "", } } }) < To change the color of these symbols, you can edit the corresponding highlight groups: NeoTreeGitAdded NeoTreeGitConflict NeoTreeGitDeleted NeoTreeGitIgnored NeoTreeGitModified NeoTreeGitUntracked If you'd like to disable certain symbols, you can set them to an empty string. For example, it is actually redundant to show the change type if you use the default behavior of highlighting the file name according to the change type. The following config will remove those change type symbols: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ default_component_configs = { symbols = { -- Change type added = "", deleted = "", modified = "", renamed = "", -- Status type untracked = "", ignored = "", unstaged = "", staged = "", conflict = "", } } }) < To revert to the previous behavior of passing the git status through as-is with codes like `[M ]` for changed/unstaged, and `[ M]` for changed/staged, you can set the `symbols` property to nil or false: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ default_component_configs = { git_status = { symbols = false } } }) < See also: |neo-tree-git-status-source| DIAGNOSTICS *neo-tree-diagnostics* By default, Neo-tree will display diagnostic symbols next to files. It will display the highest severity level for files, and errors only for directories. If you want to use symbols instead of "E", "W", "I", and H", you'll need to define those somewhere in your nvim configuration. Here is an example: >lua vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignError", {text = " ", texthl = "LspDiagnosticsSignError"}) vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignWarning", {text = " ", texthl = "LspDiagnosticsSignWarning"}) vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignInformation", {text = " ", texthl = "LspDiagnosticsSignInformation"}) vim.fn.sign_define("LspDiagnosticsSignHint", {text = "", texthl = "LspDiagnosticsSignHint"}) < Alternatively, you can also specify the signs and/or highlights in the neo-tree setup call like this: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ default_component_configs = { diagnostics = { symbols = { hint = "H", info = "I", warn = "!", error = "X", }, highlights = { hint = "DiagnosticSignHint", info = "DiagnosticSignInfo", warn = "DiagnosticSignWarn", error = "DiagnosticSignError", }, }, } }) > Anything not specified in the `default_component_configs` will fallback to the `sign_define` method. To disable this feature entirely, set `enable_diagnostics = false` in your config when calling the setup function. INDENT MARKERS *neo-tree-indent-markers* By default, indent markers (aka indent guides) are disabled. In Neo-tree indent is a component, so to enable indent markers, you need configure the `indent` component: ...at the global level: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ default_component_configs = { indent = { with_markers = true, indent_marker = "│", last_indent_marker = "└", indent_size = 2, }, }, }) < ...or in each renderer: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { renderers = { directory = { { "indent", with_markers = true, indent_marker = "│", last_indent_marker = "└", indent_size = 2, }, -- other components }, file = { { "indent", with_markers = true, indent_marker = "│", last_indent_marker = "└", indent_size = 2, }, -- other components }, } } }) < You also can change the marker characters. To do this, you need change `indent_marker` and `last_indent_marker` settings. To change highlight of indent markers, you need configure `NeoTreeIndentMarker` highlight group. By default, it refers to `Normal` highlight. EXPANDERS *neo-tree-expanders* Is hightly recommended enable if file nesting is enabled (this is the default behavior if `with_expanders` is nil). The config can be done inside the `indent` component: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ default_component_configs = { indent = { with_expanders = true, expander_collapsed = "", expander_expanded = "", expander_highlight = "NeoTreeExpander", }, }, }) < FILE NESTING *neo-tree-file-nesting* By default, file nesting is disabled since the `nesting_rules` table is empty. To enable this feature, fill in the `nesting_rules` table with the following structure: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ nesting_rules = { ["js"] = { "js.map" }, } }) < This will render: > FILENAME.js FILENAME.js.map < The default mapping to expand/collapse nested files is <space>. HIGHLIGHTS *neo-tree-highlights* The following highlight groups are defined by this plugin. If you set any of these yourself before the plugin loads, it will not be touched. If they do not exist, they will be created. NeoTreeBufferNumber The buffer number shown in the buffers source. NeoTreeCursorLine |hl-CursorLine| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeDimText Greyed out text used in various places. NeoTreeDirectoryIcon Directory icon. NeoTreeDirectoryName Directory name. NeoTreeDotfile Used for icons and names when dotfiles are filtered. NeoTreeFileIcon File icon, when not overridden by devicons. NeoTreeFileName File name, when not overwritten by another status. NeoTreeFileNameOpened File name when the file is open. Not used yet. NeoTreeFilterTerm The filter term, as displayed in the root node. NeoTreeFloatBorder The border for pop-up windows. NeoTreeFloatTitle Used for the title text of pop-ups when the border-style is set to another style than "NC". This is derived from NeoTreeFloatBorder. NeoTreeTitleBar Used for the title bar of pop-ups, when the border-style is set to "NC". This is derived from NeoTreeFloatBorder. NeoTreeGitAdded File name when the git status is added. NeoTreeGitConflict File name when the git status is conflict. NeoTreeGitDeleted File name when the git status is deleted. NeoTreeGitIgnored File name when the git status is ignored. NeoTreeGitModified File name when the git status is modified. NeoTreeGitUnstaged Used for git unstaged symbol. NeoTreeGitUntracked File name when the git status is untracked. NeoTreeGitStaged Used for git staged symbol. NeoTreeHiddenByName Used for icons and names when `hide_by_name` is used. NeoTreeIndentMarker The style of indentation markers (guides). By default, the "Normal" highlight is used. NeoTreeExpander Used for collapsed/expanded icons. NeoTreeNormal |hl-Normal| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeNormalNC |hl-NormalNC| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeSignColumn |hl-SignColumn| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeStatusLine |hl-StatusLine| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeStatusLineNC |hl-StatusLineNC| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeVertSplit |hl-VertSplit| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeWinSeparator |hl-WinSeparator| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeEndOfBuffer |hl-EndOfBuffer| override in Neo-tree window. NeoTreeRootName The name of the root node. NeoTreeSymbolicLinkTarget Symbolic link target. NeoTreeTitleBar Used for the title bar of pop-ups, when the border-style is set to "NC". This is derived from NeoTreeFloatBorder. NeoTreeWindowsHidden Used for icons and names that are hidden on Windows. EVENTS *neo-tree-events* Events are one way to customize the behavior of Neo-tree. You can add event handlers to your config in the `event_handlers` section, which should be a list of objects in the form: >lua { event = "event_name", handler = function(arg) -- do something, the value of arg varies by event. end, id = "optional unique id, only meaningful if you want to unsubscribe later" } < The following events are available: "before_render"~ Fired after items have been collected from the source but before drawing the nodes of the tree. This is the best place to gather additional data to be used by components. The argument passed is the state of the source, which is also passed to components and commands down the line. "after_render"~ Fired after the tree has been rendered. The argument passed is the state of the source, which is also passed to components and commands down the line. "file_added"~ Fired after a file (or folder) has been created, either by using the "add" command or by copy and paste. The arg is the full path to the new file. "file_deleted"~ Fired after a file (or folder) has been deleted. The arg is the full path to the deleted file. "file_moved"~ Fired after a file (or folder) has been moved. The arg is a table containing `source` and `destination` properties. "file_open_requested"~ Fired just before a file is opened. The arg is a table containing the `state` of the source being used, the `path` of the file to be opened, and `open_cmd`, which is the open command that was requested. `open_cmd` will be either |edit|, |split|, |vsplit|, |tabnew|. This function should return a table with a property called `handled` which is true if the file open operation was handled, or false if it was not. If `{ handled = true }` is not returned, the file will be opened using the built-in logic. "file_opened"~ Fired after a file has been opened. You might use this to auto-close the window or clear the filter. The arg is the path of the file opened. "file_renamed"~ Fired after a file (or folder) has been renamed. The arg is an table containing `source` and `destination` properties. "neo_tree_buffer_enter"~ Fired after entering a neo-tree buffer. It is also right after neo-tree applies it's own settings, so it's the ideal place to apply any local settings you would like to have. "neo_tree_buffer_leave"~ Fired after a neo-tree buffer was exited. Technically it fires when entering a buffer that is not neo-tree, when the last buffer enter event was neo-tree. "neo_tree_popup_buffer_enter"~ Fired after entering a neo-tree popup buffer. This includes things such as file rename prompts and filter inputs. It runs right after neo-tree applies it's own settings, so it's the ideal place to apply any local settings you would like to have. "neo_tree_popup_buffer_leave"~ Fired after leaving a neo-tree popup buffer. "neo_tree_window_before_open"~ Fired before opening a new Neo-tree window. Called with the following arg: *neo-tree-window-event-args* The event argument for all window events is a table with the following keys: `winid` = the |winid| of the window being opened or closed. `tabid` = id of the tab that the window is in. `tabnr` = (deprecated) number of the tab that the window is in. `source` = the name of the source that is in the window, such as "filesystem". `position` = the position of the window, i.e. "left", "bottom", "right". "neo_tree_window_after_open"~ Fired after opening a new Neo-tree window. Called with |neo-tree-window-event-args|. "neo_tree_window_before_close"~ Fired before closing a Neo-tree window. Called with |neo-tree-window-event-args|. "neo_tree_window_after_close"~ Fired after closing a Neo-tree window. Called with |neo-tree-window-event-args|. NOTE: The following events are used internally and not intended for end user usage. You can use them if you want, but beware that they may be debounced, and the details of how frequently they are fired and what events are dropped will be changed without warning. "vim_diagnostic_changed"~ Fired on the |DiagnosticChanged| autocmd event. The arg is a table with one property: `diagnostics_lookup`, which is a table where the keys are file names and the values are tables with diagnostic counts by severity level. "vim_buffer_changed"~ Fired on the following autocmd events: |BufDelete|, |BufWritePost|, |BufFilePost|, |BufNew| "vim_buffer_enter"~ Fired on the following autocmd events: |BufEnter|, |BufWinEnter| "vim_dir_changed"~ Fired on the |DirChanged| autocmd event "vim_win_enter"~ Fired on the |WinEnter| autocmd event "vim_colorscheme"~ Fired on the |ColorScheme| autocmd event You can also define your own with: > >lua require("neo-tree.events.queue").define_event(event_name, { setup = <function>, seed = <function>, teardown = <function>, debounce_frequency = <number>, once = <boolean>, cancelled = <boolean> }) < The setup function is run the first time the event is subscribed to. For an autocmd event, this would define the vim autocmd to connect it to fire_event(). The `seed` function is run at the beginning of every event firing. The diagnostics event uses this to collect the diagnostic information and pass it to all subscribers. The `teardown` function is used when the last subscriber unsubscribes, and cleans up. This is like Dispose in other languages. `debounce_frequency` is the minimum number of milliseconds between each invocation of the event. The first event is guaranteed to fire, as well as the last one, but in between events may be dropped if this is set to a number greater than zero. `once` means to only fire this event handler once then mark it as `cancelled`. `cancelled` means that this event handler will be skipped in all future event fires, and will be discarded on the next cleanup of the queue. COMPONENTS AND RENDERERS *neo-tree-renderers* A renderer is just a list of component configs, to be rendered in order to create a line in the tree. Each renderer is for a specific node type, such as `directory` or `file`. To view the available built-in components and their configs for each source, look at the default config by pasting it with >vim :lua require("neo-tree").paste_default_config() < or view it online at: https://github.com/nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim/blob/v1.x/lua/neo-tree/defaults.lua A default `renderers` config is specified at the root level and will be used by each source unless another renderer is defined. If you just want to rearrange or remove components, you can do so by changing these `renderers` configs. *neo-tree-components* A component is a function that returns a single text object: >lua { text = "Node A", highlight = "Normal" } < ... or a list of text objects: >lua { { text = "Node Name", highlight = "Directory" }, { text = "[", highlight = "Comment" }, { text = "I'm Special!", highlight = "SpecialChar" }, text = "[", highlight = "Comment" } } < The only reason to return a list of objects is to use multiple highlight groups. These components and renderers are defined per source by passing them in the setup. If you define a component with the same name of a built-in component, it will replace that built-in component. Otherwise it will be added to the existing set of components. CONTAINER *neo-tree-container* One unique component that deserves some explanation is the `container` component. This component allows you to create more complex layouts where components can overlap, have a specific size, or be right aligned. A container has the following properties: width~ Width can be specified as a number, meaning actual number of characters, a string containing a percentage such as `"100%"`, or the special string `"fit_content"`. The percentage value means percentage of remaining space in the window. If a window is 40 columns wide, and the rendered content for the node so far equals 15 characters, then 100% would evaluate to 25 characters. The `"fit_content"` value means that it will be the width of the largest layer. See `zindex` for details about layers. If the current position is "current", meaning it is being displayed in a split instead of as a sidebar, the available width will be calculated as the longest node name + indent + 8 characters. This is to prevent right aligned components from being too far away from the node name. min_width / max_width~ This constrains the value of width, useful when the `width` is set to a percentage or `"fit_content"`. content~ This is a list of components that will be arranged by this container. Each component in the content list can use these additional properties: zindex~ All components with the same zindex will be rendered together in the same layer, one after the other. Higher zindex value are rendered on top of other layers, hiding whatever is beneath them. For example, if a component with a zindex of 10 produces this: > "abcdefg" < and another component width a zindex of 20 produces this: > "1234" < then the result will be: > "1234efg" < align~ If align is right, then it will be pushed to the right edge of the available space. This makes the most sense when the container width is set to a number or `"100%"`. Components that are right aligned will automatically overlap left aligned components with the same zindex if there is not enough space. Continuing with the example from above, if there was a `"right"` aligned component with a zindex of 20 that outputs: > "**"" < Then the result when a container has a width of 12 would be: > "1234efg **" < but if the width was 8 then the result would be: > "1234ef**" < Example~ This example container has the name on the left hand side, and the diagnostics and git status aligned to the right hand side of the window. The diagnostics and git_status will always be shown, and the name will be clipped if there is not enough space: >lua { "container", width = "100%", right_padding = 1, content = { { "name", use_git_status_colors = true, zindex = 10 }, { "diagnostics", zindex = 20, align = "right" }, { "git_status", zindex = 20, align = "right" }, }, } < CUSTOM COMPONENTS Each component function is called with the following args: `config` The config object defined in the renderer. This is how a component can be made to be configurable. This is useful if you want different behavior in a directory renderer vs a file renderer. The config is a combination of any options specified in the default_component_configs (|neo-tree-default-component-configs|), which can be overridden by settings specified within each renderer config. `node` The NuiNode object for this node. The properties can vary by source, but each one will generally have at least id and name properties. `state` This is the state of the plugin. This object is persistent for the life of the source, with one state object per source per tab. the entirety of all state and source level configuration is in this one object. Aside from configuration, it can also hold anything you may want to set in a "before_render" event. For example, here is the simplest possible component: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { components = { name = function(config, node) return { text = node.name, highlight = "NeoTreeFileName" } end } } }) < For a more complete example, here is the actual built-in `name` component, which is much more dynamic and configurable: >lua require("neo-tree").setup({ filesystem = { components = { name = function(config, node, state) local highlight = config.highlight or highlights.FILE_NAME if node.type == "directory" then highlight = highlights.DIRECTORY_NAME end if node:get_depth() == 1 then highlight = highlights.ROOT_NAME else if config.use_git_status_colors == nil or config.use_git_status_colors then local git_status = state.components.git_status({}, node, state) if git_status and git_status.highlight then highlight = git_status.highlight end end end return { text = node.name, highlight = highlight, } end } } }) < BUFFER VARIABLES *neo-tree-buffer-variables* Neo-tree sets certain buffer options and variables that you may use in custom code or integrations if you need it. The |filetype| of the main window is `neo-tree`. The buffer will also have these local variables set: `winid` The window handle of the window that it was created in. `tabid` The id of the tab that it was created in. `tabnr` (deprecated) The number of the tab that it was created in. `source` The name of the source that created it, i.e. filesystem, buffers, etc. Please note that if the buffer is displayed in another window or tab, it's behavior is unpredictable. It is meant to be locked to it's original location, which is why those variables are recorded. POPUPS *neo-tree-popups* Popups will be created with a |filetype| of `neo-tree-popup`. You can use this as the target for autocmds or to exclude them from being acted upon by other plugins. They can also be configured by setting the `popup_border_style` in your config, and the colors of that border are controlled by the `NeoTreeFloatBorder` highlight group. If you you use the special `NC` option for `popup_border_style`, the title bar of that popup uses the `NeoTreeTitleBar` highlight group. ================================================================================ OTHER SOURCES ~ ================================================================================ *neo-tree-sources* Neo-tree supports other sources beside the filesystem source which is used by default. The rest of the sources follow the same pattern as the filesystem sources described above. The following sections will give an overview of each source and describe the options that are unique to those sources. BUFFERS *neo-tree-buffers* The buffers source shows all open buffers. This is the same list that |ls| would show. This view adds one component, which is the buffer number, shown to the right of the file name by default. If you use sessions, your previously loaded buffers may be saved as part of the session, but they will be unloaded at first. If you want to see these unloaded buffers, set `show_unloaded = true` in your `buffers` config. Otherwise, you will only see the buffers that have been opened since starting nvim. As a list of files, this source shares most of the commands with the filesystem source, with the exception of filtering. Some of these commands make less sense to use here, as things like adding new files won't be visible until you open them by some other means. One command that is unique to this view is `buffer_delete`, which issues |:bdelete| on the selected buffer. This is mapped to `bd` by default. GIT STATUS *neo-tree-git-status-source* The git_status view shows the output of the `git status` command in the tree. Unlike the other sources, this will always show the project root of the current working directory. If the working tree is clean, this view will be empty. This view has most file commands except for "add", plus the following git specific commands: >lua ["A"] = "git_add_all", ["ga"] = "git_add_file", ["gu"] = "git_unstage_file", ["gr"] = "git_revert_file", ["gc"] = "git_commit" ["gp"] = "git_push", ["gg"] = "git_commit_and_push", < DOCUMENT SYMBOLS *neo-tree-document-symbols* The document_symbols source lists the symbols in the current document obtained by the LSP request "textDocument/documentSymbols". Its configuration includes the following options: follow_cursor~ If set to `true`, will automatically focus on the symbol under the cursor. kinds~ A table specifying how LSP kinds should be rendered. Each entry should map the LSP kind name to an icon and a highlight group, for example `Class = { icon = "", hl = "Include" }` custom_kinds~ A table mapping the LSP kind id (an integer) to the LSP kind name that is used for `kinds`, for example `[252] = 'TypeAlias'` For the list of kinds (id and name), please refer to https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_documentSymbol client_filters~ This option could be used to set which LSP server is used to obtain the document symbols. This accepts one of the following values `"first"`: use the first LSP server that provides the feature `"all"`: use all LSP server that provides the feature `{ fn = function(name), allow_only = table, ignore = table }` where `fn`: a function that returns `true` if the server `name` should be used `allow_only`: use only servers from this list `ignore`: exclude all servers from this list NOTE: `fn` preceeds `allow_only` preceeds `ignore` For example: (NOTE: here only `fn` will be taken into account) >lua { fn = function(name) return name ~= "null-ls" end, allow_only = { "clangd", "lua_ls" }, ignore = { "pyright" }, } < Currently, this source supports the following commands: >lua ["o"] = "jump_to_symbol", ["r"] = "rename", ["P"] = "preview", (and related commands) ["s"] = "split", (and related commands) < vim:tw=80:ts=2:et:ft=help: