--- title: "SpaceVim golang layer" description: "This layer is for golang development. It also provides additional language-specific key mappings." --- # [Available Layers](../../) >> lang#go - [Description](#description) - [Features](#features) - [Install](#install) - [Layer options](#layer-options) - [Key bindings](#key-bindings) ## Description This layer is for [golang](https://go.dev/) development. It also provides additional language-specific key mappings. ## Features - auto-completion - syntax checking - goto definition - reference finder ## Install To use this configuration layer, update your custom configuration file with: ```toml [[layers]] name = "lang#go" ``` After the installation, run `:GoInstallBinaries` inside vim. To enable tagbar support, you need to install [gotags](https://github.com/jstemmer/gotags): ```sh go install github.com/jstemmer/gotags@latest ``` ## Layer options 1. `enabled_linters`: set a list of enabled lint for golang. by default this option is `['golint']`. The available linters includes: `go`, `gometalinter` 2. go_file_head: the default file head for golang source code. ``` [[layers]] name = "lang#go" go_file_head = [ '#!/usr/bin/python3', '# -*- coding : utf-8 -*-' '' ] ``` 3. `go_interpreter`: Set the interpreter of go. ``` [[layers]] name = 'lang#go' go_interpreter = '~/download/bin/go' ``` 4. format_on_save: enable/disable code formation when save go file. This options is disabled by default, to enable it: ``` [[layers]] name = 'lang#go' format_on_save = true ``` ## Key bindings **Import key bindings:** | Key Bindings | Descriptions | | ------------ | ------------------------- | | `SPC l a` | go alternate | | `SPC l b` | go build | | `SPC l c` | go coverage | | `SPC l d` | go doc | | `SPC l D` | go doc vertical | | `SPC l e` | go rename | | `SPC l g` | go definition | | `SPC l G` | go generate | | `SPC l h` | go info | | `SPC l i` | go implements | | `SPC l I` | implement stubs | | `SPC l k` | add tags | | `SPC l K` | remove tags | | `SPC l l` | list declarations in file | | `SPC l m` | format imports | | `SPC l M` | add import | | `SPC l r` | go run | | `SPC l s` | fill struct | | `SPC l t` | go test | | `SPC l v` | freevars | | `SPC l x` | go referrers | **Code formatting:** the default key bindings for formatting current buffer is `SPC b f`, and this key bindings is defined in [format layer](../../format/). You can also use `g=` to indent current buffer. To make neoformat support go files, you should have [go-fmt](http://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/) command available, or install [goimports](https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports). `go-fmt` is delivered by golang's default installation, so make sure you have correctly setup your go environment.