function! OnmiConfigForJsp() let pos1 = search('','nb',line('w0')) let pos2 = search('','n',line('w$')) let pos0 = line('.') if pos1 < pos2 && pos2 < pos0 && pos0 < pos3 set omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS return "\a." else set omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete return "\a." endif endf function! ToggleBG() let s:tbg = &background " Inversion if s:tbg ==# 'dark' set background=light else set background=dark endif endfunction function! ToggleConceal() if &conceallevel == 0 setlocal conceallevel=2 else setlocal conceallevel=0 endif endfunction function! BracketsFunc() let line = getline('.') let col = col('.') if line[col - 2] ==# ']' return "{}\i" else return "{\}\O" endif endf function! XmlFileTypeInit() set omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags if filereadable('AndroidManifest.xml') set dict+=~/.vim/bundle/vim-dict/dict/android_xml.dic endif endf function! WSDAutoComplete(char) if(getline('.')=~?'^\s*.*\/\/')==0 let line = getline('.') let col = col('.') if a:char ==# '.' return a:char."\\\" elseif line[col - 2] ==# ' ' ||line[col -2] ==# '(' ||line[col - 2] ==# ',' return a:char."\\\" elseif line[col - 3] ==# ' ' && line[col - 2] ==# '@' return a:char."\\\" else return a:char endif else "bug exists normal! ma let commentcol = searchpos('//','b',line('.'))[1] normal! `a if commentcol == 0 return a:char."\\\" else return "\".a:char endif endif endf function! ClosePair(char) if getline('.')[col('.') - 1] == a:char return "\" else return a:char endif endf function! CloseBracket() if match(getline(line('.') + 1), '\s*}') < 0 return "\}" else return "\j0f}a" endif endf function! QuoteDelim(char) let line = getline('.') let col = col('.') if line[col - 2] ==# "\\" "Inserting a quoted quotation mark into the string return a:char elseif line[col - 1] == a:char "Escaping out of the string return "\" else "Starting a string return a:char.a:char."\i" endif endf function! JspFileTypeInit() set tags+=~/others/openjdk-8-src/tags set omnifunc=javacomplete#Complete inoremap . =OnmiConfigForJsp() nnoremap :JCimportAdd inoremap :JCimportAddI endfunction function! MyLeaderTabfunc() abort if g:spacevim_autocomplete_method ==# 'deoplete' if g:spacevim_enable_javacomplete2_py return deoplete#mappings#manual_complete(['javacomplete2']) else return deoplete#mappings#manual_complete(['omni']) endif elseif g:spacevim_autocomplete_method ==# 'neocomplete' return neocomplete#start_manual_complete(['omni']) endif endfunction func! Openpluginrepo() try exec 'normal! '.'"ayi'."'" exec 'OpenBrowser'.@a catch echohl WarningMsg | echomsg 'can not open the web of current plugin' | echohl None endtry endf func! Update_current_plugin() try let a_save = @a let @a='' normal! "ayi' let plug_name = match(@a, '/') >= 0 ? split(@a, '/')[1] : @a finally let @a = a_save endtry call dein#update([plug_name]) endf func! Show_Log_for_current_plugin() try let a_save = @a let @a='' normal! "ayi' let plug = match(@a, '/') >= 0 ? @a : 'vim-scripts/'.@a finally let @a = a_save endtry call unite#start([['output/shellcmd', \ 'git --no-pager -C ~/.cache/vimfiles/repos/' \ . plug \ . ' log -n 15 --oneline']], {'log': 1, 'wrap': 1,'start_insert':0}) exe "nnoremap :call Opencommit('". plug ."', strpart(split(getline('.'),'[33m')[1],0,7))" endf fu! s:Opencommit(repo,commit) exe 'OpenBrowser' . a:repo .'/commit/'. a:commit endf fu! UpdateStarredRepos() if empty(g:spacevim_github_username) call SpaceVim#logger#warn('You need to set g:spacevim_github_username') return 0 endif let cache_file = expand('~/.data/github' . g:spacevim_github_username) if filereadable(cache_file) let repos = json_encode(readfile(cache_file, '')[0]) else let repos = github#api#users#GetStarred(g:spacevim_github_username) echom writefile([json_decode(repos)], cache_file, '') endif for repo in repos let description = repo.full_name . repeat(' ', 40 - len(repo.full_name)) . repo.description let cmd = 'OpenBrowser ' . repo.html_url call add(g:unite_source_menu_menus.MyStarredrepos.command_candidates, [description,cmd]) endfor return 1 endf