*vimfiler.txt* Powerful file explorer implemented by Vim script Version: 5.0 Author : Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> License: MIT license CONTENTS *vimfiler-contents* Introduction |vimfiler-introduction| Interface |vimfiler-interface| Commands |vimfiler-commands| Functions |vimfiler-functions| Variables |vimfiler-variables| Sources variables |vimfiler-sources-variables| Deprecated variables |vimfiler-deprecated-variables| Key mappings |vimfiler-key-mappings| Options |vimfiler-options| Columns |vimfiler-columns| Filters |vimfiler-filters| Examples |vimfiler-examples| Unite sources |vimfiler-unite-sources| Create source |vimfiler-create-source| Create kind |vimfiler-create-kind| Extensions |vimfiler-extensions| FAQ |vimfiler-faq| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *vimfiler-introduction* *vimfiler* is a powerful file explorer (or filer) written in Vim script. ============================================================================== USAGE *vimfiler-usage* Execute the following command to start vimfiler. > :VimFiler < If you've set |g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer| to 1, vimfiler behaves as default explorer like |netrw|. > :let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer = 1 < vimfiler needs |unite| http://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim Please install unite.vim Ver.3.0 or later before using vimfiler. Note: To use 2GB+ files in vimfiler, vimfiler requires |+lua| interface. ============================================================================== INTERFACE *vimfiler-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMANDS *vimfiler-commands* *:VimFiler* :VimFiler [{options}...] [[{source-name}:]{path}] Runs vimfiler. This command reuses a buffer if a vimfiler buffer already exists. If you omit {path} and a vimfiler buffer do not exist, vimfiler opens current directory. If you omit {path} and a vimfiler buffer already exists, vimfiler does not change the vimfiler current directory. [[{source-name}:]{path}] arg is same as |:Unite|. But you omit source name, "file" source will be used. If {path} is directory, browse in {path} directory files. If {path} is file, edit {path} file. {options} are options for a vimfiler buffer: |vimfiler-options| If another vimfiler buffer exists in current tab, switches to the vimfiler buffer and changes its current directory to {path}. Examples: "foo": the parameters of source file are ["foo"]. "ssh:bar:baz": the parameters of source ssh are ["bar", "baz"]. > " File explorer like behavior. :VimFiler -buffer-name=explorer \ -split -simple -winwidth=35 -toggle -no-quit :VimFilerExplorer :VimFilerCreate [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerCreate* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it creates a new vimfiler buffer. :VimFilerSimple [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerSimple* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it creates a simple vimfiler buffer. :VimFilerSplit [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerSplit* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it creates a vimfiler buffer and split the window. :VimFilerTab [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerTab* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it creates a vimfiler buffer and create a tab. :VimFilerDouble [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerDouble* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it creates double vimfiler buffers. :VimFilerCurrentDir [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerCurrentDir* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it starts with current directory. :VimFilerBufferDir [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerBufferDir* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it starts with current buffer directory. :VimFilerExplorer [{options}...] [{path}] *:VimFilerExplorer* Equivalent to |:VimFiler| except that it creates explorer vimfiler buffers. :VimFilerClose {buffer-name} *:VimFilerClose* Close vimfiler buffer named {buffer-name}. :VimFilerEdit [[{source-name}:]{path}] *:VimFilerEdit* |:edit| with vimfiler arguments completion. Note: It is available if |g:vimfiler_define_wrapper_commands| is non zero. :VimFilerWrite [[{source-name}:]{path}] *:VimFilerWrite* |:write| with vimfiler arguments completion. Note: It is available if |g:vimfiler_define_wrapper_commands| is non zero. :VimFilerSource [[{source-name}:]{path}] *:VimFilerSource* |:source| with vimfiler arguments completion. Note: It is available if |g:vimfiler_define_wrapper_commands| is non zero. :VimFilerRead [[{source-name}:]{path}] *:VimFilerRead* |:read| with vimfiler arguments completion. Note: It is available if |g:vimfiler_define_wrapper_commands| is non zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *vimfiler-functions* vimfiler#do_action({action-name}) *vimfiler#do_action()* Execute {action-name} action for the marked candidates. This causes a runtime error if {action-name} doesn't exist or the action is invalid. This is handy for defining a key mapping to run an action by yourself. This runs the default action when you specify "default" on {action-name}. This runs an action on the candidates of the current line or the top of the candidates when none of the candidates are marked. This is usually used as nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr>. vimfiler#do_switch_action({action-name}) *vimfiler#do_switch_action()* It is same to |vimfiler#do_action()|. But it switches current window to other window if |vimfiler-options-no-quit|. This is usually used as nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr>. For example, > nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> v \ vimfiler#do_switch_action('vsplit') nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> s \ vimfiler#do_switch_action('split') > *vimfiler#smart_cursor_map()* vimfiler#smart_cursor_map({directory-map}, {file-map}) Returns the key sequence with respect to the given directory-map and file-map. This will be used with nmap <buffer><expr> usually. Example: > nmap <buffer><expr> e vimfiler#smart_cursor_map( \ "\<Plug>(vimfiler_cd_file)", \ "\<Plug>(vimfiler_edit_file)") vimfiler#set_execute_file({exts}, {command}) *vimfiler#set_execute_file()* Todo vimfiler#get_status_string() *vimfiler#get_status_string()* Returns vimfiler status string. It is useful to custom statusline. *vimfiler#custom#profile()* vimfiler#custom#profile({profile-name}, {option-name}, {value}) Set {profile-name} specialized {option-name} to {value}. The options below are available: context (Dictionary) Specify default {context} value in vimfiler buffer. You can customize the context in the vimfiler buffer. Note: If you want to change default context, you should use "default" profile name. Valid key context is in |vimfiler-options|. However, "-" is substituted to "_", and "-" prefix is removed. Example: > call vimfiler#custom#profile('default', 'context', { \ 'explorer' : 1 \ }) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *vimfiler-variables* g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer *g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer* If this variable is true, Vim use vimfiler as file manager instead of |netrw|. Note: This variable disables |netrw| explorer function. Default value is 0. *g:vimfiler_define_wrapper_commands* g:vimfiler_define_wrapper_commands If this variable is true, vimfiler will define wrapper commands(|:Edit|, |:Write|, |:Source|, |:Read|). Default value is 0. g:vimfiler_execute_file_list *g:vimfiler_execute_file_list* This variable controls vimfiler execute. The key is extension. The value is command name or command name list. If the key is "_", it will be default command name. g:vimfiler_extensions *g:vimfiler_extensions* This variable controls vimfiler color syntax. The key is "text", "image", "archive", "system", "multimedia". The value is extensions. Default value is complicated, please refer to autoload/vimfiler.vim. g:vimfiler_detect_drives *g:vimfiler_detect_drives* This variable controls vimfiler uses drives when |<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_drive)|. Default value is refer to autoload/unite/sources/vimfiler_drive.vim. g:vimfiler_data_directory *g:vimfiler_data_directory* Specifies directories for configurations internally used in vimfiler itself or its sources. If the directory doesn't exist the directory will be automatically generated. Default value is $XDG_CACHE_HOME/vimfiler or expand("~/.cache/vimfiler"); the absolute path of it. *g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline* g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline If this variable is 1, vimfiler will overwrite 'statusline' automatically. Note: If you want to change 'statusline' in vimfiler buffer, you must set it to 0. The default value is 1. g:vimfiler_no_default_key_mappings *g:vimfiler_no_default_key_mappings* If it is non-zero, will disable vimfiler default keymappings(|vimfiler-default-key-mappings|). This variable is undefined in default. g:vimfiler_quick_look_command *g:vimfiler_quick_look_command* It is quick look command for |<Plug>(vimfiler_quick_look)|. Default value is "", so you must set it to use |<Plug>(vimfiler_quick_look)| after installing quick look command. > " Windows. " let g:vimfiler_quick_look_command = 'maComfort.exe -ql' " Linux. " let g:vimfiler_quick_look_command = 'gloobus-preview' " Mac OS X. " let g:vimfiler_quick_look_command = 'qlmanage -p' < *g:vimfiler_min_cache_files* g:vimfiler_min_cache_files Specify the minimum number of files that vimfiler saves the caches. Default value is 100. g:vimfiler_tree_leaf_icon *g:vimfiler_tree_leaf_icon* This variable controls vimfiler tree leaf icon. Default value is "|" g:vimfiler_tree_opened_icon *g:vimfiler_tree_opened_icon* This variable controls vimfiler opened directory tree icon. Default value is "-" g:vimfiler_tree_closed_icon *g:vimfiler_tree_closed_icon* This variable controls vimfiler closed directory tree icon. Default value is "+" g:vimfiler_tree_indentation *g:vimfiler_tree_indentation* This variable controls vimfiler indentation length of tree. Example: > " Two columns of indentation. let g:vimfiler_tree_indentation = 2 < Default value is 1 g:vimfiler_readonly_file_icon *g:vimfiler_readonly_file_icon* This variable controls vimfiler readonly file icon. Default value is "X" g:vimfiler_file_icon *g:vimfiler_file_icon* This variable controls vimfiler file icon. Default value is " " g:vimfiler_marked_file_icon *g:vimfiler_marked_file_icon* This variable controls vimfiler marked file icon. Default value is "*" g:vimfiler_max_directories_history *g:vimfiler_max_directories_history* This variable controls max directories history. Default value is 50. *g:vimfiler_restore_alternate_file* g:vimfiler_restore_alternate_file Option to restore alternate file after open action. The vimfiler buffer does not become the alternate file by default. Default value is 1. *g:vimfiler_expand_jump_to_first_child* g:vimfiler_expand_jump_to_first_child This variable controls if you jump to the first child when you expand a directory tree. Default value is 1. g:vimfiler_ignore_pattern *g:vimfiler_ignore_pattern* Specify the regexp pattern string or list to ignore candidates of the source. This applies on the filenames of candidates. It's not case sensitive. Note: If you use |<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_visible_ignore_files)|, the ignore pattern is disabled. > let g:vimfiler_ignore_pattern = ['^\.git$', '^\.DS_Store$'] < Default value is ['^\.'] (dot files pattern). g:vimfiler_time_format *g:vimfiler_time_format* This variable controls displayed time format. The time format option is compatible |strftime()|. Default value is "%y/%m/%d %H:%M". g:vimfiler_directory_display_top *g:vimfiler_directory_display_top* This variable controls vimfiler sorts directories as top. Default value is 1. g:vimfiler_ignore_filters *g:vimfiler_ignore_filters* This variable controls vimfiler ignore filters. Default value is ['matcher_ignore_pattern']. SOURCES VARIABLES *vimfiler-sources-variables* *g:unite_kind_file_delete_file_command* g:unite_kind_file_delete_file_command *g:unite_kind_file_delete_directory_command* g:unite_kind_file_delete_directory_command This variable controls vimfiler (and kind file) use delete command. This variable substitute special arguments: $srcs : src files $dest : destination directory Default value is refer to autoload/unite/kinds/file.vim. *g:unite_kind_file_copy_file_command* g:unite_kind_file_copy_file_command This variable controls vimfiler (and kind file) use copy files command. If variable is empty, this system can't support copy file. This variable substitute special arguments: $srcs : src files $dest : destination directory Default value is refer to autoload/unite/kinds/file.vim. *g:unite_kind_file_copy_directory_command* g:unite_kind_file_copy_directory_command This variable controls vimfiler (and kind file) use copy directories command. If variable is empty, this system can't support copy directories. This variable substitute special arguments: $srcs : src files $dest : destination directory Default value is refer to autoload/unite/kinds/file.vim. *g:unite_kind_file_switch_command* g:unite_kind_file_switch_command This variable controls vimfiler (and kind file) use switch files command. This variable substitute special arguments: $srcs : src files $dest : destination directory Default value is refer to autoload/unite/kinds/file.vim. *g:unite_kind_file_use_trashbox* g:unite_kind_file_use_trashbox This variable controls vimfiler (and kind file) use trashbox when delete files. It is automatically set if you installed |vimproc|. Note: This option is works newest |vimproc| and in Windows only. DEPRECATED VARIABLES *vimfiler-deprecated-variables* g:vimfiler_split_rule *g:vimfiler_split_rule* Defines split position rule. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_enable_auto_cd *g:vimfiler_enable_auto_cd* This variable controls whether vimfiler change Vim current directory using |g:unite_kind_openable_lcd_command| automatically. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_default_columns *g:vimfiler_default_columns* This variable controls default vimfiler columns. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_explorer_columns *g:vimfiler_explorer_columns* This variable controls default vimfiler columns in explorer mode. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_safe_mode_by_default *g:vimfiler_safe_mode_by_default* This variable controls vimfiler enter safe mode by default. In safe mode, dangerous command is disabled. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_sort_type *g:vimfiler_sort_type* This variable controls default vimfiler sort type. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_edit_action *g:vimfiler_edit_action* This variable controls vimfiler edit action in |unite|. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_split_action *g:vimfiler_split_action* This variable controls vimfiler split action in |unite|. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. g:vimfiler_preview_action *g:vimfiler_preview_action* This variable controls vimfiler preview action in |unite|. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |vimfiler#custom#profile()| instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEY MAPPINGS *vimfiler-key-mappings* Normal mode key mappings. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_other_window)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_other_window) Switches to other window or creates another vimfiler window. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_another_vimfiler)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_another_vimfiler) Switches to another vimfiler window or creates another vimfiler window. <Plug>(vimfiler_loop_cursor_down) *<Plug>(vimfiler_loop_cursor_down)* Switches to next line with loop. <Plug>(vimfiler_loop_cursor_up) *<Plug>(vimfiler_loop_cursor_up)* Switches to previous line with loop. <Plug>(vimfiler_cursor_top) *<Plug>(vimfiler_cursor_top)* Moves the cursor to the top of the vimfiler. <Plug>(vimfiler_redraw_screen) *<Plug>(vimfiler_redraw_screen)* Redraws vimfiler screen. *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_current_line)* <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_current_line) Toggles mark in cursor line and move down. *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_current_line_up)* <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_current_line_up) Toggles mark in cursor line and move up. *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_all_lines)* <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_all_lines) Toggles marks in all lines. *<Plug>(vimfiler_mark_similar_lines)* <Plug>(vimfiler_mark_similar_lines) Mark files similar to the cursor file. You can consider a line to be similar when you can find both the file name and the extension in that line. For example, use this when you want to mark files `foo1.txt`, `foo2_tmp.txt`, `foo35.txt.bak` but not `foo.md` or `bar1.txt` etc. More precisely, for those who know regex, it replaces the non-|identifier| characters in the file name with the regular expression `.\+` and looks for files that match. *<Plug>(vimfiler_clear_mark_all_lines)* <Plug>(vimfiler_clear_mark_all_lines) Clears marks in all lines. *<Plug>(vimfiler_mark_current_line)* <Plug>(vimfiler_mark_current_line) Mark in cursor line. <Plug>(vimfiler_copy_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_copy_file)* Copies marked files to destination directory. If exists another vimfiler buffer, destination directory is another vimfiler directory. If no marked files, mark current file. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. <Plug>(vimfiler_move_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_move_file)* Moves marked files to destination directory. If exists another vimfiler buffer, destination directory is another vimfiler directory. If no marked files, mark current file. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. <Plug>(vimfiler_delete_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_delete_file)* Deletes marked files completely. If no marked files, mark current file. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. *<Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_copy_file)* <Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_copy_file) Copies marked files to vimfiler clipboard. If no marked files, mark current file. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. *<Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_move_file)* <Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_move_file) Moves marked files to vimfiler clipboard. If no marked files, mark current file. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. *<Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_paste)* <Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_paste) Execute move or copy operation from vimfiler clipboard to cursor directory. If directory tree is opened, will execute the operation in directory tree. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. <Plug>(vimfiler_make_directory) *<Plug>(vimfiler_make_directory)* Creates new directory. If directory tree is opened, will create new directory in directory tree. If you marked files, will move the files in new directory. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. <Plug>(vimfiler_new_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_new_file)* Creates new files. If directory tree is opened, create new files in directory tree. Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. <Plug>(vimfiler_rename_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_rename_file)* Renames cursor file or selected files. If selected files, vimfiler will open exrename buffer. In exrename buffer, you can rename with Vim features like |renamer.vim|. In rename buffer, you must write buffer to finish renaming. http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1721 Note: This mappings is disabled in vimfiler safe mode. <Plug>(vimfiler_cd_or_edit) *<Plug>(vimfiler_cd_or_edit)* Change cursor directory or edit cursor file. <Plug>(vimfiler_expand_or_edit) *<Plug>(vimfiler_expand_or_edit)* Expand cursor directory or edit cursor file. *<Plug>(vimfiler_execute_system_associated)* <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_system_associated) *<Plug>(vimfiler_execute_vimfiler_associated)* <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_vimfiler_associated) Executes cursor file by vimfiler associated command. Refer to |g:vimfiler_execute_file_list|. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_parent_directory)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_parent_directory) Switches to parent directory. <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_drive) *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_drive)* Switches to other drive(Windows) or mount point(Mac/Linux) by |unite| interface. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_home_directory)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_home_directory) Switches to home directory. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_root_directory)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_root_directory) Switches to root directory. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_project_directory)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_project_directory) Switches to project directory. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_history_directory)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_history_directory) Switches to history directory by |unite| interface. *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_visible_ignore_files)* *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_visible_dot_files)* <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_visible_ignore_files) Toggles visible ignore files. cf: |g:vimfiler_ignore_pattern| <Plug>(vimfiler_popup_shell) *<Plug>(vimfiler_popup_shell)* Executes |:VimShellPop|or |:shell|. <Plug>(vimfiler_edit_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_edit_file)* Edits cursor file. This mapping use |vimfiler-options-edit-action|. <Plug>(vimfiler_split_edit_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_split_edit_file)* Splits buffer and edit cursor file. This mapping use |vimfiler-options-split-action|. <Plug>(vimfiler_edit_binary_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_edit_binary_file)* Edits binary file by |vinarise|. *<Plug>(vimfiler_execute_external_filer)* <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_external_filer) Opens current directory by external filer(Explorer, Nautilus, ...). *<Plug>(vimfiler_execute_shell_command)* <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_shell_command) Executes shell command by |vimproc#system()| or |system()|. If the argument is "?", it substitutes one file. If the argument is "*", it substitutes the selected files. Otherwise, it appends one file to the last argument. Example: You selected files "foo", "bar", "baz". (Input) "echo" (Command) "echo foo; echo bar; echo baz" (Input) "echo ? hoge" (Command) "echo foo hoge; echo bar hoge; echo baz hoge" (Input) "echo *" (Command) "echo foo bar baz" <Plug>(vimfiler_hide) *<Plug>(vimfiler_hide)* Hides current and another vimfiler windows. <Plug>(vimfiler_exit) *<Plug>(vimfiler_exit)* Exits current and another vimfiler buffers. <Plug>(vimfiler_close) *<Plug>(vimfiler_close)* Closes current vimfiler window. <Plug>(vimfiler_help) *<Plug>(vimfiler_help)* Starts mappings help by |unite| interface. <Plug>(vimfiler_preview_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_preview_file)* Previews current file. This mapping use |vimfiler-options-preview-action|. *<Plug>(vimfiler_sync_with_current_vimfiler)* <Plug>(vimfiler_sync_with_current_vimfiler) Synchronizes another vimfiler current directory with current vimfiler. *<Plug>(vimfiler_sync_with_another_vimfiler)* <Plug>(vimfiler_sync_with_another_vimfiler) Synchronizes current directory with another vimfiler. *<Plug>(vimfiler_open_file_in_another_vimfiler)* <Plug>(vimfiler_open_file_in_another_vimfiler) Opens cursor file or marked files in another vimfile. If the file is directory, will change directory in another vimfiler. <Plug>(vimfiler_print_filename) *<Plug>(vimfiler_print_filename)* Prints whole filename in echo area. *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_maximize_window)* <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_maximize_window) Toggles maximize window in current vimfiler. <Plug>(vimfiler_yank_full_path) *<Plug>(vimfiler_yank_full_path)* Yanks full path to clipboard register and unnamed register. <Plug>(vimfiler_set_current_mask) *<Plug>(vimfiler_set_current_mask)* Set current file mask by |unite| interface. <Plug>(vimfiler_grep) *<Plug>(vimfiler_grep)* Executes grep word in selected files or all current files by |unite| interface. Note: This mapping use |vimproc|. <Plug>(vimfiler_find) *<Plug>(vimfiler_find)* Finds from current directory by |unite| interface. Command line format is refer to find command. Note: Windows "find" command is not supported. Please install UNIX Tools find for Windows. Note: This mapping use |vimproc|. <Plug>(vimfiler_select_sort_type) *<Plug>(vimfiler_select_sort_type)* Selects current vimfiler sort type by |unite| interface. If you selected "save", save current sort type. If you selected "nosave", no save current sort type. *<Plug>(vimfiler_switch_vim_buffer_mode)* <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_vim_buffer_mode) Switches to vimfiler buffer mode. All vimfiler mappings is disabled. If press <ESC>, settings will be restored. <Plug>(vimfiler_cd_vim_current_dir) *<Plug>(vimfiler_cd_vim_current_dir)* <Plug>(vimfiler_cd) *<Plug>(vimfiler_cd)* Changes system current directory to vimfiler current directory using |g:unite_kind_openable_lcd_command|. Note: |<Plug>(vimfiler_cd)| is obsolete name. <Plug>(vimfiler_cd_file) *<Plug>(vimfiler_cd_file)* Changes vimfiler current directory. <Plug>(vimfiler_choose_action) *<Plug>(vimfiler_choose_action)* Chooses |unite| action in selected files. <Plug>(vimfiler_smart_h) *<Plug>(vimfiler_smart_h)* If directory tree is opened, it will unexpand directory tree. Else switches to parent directory. <Plug>(vimfiler_smart_l) *<Plug>(vimfiler_smart_l)* Switches to cursor directory or edit cursor file. If enabled "explorer" option, it will expand directory tree or edit cursor file. <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_safe_mode) *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_safe_mode)* Toggles safe mode. In safe mode, dangerous command is disabled. <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_simple_mode) *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_simple_mode)* Toggles simple mode. VimFiler shows less information than usual in vimfiler-simple-mode. <Plug>(vimfiler_pushd) *<Plug>(vimfiler_pushd)* Pushes current directory(and another vimfiler current directory) to directory stack. <Plug>(vimfiler_popd) *<Plug>(vimfiler_popd)* Pops current directory(and another vimfiler current directory) from directory stack. <Plug>(vimfiler_expand_tree) *<Plug>(vimfiler_expand_tree)* Expands/Unexpands directory tree. If it is used on file, it will expand/unexpand parent directory tree. *<Plug>(vimfiler_expand_tree_recursive)* <Plug>(vimfiler_expand_tree_recursive) Expands/Closes directory tree. Note: This mapping ignores a symbolic link. *<Plug>(vimfiler_cd_input_directory)* <Plug>(vimfiler_cd_input_directory) Changes directory to input directory. <Plug>(vimfiler_double_click) *<Plug>(vimfiler_double_click)* If cursor is on the directory, execute |<Plug>(vimfiler_expand_tree)| mapping. If cursor is on the file, execute |<Plug>(vimfiler_execute_system_associated)| mapping. <Plug>(vimfiler_quick_look) *<Plug>(vimfiler_quick_look)* Preview the file by |g:vimfiler_quick_look_command|. Note: To use this feature, |vimproc| is needed. http://github.com/Shougo/vimproc <Plug>(vimfiler_jump_first_child) *<Plug>(vimfiler_jump_first_child)* Move to first child of current files. <Plug>(vimfiler_jump_last_child) *<Plug>(vimfiler_jump_last_child)* Move to last child of current files. Visual mode key mappings. *<Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_selected_lines)* <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_selected_lines) Toggles marks in selected lines. *vimfiler-default-key-mappings* Following keymappings are default keymappings. Normal mode default mappings. {lhs} {rhs} -------- ----------------------------- <Tab> (default) <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_another_vimfiler) <Tab> (enabled "no-quit" and "split" options) <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_other_window) j <Plug>(vimfiler_loop_cursor_down) k <Plug>(vimfiler_loop_cursor_up) gg <Plug>(vimfiler_cursor_top) <C-l> <Plug>(vimfiler_redraw_screen) <Space> <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_current_line) <S-LeftMouse> <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_current_line) <S-Space> <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_current_line_up) * <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_all_lines) # <Plug>(vimfiler_mark_similar_lines) U <Plug>(vimfiler_clear_mark_all_lines) c <Plug>(vimfiler_copy_file) m <Plug>(vimfiler_move_file) d <Plug>(vimfiler_delete_file) Cc <Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_copy_file) Cm <Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_move_file) Cp <Plug>(vimfiler_clipboard_paste) r <Plug>(vimfiler_rename_file) K <Plug>(vimfiler_make_directory) N <Plug>(vimfiler_new_file) <Enter> <Plug>(vimfiler_cd_or_edit) o <Plug>(vimfiler_expand_or_edit) l <Plug>(vimfiler_smart_l) x <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_system_associated) X <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_vimfiler_associated) h <Plug>(vimfiler_smart_h) L <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_drive) ~ <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_home_directory) \ <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_root_directory) & <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_project_directory) <C-j> <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_history_directory) <BS> <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_to_parent_directory) . <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_visible_ignore_files) H <Plug>(vimfiler_popup_shell) e <Plug>(vimfiler_edit_file) E <Plug>(vimfiler_split_edit_file) B <Plug>(vimfiler_edit_binary_file) ge <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_external_filer) <RightMouse> <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_external_filer) ! <Plug>(vimfiler_execute_shell_command) q <Plug>(vimfiler_hide) Q <Plug>(vimfiler_exit) - <Plug>(vimfiler_close) g? <Plug>(vimfiler_help) v <Plug>(vimfiler_preview_file) O <Plug>(vimfiler_sync_with_current_vimfiler) go <Plug>(vimfiler_open_file_in_another_vimfiler) <C-g> <Plug>(vimfiler_print_filename) g<C-g> <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_maximize_window) yy <Plug>(vimfiler_yank_full_path) M <Plug>(vimfiler_set_current_mask) gr <Plug>(vimfiler_grep) gf <Plug>(vimfiler_find) S <Plug>(vimfiler_select_sort_type) <C-v> <Plug>(vimfiler_switch_vim_buffer_mode) gc <Plug>(vimfiler_cd_vim_current_dir) gs <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_safe_mode) gS <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_simple_mode) a <Plug>(vimfiler_choose_action) Y <Plug>(vimfiler_pushd) P <Plug>(vimfiler_popd) t <Plug>(vimfiler_expand_tree) T <Plug>(vimfiler_expand_tree_recursive) I <Plug>(vimfiler_cd_input_directory) <2-LeftMouse> <Plug>(vimfiler_double_click) gj <Plug>(vimfiler_jump_last_child) gk <Plug>(vimfiler_jump_first_child) Visual mode mappings. {lhs} {rhs} -------- ----------------------------- <Space> <Plug>(vimfiler_toggle_mark_selected_lines) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTIONS *vimfiler-options* {options} are options for a vimfiler buffer. You may give the following parameters for an option. You need to escape spaces with "\". *vimfiler-options-buffer-name* -buffer-name={buffer-name} Specifies a buffer name. The default buffer name is 'default'. Note: Buffer name must not contain spaces. *vimfiler-options-no-quit* -no-quit Doesn't close the vimfiler buffer after firing an action. *vimfiler-options-force-quit* -force-quit Exit the vimfiler buffer after firing an action. *vimfiler-options-force-hide* -force-hide Close the vimfiler buffer after firing an action. *vimfiler-options-winwidth* -winwidth={window-width} Specifies the width of a vimfiler buffer. Note: If this option is 0, auto resize feature is disabled. *vimfiler-options-winminwidth* -winminwidth={window-width} Specifies the minimum width of a vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-winheight* -winheight={window-height} Specifies the height of a vimfiler buffer. Note: If this option is 0, auto resize feature is disabled. *vimfiler-options-fnamewidth* -fnamewidth={filename-width} Specifies the filename width of a vimfiler buffer. Note: If this option is less than equal 0, it is disabled. *vimfiler-options-direction* -direction={direction} Defines split position rule. The default value is "topleft". *vimfiler-options-toggle* -toggle Close vimfiler buffer window if this vimfiler buffer name window exists. Note: If you set |vimfiler-options-find|, this feature is disabled. *vimfiler-options-simple* -simple Enable vimfiler simple mode. Note: It is default in explorer mode. *vimfiler-options-split* -split Split vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-horizontal* -horizontal Split horizontally. *vimfiler-options-double* -double Open vimfiler buffers in double mode. *vimfiler-options-create* -create Create new vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-auto-cd* -auto-cd Enable auto cd behavior. Note: This option works in file source. *vimfiler-options-explorer* -explorer Enable the behavior like explorer. Note: This option changes some default options. For Example, hide parent directory, change some default mappings ... *vimfiler-options-reverse* -reverse Reverse open another vimfiler window. If "-horizontal" option is enabled, will open another vimfiler vertically. If "-horizontal" option is disabled, will open another vimfiler horizontally. *vimfiler-options-project* -project Move to project directory. *vimfiler-options-columns* -columns={columns1:columns2:...} Specify vimfiler columns. If omit it, "type:size:time" will be used. *vimfiler-options-explorer-columns* -explorer-columns={columns1:columns2:...} Specify vimfiler columns in explorer mode. If omit it, "" will be used. *vimfiler-options-status* -status Display status line in vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-parent* -parent Display parent directory line in vimfiler buffer. Note: It is not default in explorer mode. *vimfiler-options-find* -find Find current file when switching. Note: This option is available in exists vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-tab* -tab Create new tab for vimfiler. Note: It creates new vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-no-focus* -no-focus No the focus on the vimfiler buffer after opening a vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-invisible* -invisible Search inivisible vimfiler buffer. *vimfiler-options-safe* -safe Safe mode is default. *vimfiler-options-auto-expand* -auto-expand Expand or cd the directories automatically if the directories have only single directory. *vimfiler-options-sort-type* -sort-type={type} Default vimfiler sort type. If omit it, "filename" is used. *vimfiler-options-edit-action* -edit-action={action} Specify edit unite action. If omit it, "open" will be used. *vimfiler-options-split-action* -split-action={action} Specify split edit unite action. If omit it, "right" will be used. *vimfiler-options-preview-action* -preview-action={action} Specify preview unite action. If omit it, "preview" will be used. ============================================================================== COLUMNS *vimfiler-columns* *vimfiler-column-type* type File type. *vimfiler-column-size* size File size. *vimfiler-column-time* time File time stamp. ============================================================================== FILTERS *vimfiler-filters* *vimfiler-filter-matcher_ignore_pattern* matcher_ignore_pattern Ignores |g:vimfiler_ignore_pattern| pattern matched files. *vimfiler-filter-matcher_ignore_wildignore* matcher_ignore_wildignore Ignores 'wildignore' pattern matched files. *vimfiler-filter-matcher_ignore_files* matcher_ignore_files Ignores the files in project ignore files(".agignore", ".gitignore", ".hgignore"). Note: It is slow filter. ============================================================================== EXAMPLES *vimfiler-examples* > call vimfiler#set_execute_file('txt', 'notepad') call vimfiler#set_execute_file('c', ['gvim', 'notepad']) let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer = 1 " Enable file operation commands. " Edit file by tabedit. "call vimfiler#custom#profile('default', 'context', { " \ 'safe' : 0, " \ 'edit_action' : 'tabopen', " \ }) " Like Textmate icons. let g:vimfiler_tree_leaf_icon = ' ' let g:vimfiler_tree_opened_icon = '▾' let g:vimfiler_tree_closed_icon = '▸' let g:vimfiler_file_icon = '-' let g:vimfiler_marked_file_icon = '*' " Use trashbox. " Windows only and require latest vimproc. "let g:unite_kind_file_use_trashbox = 1 < ============================================================================== UNITE SOURCES *vimfiler-unite-sources* Here let me explain about a source for |unite| provided in vimfiler. *vimfiler-unite-source-vimfiler-history* vimfiler/history Candidates of vimfiler history. *vimfiler-unite-source-vimfiler-drive* vimfiler/drive Candidates of vimfiler drives. *vimfiler-unite-source-vimfiler-sort* vimfiler/sort Candidates of vimfiler sort method. *vimfiler-unite-source-vimfiler-mask* vimfiler/mask Change current vimfiler file mask. *vimfiler-unite-source-vimfiler-mapping* vimfiler/mapping Candidates of vimfiler mappings. *vimfiler-unite-source-vimfiler-execute* vimfiler/execute Candidates from |g:vimfiler_execute_file_list|. *vimfiler-unite-source-vimfiler-popd* vimfiler/popd Candidates from vimfiler directory stack. Actions of source original. vimfiler/history *vimfiler-unite-action-vimfiler-history* delete Delete history vimfiler/sort *vimfiler-unite-action-vimfiler-sort* sort Set sort type vimfiler/mask *vimfiler-unite-action-vimfiler-mask* change Change vimfiler mask vimfiler/popd *vimfiler-unite-action-vimfiler-popd* delete Delete directory from directory stack ============================================================================== CREATE SOURCE *vimfiler-create-source* See |unite-create-source|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOURCE ATTRIBUTES *vimfiler-source-attributes* See |unite-source-attributes|. *vimfiler-source-attribute-vimfiler_check_filetype* vimfiler_check_filetype Function (Required*) *vimfiler-source-attribute-vimfiler_gather_candidates* vimfiler_gather_candidates Function (Required*) *vimfiler-source-attribute-vimfiler_dummy_candidates* vimfiler_dummy_candidates Function (Required*) *vimfiler-source-attribute-vimfiler_complete* vimfiler_complete Function (Optional) ============================================================================== CREATE KIND *vimfiler-create-kind* See |unite-create-kind|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KIND ATTRIBUTES *vimfiler-kind-attributes* See |unite-kind-attributes|. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KIND ACTIONS *vimfiler-kind-actions* Below "vimfiler__" prefixed actions are used for vimfiler. vimfiler__write Save file. To save file in vimfiler, you must define it. vimfiler__shell Create shell. vimfiler__shellcmd Execute shell command. vimfiler__mkdir Make this directory and parents directory. vimfiler__newfile Make this file. vimfiler__delete Delete files. vimfiler__rename Rename files. vimfiler__copy Copy files. vimfiler__move Move files. vimfiler__execute Execute files with associated program. vimfiler__external_filer Execute files with external file explorer. ============================================================================== EXTENSIONS *vimfiler-extensions* vimfiler-prompt: https://github.com/romgrk/vimfiler-prompt It navigates vimfiler buffer with auto completion. ============================================================================== FAQ *vimfiler-faq* Like NERDTree FAQ(https://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree). Q: To open a vimfiler tree automatically when Vim starts up(VimEnter autocmd event)? > autocmd VimEnter * VimFilerExplorer < Q: To open a vimfiler buffer automatically when Vim starts up if no files(arguments) were specified > autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | VimFiler | endif < Q: To close Vim if the only window left open is a vimfiler buffer(But I don't recommend) > autocmd BufEnter * if (!has('vim_starting') && winnr('$') == 1 \ && &filetype ==# 'vimfiler') | quit | endif < Q: I want to use UNC path in vimfiler. A: You must use // path to open UNC path in Windows: Note: "\\" path is not supported. > VimFiler //{path}/ VimFiler //foo/bar/ VimFiler //hoge/piyo/hogera.txt Q: I want to close one vimfile window in double mode. A: <Plug>(vimfiler_hide) closes both vimfiler windows. You can use <Plug>(vimfiler_close) instead of it: > autocmd FileType vimfiler nmap <buffer> q <Plug>(vimfiler_close) < Q: I want to put trashbox instead of "rm" command. A: Yes, you can. Newest unite.vim and vimfiler are detect trashbox commands automatically. In windows: Please install vimproc. http://github.com/Shougo/vimproc In Mac: Please install "rmtrash" command. > $ brew install rmtrash < Or > $ sudo port install rmtrash < In Linux: Please install "trashcli" commands. https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli > $ sudo apt-get install trash-cli < Q: I want to move/copy/delete cursor file in one key. A: You should use |<Plug>(vimfiler_mark_current_line)|. > nmap <buffer> c \ <Plug>(vimfiler_mark_current_line)<Plug>(vimfiler_copy_file) nmap <buffer> m \ <Plug>(vimfiler_mark_current_line)<Plug>(vimfiler_move_file) nmap <buffer> d \ <Plug>(vimfiler_mark_current_line)<Plug>(vimfiler_delete_file) < Q: What's the key to refresh the file list? A: It is |<Plug>(vimfiler_redraw_screen)|. It is mapped to <C-l> by default. Q: I want to change Vim current directory when editing file using vimfiler. A: Set |g:vimfiler_enable_auto_cd| to 1, or use |vimfiler-options-auto-cd| option. Q: vimfiler statusline conflicts with powerline. https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline https://github.com/Lokaltog/vim-powerline (deprecated) A: You must set |g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline| to 0. > let g:vimfiler_force_overwrite_statusline = 0 < And you must install below custom theme for powerline. For powerline: 1. vim powerline local themes https://github.com/zhaocai/linepower.vim Q: I want to display vimfiler status in vimfiler buffer. A: You can enable status line by |vimfiler-options-status|. > VimFiler -status < Q: What's the difference between vimfiler and NERDTree? A: Vimfiler advantages are: 1. Integration with unite.vim. https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim 2. Integration with vimshell. https://github.com/Shougo/vimshell.vim 3. More customization. 4. External sources(for example, unite-ssh). https://github.com/Shougo/unite-ssh 5. More options(see |vimfiler-options|) 6. Fast(if you use |if_lua| enabled Vim). 7. Column customization. 8. Double screen file explorer. 9. Multi file renaming(see <Plug>(vimfiler_rename_file)). Q: I want to use the feature like |:NERDTreeFind|. A: > :VimFilerExplorer -find < Q: I set "let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer = 1", but it opens netrw instead of vimfiler. https://github.com/Shougo/vimfiler.vim/issues/125 A: vimfiler with default explorer conflicts with netrw. You should disable netrw. > " Disable netrw.vim let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 < Q: I want to save current sort type in current directory. A: You should see |<Plug>(vimfiler_select_sort_type)|. Q: I want to edit files by double click. https://github.com/Shougo/vimfiler.vim/issues/134 A: > autocmd FileType vimfiler \ nmap <buffer> <2-LeftMouse> <Plug>(vimfiler_edit_file) Q: I want to open bookmark files in vimfiler. A: You can open unite bookmark files in vimfiler by below command. > VimFiler bookmark: Q: Why I must choose window in |<Plug>(vimfiler_edit_file)| when I use vimfiler explorer mode? I want to restore old behavior... https://github.com/Shougo/vimfiler.vim/issues/157 A: Because, vimfiler must know your wanted window. Last accessed window like old version behavior? No. You may have mistake window select. I was inspired this documentation. You should see it. http://vimcasts.org/blog/2013/01/oil-and-vinegar-split-windows-and-project-drawer/ The project drawers are |vimfiler| with explorer mode and |NERDTree|. The split explorers are |vimfiler| with default mode and |unite.vim| and |netrw|. You must choose the window by the keys in the statusline. If you input <CR> key, vimfiler will split window. You can change the keys by |g:unite_quick_match_table|. Note: If you install |vim-choosewin|, vimfiler will use it. https://github.com/t9md/vim-choosewin ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: