*virtualenv.txt* Activate a python virtualenv within Vim Author: Jeremy Cantrell <jmcantrell@gmail.com> *virtualenv-author* License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|) INTRODUCTION *virtualenv* *virtualenv.vim* The virtualenv plugin allows you to activate and deactivate a virtualenv within a live Vim session. COMMANDS *virtualenv-commands* :VirtualEnvList *:VirtualEnvList* List all available virtualenvs. :VirtualEnvDeactivate *:VirtualEnvDeactivate* Deactivate the current virtualenv. :VirtualEnvActivate [name] *:VirtualEnvActivate* Activate a virtualenv. The name of the virtualenv can be completed with <tab> at the command line. If name is not specified, and you have $PROJECT_HOME set, the name will be guessed based on the current filename. CONFIGURATION *virtualenv-configuration* g:virtualenv_loaded *g:virtualenv_loaded* If set in your |vimrc|, virtualenv.vim is not loaded. g:virtualenv_directory *g:virtualenv_directory* The directory that contains the virtualenvs. If you're a virtualenvwrapper user and you have $WORKON_HOME set, it will default to this. Otherwise it will default to ~/.virtualenvs. g:virtualenv_auto_activate *g:virtualenv_auto_activate* If set, an attempt will be made to detect any active virtualenv, and activate it. Example: > let g:virtualenv_directory = '/path/to/virtualenvs' < g:virtualenv_stl_format *g:virtualenv_stl_format* Format string for the statusline function. Example: > let g:virtualenv_stl_format = '[%n]' < To use the statusline flag, this must appear in your |'statusline'| setting: > %{virtualenv#statusline()} < The content is derived from the |g:virtualenv_stl_format| variable. Powerline users can see their statuslines too. After configuring powerline according to its documentation to support a virtualenv segment, Powerline will read the value of $VIRTUAL_ENV and display it. vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: