local a = vim.api local lib = require "nvim-tree.lib" local log = require "nvim-tree.log" local view = require "nvim-tree.view" local util = require "nvim-tree.utils" local nvim_tree_callback = require("nvim-tree.config").nvim_tree_callback local M = { mappings = { { key = { "<CR>", "o", "<2-LeftMouse>" }, action = "edit" }, { key = "<C-e>", action = "edit_in_place" }, { key = "O", action = "edit_no_picker" }, { key = { "<2-RightMouse>", "<C-]>" }, action = "cd" }, { key = "<C-v>", action = "vsplit" }, { key = "<C-x>", action = "split" }, { key = "<C-t>", action = "tabnew" }, { key = "<", action = "prev_sibling" }, { key = ">", action = "next_sibling" }, { key = "P", action = "parent_node" }, { key = "<BS>", action = "close_node" }, { key = "<Tab>", action = "preview" }, { key = "K", action = "first_sibling" }, { key = "J", action = "last_sibling" }, { key = "I", action = "toggle_git_ignored" }, { key = "H", action = "toggle_dotfiles" }, { key = "R", action = "refresh" }, { key = "a", action = "create" }, { key = "d", action = "remove" }, { key = "D", action = "trash" }, { key = "r", action = "rename" }, { key = "<C-r>", action = "full_rename" }, { key = "x", action = "cut" }, { key = "c", action = "copy" }, { key = "p", action = "paste" }, { key = "y", action = "copy_name" }, { key = "Y", action = "copy_path" }, { key = "gy", action = "copy_absolute_path" }, { key = "[c", action = "prev_git_item" }, { key = "]c", action = "next_git_item" }, { key = "-", action = "dir_up" }, { key = "s", action = "system_open" }, { key = "q", action = "close" }, { key = "g?", action = "toggle_help" }, { key = "W", action = "collapse_all" }, { key = "S", action = "search_node" }, { key = ".", action = "run_file_command" }, { key = "<C-k>", action = "toggle_file_info" }, { key = "U", action = "toggle_custom" }, }, custom_keypress_funcs = {}, } local keypress_funcs = { close = view.close, close_node = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").parent_node(true), collapse_all = require("nvim-tree.actions.collapse-all").fn, copy_absolute_path = require("nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste").copy_absolute_path, copy_name = require("nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste").copy_filename, copy_path = require("nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste").copy_path, copy = require("nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste").copy, create = require("nvim-tree.actions.create-file").fn, cut = require("nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste").cut, dir_up = require("nvim-tree.actions.dir-up").fn, first_sibling = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").sibling(-math.huge), full_rename = require("nvim-tree.actions.rename-file").fn(true), last_sibling = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").sibling(math.huge), next_git_item = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").find_git_item "next", next_sibling = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").sibling(1), parent_node = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").parent_node(false), paste = require("nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste").paste, prev_git_item = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").find_git_item "prev", prev_sibling = require("nvim-tree.actions.movements").sibling(-1), refresh = require("nvim-tree.actions.reloaders").reload_explorer, remove = require("nvim-tree.actions.remove-file").fn, rename = require("nvim-tree.actions.rename-file").fn(false), run_file_command = require("nvim-tree.actions.run-command").run_file_command, search_node = require("nvim-tree.actions.search-node").fn, toggle_file_info = require("nvim-tree.actions.file-popup").toggle_file_info, system_open = require("nvim-tree.actions.system-open").fn, toggle_dotfiles = require("nvim-tree.actions.toggles").dotfiles, toggle_help = require("nvim-tree.actions.toggles").help, toggle_custom = require("nvim-tree.actions.toggles").custom, toggle_git_ignored = require("nvim-tree.actions.toggles").git_ignored, trash = require("nvim-tree.actions.trash").fn, } function M.on_keypress(action) if view.is_help_ui() and action == "close" then action = "toggle_help" end if view.is_help_ui() and action ~= "toggle_help" then return end local node = lib.get_node_at_cursor() if not node then return end local custom_function = M.custom_keypress_funcs[action] local default_function = keypress_funcs[action] if type(custom_function) == "function" then return custom_function(node) elseif default_function then return default_function(node) end if action == "preview" then if node.name == ".." then return end if not node.nodes then return require("nvim-tree.actions.open-file").fn("preview", node.absolute_path) end elseif node.name == ".." then return require("nvim-tree.actions.change-dir").fn ".." elseif action == "cd" then if node.nodes ~= nil then require("nvim-tree.actions.change-dir").fn(lib.get_last_group_node(node).absolute_path) end return end if node.link_to and not node.nodes then require("nvim-tree.actions.open-file").fn(action, node.link_to) elseif node.nodes ~= nil then lib.expand_or_collapse(node) else require("nvim-tree.actions.open-file").fn(action, node.absolute_path) end end function M.apply_mappings(bufnr) for _, b in pairs(M.mappings) do local mapping_rhs = b.cb or nvim_tree_callback(b.action) if type(b.key) == "table" then for _, key in pairs(b.key) do a.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, b.mode or "n", key, mapping_rhs, { noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }) end elseif mapping_rhs then a.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, b.mode or "n", b.key, mapping_rhs, { noremap = true, silent = true, nowait = true }) end end end local function merge_mappings(user_mappings) if #user_mappings == 0 then return M.mappings end local function is_empty(s) return s == "" end local user_keys = {} local removed_keys = {} -- remove default mappings if action is a empty string for _, map in pairs(user_mappings) do if type(map.key) == "table" then for _, key in pairs(map.key) do table.insert(user_keys, key) if is_empty(map.action) then table.insert(removed_keys, key) end end else table.insert(user_keys, map.key) if is_empty(map.action) then table.insert(removed_keys, map.key) end end if map.action and type(map.action_cb) == "function" then if not is_empty(map.action) then M.custom_keypress_funcs[map.action] = map.action_cb else util.warn "action can't be empty if action_cb provided" end end end local default_map = vim.tbl_filter(function(map) if type(map.key) == "table" then local filtered_keys = {} for _, key in pairs(map.key) do if not vim.tbl_contains(user_keys, key) and not vim.tbl_contains(removed_keys, key) then table.insert(filtered_keys, key) end end map.key = filtered_keys return not vim.tbl_isempty(map.key) else return not vim.tbl_contains(user_keys, map.key) and not vim.tbl_contains(removed_keys, map.key) end end, M.mappings) local user_map = vim.tbl_filter(function(map) return not is_empty(map.action) end, user_mappings) return vim.fn.extend(default_map, user_map) end local function copy_mappings(user_mappings) if #user_mappings == 0 then return M.mappings end for _, map in pairs(user_mappings) do if map.action and type(map.action_cb) == "function" then M.custom_keypress_funcs[map.action] = map.action_cb end end return user_mappings end local DEFAULT_MAPPING_CONFIG = { custom_only = false, list = {}, } function M.setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.actions.system-open").setup(opts.system_open) require("nvim-tree.actions.trash").setup(opts.trash) require("nvim-tree.actions.open-file").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.actions.change-dir").setup(opts) require("nvim-tree.actions.copy-paste").setup(opts) local user_map_config = (opts.view or {}).mappings or {} local options = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", DEFAULT_MAPPING_CONFIG, user_map_config) if options.custom_only then M.mappings = copy_mappings(options.list) else M.mappings = merge_mappings(options.list) end log.line("config", "active mappings") log.raw("config", "%s\n", vim.inspect(M.mappings)) end return M