*neocomplete.txt*	Next generation of auto completion framework.

Version: 2.2
Author: Shougo <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com>
License: MIT license  {{{
    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
    a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
    "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
    without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
    distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
    permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
    the following conditions:
    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
    in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


CONTENTS					*neocomplete-contents*

Introduction		|neocomplete-introduction|
Install			|neocomplete-install|
Interface		|neocomplete-interface|
  Commands		  |neocomplete-commands|
  Variables		  |neocomplete-variables|
    Sources variables	    |neocomplete-sources-variables|
  Key mappings		  |neocomplete-key-mappings|
  Functions		  |neocomplete-functions|
Examples		|neocomplete-examples|
Sources			|neocomplete-sources|
  User sources		  |neocomplete-user-sources|
Create source		|neocomplete-create-source|
  Source attributes       |neocomplete-source-attributes|
  Candidate attributes   |neocomplete-candidate-attributes|
Create filter		|neocomplete-create-filter|
  Filter attributes       |neocomplete-filter-attributes|
FILTERS			|neocomplete-filters|
External sources	|neocomplete-external-sources|
FAQ			|neocomplete-faq|

INTRODUCTION					*neocomplete-introduction*

Note: This plugin is not compatible with above Vim 8.2.1066!

*neocomplete* is the next generation auto completion framework and a superior
successor of the |neocomplcache| plugin. It provides a keyword completion
system by maintaining a keyword cache of the current buffer. The neocomplete
framework can be customized easily and has a lot more features than Vim's
standard completion.

Note: neocomplete may consume more memory than other plugins do.

Improvements in neocomplete in comparison to |neocomplcache|:

1. Real fuzzy match behavior like |YouCompleteMe| by default.
2. Refactored source interface.
3. Removed legacy interface.
4. Requires |if_lua|.
5. Optimized completion speed.
6. Changed source names.
7. Changed variable names.
8. Added new features.

INSTALL						*neocomplete-install*

Install prerequisites

In order to use neocomplete, the following prerequisites have to be met:

1. Vim build with the |if_lua| feature
2. Vim version 7.3.885 or above

The following sections describe where to get a Vim version, neocomplete
works with, for your operating system.

On Windows:

github release https://github.com/vim/vim-win32-installer/releases
For 32bit http://files.kaoriya.net/goto/vim73w32
For 32bit (alternative) http://tuxproject.de/projects/vim/
For 64bit http://files.kaoriya.net/goto/vim73w64

On Mac:

You can get |if_lua| enabled MacVim versions here:


Or install it with homebrew:
	brew install macvim --with-cscope --with-lua --HEAD

On Linux:

As almost all Vim packages offered by distributions are too old, you should
build Vim manually using gnu make and enable |if_lua| in the configuration
step. The following steps show you the general process on how to build Vim:

1. Get the source package
2. Unpack the sources
3. Configure the package (./configure). This step is essential to enable
   the Vim features you like to use.
4. Build the package with gnu make
5. Install the package using your distributions package manager

You can find detailed information on ho to configure and build Vim from source
under following link: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Building_Vim. Or follow the
guide on:

Install the plugin

After you have installed the right version of Vim, you can go on to install
the neocomplete plugin. You can do this in a more old fashioned, manual way
or use a plugin manager like pathogen, vundle, neobundle. The second approach
is the recommended installation method.


1. Get the plugin package
2. Extract the files and put them in your Vim directory
   (usually ~/.vim/ or Program Files/Vim/vimfiles on Windows).
3. Execute |:NeoCompleteEnable| command or set following variable in your vimrc >
	let g:neocomplete#enable_at_startup = 1

Package manager:

For instructions on how to set up a Vim package manager see the documentation
of the package manager of your choice. For example after installing
neobundle you can install the neocomplete plugin with the following steps:

1. Let the plugin manger know about the package (.vimrc) >
	NeoBundle 'Shougo/neocomplete.vim'
2. Install the plugin with the install command >


In case you are planing to move from neocomplcache to neocomplete there is a
wiki page that offers a migration guide.



If you have installed the |vimproc| plugin, neocomplete creates the caches
asynchronously. You can find vimproc at: http://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.
The vimproc plugin needs compilation before you can use it. You can find
further information in the vimproc documentation.


If you would like to use the snippet feature with neocomplete, you need to
install the neosnippet plugin (https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim) or
UltiSnips (https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips).


If you would like to use the context filetype feature, you need to install the
context_filetype.vim plugin which you can find under the following repository:


If you want to complete the candidates from include files or include files
candidates, you need to install the neoinclude plugin


If you want to complete the candidates from syntax files, you need to install
the neco-syntax plugin (https://github.com/Shougo/neco-syntax).


If you want to insert the parentheses pairs automatically, you need to install
the neopairs plugin (https://github.com/Shougo/neopairs.vim).

INTERFACE					*neocomplete-interface*

COMMANDS 					*neocomplete-commands*

:NeoCompleteEnable				*:NeoCompleteEnable*
		Validate neocomplete and initialize it.
		Warning: Existing cache disappears.

:NeoCompleteDisable				*:NeoCompleteDisable*
		Invalidate neocomplete and clean it up.

:NeoCompleteToggle				*:NeoCompleteToggle*
		Change the lock/unlock state of neocomplete.
		While neocomplete is in locking, you cannot use automatic
		Note: This command also enables neocomplete if it is disabled.

:NeoCompleteLock				*:NeoCompleteLock*
		Lock neocomplete.
		While neocomplete is in locking, you cannot use automatic
		completions but can use manual completions.
		The lock status is local to each buffer.
		Note: This command is disabled when neocomplete is disabled.

:NeoCompleteUnlock				*:NeoCompleteUnlock*
		Unlock neocomplete.
		Note: This command is disabled when neocomplete is disabled.

:NeoCompleteAutoCompletionLength {length}
		Change the length of chars to start automatic completion to
		Note: The length value is local to each buffer.

:NeoCompleteClean 				*:NeoCompleteClean*
		Clean files in |g:neocomplete#data_directory|.

:NeoCompleteSetFileType [filetype]		*:NeoCompleteSetFileType*
		Change the filetype to [filetype] in the current buffer.
		This filetype is only used by neocomplete, so syntax
		highlighting and etc stay same.

		Note: You can get the current filetype by

SOURCES COMMANDS 				*neocomplete-sources-COMMANDS*

:NeoCompleteBufferMakeCache [bufname]		*:NeoCompleteBufferMakeCache*
		Make a cache based on the buffer with the name [bufname].
		The command selects the current buffer when you omit
		If [bufname] is not loaded, neocomplete will open
		[bufname] automatically.
		Note: It may take time considerably for the big buffer.

:NeoCompleteDictionaryMakeCache [filetype]
		Make a cache from a dictionary file with [filetype].
		Selects the filetype of the current buffer if [filetype] is

:NeoCompleteTagMakeCache		*:NeoCompleteTagMakeCache*
		Make a cache from a tags file in current buffer.

:NeoCompleteMemberMakeCache 			*:NeoCompleteMemberMakeCache*
		Make a member cache based in current buffer.

VARIABLES 					*neocomplete-variables*

		neocomplete gets started automatically when Vim starts if
		this value is 1.

		With the default value 0, you cannot use neocomplete
		unless you start it manually.

		Note: This option has to be set in your .vimrc or _vimrc.
		NOT IN the .gvimrc nor _gvimrc!

g:neocomplete#max_list				*g:neocomplete#max_list*
		This variable controls the number of candidates displayed in a
		pop-up menu. If the list of candidates exceeds the limit, not
		all candidates will show up.

		Default value is 100.

		This variable controls the indication width of a candidate
		displayed in a pop-up menu. If the keyword length exceeds
		the length it will be cut down properly.

		Default value is 80.

		This variable controls the number of the input completion
		at the time of key input automatically.
		Note: |g:neocomplete#auto_completion_start_length| is used
		for "keyword" kind source only. Please refer to

		Default value is 2.

		This variable controls the number of the input completion
		at the time of manual completion.  It is convenient when you
		reduce this value, but may get heavy when you deleted a
		letter in <C-h> or <BS> at popup indication time.

		Default value is 0.

		In a buffer or dictionary files, this variable controls
		length of keyword becoming the targets of the completion at
		the minimum.

		Default value is 4.

		When neocomplete looks for candidate completion, this
		variable controls whether neocomplete ignores the upper-
		and lowercase.  If it is 1, neocomplete ignores case.

		Default value is 'ignorecase'.

		When a capital letter is included in input, neocomplete does
		not ignore the upper- and lowercase.

		Default value is 'infercase'.

		When a capital letter is matched with the uppercase, but a
		lower letter is matched with the upper- and lowercase.
		Ex: "foB" is matched with "FooBar" not "foobar".
		Note: This feature is only available in

		Default value is 0.

		This variable controls whether you invalidate automatic
		completion.  If it is 1, automatic completion becomes
		invalid, but can use the manual completion by

		Default value is 0.

		It is the auto completion delay time after your input.
		The unit is ms.
		Note: It requires |+timers| feature.
		Note: It is disabled in MacVim.

		Default value is 50.

		When neocomplete displays candidates, this option controls
		whether neocomplete selects the first candidate
		automatically.  If you enable this option, neocomplete's
		completion behavior is like |AutoComplPop|.

		Note: If you want to enable the feature in
		|g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns|, you need Vim
		7.4.775 or above.

		Default value is 0.

		This option controls whether neocomplete insert delimiter
		automatically.  For example, / (filenames) or # (Vim scripts.)

		Default value is 0.

		When you input one character, this variable controls whether
		neocomplete takes an ambiguous searching as an end of the
		words in it.  For example, neocomplete comes to match it with
		"public_html" or "PublicHtml" when you input it with "puh".
		Note: The first letter must be matched.

		Default value is 1.

		Neocomplete refreshes the candidates automatically if this
		value is 1.
		Note: It increases the screen flicker.

		Default value is 0.

		If it is non-0, neocomplete can complete multibyte characters.
		Note: This feature may conflict Input Method in Unix systems.
		Note: To use multibyte completion, you must change
		|g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns| variable.

		Default value is 0.

		This variable sets a pattern of the buffer name.  If matched it,
		neocomplete does not complete automatically.  When it is an
		empty character string, neocomplete will ignore it.

		Default value is ''.

g:neocomplete#lock_iminsert		*g:neocomplete#lock_iminsert*
		If this variable is non-zero, neocomplete locks when
		'iminsert' is non-zero.

		Default value is 0.

g:neocomplete#data_directory		*g:neocomplete#data_directory*
		This variable appoints the directory that neocomplete
		begins to write a file at one time.  When there is not the
		directory which appointed here, it is made.  For example,
		buffer.vim stores cache of the keyword in this
		'buffer_cache' sub directory.

		Default value is "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/neocomplete" or
		expand("~/.cache/neocomplete"); the absolute path of it.

		This dictionary records keyword patterns to completion.
		This is appointed in regular expression every file type.
		If the key is "_" or "default", it is used for default

		Because it is complicated, refer to
		neocomplete#init#_variables() in
		autoload/neocomplete/init.vim for the initial value.
		" Examples:
		if !exists('g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns')
		  let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns = {}
		let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns._ = '\h\w*'
		This dictionary records keyword patterns to Omni completion.
		This is appointed in regular expression every file type.
		If this pattern is not defined or empty pattern, neocomplete
		does not call 'omnifunc'.
		Note: If it is a set, neocomplete will call 'omnifunc'
		directly.  So almost neocomplete features are disabled.  But
		all Omni completion works instead of
		if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns')
		  let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {}
		let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.ruby =
		\ '[^. *\t]\.\w*\|\h\w*::'
		Because it is complicated, refer to
		neocomplete#init#_variables() in
		autoload/neocomplete/init.vim for the initial value.

		It is a dictionary to define text mode filetypes.  The
		dictionary's key is filetype and value is number.  If the
		value is non-zero, this filetype is text mode.  In text mode,
		neocomplete supports word conversion to write English.
		If the key is "_" and the value is non-zero, all filetypes are
		text mode.

		For example, if you input "Fo", neocomplete will convert
		candidate "foo" to "Foo".  If you input "foo", neocomplete
		will convert candidate "FooBar" to "foobar".  If you input
		"FO", neocomplete will convert candidate "foo" to "FOO".
		Note: Text mode conversion is only used for "foobar" or
		"Foobar" or "FOOBAR" words.  Not "fooBar" or "FooBar".

		Because it is complicated, refer to
		neocomplete#init#_variables() in
		autoload/neocomplete/init.vim for the initial value.

		This variable appoints a delimiter pattern to smart complete a
		function.  This is appointed in string list every file type.
		Note: This string is not regular expression.
		" Examples:
		if !exists('g:neocomplete#delimiter_patterns')
		let g:neocomplete#delimiter_patterns= {}
		let g:neocomplete#delimiter_patterns.vim = ['#']
		let g:neocomplete#delimiter_patterns.cpp = ['::']
		Because it is complicated, refer to
		neocomplete#init#_variables() in
		autoload/neocomplete/init.vim for the initial value.

g:neocomplete#sources			*g:neocomplete#sources*
		It is a dictionary to decide use source names.  The key is
		filetype and the value is source names list.  If the key is
		"_", the value will be used for default filetypes.  For
		example, you can disable some sources in C++ filetype.
		If the value is "_", it will load all sources.
		Default value is {}.
		" Examples:
		if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources')
		  let g:neocomplete#sources = {}
		let g:neocomplete#sources._ = ['buffer']
		let g:neocomplete#sources.cpp = ['buffer', 'dictionary']
b:neocomplete_sources			*b:neocomplete_sources*
		It is a list to decide use source names in buffer local.
		" Examples:
		" In cmdwin, only use vim source.
		autocmd CmdwinEnter * let b:neocomplete_sources = ['vim']
		This variable defines time of automatic released cache by a
		second unit.

		Default value is 900.

		This dictionary records a pattern to filter a candidate in
		the tag completion.  For example, it can exclude a candidate
		beginning in _ in file type of C/C++.

		Because it is complicated, refer to
		neocomplete#init#_variables() in
		autoload/neocomplete/init.vim for the initial value.

g:neocomplete#use_vimproc			*g:neocomplete#use_vimproc*
		This variable is non 0, neocomplete uses |vimproc|.
		Note: If this variable is non 0, neocomplete will make cache

		Default value is vimproc auto detection result.

		It is a string for skip auto completion.
		If completion time is higher than it, neocomplete will skip
		auto completion.
		If it is "", the skip feature will be disabled.

		Default value is "0.3".
		{only available when compiled with the |+reltime| feature}

		If it is non-zero, neocomplete will close preview window

		Default value is 0.

		Neocomplete fallback mappings.
		If you want to complete keywords by neocomplete and the
		omnifunc, it is useful. >
		" Search from neocomplete, omni candidates, vim keywords.
		let g:neocomplete#fallback_mappings =
		\ ["\<C-x>\<C-o>", "\<C-x>\<C-n>"]
		Default value is [].

SOURCES VARIABLES 			*neocomplete-sources-variables*

		This variable sets file size to make a cache of a file.  If
		open file is bigger than this size, neocomplete does not
		make a cache.

		Default value is 500000.

		This variable sets a pattern of the buffer file path.  If
		matched it, neocomplete does not save a cache of the buffer.
		When it is an empty character string, neocomplete will

		Default value is ''.

		If the keyword length exceeds the length it will be not shown
		in popup menu.

		Default value is 80.

		It is a dictionary to connect a dictionary file with file
		type.  The dictionary's key is filetype and comma-separated
		multiple value is a path to a dictionary file.  If the
		variable is unset or has an empty key, the native 'dictionary'
		option will be inherited.  When you set "text"
		key, you will appoint dictionary files in text mode.  If the
		key is "_", it is loaded in every filetype.
		Note: Global 'dictionary' file is not loaded automatically.

		Default value is {}.

		This variable appoints a prefix pattern to complete a member
		in buffer.
		This is appointed in regular expression every file type.
		If filetype key is not set, disable member completion.

		Because it is complicated, refer in
		autoload/neocomplete/sources/buffer.vim for the
		initial value.

		This variable appoints a keyword pattern to complete a member
		in buffer.
		This is appointed in regular expression every file type.
		If filetype key is not set, use filetype "_" setting.

		Because it is complicated, refer in
		autoload/neocomplete/sources/buffer.vim for the
		initial value.

		This dictionary which appoints omni source call functions.
		The key is 'filetype'.  The value is omnifunc name String or
		List of omnifunc name String.
		If |g:neocomplete#sources#omni#functions| [&filetype] is
		undefined, omni source calls 'omnifunc'.
		If the key is "_", used for all filetypes.

		Default value is {}.

		This dictionary records keyword patterns used in
		omni source.  This is appointed in regular expression
		every file type or 'omnifunc' name.  If this pattern is not
		defined or empty pattern, neocomplete does not call
		Note: ruby and php omnifunc are disabled, because they are too
		Note: Partial omnifunc has problem when neocomplete call (Ex:
		rubycomplete, jedi.vim, cocoa.vim, and clang_complete.)  You
		should |g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns| instead.

		Because it is complicated, refer to s:source.initialize()
		autoload/neocomplete/sources/omni.vim for the
		initial value.
		" Examples:
		if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns')
		  let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {}
		let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.php =
		\ '[^. \t]->\%(\h\w*\)\?\|\h\w*::\%(\h\w*\)\?'
		let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.c =
		\ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\%(\h\w*\)\?'
		This variable sets file size to make a cache of a file in
		tag source.  If open file is bigger than this size,
		neocomplete does not make a tags cache.

		Default value is 500000.

		This dictionary which appoints vim source call function
		when completes custom and customlist command.  The key is
		command name.  The value is function name.

		Default value is {}.
		" Examples:
		if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#vim#complete_functions')
		  let g:neocomplete#sources#vim#complete_functions = {}
		let g:neocomplete#sources#vim#complete_functions.Ref =
		\ 'ref#complete'
		Ignore source filenames (not full path.) You can optimize
		source initialization.

		Note: You cannot use the sources in ignored source files.
  let g:neocomplete#ignore_source_files = ['tag.vim']
		The default value is [].

FUNCTIONS 					*neocomplete-functions*

neocomplete#initialize()			*neocomplete#initialize()*
		Initialize neocomplete and sources.
		Note: It enables neocomplete.
		Note: You should call it in |VimEnter| autocmd.
		User customization for neocomplete must be set before
		initialization of neocomplete.

neocomplete#custom#source({source-name}, {option-name}, {value})
		Set {source-name} source specialized {option-name}
		to {value}. You may specify multiple sources with
		separating "," in {source-name}.
		If {source-name} is "_", sources default option will be

		These options below are available:
		Note: User customization for neocomplete must be set before
		initialization of neocomplete.

		neocomplete#custom_source() is used for compatibility.

		Get current context filetype of the cursor.  This is smarter
		than 'filetype' about handling nested filetypes.
		Note: To enable context filetype feature, you must install

		For example html filetype has javascript inside.  Say, you have
		a buffer which content is below with filetype is html.
		<script type="text/javascript">
		  var x = 1;
		At the line 1 and 3, neocomplete#get_context_filetype() is
		"html" and at the line 2 it's "javascript", while at any
		lines 'filetype' is "html".

		Disable default {variable-name} dictionary initialization.
		Note: It must be called in .vimrc.

		Get default matchers in current buffer.

		Chang default matchers in current buffer.
	call neocomplete#set_default_matchers('matcher_head')
KEY MAPPINGS 					*neocomplete-key-mappings*

		Use this function on inoremap <expr>.  The keymapping call the
		completion of neocomplete.  When you rearrange the completion
		of the Vim standard, you use it.
		If you give {sources} argument, neocomplete call {sources}.
		{sources} is name of source or list of sources name.
		inoremap <expr><Tab>  neocomplete#start_manual_complete()
		Insert candidate and close popup menu for neocomplete.
		Note: It is deprecated function.  You should use "\<C-y>"
		character instead.

		Cancel completion menu for neocomplete.
		Note: It is deprecated function.  You should use "\<C-e>"
		character instead.

		Insert candidate and re-generate popup menu for neocomplete.
		Unlike |neocomplete#close_popup()|, this function changes
		behavior by |g:neocomplete#enable_auto_select| smart.
		Note: This mapping is conflicted with |SuperTab| or |endwise|
		Note: This key mapping is for <C-h> or <BS> keymappings.
		You should not use it for <CR>.

		Use this function on inoremap <expr> to undo inputted
		candidate.  Because there is not mechanism to cancel
		candidate in Vim, it will be convenient when it inflects.
		inoremap <expr><C-g>     neocomplete#undo_completion()
		Use this function on inoremap <expr> to complete common
		string in candidates.  It will be convenient when candidates
		have long common string.
		inoremap <expr><C-l>     neocomplete#complete_common_string()
		inoremap <expr><Tab>
		\ neocomplete#complete_common_string() != '' ?
		\   neocomplete#complete_common_string() :
		\ pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<Tab>"
		Start completion with |unite|.
		Note: unite.vim Latest ver.3.0 or above is required.
		Note: In unite interface, uses partial match instead of head

		Start completion with |unite| and start quick match mode.
		Note: unite.vim Latest ver.3.0 or above is required.

EXAMPLES					*neocomplete-examples*
	" Note: This option must set it in .vimrc (_vimrc).
	" NOT IN .gvimrc (_gvimrc)!
	" Disable AutoComplPop.
	let g:acp_enableAtStartup = 0
	" Use neocomplete.
	let g:neocomplete#enable_at_startup = 1
	" Use smartcase.
	let g:neocomplete#enable_smart_case = 1

	" Define dictionary.
	let g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries = {
	    \ 'default' : '',
	    \ 'vimshell' : $HOME.'/.vimshell_hist',
	    \ 'scheme' : $HOME.'/.gosh_completions'
	    \ }

	" Define keyword.
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns')
	    let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns['default'] = '\h\w*'

	" Plugin key-mappings.
	inoremap <expr><C-g>     neocomplete#undo_completion()
	inoremap <expr><C-l>     neocomplete#complete_common_string()

	" Recommended key-mappings.
	" <CR>: close popup and save indent.
	inoremap <silent> <CR> <C-r>=<SID>my_cr_function()<CR>
	function! s:my_cr_function()
	  return (pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "" ) . "\<CR>"
	  " For no inserting <CR> key.
	  "return pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<CR>"
	" <TAB>: completion.
	inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
	      \ pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" :
	      \ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<TAB>" :
	      \ neocomplete#start_manual_complete()
	function! s:check_back_space() abort "{{{
	  let col = col('.') - 1
	  return !col || getline('.')[col - 1]  =~ '\s'
	" <C-h>, <BS>: close popup and delete backword char.
	inoremap <expr><C-h> neocomplete#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
	inoremap <expr><BS> neocomplete#smart_close_popup()."\<C-h>"
	" Close popup by <Space>.
	"inoremap <expr><Space> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<Space>"

	" AutoComplPop like behavior.
	"let g:neocomplete#enable_auto_select = 1

	" Shell like behavior (not recommended.)
	"set completeopt+=longest
	"let g:neocomplete#enable_auto_select = 1
	"let g:neocomplete#disable_auto_complete = 1
	"inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<Down>" :
	" \ neocomplete#start_manual_complete()

	" Enable omni completion.
	autocmd FileType css setlocal omnifunc=csscomplete#CompleteCSS
	autocmd FileType html,markdown setlocal omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags
	autocmd FileType javascript setlocal omnifunc=javascriptcomplete#CompleteJS
	autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
	autocmd FileType xml setlocal omnifunc=xmlcomplete#CompleteTags

	" Enable heavy omni completion.
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {}
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {}
	"let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.php =
	"\ '[^. \t]->\%(\h\w*\)\?\|\h\w*::\%(\h\w*\)\?'
	"let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.c =
	"\ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\%(\h\w*\)\?'
	"let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.cpp =
	"\ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\%(\h\w*\)\?\|\h\w*::\%(\h\w*\)\?'

	" For perlomni.vim setting.
	" https://github.com/c9s/perlomni.vim
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.perl =
	\ '[^. \t]->\%(\h\w*\)\?\|\h\w*::\%(\h\w*\)\?'

	" For smart TAB completion.
	"inoremap <expr><TAB>  pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" :
	"        \ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<TAB>" :
	"        \ neocomplete#start_manual_complete()
	"  function! s:check_back_space() "{{{
	"    let col = col('.') - 1
	"    return !col || getline('.')[col - 1]  =~ '\s'
	"  endfunction"}}}
SOURCES						*neocomplete-sources*

neocomplete reads automatically sources saved in an
autoload/neocomplete/sources directory.

buffer						*neocomplete-source-buffer*
		This source collects keywords from buffer.

member						*neocomplete-source-member*
		This source collects use of member variables from buffer.

tag						*neocomplete-source-tag*
		This source analyzes a tag file from tagfiles() for completion.
		When a huge tag file (above
		|g:neocomplete#sources#tags#cache_limit_size|) is set,
		neocomplete does not make cache if you do not execute
		|:NeoCompleteTagMakeCache| command.  Because tag is
		too slow if tag read a big tags file.  You should use
		more convenient include source completion now.

dictionary					*neocomplete-source-dictionary*
		This source adds candidates from 'dictionary' or

file						*neocomplete-source-file*
		This source collects filename candidates.
		Note: It is relative path to current buffer directory.

omni						*neocomplete-source-omni*
		This source calls 'omnifunc' automatically when cursor
		text is matched with
		|g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns|.  If
		|g:neocomplete_omni_function_list| is defined, neocomplete
		will give priority it.
		Note: It supports the fuzzy match using the previous result.

suffix of complete candidates in popup menu declaration.
(This will be good for user to know where candidate from and what it is.)

    file              -> [F] {filename}
    file/include      -> [FI] {filename}
    dictionary        -> [D] {words}
    member            -> [M] member
    buffer            -> [B] {buffer}
    syntax            -> [S] {syntax-keyword}
    include           -> [I]
    neosnippet        -> [neosnip]
    UltiSnips         -> [US]
    vim               -> [vim] type
    omni              -> [O]
    tag               -> [T]
    other sources     -> [plugin-name-prefix]

USER SOURCES 					*neocomplete-user-sources*

This section, introduce non default neocomplete sources.

neosnippet				*neocomplete-sources-neosnippet*
		This source is for snippets completion.

UltiSnips				*neocomplete-sources-ultisnips*
		This source is for UltiSnips snippets completion.

neco-ghc				*neocomplete-sources-neco-ghc*
		eagletmt originally implemented and ujihisa added some new
		features. It completes a source file written in Haskell.
		It requires ghc-mod <http://www.mew.org/~kazu/proj/ghc-mod/>.

neco-vim				*neocomplete-sources-neco-vim*
		It analyzes context and start Omni completion of Vim script.
		It does not work other than editing time of Vim script.  I
		created it because neocomplete cannot call |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-V|.
		Local variable and a script variable, a function and the
		analysis of the command are implemented now.

FILTERS						*neocomplete-filters*

To custom candidates, neocomplete uses the filters. There are three kinds of
filters are available. "matcher" is to filter candidates by user input.
"sorter" is to sort candidates. "converter" is to candidates conversion.

Default sources are below. But you can create original filters (cf:
|neocomplete-create-filter|) and set them by
	call neocomplete#custom#source(
	\ 'buffer', 'converters', [])

	" Change default matcher.
	call neocomplete#custom#source('_', 'matchers',
	\ ['matcher_head', 'matcher_length'])

	" Change default sorter.
	call neocomplete#custom#source('_', 'sorters',
	\ ['sorter_length'])

	" Disable sort.
	call neocomplete#custom#source('_', 'sorters', [])

	" Change default converter.
	call neocomplete#custom#source('_', 'converters',
	\ ['converter_remove_overlap', 'converter_remove_last_paren',
        \  'converter_abbr'])
Default matchers:
	If |g:neocomplete#enable_fuzzy_completion|:
		['matcher_head', 'matcher_length']
		['matcher_fuzzy', 'matcher_length']
	You can change it by |neocomplete#set_default_matchers()|.

Default sorters: ['sorter_rank'].

Default converters: ['converter_remove_overlap', 'converter_abbr'].

matcher_head	Head matching matcher.

matcher_fuzzy	Fuzzy matching matcher.

matcher_length	Input keyword length matcher. It removes candidates which is
		less than input keyword length.

matcher_nothing	Nothing matcher. It disables the matcher filtering.

sorter_rank	Matched rank order sorter.  The higher the matched word is
		already selected or in current buffer

sorter_length	Candidates length order sorter.

sorter_word	Candidates word order sorter.

		The converter which abbreviates a candidate's abbr.

		The converter which disables a candidate's abbr.

		The converter which abbreviates a candidate's delimiter.
		(cf: |g:neocomplete#delimiter_patterns|)

		The converter which removes overlapped text in a candidate's
		Note: It removes candidates which is not overlapped
		(it is in auto completion only).

		The converter which removes last parentheses in a
		candidate's word. It is useful if you use auto closing
		parentheses plugins.

		The converter which adds parentheses in a candidate's word. It
		is useful if you use |neopairs.vim| or |neosnippet.vim|

CREATE SOURCE					*neocomplete-create-source*

In this clause, I comment on a method to make source of neocomplete.  The
ability of neocomplete will spread by creating source by yourself.

The files in autoload/neocomplete/sources are automatically loaded and it
calls neocomplete#sources#{source_name}#define() whose return value is the
source.  Each return value can be a list so you can return an empty list to
avoid adding undesirable sources.  To add your own sources dynamically, you
can use |neocomplete#define_source()|.

SOURCE ATTRIBUTES			*neocomplete-source-attributes*

name		 String				(Required)
		 The name of a source.  Allowed characters are:
		 - a-z
		 - 0-9
		 - _
		 - /
		 - - (Not head)

kind		String				(Optional)
		The kind of the source.  It decides the behaviour of the
		complete position.  The following values are available:

		"manual": The source decides the complete position manually
			with the "get_complete_position" attribute.
			See also:

		"keyword": The source decides the complete position with
			|g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns|.  This pattern is
			also used to filter the candidates.

		Note that "plugin", "complfunc" and "ftplugin" are old values
		that are no longer accepted.

filetypes	Dictionary			(Optional)
		Available filetype dictionary.

		For example:
		let source = {
		      \ 'name' : 'test',
		      \ 'kind' : 'manual',
		      \ 'filetypes' : { 'vim' : 1, 'html' : 1 },
		The source is available in vim and html filetypes.

		If you omit it, this source available in all filetypes.

disabled_filetypes		Dictionary		(Optional)
		Not available filetype dictionary.
		If the key is "_", the source is disabled in all sources.

rank		Number				(Optional)
		Source priority.  Higher values imply higher priority.
		If you omit it, it is set below value.
		Note: It is high priority than match position.

		If kind attribute is "keyword": 5
		If filetype attribute is empty: 10
		Otherwise: 100

      " Change vim source default rank value of 300.
      call neocomplete#custom#source('ultisnips', 'rank', 1000)
		Number				(Optional)
		Required pattern length for completion.

		If you omit it, it is set to

		String				(Optional)
		If it is matched, neocomplete ignores
		It is useful for omni function sources.

		If you omit it, it is set to "".

		Number		(Optional)
		The maximum number of candidates.

		This attribute is optional; if it is not given, 0 is used as
		the default value.  This means maximum number is infinity.

		Dictionary	(Optional)
		This dictionary changes keyword patterns to completion for
		specific types.
	let keyword_patterns = {}
	let keyword_patterns.tex = '\\\?\h\w*'
	call neocomplete#custom#source('dictionary',
	\ 'keyword_patterns', keyword_patterns)
		This attribute is optional; if it is not given,
		|g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns| is used as the default value.

is_volatile	Number		(Optional)
		Whether the source recalculates the candidates everytime the
		input is changed.
		This attribute is optional.
		If it's not given, 0 is set as the default value.  In this
		case, candidates are cached.

disabled	Number		(Optional)
		This attribute is optional.
		If it's not given, 0 is set as the default value.
		Otherwise, the source is disabled.

hooks		Dictionary		(Optional)
		You may put hook functions in this dictionary in which the key
		is the position to hook and the value is the reference to the
		function to be called.  The following hook functions are

		Called when initializing the source.
		This function takes {context} as its parameters.

		Called after executing |:NeoCompleteDisable|.
		This function takes {context} as its parameters.

		Called after the filters to narrow down the
		candidates.  This is used to set attributes. This
		filters is to avoid adversely affecting the
		This function takes {context} as its parameters.

get_complete_position	Function	(Optional)
		This function takes {context} as its parameter and returns
		complete position in current line.
		Here, {context} is the context information when the source is
		If you omit it, neocomplete will use the position using
		Note: If the source returns candidates which are not matched
		|g:neocomplete#keyword_patterns|, you must define

gather_candidates	Function	(Required)
		This function is called in gathering candidates.  If you
		enabled fuzzy completion by
		|g:neocomplete#enable_fuzzy_completion| , this function is
		called whenever the input string is changed.  This function
		takes {context} as its parameter and returns a list of
		{candidate}.  Here, {context} is the context information when
		the source is called(|neocomplete-notation-{context}|).

{context}				*neocomplete-notation-{context}*
		A dictionary to give context information.
		The followings are the primary information.
		The global context information can be acquired by

		input			(String)
			The input string of current line.

		complete_pos		(Number)
			The complete position of current source.

		complete_str		(String)
			The complete string of current source.

		source__{name}		(Unknown)	(Optional)
			Additional source information.
			Note: Recommend sources save
			variables instead of s: variables.

CANDIDATE ATTRIBUTES			*neocomplete-candidate-attributes*

word		String		(Required)
		The completion word of a candidate. It is used for matching

abbr		String		(Optional)
		The abbreviation of a candidate. It is displayed in popup
		window. It is omitted by |g:neocomplete#max_keyword_width|.

kind		String		(Optional)
		The kind of a candidate. It is displayed in popup window.

menu		String		(Optional)
		The menu information of a candidate. It is displayed in popup

info		String		(Optional)
		The preview information of a candidate. If 'completeopt'
		contains "preview", it will be displayed in |preview-window|.

rank		Number		(Optional)
		The completion priority.

CONTEXT						*neocomplete-context*

CREATE FILTER					*neocomplete-create-filter*

The files in autoload/neocomplete/filters are automatically loaded and it
calls neocomplete#filters#{filter_name}#define() whose return value is the
filter.  Each return value can be a list so you can return an empty list to
avoid adding undesirable filters.  To add your own filters dynamically, you
can use |neocomplete#define_filter()|.

FILTER ATTRIBUTES			*neocomplete-filter-attributes*

name		String		(Required)
		The filter name.

filter		Function		(Required)
		The filter function.  This function takes {context} as its
		parameter and returns a list of {candidate}.
		The specification of the parameters and the returned value is
		same as |neocomplete-source-attribute-gather_candidates|.

description	String		(Optional)
		The filter description string.

UNITE SOURCES					*neocomplete-unite-sources*

		Nominates neocomplete completion candidates.  The kind is
		"completion".  This source is used in
		imap <C-k>  <Plug>(neocomplete_start_unite_complete)
		imap <C-q>  <Plug>(neocomplete_start_unite_quick_match)
EXTERNAL SOURCES				*neocomplete-external-sources*

neosnippet source:


include, file/include sources:


UltiSnips source:


vimshell source:


look source:


ghc source:


calc source:


FAQ						*neocomplete-faq*

Q: My customization for neocomplete is invalid. Why?

A: User customization for neocomplete must be set before initialization of
neocomplete. For example: |neocomplete#custom#source()|

Q: I want to use head match instead of default fuzzy match.

	let g:neocomplete#enable_fuzzy_completion = 0
	call neocomplete#custom#source('_', 'matchers',
	\ ['matcher_head', 'matcher_length'])
Q: I want to sort candidates by different way.

	call neocomplete#custom#source('_', 'sorters',
	\ ['sorter_length'])
Q: Is there a way to control the colors used for popup menu using highlight

A: Like this:
	highlight Pmenu ctermbg=8 guibg=#606060
	highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=1 guifg=#dddd00 guibg=#1f82cd
	highlight PmenuSbar ctermbg=0 guibg=#d6d6d6

Q: Python (or Ruby) interface crashes Vim when I use neocomplete or not
responding when input ".":

A: This is not neocomplete's issue.  Please report to the maintainers of the
omnicomplete (rubycomplete or pythoncomplete) and its Vim interface.  You
should disable omni source in python or ruby.
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.python = ''
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.ruby = ''

Q: Where are the snippets for neocomplete?

A: https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet or

Q: How can I disable python omni complete of neocomplete?:

	if !exists('g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.python = ''

Q: Can I enable quick match?:

A: Quick match feature had been removed in latest neocomplete
because quick match turned into hard to implement.
But you can use |unite.vim| instead to use quick match.
	imap <expr> -  pumvisible() ?
	    \ "\<Plug>(neocomplete_start_unite_quick_match)" : '-'

Q: neocomplete cannot create cache files in "sudo vim":

A: Because neocomplete (and other plugins) creates temporary files in super
user permission by sudo command.  You must use sudo.vim or set "Defaults
always_set_home" in "/etc/sudoers", or must use "sudoedit" command.

Ubuntu has a command "sudoedit" which can work well with neocomplete.
I'm not sure if other distros has this command...


Q: Error occurred in ruby omni complete using

A: Please set |g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns| instead of

Q: Does not work with clang_complete.

A: Please try below settings.
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.c =
	      \ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*'
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.cpp =
	      \ '[^.[:digit:] *\t]\%(\.\|->\)\w*\|\h\w*::\w*'
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.objc =
	      \ '\[\h\w*\s\h\?\|\h\w*\%(\.\|->\)'
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.objcpp =
	      \ '\[\h\w*\s\h\?\|\h\w*\%(\.\|->\)\|\h\w*::\w*'
	let g:clang_complete_auto = 0
	let g:clang_auto_select = 0
	let g:clang_omnicppcomplete_compliance = 0
	let g:clang_make_default_keymappings = 0
	"let g:clang_use_library = 1

Q: I want to support omni patterns for external plugins.

A: You can add find some already found omni patterns and functions at here.

Note: Some patterns are omitted here, (someone should check out those plugin's
source code's complete function, and find out the omni pattern).
	" Go (plugin: gocode)
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#functions.go =
	\ 'gocomplete#Complete'
	" Clojure (plugin: vim-clojure)
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#functions.clojure =
	\ 'vimclojure#OmniCompletion'
	" SQL
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#functions.sql =
	\ 'sqlcomplete#Complete'
	" R (plugin: vim-R-plugin)
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.r =
	\ '[[:alnum:].\\]\+'
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#functions.r =
	\ 'rcomplete#CompleteR'
	" XQuery (plugin: XQuery-indentomnicomplete)
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.xquery =
	\ '\k\|:\|\-\|&'
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#functions.xquery =
	\ 'xquerycomplete#CompleteXQuery'

Q: Does not indent when I input "else" in ruby filetype.


You must install "vim-ruby" from github to indent in neocomplete first.

neocomplete pops up a completion window automatically, but if the popup
window is already visible, Vim cannot indent text.  So you must choose "close
popup window manually by <C-y> or <C-e> mappings" or "close popup window by
<CR> user mappings".

Q: <CR> mapping conflicts with |SuperTab| or |endwise| plugins.

A: Please try below settings.
	" <CR>: close popup and save indent.
	inoremap <silent> <CR> <C-r>=<SID>my_cr_function()<CR>
	function! s:my_cr_function()
	  return (pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "" ) . "\<CR>"
	  " For no inserting <CR> key.
	  "return pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<CR>"
Q: Suggestions are case insensitive in "gitcommit" buffers, but not

A: This is g:neocomplete#text_mode_filetypes feature.
You can disable it by following code.
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#text_mode_filetypes')
	  let g:neocomplete#tags_filter_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#text_mode_filetypes.gitcommit = 0
Q: I want to use Ruby omni completion.

A: Please set |g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns|.  But this completion
is heavy, so disabled by default.
Note: But you should use |vim-monster| instead of rubycomplete.
	autocmd FileType ruby setlocal omnifunc=rubycomplete#Complete
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.ruby =
	\ '[^. *\t]\.\w*\|\h\w*::'
Q: I want to use jedi omni completion.

A: Please set |g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns| as below.
	autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc=jedi#completions
	let g:jedi#completions_enabled = 0
	let g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration = 0
	let g:jedi#smart_auto_mappings = 0
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.python =
	\ '\%([^. \t]\.\|^\s*@\|^\s*from\s.\+import \|^\s*from \|^\s*import \)\w*'
	" alternative pattern: '\h\w*\|[^. \t]\.\w*'
Q: Candidates are not found in heavy completion (neco-look, etc.)

A: It may be caused by skip completion.

Q: I want to disable skip completion.

	let g:neocomplete#skip_auto_completion_time = ''
Q: I want to initialize neocomplete in .vimrc.

A: Please call neocomplete#initialize() in .vimrc.  But this function slows
your Vim initialization.
	call neocomplete#initialize()
Q: neocomplete conflicts when multibyte input in GVim.

A: Because Vim multibyte IME integration is incomplete.
You should use "fcitx" instead of "ibus".
If you set |g:neocomplete#lock_iminsert| is non-zero, it may be fixed.

Q: Freeze for a while and close opened folding when I begin to insert.

A: I think you use 'foldmethod' is "expr" or "syntax". It is too heavy to use
neocomplete (or other auto completion.) You should change 'foldmethod'
option or install FastFold plugin.


Note: In current version, neocomplete does not restore 'foldmethod'. Because
it is too heavy.

Q: I want to use Pydiction with neocomplete.

A: You should set |g:neocomplete#sources#dictionary#dictionaries|.
neocomplete can load Pydiction dictionary file.

Q: Why does neocomplcache use if_lua besides if_python? Many people may not be
able to use it because they do not have the root privilege to recompile vim.

Because of the following reasons.
 1. Python interface is not available on every Vim environment. For example,
 Android, iOS, non configured Vim, or etc.
 2. Incompatibility between Python2 and Python3. I must rewrite for it.
 3. Loading Python interface is slow (10~20ms), but loading Lua interface is
 absolutely fast (270ns).
 4. Python2 and Python3 are not loaded at the same time on Unix environment.
 5. Python itself is too large.
 6. Python interface is slower than Lua interface (almost twice.)
 7. Lua interface is stable (no crashes on latest Vim.)
 8. Using C module (like vimproc, YouCompleteMe) is hard to compile on Windows
 9. Using both Python and C, like YouCompleteMe, is too unstable. Your Vim may
 crashes or causes mysterious errors.
 10. To build if_lua is easy.
 11. I think if_lua is the second level language in Vim (The first is Vim

Q: I want to disable preview window.

	set completeopt-=preview

Q: I want to use "vim-lua-ftplugin".

A: Please set |g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns| as below.
Note: You can not use "vim-lua-ftplugin" on 7.3.885 or below,
because if_lua has double-free problem.
	let g:lua_check_syntax = 0
	let g:lua_complete_omni = 1
	let g:lua_complete_dynamic = 0
	let g:lua_define_completion_mappings = 0

	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#functions.lua =
	      \ 'xolox#lua#omnifunc'
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.lua =
	      \ '\w\+[.:]\|require\s*(\?["'']\w*'

Q: I want to disable sources in certain filetype.

	" Disable dictionary source in python filetype.
	call neocomplete#custom#source('dictionary',
	\ 'disabled_filetypes', {'python' : 1})

Q: neocomplete closes DiffGitCached window from vim-fugitive
	let g:neocomplete#enable_auto_close_preview = 0

Q: I want to use PHP omni completion.

Note: You should use this omni completion for PHP.
	let g:neocomplete#sources#omni#input_patterns.php =
	\ '\h\w*\|[^. \t]->\%(\h\w*\)\?\|\h\w*::\%(\h\w*\)\?'

Q: Eclim does not work well with neocomplete.

A: neocomplete does not support eclim.  You should use
|g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns| instead of
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.java =
	\ \'\%(\h\w*\|)\)\.\w*

Q: I want to get quiet messages in auto completion.

A: Before 7.4 patch 314 it was not possible because of vim's default
behavior. If you are using a recent version of vim you can disable the 
messages through the 'shortmess' option.
	if has("patch-7.4.314")
	  set shortmess+=c
For earlier vim versions you can try to hide them by using the settings below
	autocmd VimEnter *
	\ highlight ModeMsg guifg=bg guibg=bg | highlight WarningMsg guifg=bg

Q: I don't want to complete too long words.

A: You can use |g:neocomplete#sources#buffer#max_keyword_width|.

Q: neocomplete will change external completeopt value (longest.)

A: It is feature. Because "longest" completeopt conflicts with auto
completion.  To use "longest" option, you must disable auto completion.
"longest" is good feature. But it is for manual completion only.

Q: autoclose conflicts with neocomplete.

A: It is autoclose mappings problem. I cannot fix it. You should use
auto-pairs plugin instead of it.

Q: I want to complete by Erlang omnifunc.

A: >
	if !exists('g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns')
	  let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns = {}
	let g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns.erlang =
	\ '\<[[:digit:][:alnum:]_-]\+:[[:digit:][:alnum:]_-]*'

Q: I want to look selected function's arguments in neocomplete. But I don't
like preview window feature.

A: You can do it by |echodoc|.

Q: In ||g:neocomplete#force_omni_input_patterns|,
|g:neocomplete#enable_auto_select| feature is not work.

A: Please update your Vim to 7.4.775 or above.

Q: I want to disable all sources by default.

A: >
	call neocomplete#custom#source('_', 'disabled', 1)

Q: I want to disable candidates abbr in tag source.

A: >
	call neocomplete#custom#source('tags', 'converters',
	\ ['converter_remove_overlap', 'converter_remove_last_paren',
	\  'converter_disable_abbr', 'converter_abbr'])

Q: <C-x><C-u> does not work.

A: It is feature.
You must use |neocomplete#start_manual_complete()| instead of <C-x><C-u>.

Q: My <C-l> mapping never works.

A: https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim/issues/334
Note: It is fixed in Vim 7.4.653.

Q: When I press enter, Vim inserts new line instead of selected item.

A: It is Vim's default behavior (feature.)  If you want to select the item, you
should map <CR>. >

	inoremap <expr><CR> pumvisible()? "\<C-y>" : "\<CR>"

Q: After updating Vim, some completion plugins automatically select the last
candidate in the popup menu.

A: Vim 7.4.775 introduced "noselect" and "noinsert" options for 'completeopt'.
It is likely that those completion plugins use keymappings such as <C-p> to
display the popup menu. However, there is no need to do this after 7.4.775
since neocomplete.vim handles that part. If that's the case, you will need to
contact the author of the plugin and have it not send those key strokes if
"noselect" or "noinsert" option is present in 'completeopt'.

Q: Any plan to support Vim 8.0 async API?

A: No.
