local Popup = require("nui.popup") local NuiLine = require("nui.line") local utils = require("neo-tree.utils") local popups = require("neo-tree.ui.popups") local highlights = require("neo-tree.ui.highlights") local M = {} local add_text = function(text, highlight) local line = NuiLine() line:append(text, highlight) return line end M.show = function(state) local tree_width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(state.winid) local keys = utils.get_keys(state.resolved_mappings, true) local lines = { add_text("") } lines[1] = add_text(" Press the corresponding key to execute the command.", "Comment") lines[2] = add_text(" Press <Esc> to cancel.", "Comment") lines[3] = add_text("") local header = NuiLine() header:append(string.format(" %14s", "KEY(S)"), highlights.ROOT_NAME) header:append(" ", highlights.DIM_TEXT) header:append("COMMAND", highlights.ROOT_NAME) lines[4] = header local max_width = #lines[1]:content() for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local value = state.resolved_mappings[key] local nline = NuiLine() nline:append(string.format(" %14s", key), highlights.FILTER_TERM) nline:append(" -> ", highlights.DIM_TEXT) nline:append(value.text, highlights.NORMAL) local line = nline:content() if #line > max_width then max_width = #line end table.insert(lines, nline) end local width = math.min(60, max_width + 1) if state.current_position == "right" then col = vim.o.columns - tree_width - width - 1 else col = tree_width - 1 end local options = { position = { row = 2, col = col, }, size = { width = width, height = #keys + 5, }, enter = true, focusable = true, zindex = 50, relative = "editor", } local options = popups.popup_options("Neotree Help", width, options) local popup = Popup(options) popup:mount() popup:map("n", "<esc>", function() popup:unmount() end, { noremap = true }) local event = require("nui.utils.autocmd").event popup:on({ event.BufLeave, event.BufDelete }, function() popup:unmount() end, { once = true }) for _, key in ipairs(keys) do -- map everything except for <escape> if string.match(key:lower(), "^<esc") == nil then local value = state.resolved_mappings[key] popup:map("n", key, function() popup:unmount() vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(state.winid) value.handler() end) end end for i, line in ipairs(lines) do line:render(popup.bufnr, -1, i) end end return M