--============================================================================= -- iedit.lua --- multiple cursor for spacevim in lua -- Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Wang Shidong & Contributors -- Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- URL: https://spacevim.org -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local M = {} local modname = 'spacevim.plugin.iedit' _G[modname] = M package.loaded[modname] = M --return modname setmetatable(M, { __index = _G }) -- Local spacevim APIs {{{ local hi = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.highlight') local str = require('spacevim.api').import('data.string') local cmp = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.compatible') local v = require('spacevim.api').import('vim') local k = require('spacevim.api').import('vim.keys') -- }}} -- Local Variable {{{ local logger = require('spacevim.logger').derive('iedit') local index = -1 local cursor_col = -1 local mode = '' local hi_id = '' local Operator = '' local iedit_cursor_hi_info = {} local cursor_stack = {} local iedit_hi_info = { { name = 'IeditPurpleBold', guibg = '#3c3836', guifg = '#d3869b', ctermbg = '', ctermfg = 175, bold = 1, }, { name = 'IeditBlueBold', guibg = '#3c3836', guifg = '#83a598', ctermbg = '', ctermfg = 109, bold = 1, }, { name = 'IeditInactive', guibg = '#3c3836', guifg = '#abb2bf', ctermbg = '', ctermfg = 145, bold = 1, }, } -- }}} --- basic functions{{{ local function empty(expr) -- {{{ return vim.fn.empty(expr) == 1 end -- }}} local matchstr = vim.fn.matchstr local substitute = vim.fn.substitute local range = vim.fn.range local getline = vim.fn.getline local timer_start = vim.fn.timer_start local function echo(msg) -- {{{ vim.api.nvim_echo({ { msg } }, false, {}) end -- }}} ---}}} local function fixstack(idxs) -- {{{ local change = 0 for i = 1, #idxs, 1 do cursor_stack[idxs[i][1]].col = cursor_stack[idxs[i][1]].col + change change = change + idxs[i][2] - cursor_stack[idxs[i][1]].len cursor_stack[idxs[i][1]].len = idxs[i][2] end end -- }}} local function replace_symbol() -- {{{ local line = 0 local begin = '' local pre = '' local _end = '' local idxs = {} for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].lnum ~= line then if not empty(idxs) then _end = string.sub( vim.fn.getline(line), cursor_stack[i - 1].col + cursor_stack[i - 1].len, -1 ) pre = pre .. _end end fixstack(idxs) vim.fn.setline(line, pre) idxs = {} line = cursor_stack[i].lnum if cursor_stack[i].col ~= 1 then begin = string.sub(vim.fn.getline(line), 1, cursor_stack[i].col - 1) else begin = '' end pre = begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end else line = cursor_stack[i].lnum if i == 1 then if cursor_stack[i].col == 1 then pre = '' else pre = string.sub(vim.fn.getline(line), 1, cursor_stack[i].col - 1) .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end end else local a = cursor_stack[i - 1].col + cursor_stack[i - 1].len local b = cursor_stack[i].col - 1 local next = '' if a > b then next = '' else next = string.sub(vim.fn.getline(line), a, b) end pre = pre .. next .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end end end table.insert(idxs, { i, vim.fn.len( cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end ), }) end if not empty(idxs) then _end = string.sub( vim.fn.getline(line), cursor_stack[#cursor_stack].col + cursor_stack[#cursor_stack].len, -1 ) pre = pre .. _end end fixstack(idxs) vim.fn.setline(line, pre) end -- }}} local function reset_Operator(...) -- {{{ Operator = '' end -- }}} local function timeout() -- {{{ timer_start(1000, reset_Operator) end -- }}} local function highlight_cursor() -- {{{ hi.hi(iedit_cursor_hi_info) for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then if i == index then vim.fn.matchaddpos('IeditPurpleBold', { { cursor_stack[i].lnum, cursor_stack[i].col, cursor_stack[i].len, }, }) else vim.fn.matchaddpos('IeditBlueBold', { { cursor_stack[i].lnum, cursor_stack[i].col, cursor_stack[i].len, }, }) end vim.fn.matchadd( 'SpaceVimGuideCursor', [[\%]] .. cursor_stack[i].lnum .. [[l\%]] .. (cursor_stack[i].col + vim.fn.len(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin)) .. 'c', 99999 ) else vim.fn.matchaddpos('IeditInactive', { { cursor_stack[i].lnum, cursor_stack[i].col, cursor_stack[i].len, }, }) end end end -- }}} local function remove_cursor_highlight() -- {{{ vim.fn.clearmatches() end -- }}} local function handle_normal(char) -- handle normal key bindings {{{ remove_cursor_highlight() if char == 'i' then -- {{{ mode = 'i' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'ii' vim.cmd('redrawstatus!') -- }}} elseif char == 'I' then -- {{{ mode = 'i' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'ii' for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then local old_cursor_char = cursor_stack[i].cursor_char cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr( cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.' ) cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute( cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. old_cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g' ) cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = '' end end vim.cmd('redrawstatus!') -- }}} elseif char == '<tab>' then -- {{{ cursor_stack[index].active = not cursor_stack[index].active --}}} elseif char == 'a' then -- {{{ mode = 'i' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'ii' for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end vim.cmd('redrawstatus!') -- }}} elseif char == 'A' then -- {{{ mode = 'i' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'ii' for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = '' end end vim.cmd('redrawstatus!') -- }}} elseif char == 'C' then -- {{{ mode = 'i' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'ii' for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = '' end end replace_symbol() -- }}} elseif char == '~' then -- toggle the case of cursor char {{{ for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = str.toggle_case(cursor_stack[i].cursor_char) end end replace_symbol() --}}} elseif char == 'f' then -- string find mode {{{ Operator = 'f' timeout() -- }}} elseif char == 's' then -- {{{ mode = 'i' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'ii' for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end replace_symbol() -- }}} elseif char == 'x' then -- {{{ for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end replace_symbol() -- }}} elseif char == 'X' then -- {{{ for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, '.$', '', 'g') end end replace_symbol() -- }}} elseif char == '<left>' or char == 'h' then -- {{{ for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, '.$') cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, '.$', '', 'g') end end -- }}} elseif char == '<right>' or char == 'l' then for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end elseif char == 'e' then for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then local word = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, [[^\s*\S*]]) cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. word cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, '.$') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, [[^\s*\S*]], '', 'g') end end elseif char == 'b' then for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then local word = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, [[\S*\s*$]]) cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = word .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, [[\S*\s*$]], '', 'g') cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end elseif char == 'w' then for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do if cursor_stack[i].active then local word = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, [[\S*\s*$]]) cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. word cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, [[^\S*\s*]], '', 'g') cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end elseif char == '0' or char == '<home>' then elseif char == '$' or char == '<end>' then elseif char == 'D' then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = '' end end replace_symbol() elseif char == 'p' then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = vim.fn.getreg('"', 1, true)[1] or '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = '' end end replace_symbol() elseif char == 'S' then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = '' end end mode = 'i' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'ii' vim.cmd('redrawstatus!') replace_symbol() elseif char == 'G' then vim.cmd(cursor_stack[#cursor_stack].lnum) index = #cursor_stack elseif char == 'g' then if Operator == 'g' then vim.cmd(cursor_stack[1].lnum) Operator = '' index = 1 else Operator = 'g' timeout() end elseif char == '<c-n>' then elseif char == '<C-x>' then elseif char == '<C-p>' then elseif char == 'n' then local origin_index = index if index == #cursor_stack then index = 1 else index = index + 1 end while not cursor_stack[index].active do index = index + 1 if index == #cursor_stack + 1 then index = 1 end if index == origin_index then break end end vim.fn.cursor( cursor_stack[index].lnum, cursor_stack[index].col + vim.fn.len(cursor_stack[index].cursor_begin) ) elseif char == 'N' then end highlight_cursor() return cursor_stack[1].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_end end -- }}} local function handle_insert(char) -- {{{ remove_cursor_highlight() local is_movement = false if char == k.t('<Esc>') or char == k.t('<C-g>') then mode = 'n' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'in' highlight_cursor() vim.cmd('redraw!') vim.cmd('redrawstatus!') return cursor_stack[1].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_end elseif char == k.t('<C-w>') then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, [[\S*\s*$]], '', 'g') end end elseif char == k.t('<C-u>') then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = '' end end elseif char == k.t('<C-k>') then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = '' cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = '' end end elseif char == k.t('<bs>') or char == k.t('<C-h>') then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, '.$', '', 'g') end end elseif char == k.t('<Delete>') or char == k.t('<C-?>') then for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end elseif char == k.t('<C-b>') or char == k.t('<Left>') then is_movement = true for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then if not empty(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin) then cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_end cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, '.$') cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin, '.$', '', 'g') end end end elseif char == k.t('<C-f>') or char == k.t('<Right>') then is_movement = true for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = matchstr(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.') cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = substitute(cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, '^.', '', 'g') end end elseif char == k.t('<C-r>') then Operator = 'r' timeout() else for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do if cursor_stack[i].active then cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. char end end end if not is_movement then replace_symbol() end highlight_cursor() return cursor_stack[1].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_end end --- }}} local function parse_symbol(_begin, _end, symbol, use_expr, selectall) -- {{{ local len = #symbol local cursor = { vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.col('.') } for _, l in ipairs(vim.fn.range(_begin, _end)) do local line = vim.fn.getline(l) local idx = str.strAllIndex(line, symbol, use_expr) for _, v in ipairs(idx) do local pos_a = v[1] local pos_b = v[2] table.insert(cursor_stack, { cursor_begin = string.sub(line, pos_a + 1, pos_b - 1), cursor_char = string.sub(line, pos_b, pos_b), cursor_end = '', active = selectall, lnum = l, col = pos_a + 1, len = pos_b - pos_a, }) if l == cursor[1] and pos_a + 1 <= cursor[2] and pos_b >= cursor[2] then index = #cursor_stack end end end if index == -1 and vim.fn.empty(cursor_stack) == 0 then index = 1 vim.fn.cursor(cursor_stack[1].lnum, cursor_stack[1].col) end if vim.fn.empty(cursor_stack) == 0 then cursor_stack[index].active = true end end -- }}} local function handle_f_char(char) -- {{{ remove_cursor_highlight() if char >= 32 and char <= 126 then Operator = '' for _, i in ipairs(vim.fn.range(1, #cursor_stack)) do local matchedstr = vim.fn.matchstr( cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, vim.fn.printf('[^%s]', vim.fn.nr2char(char)) ) cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[i].cursor_char .. matchedstr cursor_stack[i].cursor_end = vim.fn.matchstr( cursor_stack[i].cursor_end, vim.fn.printf([[[%s]\zs.*]], vim.fn.nr2char(char)) ) cursor_stack[i].cursor_char = vim.fn.nr2char(char) end end highlight_cursor() return cursor_stack[1].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_end end -- }}} local function handle_register(char) -- {{{ -- local char = vim.fn.nr2char(char) -- same as char =~# '[a-zA-Z0-9"+:/]' in vim script if char:match('[a-zA-Z0-9"%+:/]') then remove_cursor_highlight() Operator = '' local paste = vim.fn.getreg(char, 1, true)[1] or '' for i = 1, #cursor_stack, 1 do cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin = cursor_stack[i].cursor_begin .. paste end replace_symbol() highlight_cursor() end return cursor_stack[1].cursor_begin .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_char .. cursor_stack[1].cursor_end end -- }}} local function handle(mode, char) -- {{{ if mode == 'n' and Operator == 'f' then handle_f_char(char) elseif mode == 'n' then handle_normal(char) elseif mode == 'i' and Operator == 'r' then handle_register(char) elseif mode == 'i' then handle_insert(char) end end -- }}} function M.start(...) -- {{{ local args = { ... } argv = args[1] or '' local selectall = true local use_expr = false if empty(argv) and ( matchstr(getline('.'), '\\%' .. vim.fn.col('.') .. 'c.') == '' or matchstr(getline('.'), '\\%' .. vim.fn.col('.') .. 'c.') == ' ' ) then echo('no pattern found under cursor') end local save_tve = vim.o.t_ve local save_cl = vim.wo.cursorline vim.wo.cursorline = false vim.o.t_ve = '' hi.hi(iedit_hi_info[1]) hi.hi(iedit_hi_info[2]) hi.hi(iedit_hi_info[3]) local cursor_hi = hi.group2dict('Cursor') iedit_cursor_hi_info = vim.fn.deepcopy(cursor_hi) iedit_cursor_hi_info.name = 'SpaceVimGuideCursor' lcursor_hi = hi.group2dict('lCursor') local guicursor = vim.o.guicursor hi.hide_in_normal('Cursor') hi.hide_in_normal('lCursor') if vim.api ~= nil then vim.cmd('set guicursor+=a:Cursor/lCursor') end mode = 'n' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'in' if #cursor_stack == 0 then local curpos = vim.fn.getpos('.') local save_reg_k = vim.api.nvim_eval('@"') if not empty(argv) and vim.fn.type(argv) == 4 then selectall = argv.selectall or selectall if argv.expr ~= nil then use_expr = true symbol = argv.expr elseif argv.word then symbol = argv.word elseif argv.stack then else vim.cmd('normal! gv"ky') symbol = vim.fn.split(vim.api.nvim_eval('@K'), '\n')[1] end else vim.cmd('normal! viw"ky') symbol = vim.fn.split(vim.api.nvim_eval('@K'), '\n')[1] end end vim.fn.setpos('.', curpos) local _begin = args[2] or 1 local _end = args[3] or vim.fn.line('$') logger.debug('iedit symbol:>' .. symbol .. '<') logger.debug('iedit use_expr:' .. vim.fn.string(use_expr)) logger.debug('iedit begin:' .. _begin) logger.debug('iedit end:' .. _end) parse_symbol(_begin, _end, symbol, 1, selectall) highlight_cursor() vim.cmd('redrawstatus!') while mode ~= '' and #cursor_stack > 0 do vim.cmd('redraw!') local char = v.getchar() if mode == 'n' and char == k.t('<Esc>') then mode = '' else local symbol = handle(mode, char) end end if #cursor_stack == 0 then vim.cmd('normal! :') echo('Pattern not found:' .. symbol) end cursor_stack = {} index = -1 mode = '' vim.w.spacevim_iedit_mode = mode vim.w.spacevim_statusline_mode = 'in' vim.o.t_ve = save_tve hi.hi(cursor_hi) hi.hi(lcursor_hi) vim.o.guicursor = guicursor vim.cmd('normal! :') remove_cursor_highlight() pcall(vim.fn.matchdelete, hi_id) hi_id = '' vim.wo.cursorline = save_cl return symbol end -- }}} return M -- vim:set et sw=2 cc=80 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}: