" ============================================================================ " File: util.vim " Description: Defines utility functions and default option values for Mundo. " Maintainer: Hyeon Kim <simnalamburt@gmail.com> " License: GPLv2+ " ============================================================================ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim if exists('g:Mundo_PluginLoaded') let &cpo = s:save_cpo finish endif " Utility functions{{{ " Moves to the first window in the current tab corresponding to expr. Accepts " an integer buffer number or a string file-pattern; for a detailed description " see :h bufname. Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise. function! mundo#util#GoToBuffer(expr)"{{{ let l:winnr = bufwinnr(bufnr(a:expr)) if l:winnr == -1 return 0 elseif l:winnr != winnr() exe l:winnr . "wincmd w" endif return 1 endfunction"}}} " Similar to MundoGoToBuffer, but considers windows in all tabs. " Prioritises matches in the current tab. function! mundo#util#GoToBufferGlobal(expr)"{{{ if mundo#util#GoToBuffer(a:expr) return 1 endif let l:bufWinIDs = win_findbuf(bufnr(a:expr)) if len(l:bufWinIDs) <= 0 return 0 endif call win_gotoid(l:bufWinIDs[0]) return 1 endfunction"}}} " Prints a highlighted string. function! mundo#util#Echo(higroup, text)"{{{ execute 'echohl ' . a:higroup execute 'unsilent echomsg ' . '"' . escape(a:text, '"') . '"' echohl None endfunction"}}} " Set var to val only if var has not been set by the user. Optionally takes a " deprecated option name and shows a warning if a variable with this name exists. function! mundo#util#set_default(var, val, ...)"{{{ if !exists(a:var) let {a:var} = a:val return 1 endif let old_var = get(a:000, 0, '') if exists(old_var) call mundo#util#Echo( \ 'WarningMsg', \ "{".old_var."}is deprecated! " \ ."Please change your setting to {" \ .split(old_var,':')[0] \ .':' \ .substitute(split(old_var,':')[1],'gundo_','mundo_','g') \ .'}' ) endif return 0 endfunction "}}} "}}} " Placeholder functions for deprecated Gundo commands{{{ function! mundo#util#Toggle() return mundo#util#Echo('WarningMsg', 'GundoToggle commands are ' \ . 'deprecated. Please change to their corresponding ' \ . 'MundoToggle command.') endf function! mundo#util#Show() return mundo#util#Echo('WarningMsg', 'GundoToggle commands are ' \ . 'deprecated. Please change to their corresponding ' \ . 'MundoShow command.') endf function! mundo#util#Hide() return mundo#util#Echo('WarningMsg', 'GundoToggle commands are ' \ . 'deprecated. Please change to their corresponding ' \ . 'MundoHide command.') endf function! mundo#util#RenderGraph() return mundo#util#Echo('WarningMsg', 'GundoToggle commands are ' \ . 'deprecated. Please change to their corresponding ' \ . 'MundoRenderGraph command.') endf "}}} let g:Mundo_PluginLoaded = 1 let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo