*echodoc.txt* Print documentation in echo area Version: 2.0 Author : Shougo <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> License: MIT license CONTENTS *echodoc-contents* Introduction |echodoc-introduction| Install |echodoc-install| Interface |echodoc-interface| Variables |echodoc-variables| Functions |echodoc-functions| Examples |echodoc-examples| Compatibility |echodoc-compatibility| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *echodoc-introduction* *echodoc* displays information in echo area from echodoc plugin. |echodoc| has the following properties which cannot be realized by ftplugin: 1. outputs messages from multiple plugins, (required that 'cmdheight' is high enough or 'noshowmode') 2. has a priority ranking in the search, 3. adds/deletes a plugin at any time, 4. highlights messages, 5. uses context filetype when "context_filetype" is installed, and https://github.com/Shougo/context_filetype.vim 6. uses multiple filetypes. Note: To use echodoc, you must increase 'cmdheight' value (2 or above), or disable showmode with 'noshowmode' so you will be able to see |echodoc|'s information clearly, without the "-- INSERT --" message overwriting it. ============================================================================== USAGE *echodoc-usage* ============================================================================== INSTALL *echodoc-install* Note: echodoc requires |v:completed_item| feature. It is added in Vim 7.4.774. ============================================================================== INTERFACE *echodoc-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *echodoc-variables* g:echodoc#enable_at_startup *g:echodoc#enable_at_startup* If the value of this variable is non-zero, |echodoc| is automatically enabled for all sources at startup. Note: If you want to enable echodoc buffer level, you need to call |echodoc#enable()| and use |b:echodoc_enabled| instead. Default: 0 g:echodoc#events *g:echodoc#events* If the |autocmd-events| are fired, echodoc is enabled. Default: ['CompleteDone', 'TextChangedP'] *g:echodoc#highlight_identifier* g:echodoc#highlight_identifier The highlight of identifier. Default: "Identifier" *g:echodoc#highlight_arguments* g:echodoc#highlight_arguments The highlight of current argument. Default: "Special" *g:echodoc#highlight_trailing* g:echodoc#highlight_trailing The highlight of trailing. Default: "Type" *g:echodoc#max_line_guard* g:echodoc#max_line_guard The maximux of line guard. If you increase the value, echodoc analysis more backward lines. Note: If you increase the value, it slows your Vim. Default: 5 g:echodoc#type *g:echodoc#type* The documentation display type. "echo": It uses the command line |:echo|. "signature": It uses gonvim signature feature. https://github.com/dzhou121/gonvim "virtual": It uses neovim virtual text feature. the documentation will be placed after the buffer text. |nvim_buf_set_extmark()| "virtual_lines": It uses neovim virtual lines feature. the documentation will be placed above the line. |nvim_buf_set_extmark()| Note: It is experimental feature and requires neovim 0.6+. "floating": It uses neovim floating window feature. the documentation will be placed above the cursor, as a pop-up in the buffer. Has the advantage of being easier to refer to. (jedi-vim like "show_call_signatures") |nvim_open_win()| "popup": It uses vim popup window feature. Works the same as "floating". |popup_create()| Default: "echo" g:echodoc#floating_config *g:echodoc#floating_config* The configuration dictionary for the floating window. This does matter only if you set |g:echodoc#type| as "floating". You can use any field that is supported by |nvim_open_win()| as configuration, except "relative", "width", "height", "col", and "row" (these are reserved by echodoc). Default: {} b:echodoc_enabled *b:echodoc_enabled* If it is set to non-zero, echodoc is enabled in current buffer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *echodoc-functions* echodoc#enable() *echodoc#enable()* Enables |echodoc|. echodoc#disable() *echodoc#disable()* Disables |echodoc|. echodoc#is_enabled() *echodoc#is_enabled()* Gets weather |echodoc| plugin is enabled. This function returns Number 1 if |echodoc| is enabled, zero otherwise. echodoc#register({name}, {dict}) *echodoc#register()* Registers the docs {dict} of the name {name}. If the docs with the same name exists, it will be overwritten. {dict} is a |Dictionary| which contains the followings: "name" String (Required) A name of this docs {dict}. The user can be given any name. This value and {name} must have the same value. "rank" Number (Required) The priority ranking in the search. The smaller value shows higher priority. "filetypes" Dictionary (Required) This is a |Dictionary| where the key is a filetype string and the value is anything. |echodoc| uses the {dict} when the {dict} has an entry where the key is the |filetype| of the current buffer. If this is a empty, |echodoc| always uses the {dict}. "search" Function (Required) Search function. This function takes a string as its parameter and returns a list of dictionaries. The |Dictionary| must have an entry where the key is "text" and the value is a String of a message. When the |Dictionary| has an entry with the key "highlight", |echodoc| highlights the message. echodoc#unregister({name}) *echodoc#unregister()* Unregisters the docs of the name {name}. echodoc#get({name}) *echodoc#get()* Get the echodoc dictionary for {name}. Useful for exists check. ============================================================================== EXAMPLES *echodoc-examples* > Option 1: " To use echodoc, you must increase 'cmdheight' value. set cmdheight=2 let g:echodoc_enable_at_startup = 1 Option 2: " Or, you could disable showmode alltogether. set noshowmode let g:echodoc_enable_at_startup = 1 Option 3: " Or, you could use neovim's virtual virtual text feature. let g:echodoc#enable_at_startup = 1 let g:echodoc#type = "virtual" Option 4: " Or, you could use neovim's floating text feature. let g:echodoc#enable_at_startup = 1 let g:echodoc#type = "floating" " To use a custom highlight for the float window, " change Pmenu to your highlight group highlight link EchoDocFloat Pmenu Option 5: " Or, you could use vim's popup window feature. let g:echodoc#enable_at_startup = 1 let g:echodoc#type = "popup" " To use a custom highlight for the popup window, " change Pmenu to your highlight group highlight link EchoDocPopup Pmenu > ============================================================================== COMPATIBILITY *echodoc-compatibility* 2021.11.16 * Change g:echodoc#events default value. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: