---@tag telescope.command ---@config { ["module"] = "telescope.command" } ---@brief [[ --- --- Telescope commands can be called through two apis, --- the lua api and the viml api. --- --- The lua api is the more direct way to interact with Telescope, as you directly call the --- lua functions that Telescope defines. --- It can be called in a lua file using commands like: --- <pre> --- `require("telescope.builtin").find_files({hidden=true, layout_config={prompt_position="top"}})` --- </pre> --- If you want to use this api from a vim file you should prepend `lua` to the command, as below: --- <pre> --- `lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({hidden=true, layout_config={prompt_position="top"}})` --- </pre> --- If you want to use this api from a neovim command line you should prepend `:lua` to --- the command, as below: --- <pre> --- `:lua require("telescope.builtin").find_files({hidden=true, layout_config={prompt_position="top"}})` --- </pre> --- --- The viml api is more indirect, as first the command must be parsed to the relevant lua --- equivalent, which brings some limitations. --- The viml api can be called using commands like: --- <pre> --- `:Telescope find_files hidden=true layout_config={"prompt_position":"top"}` --- </pre> --- This involves setting options using an `=` and using viml syntax for lists and --- dictionaries when the corresponding lua function requires a table. --- --- One limitation of the viml api is that there can be no spaces in any of the options. --- For example, if you want to use the `cwd` option for `find_files` to specify that you --- only want to search within the folder `/foo bar/subfolder/` you could not do that using the --- viml api, as the path name contains a space. --- Similarly, you could NOT set the `prompt_position` to `"top"` using the following command: --- <pre> --- `:Telescope find_files layout_config={ "prompt_position" : "top" }` --- </pre> --- as there are spaces in the option. --- ---@brief ]] local themes = require "telescope.themes" local builtin = require "telescope.builtin" local extensions = require("telescope._extensions").manager local config = require "telescope.config" local utils = require "telescope.utils" local command = {} local arg_value = { ["nil"] = nil, ['""'] = "", ['"'] = "", } local bool_type = { ["false"] = false, ["true"] = true, } local split_keywords = { ["find_command"] = true, ["vimgrep_arguments"] = true, ["sections"] = true, ["search_dirs"] = true, ["symbols"] = true, ["ignore_symbols"] = true, } -- convert command line string arguments to -- lua number boolean type and nil value command.convert_user_opts = function(user_opts) local default_opts = config.values local _switch = { ["boolean"] = function(key, val) if val == "false" then user_opts[key] = false return end user_opts[key] = true end, ["number"] = function(key, val) user_opts[key] = tonumber(val) end, ["string"] = function(key, val) if arg_value[val] ~= nil then user_opts[key] = arg_value[val] return end if bool_type[val] ~= nil then user_opts[key] = bool_type[val] end end, ["table"] = function(key, val) local ok, eval = pcall(vim.fn.eval, val) if ok then user_opts[key] = eval else local err eval, err = loadstring("return " .. val) if err ~= nil then -- discard invalid lua expression user_opts[key] = nil elseif eval ~= nil then ok, eval = pcall(eval) if ok and type(eval) == "table" then -- allow if return a table only user_opts[key] = eval else -- otherwise return nil (allows split check later) user_opts[key] = nil end end end end, } local _switch_metatable = { __index = function(_, k) utils.notify("command", { msg = string.format("Type of '%s' does not match", k), level = "WARN", }) end, } setmetatable(_switch, _switch_metatable) for key, val in pairs(user_opts) do if split_keywords[key] then _switch["table"](key, val) if user_opts[key] == nil then user_opts[key] = vim.split(val, ",") end elseif default_opts[key] ~= nil then _switch[type(default_opts[key])](key, val) elseif tonumber(val) ~= nil then _switch["number"](key, val) else _switch["string"](key, val) end end end -- receive the viml command args -- it should be a table value like -- { -- cmd = 'find_files', -- theme = 'dropdown', -- extension_type = 'command' -- opts = { -- cwd = '***', -- } local function run_command(args) local user_opts = args or {} if next(user_opts) == nil and not user_opts.cmd then utils.notify("command", { msg = "Command missing arguments", level = "ERROR", }) return end local cmd = user_opts.cmd local opts = user_opts.opts or {} local extension_type = user_opts.extension_type or "" local theme = user_opts.theme or "" if next(opts) ~= nil then command.convert_user_opts(opts) end if string.len(theme) > 0 then local func = themes[theme] or themes["get_" .. theme] opts = func(opts) end if string.len(extension_type) > 0 and extension_type ~= '"' then extensions[cmd][extension_type](opts) return end if builtin[cmd] then builtin[cmd](opts) return end if rawget(extensions, cmd) then extensions[cmd][cmd](opts) return end local ok = pcall(require("telescope").load_extension, cmd) if ok then extensions[cmd][cmd](opts) return end utils.notify("run_command", { msg = "Unknown command", level = "ERROR", }) end -- @Summary get extensions sub command -- register extensions dap gh etc. -- input in command line `Telescope gh <TAB>` -- Returns a list for each extension. function command.get_extensions_subcommand() local exts = require("telescope._extensions").manager local complete_ext_table = {} for cmd, value in pairs(exts) do if type(value) == "table" then local subcmds = {} for key, _ in pairs(value) do table.insert(subcmds, key) end complete_ext_table[cmd] = subcmds end end return complete_ext_table end function command.register_keyword(keyword) split_keywords[keyword] = true end function command.load_command(cmd, ...) local args = { ... } if cmd == nil then run_command { cmd = "builtin" } return end local user_opts = { cmd = cmd, opts = {}, } for _, arg in ipairs(args) do if arg:find("=", 1) == nil then user_opts["extension_type"] = arg else local param = vim.split(arg, "=") local key = table.remove(param, 1) param = table.concat(param, "=") if key == "theme" then user_opts["theme"] = param else user_opts.opts[key] = param end end end run_command(user_opts) end return command