---@tag telescope.utils ---@config { ["module"] = "telescope.utils" } ---@brief [[ --- Utilities for writing telescope pickers ---@brief ]] local Path = require "plenary.path" local Job = require "plenary.job" local log = require "telescope.log" local truncate = require("plenary.strings").truncate local get_status = require("telescope.state").get_status local utils = {} utils.get_separator = function() return Path.path.sep end utils.cycle = function(i, n) return i % n == 0 and n or i % n end utils.get_lazy_default = function(x, defaulter, ...) if x == nil then return defaulter(...) else return x end end utils.repeated_table = function(n, val) local empty_lines = {} for _ = 1, n do table.insert(empty_lines, val) end return empty_lines end utils.filter_symbols = function(results, opts) local has_ignore = opts.ignore_symbols ~= nil local has_symbols = opts.symbols ~= nil local filtered_symbols if has_symbols and has_ignore then utils.notify("filter_symbols", { msg = "Either opts.symbols or opts.ignore_symbols, can't process opposing options at the same time!", level = "ERROR", }) return elseif not (has_ignore or has_symbols) then return results elseif has_ignore then if type(opts.ignore_symbols) == "string" then opts.ignore_symbols = { opts.ignore_symbols } end if type(opts.ignore_symbols) ~= "table" then utils.notify("filter_symbols", { msg = "Please pass ignore_symbols as either a string or a list of strings", level = "ERROR", }) return end opts.ignore_symbols = vim.tbl_map(string.lower, opts.ignore_symbols) filtered_symbols = vim.tbl_filter(function(item) return not vim.tbl_contains(opts.ignore_symbols, string.lower(item.kind)) end, results) elseif has_symbols then if type(opts.symbols) == "string" then opts.symbols = { opts.symbols } end if type(opts.symbols) ~= "table" then utils.notify("filter_symbols", { msg = "Please pass filtering symbols as either a string or a list of strings", level = "ERROR", }) return end opts.symbols = vim.tbl_map(string.lower, opts.symbols) filtered_symbols = vim.tbl_filter(function(item) return vim.tbl_contains(opts.symbols, string.lower(item.kind)) end, results) end -- TODO(conni2461): If you understand this correctly then we sort the results table based on the bufnr -- If you ask me this should be its own function, that happens after the filtering part and should be -- called in the lsp function directly local current_buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() if not vim.tbl_isempty(filtered_symbols) then -- filter adequately for workspace symbols local filename_to_bufnr = {} for _, symbol in ipairs(filtered_symbols) do if filename_to_bufnr[symbol.filename] == nil then filename_to_bufnr[symbol.filename] = vim.uri_to_bufnr(vim.uri_from_fname(symbol.filename)) end symbol["bufnr"] = filename_to_bufnr[symbol.filename] end table.sort(filtered_symbols, function(a, b) if a.bufnr == b.bufnr then return a.lnum < b.lnum end if a.bufnr == current_buf then return true end if b.bufnr == current_buf then return false end return a.bufnr < b.bufnr end) return filtered_symbols end -- print message that filtered_symbols is now empty if has_symbols then local symbols = table.concat(opts.symbols, ", ") utils.notify("filter_symbols", { msg = string.format("%s symbol(s) were not part of the query results", symbols), level = "WARN", }) elseif has_ignore then local symbols = table.concat(opts.ignore_symbols, ", ") utils.notify("filter_symbols", { msg = string.format("%s ignore_symbol(s) have removed everything from the query result", symbols), level = "WARN", }) end end utils.path_smart = (function() local paths = {} return function(filepath) local final = filepath if #paths ~= 0 then local dirs = vim.split(filepath, "/") local max = 1 for _, p in pairs(paths) do if #p > 0 and p ~= filepath then local _dirs = vim.split(p, "/") for i = 1, math.min(#dirs, #_dirs) do if (dirs[i] ~= _dirs[i]) and i > max then max = i break end end end end if #dirs ~= 0 then if max == 1 and #dirs >= 2 then max = #dirs - 2 end final = "" for k, v in pairs(dirs) do if k >= max - 1 then final = final .. (#final > 0 and "/" or "") .. v end end end end if not paths[filepath] then paths[filepath] = "" table.insert(paths, filepath) end if final and final ~= filepath then return "../" .. final else return filepath end end end)() utils.path_tail = (function() local os_sep = utils.get_separator() return function(path) for i = #path, 1, -1 do if path:sub(i, i) == os_sep then return path:sub(i + 1, -1) end end return path end end)() utils.is_path_hidden = function(opts, path_display) path_display = path_display or vim.F.if_nil(opts.path_display, require("telescope.config").values.path_display) return path_display == nil or path_display == "hidden" or type(path_display) == "table" and (vim.tbl_contains(path_display, "hidden") or path_display.hidden) end local is_uri = function(filename) return string.match(filename, "^%w+://") ~= nil end local calc_result_length = function(truncate_len) local status = get_status(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()) local len = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(status.results_win) - status.picker.selection_caret:len() - 2 return type(truncate_len) == "number" and len - truncate_len or len end --- Transform path is a util function that formats a path based on path_display --- found in `opts` or the default value from config. --- It is meant to be used in make_entry to have a uniform interface for --- builtins as well as extensions utilizing the same user configuration --- Note: It is only supported inside `make_entry`/`make_display` the use of --- this function outside of telescope might yield to undefined behavior and will --- not be addressed by us ---@param opts table: The opts the users passed into the picker. Might contains a path_display key ---@param path string: The path that should be formated ---@return string: The transformed path ready to be displayed utils.transform_path = function(opts, path) if path == nil then return end if is_uri(path) then return path end local path_display = vim.F.if_nil(opts.path_display, require("telescope.config").values.path_display) local transformed_path = path if type(path_display) == "function" then return path_display(opts, transformed_path) elseif utils.is_path_hidden(nil, path_display) then return "" elseif type(path_display) == "table" then if vim.tbl_contains(path_display, "tail") or path_display.tail then transformed_path = utils.path_tail(transformed_path) elseif vim.tbl_contains(path_display, "smart") or path_display.smart then transformed_path = utils.path_smart(transformed_path) else if not vim.tbl_contains(path_display, "absolute") or path_display.absolute == false then local cwd if opts.cwd then cwd = opts.cwd if not vim.in_fast_event() then cwd = vim.fn.expand(opts.cwd) end else cwd = vim.loop.cwd() end transformed_path = Path:new(transformed_path):make_relative(cwd) end if vim.tbl_contains(path_display, "shorten") or path_display["shorten"] ~= nil then if type(path_display["shorten"]) == "table" then local shorten = path_display["shorten"] transformed_path = Path:new(transformed_path):shorten(shorten.len, shorten.exclude) else transformed_path = Path:new(transformed_path):shorten(path_display["shorten"]) end end if vim.tbl_contains(path_display, "truncate") or path_display.truncate then if opts.__length == nil then opts.__length = calc_result_length(path_display.truncate) end if opts.__prefix == nil then opts.__prefix = 0 end transformed_path = truncate(transformed_path, opts.__length - opts.__prefix, nil, -1) end end return transformed_path else log.warn("`path_display` must be either a function or a table.", "See `:help telescope.defaults.path_display.") return transformed_path end end -- local x = utils.make_default_callable(function(opts) -- return function() -- print(opts.example, opts.another) -- end -- end, { example = 7, another = 5 }) -- x() -- x.new { example = 3 }() function utils.make_default_callable(f, default_opts) default_opts = default_opts or {} return setmetatable({ new = function(opts) opts = vim.tbl_extend("keep", opts, default_opts) return f(opts) end, }, { __call = function() local ok, err = pcall(f(default_opts)) if not ok then error(debug.traceback(err)) end end, }) end function utils.job_is_running(job_id) if job_id == nil then return false end return vim.fn.jobwait({ job_id }, 0)[1] == -1 end function utils.buf_delete(bufnr) if bufnr == nil then return end -- Suppress the buffer deleted message for those with &report<2 local start_report = vim.o.report if start_report < 2 then vim.o.report = 2 end if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(bufnr, { force = true }) end if start_report < 2 then vim.o.report = start_report end end function utils.win_delete(name, win_id, force, bdelete) if win_id == nil or not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(win_id) then return end local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win_id) if bdelete then utils.buf_delete(bufnr) end if not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(win_id) then return end if not pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_close, win_id, force) then log.trace("Unable to close window: ", name, "/", win_id) end end function utils.max_split(s, pattern, maxsplit) pattern = pattern or " " maxsplit = maxsplit or -1 local t = {} local curpos = 0 while maxsplit ~= 0 and curpos < #s do local found, final = string.find(s, pattern, curpos, false) if found ~= nil then local val = string.sub(s, curpos, found - 1) if #val > 0 then maxsplit = maxsplit - 1 table.insert(t, val) end curpos = final + 1 else table.insert(t, string.sub(s, curpos)) break -- curpos = curpos + 1 end if maxsplit == 0 then table.insert(t, string.sub(s, curpos)) end end return t end function utils.data_directory() local sourced_file = require("plenary.debug_utils").sourced_filepath() local base_directory = vim.fn.fnamemodify(sourced_file, ":h:h:h") return Path:new({ base_directory, "data" }):absolute() .. Path.path.sep end function utils.buffer_dir() return vim.fn.expand "%:p:h" end function utils.display_termcodes(str) return str:gsub(string.char(9), "<TAB>"):gsub("", "<C-F>"):gsub(" ", "<Space>") end function utils.get_os_command_output(cmd, cwd) if type(cmd) ~= "table" then utils.notify("get_os_command_output", { msg = "cmd has to be a table", level = "ERROR", }) return {} end local command = table.remove(cmd, 1) local stderr = {} local stdout, ret = Job:new({ command = command, args = cmd, cwd = cwd, on_stderr = function(_, data) table.insert(stderr, data) end, }):sync() return stdout, ret, stderr end function utils.win_set_buf_noautocmd(win, buf) local save_ei = vim.o.eventignore vim.o.eventignore = "all" vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(win, buf) vim.o.eventignore = save_ei end local load_once = function(f) local resolved = nil return function(...) if resolved == nil then resolved = f() end return resolved(...) end end utils.transform_devicons = load_once(function() local has_devicons, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons") if has_devicons then if not devicons.has_loaded() then devicons.setup() end return function(filename, display, disable_devicons) local conf = require("telescope.config").values if disable_devicons or not filename then return display end local icon, icon_highlight = devicons.get_icon(utils.path_tail(filename), nil, { default = true }) local icon_display = (icon or " ") .. " " .. (display or "") if conf.color_devicons then return icon_display, icon_highlight else return icon_display, nil end end else return function(_, display, _) return display end end end) utils.get_devicons = load_once(function() local has_devicons, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons") if has_devicons then if not devicons.has_loaded() then devicons.setup() end return function(filename, disable_devicons) local conf = require("telescope.config").values if disable_devicons or not filename then return "" end local icon, icon_highlight = devicons.get_icon(utils.path_tail(filename), nil, { default = true }) if conf.color_devicons then return icon, icon_highlight else return icon, nil end end else return function(_, _) return "" end end end) --- Telescope Wrapper around vim.notify ---@param funname string: name of the function that will be ---@param opts table: opts.level string, opts.msg string, opts.once bool utils.notify = function(funname, opts) opts.once = vim.F.if_nil(opts.once, false) local level = vim.log.levels[opts.level] if not level then error("Invalid error level", 2) end local notify_fn = opts.once and vim.notify_once or vim.notify notify_fn(string.format("[telescope.%s]: %s", funname, opts.msg), level, { title = "telescope.nvim", }) end utils.__warn_no_selection = function(name) utils.notify(name, { msg = "Nothing currently selected", level = "WARN", }) end return utils