local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" local action_set = require "telescope.actions.set" local actions = require "telescope.actions" local finders = require "telescope.finders" local make_entry = require "telescope.make_entry" local pickers = require "telescope.pickers" local previewers = require "telescope.previewers" local sorters = require "telescope.sorters" local utils = require "telescope.utils" local conf = require("telescope.config").values local log = require "telescope.log" local Path = require "plenary.path" local flatten = vim.tbl_flatten local filter = vim.tbl_filter local files = {} local escape_chars = function(string) return string.gsub(string, "[%(|%)|\\|%[|%]|%-|%{%}|%?|%+|%*|%^|%$|%.]", { ["\\"] = "\\\\", ["-"] = "\\-", ["("] = "\\(", [")"] = "\\)", ["["] = "\\[", ["]"] = "\\]", ["{"] = "\\{", ["}"] = "\\}", ["?"] = "\\?", ["+"] = "\\+", ["*"] = "\\*", ["^"] = "\\^", ["$"] = "\\$", ["."] = "\\.", }) end local get_open_filelist = function(grep_open_files, cwd) if not grep_open_files then return nil end local bufnrs = filter(function(b) if 1 ~= vim.fn.buflisted(b) then return false end return true end, vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) if not next(bufnrs) then return end local filelist = {} for _, bufnr in ipairs(bufnrs) do local file = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) table.insert(filelist, Path:new(file):make_relative(cwd)) end return filelist end -- Special keys: -- opts.search_dirs -- list of directory to search in -- opts.grep_open_files -- boolean to restrict search to open files files.live_grep = function(opts) local vimgrep_arguments = opts.vimgrep_arguments or conf.vimgrep_arguments local search_dirs = opts.search_dirs local grep_open_files = opts.grep_open_files opts.cwd = opts.cwd and vim.fn.expand(opts.cwd) or vim.loop.cwd() local filelist = get_open_filelist(grep_open_files, opts.cwd) if search_dirs then for i, path in ipairs(search_dirs) do search_dirs[i] = vim.fn.expand(path) end end local additional_args = {} if opts.additional_args ~= nil then if type(opts.additional_args) == "function" then additional_args = opts.additional_args(opts) elseif type(opts.additional_args) == "table" then additional_args = opts.additional_args end end if opts.type_filter then additional_args[#additional_args + 1] = "--type=" .. opts.type_filter end if type(opts.glob_pattern) == "string" then additional_args[#additional_args + 1] = "--glob=" .. opts.glob_pattern elseif type(opts.glob_pattern) == "table" then for i = 1, #opts.glob_pattern do additional_args[#additional_args + 1] = "--glob=" .. opts.glob_pattern[i] end end local live_grepper = finders.new_job(function(prompt) -- TODO: Probably could add some options for smart case and whatever else rg offers. if not prompt or prompt == "" then return nil end local search_list = {} if grep_open_files then search_list = filelist elseif search_dirs then search_list = search_dirs end return flatten { vimgrep_arguments, additional_args, "--", prompt, search_list } end, opts.entry_maker or make_entry.gen_from_vimgrep(opts), opts.max_results, opts.cwd) pickers .new(opts, { prompt_title = "Live Grep", finder = live_grepper, previewer = conf.grep_previewer(opts), -- TODO: It would be cool to use `--json` output for this -- and then we could get the highlight positions directly. sorter = sorters.highlighter_only(opts), attach_mappings = function(_, map) map("i", "<c-space>", actions.to_fuzzy_refine) return true end, }) :find() end files.grep_string = function(opts) -- TODO: This should probably check your visual selection as well, if you've got one opts.cwd = opts.cwd and vim.fn.expand(opts.cwd) or vim.loop.cwd() local vimgrep_arguments = vim.F.if_nil(opts.vimgrep_arguments, conf.vimgrep_arguments) local word = vim.F.if_nil(opts.search, vim.fn.expand "<cword>") local search = opts.use_regex and word or escape_chars(word) local additional_args = {} if opts.additional_args ~= nil then if type(opts.additional_args) == "function" then additional_args = opts.additional_args(opts) elseif type(opts.additional_args) == "table" then additional_args = opts.additional_args end end if search == "" then search = { "-v", "--", "^[[:space:]]*$" } opts.__inverted = true else search = { "--", search } end local args = flatten { vimgrep_arguments, additional_args, opts.word_match, search, } if opts.grep_open_files then for _, file in ipairs(get_open_filelist(opts.grep_open_files, opts.cwd)) do table.insert(args, file) end elseif opts.search_dirs then for _, path in ipairs(opts.search_dirs) do table.insert(args, vim.fn.expand(path)) end end opts.entry_maker = opts.entry_maker or make_entry.gen_from_vimgrep(opts) pickers .new(opts, { prompt_title = "Find Word (" .. word:gsub("\n", "\\n") .. ")", finder = finders.new_oneshot_job(args, opts), previewer = conf.grep_previewer(opts), sorter = conf.generic_sorter(opts), }) :find() end files.find_files = function(opts) local find_command = (function() if opts.find_command then if type(opts.find_command) == "function" then return opts.find_command(opts) end return opts.find_command elseif 1 == vim.fn.executable "rg" then return { "rg", "--files", "--color", "never" } elseif 1 == vim.fn.executable "fd" then return { "fd", "--type", "f", "--color", "never" } elseif 1 == vim.fn.executable "fdfind" then return { "fdfind", "--type", "f", "--color", "never" } elseif 1 == vim.fn.executable "find" and vim.fn.has "win32" == 0 then return { "find", ".", "-type", "f" } elseif 1 == vim.fn.executable "where" then return { "where", "/r", ".", "*" } end end)() if not find_command then utils.notify("builtin.find_files", { msg = "You need to install either find, fd, or rg", level = "ERROR", }) return end local command = find_command[1] local hidden = opts.hidden local no_ignore = opts.no_ignore local no_ignore_parent = opts.no_ignore_parent local follow = opts.follow local search_dirs = opts.search_dirs local search_file = opts.search_file if search_dirs then for k, v in pairs(search_dirs) do search_dirs[k] = vim.fn.expand(v) end end if command == "fd" or command == "fdfind" or command == "rg" then if hidden then find_command[#find_command + 1] = "--hidden" end if no_ignore then find_command[#find_command + 1] = "--no-ignore" end if no_ignore_parent then find_command[#find_command + 1] = "--no-ignore-parent" end if follow then find_command[#find_command + 1] = "-L" end if search_file then if command == "rg" then find_command[#find_command + 1] = "-g" find_command[#find_command + 1] = "*" .. search_file .. "*" else find_command[#find_command + 1] = search_file end end if search_dirs then if command ~= "rg" and not search_file then find_command[#find_command + 1] = "." end vim.list_extend(find_command, search_dirs) end elseif command == "find" then if not hidden then table.insert(find_command, { "-not", "-path", "*/.*" }) find_command = flatten(find_command) end if no_ignore ~= nil then log.warn "The `no_ignore` key is not available for the `find` command in `find_files`." end if no_ignore_parent ~= nil then log.warn "The `no_ignore_parent` key is not available for the `find` command in `find_files`." end if follow then table.insert(find_command, 2, "-L") end if search_file then table.insert(find_command, "-name") table.insert(find_command, "*" .. search_file .. "*") end if search_dirs then table.remove(find_command, 2) for _, v in pairs(search_dirs) do table.insert(find_command, 2, v) end end elseif command == "where" then if hidden ~= nil then log.warn "The `hidden` key is not available for the Windows `where` command in `find_files`." end if no_ignore ~= nil then log.warn "The `no_ignore` key is not available for the Windows `where` command in `find_files`." end if no_ignore_parent ~= nil then log.warn "The `no_ignore_parent` key is not available for the Windows `where` command in `find_files`." end if follow ~= nil then log.warn "The `follow` key is not available for the Windows `where` command in `find_files`." end if search_dirs ~= nil then log.warn "The `search_dirs` key is not available for the Windows `where` command in `find_files`." end if search_file ~= nil then log.warn "The `search_file` key is not available for the Windows `where` command in `find_files`." end end if opts.cwd then opts.cwd = vim.fn.expand(opts.cwd) end opts.entry_maker = opts.entry_maker or make_entry.gen_from_file(opts) pickers .new(opts, { prompt_title = "Find Files", finder = finders.new_oneshot_job(find_command, opts), previewer = conf.file_previewer(opts), sorter = conf.file_sorter(opts), }) :find() end local function prepare_match(entry, kind) local entries = {} if entry.node then table.insert(entries, entry) else for name, item in pairs(entry) do vim.list_extend(entries, prepare_match(item, name)) end end return entries end -- TODO: finish docs for opts.show_line files.treesitter = function(opts) opts.show_line = vim.F.if_nil(opts.show_line, true) local has_nvim_treesitter, _ = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter") if not has_nvim_treesitter then utils.notify("builtin.treesitter", { msg = "User need to install nvim-treesitter needs to be installed", level = "ERROR", }) return end local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers" if not parsers.has_parser(parsers.get_buf_lang(opts.bufnr)) then utils.notify("builtin.treesitter", { msg = "No parser for the current buffer", level = "ERROR", }) return end local ts_locals = require "nvim-treesitter.locals" local results = {} for _, definition in ipairs(ts_locals.get_definitions(opts.bufnr)) do local entries = prepare_match(ts_locals.get_local_nodes(definition)) for _, entry in ipairs(entries) do entry.kind = vim.F.if_nil(entry.kind, "") table.insert(results, entry) end end if vim.tbl_isempty(results) then return end pickers .new(opts, { prompt_title = "Treesitter Symbols", finder = finders.new_table { results = results, entry_maker = opts.entry_maker or make_entry.gen_from_treesitter(opts), }, previewer = conf.grep_previewer(opts), sorter = conf.prefilter_sorter { tag = "kind", sorter = conf.generic_sorter(opts), }, }) :find() end files.current_buffer_fuzzy_find = function(opts) -- All actions are on the current buffer local filename = vim.fn.expand(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(opts.bufnr)) local filetype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(opts.bufnr, "filetype") local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(opts.bufnr, 0, -1, false) local lines_with_numbers = {} for lnum, line in ipairs(lines) do table.insert(lines_with_numbers, { lnum = lnum, bufnr = opts.bufnr, filename = filename, text = line, }) end local ts_ok, ts_parsers = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter.parsers") if ts_ok then filetype = ts_parsers.ft_to_lang(filetype) end local _, ts_configs = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter.configs") local parser_ok, parser = pcall(vim.treesitter.get_parser, opts.bufnr, filetype) local query_ok, query = pcall(vim.treesitter.get_query, filetype, "highlights") if parser_ok and query_ok and ts_ok and ts_configs.is_enabled("highlight", filetype, opts.bufnr) then local root = parser:parse()[1]:root() local highlighter = vim.treesitter.highlighter.new(parser) local highlighter_query = highlighter:get_query(filetype) local line_highlights = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, k) local obj = {} rawset(t, k, obj) return obj end, }) -- update to changes on Neovim master, see https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/19931 -- TODO(clason): remove when dropping support for Neovim 0.7 local on_nvim_master = vim.fn.has "nvim-0.8" == 1 for id, node in query:iter_captures(root, opts.bufnr, 0, -1) do local hl = on_nvim_master and query.captures[id] or highlighter_query:_get_hl_from_capture(id) if hl and type(hl) ~= "number" then local row1, col1, row2, col2 = node:range() if row1 == row2 then local row = row1 + 1 for index = col1, col2 do line_highlights[row][index] = hl end else local row = row1 + 1 for index = col1, #lines[row] do line_highlights[row][index] = hl end while row < row2 + 1 do row = row + 1 for index = 0, #(lines[row] or {}) do line_highlights[row][index] = hl end end end end end opts.line_highlights = line_highlights end pickers .new(opts, { prompt_title = "Current Buffer Fuzzy", finder = finders.new_table { results = lines_with_numbers, entry_maker = opts.entry_maker or make_entry.gen_from_buffer_lines(opts), }, sorter = conf.generic_sorter(opts), previewer = conf.grep_previewer(opts), attach_mappings = function() action_set.select:enhance { post = function() local selection = action_state.get_selected_entry() vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { selection.lnum, 0 }) end, } return true end, }) :find() end files.tags = function(opts) local tagfiles = opts.ctags_file and { opts.ctags_file } or vim.fn.tagfiles() for i, ctags_file in ipairs(tagfiles) do tagfiles[i] = vim.fn.expand(ctags_file, true) end if vim.tbl_isempty(tagfiles) then utils.notify("builtin.tags", { msg = "No tags file found. Create one with ctags -R", level = "ERROR", }) return end opts.entry_maker = vim.F.if_nil(opts.entry_maker, make_entry.gen_from_ctags(opts)) pickers .new(opts, { prompt_title = "Tags", finder = finders.new_oneshot_job(flatten { "cat", tagfiles }, opts), previewer = previewers.ctags.new(opts), sorter = conf.generic_sorter(opts), attach_mappings = function() action_set.select:enhance { post = function() local selection = action_state.get_selected_entry() if not selection then return end if selection.scode then -- un-escape / then escape required -- special chars for vim.fn.search() -- ] ~ * local scode = selection.scode:gsub([[\/]], "/"):gsub("[%]~*]", function(x) return "\\" .. x end) vim.cmd "norm! gg" vim.fn.search(scode) vim.cmd "norm! zz" else vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { selection.lnum, 0 }) end end, } return true end, }) :find() end files.current_buffer_tags = function(opts) return files.tags(vim.tbl_extend("force", { prompt_title = "Current Buffer Tags", only_current_file = true, path_display = "hidden", }, opts)) end local function apply_checks(mod) for k, v in pairs(mod) do mod[k] = function(opts) opts = opts or {} v(opts) end end return mod end return apply_checks(files)