" Vim indent file " Language: Lua " URL: https://github.com/tbastos/vim-lua " Initialization ------------------------------------------{{{1 if exists("b:did_indent") finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal autoindent setlocal nosmartindent setlocal indentexpr=GetLuaIndent() setlocal indentkeys+=0=end,0=until,0=elseif,0=else " Only define the function once. if exists("*GetLuaIndent") finish endif " Variables -----------------------------------------------{{{1 let s:open_patt = '\C\%(\<\%(function\|if\|repeat\|do\)\>\|(\|{\)' let s:middle_patt = '\C\<\%(else\|elseif\)\>' let s:close_patt = '\C\%(\<\%(end\|until\)\>\|)\|}\)' let s:anon_func_start = '\S\+\s*[({].*\ 0 && contents_prev !~# s:anon_func_end let i -= 1 endif " if this line closed a paren, indent (except with anon funcs) call cursor(prev_line, col([prev_line, '$'])) let num_cur_closed_parens = searchpair('(', '', ')', 'mr', s:skip_expr, v:lnum) if num_cur_closed_parens > 0 && contents_cur !~# s:anon_func_end let i += 1 endif " special case: call(with, {anon = function() -- should indent only once if i > 1 && contents_prev =~# s:anon_func_start let i = 1 endif " special case: end}) -- end of call w/ anon func should outdent only once if i < -1 && contents_cur =~# s:anon_func_end let i = -1 endif " restore cursor call setpos(".", original_cursor_pos) return indent(prev_line) + (shiftwidth() * i) endfunction