--============================================================================= -- installer.lua -- Copyright 2025 Eric Wong -- Author: Eric Wong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local M = {} local job = require('spacevim.api.job') local notify = require('spacevim.api.notify') local jobs = {} local config = require('plug.config') local on_uidate --- @class PlugUiData --- @field command? string clone/pull/build --- @filed clone_process? string --- @filed clone_done? boolean --- @filed building? boolean --- @filed build_done? boolean --- @field pull_done? boolean --- @field pull_process? string if config.ui == 'default' then on_uidate = require('plug.ui').on_update elseif config.ui == 'notify' then on_uidate = function(name, date) end end local processes = 0 local installation_queue = {} local building_queue = {} local updating_queue = {} --- @param plugSpec PluginSpec local function build(plugSpec) if processes >= config.max_processes then table.insert(building_queue, plugSpec) return end on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { command = 'build' }) local jobid = job.start(plugSpec.build, { on_stdout = function(id, data) for _, v in ipairs(data) do notify.notify(jobs['jobid_' .. id .. ':' .. v]) end end, on_stderr = function(id, data) for _, v in ipairs(data) do notify.notify(jobs['jobid_' .. id .. ':' .. v]) end end, on_exit = function(id, data, single) if data == 0 and single == 0 then on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { build_done = true }) else on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { build_done = false }) end processes = processes - 1 if #building_queue > 0 then build(table.remove(building_queue)) end end, cwd = plugSpec.path, }) if jobid > 0 then processes = processes + 1 jobs['jobid_' .. jobid] = plugSpec.name else on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { build_done = false }) end end --- @param plugSpec PluginSpec local function install_plugin(plugSpec) if processes >= config.max_processes then table.insert(installation_queue, plugSpec) return elseif vim.fn.isdirectory(plugSpec.path) == 1 then -- if the directory exists, skip installation on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { command = 'clone', clone_done = true }) return end local cmd = { 'git', 'clone', '--progress' } if config.clone_depth ~= 0 then table.insert(cmd, '--depth') table.insert(cmd, tostring(config.clone_depth)) end if plugSpec.branch then table.insert(cmd, '--branch') table.insert(cmd, plugSpec.branch) elseif plugSpec.tag then table.insert(cmd, '--branch') table.insert(cmd, plugSpec.tag) end table.insert(cmd, plugSpec.url) table.insert(cmd, plugSpec.path) on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { command = 'clone', clone_process = '' }) local jobid = job.start(cmd, { on_stderr = function(id, data) for _, v in ipairs(data) do local status = vim.fn.matchstr(v, [[\d\+%\s(\d\+/\d\+)]]) if vim.fn.empty(status) == 0 then on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { clone_process = status }) end end end, on_exit = function(id, data, single) if data == 0 and single == 0 then on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { clone_done = true, download_process = 100 }) if plugSpec.build then build(plugSpec) end else on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { clone_done = false, download_process = 0 }) end processes = processes - 1 if #installation_queue > 0 then install_plugin(table.remove(installation_queue, 1)) elseif #building_queue > 0 then build(table.remove(building_queue, 1)) end end, env = { http_proxy = config.http_proxy, https_proxy = config.https_proxy, }, }) processes = processes + 1 jobs['jobid_' .. jobid] = plugSpec.name end --- @param plugSpec PluginSpec local function update_plugin(plugSpec, force) if processes >= config.max_processes then table.insert(updating_queue, {plugSpec, force}) return elseif vim.fn.isdirectory(plugSpec.path) ~= 1 then -- if the directory does not exist, return failed on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { command = 'pull', pull_done = false }) return elseif plugSpec.frozen and not force then on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { command = 'pull', pull_done = true }) return end local cmd = { 'git', 'pull', '--progress' } on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { command = 'pull', pull_process = '' }) local jobid = job.start(cmd, { on_stderr = function(id, data) for _, v in ipairs(data) do local status = vim.fn.matchstr(v, [[\d\+%\s(\d\+/\d\+)]]) if vim.fn.empty(status) == 0 then on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { pull_process = status }) end end end, on_exit = function(id, data, single) if data == 0 and single == 0 then on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { pull_done = true }) if plugSpec.build then build(plugSpec) end else on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { pull_done = false }) end processes = processes - 1 if #updating_queue > 0 then update_plugin(unpack(table.remove(updating_queue, 1))) elseif #building_queue > 0 then build(table.remove(building_queue, 1)) end end, cwd = plugSpec.path, env = { http_proxy = config.http_proxy, https_proxy = config.https_proxy, }, }) if jobid > 0 then processes = processes + 1 jobs['jobid_' .. jobid] = plugSpec.name else on_uidate(plugSpec.name, { pull_done = false }) end end M.install = function(plugSpecs) for _, v in ipairs(plugSpecs) do install_plugin(v) end end M.update = function(plugSpecs, force) for _, v in ipairs(plugSpecs) do update_plugin(v, force) end end return M