local cmp = require'cmp' local NAME_REGEX = '\\%([^/\\\\:\\*?<>\'"`\\|]\\)' local PATH_REGEX = vim.regex(([[\%(/PAT\+\)*/\zePAT*$]]):gsub('PAT', NAME_REGEX)) local source = {} local defaults = { max_lines = 20, } source.new = function() return setmetatable({}, { __index = source }) end source.get_trigger_characters = function() return { '/', '.' } end source.get_keyword_pattern = function() return NAME_REGEX .. '*' end source.complete = function(self, params, callback) local dirname = self:_dirname(params) if not dirname then return callback() end local stat = self:_stat(dirname) if not stat then return callback() end self:_candidates(params, dirname, params.offset, function(err, candidates) if err then return callback() end callback(candidates) end) end source._dirname = function(self, params) local s = PATH_REGEX:match_str(params.context.cursor_before_line) if not s then return nil end local dirname = string.gsub(string.sub(params.context.cursor_before_line, s + 2), '%a*$', '') -- exclude '/' local prefix = string.sub(params.context.cursor_before_line, 1, s + 1) -- include '/' local buf_dirname = vim.fn.expand(('#%d:p:h'):format(params.context.bufnr)) if vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode == 'c' then buf_dirname = vim.fn.getcwd() end if prefix:match('%.%./$') then return vim.fn.resolve(buf_dirname .. '/../' .. dirname) end if prefix:match('%./$') then return vim.fn.resolve(buf_dirname .. '/' .. dirname) end if prefix:match('~/$') then return vim.fn.resolve(vim.fn.expand('~') .. '/' .. dirname) end local env_var_name = prefix:match('%$([%a_]+)/$') if env_var_name then local env_var_value = vim.fn.getenv(env_var_name) if env_var_value ~= vim.NIL then return vim.fn.resolve(env_var_value .. '/' .. dirname) end end if prefix:match('/$') then local accept = true -- Ignore URL components accept = accept and not prefix:match('%a/$') -- Ignore URL scheme accept = accept and not prefix:match('%a+:/$') and not prefix:match('%a+://$') -- Ignore HTML closing tags accept = accept and not prefix:match('</$') -- Ignore math calculation accept = accept and not prefix:match('[%d%)]%s*/$') -- Ignore / comment accept = accept and (not prefix:match('^[%s/]*$') or not self:_is_slash_comment()) if accept then return vim.fn.resolve('/' .. dirname) end end return nil end source._stat = function(_, path) local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(path) if stat then return stat end return nil end local function lines_from(file, count) local bfile = assert(io.open(file, 'rb')) local first_k = bfile:read(1024) if first_k:find('\0') then return {'binary file'} end local lines = {'```'} for line in first_k:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do lines[#lines + 1] = line if count ~= nil and #lines >= count then break end end lines[#lines + 1] = '```' return lines end local function try_get_lines(file, count) status, ret = pcall(lines_from, file, count) if status then return ret else return nil end end source._candidates = function(_, params, dirname, offset, callback) local fs, err = vim.loop.fs_scandir(dirname) if err then return callback(err, nil) end local items = {} local include_hidden = string.sub(params.context.cursor_before_line, offset, offset) == '.' while true do local name, type, e = vim.loop.fs_scandir_next(fs) if e then return callback(type, nil) end if not name then break end local accept = false accept = accept or include_hidden accept = accept or name:sub(1, 1) ~= '.' -- Create items if accept then if type == 'directory' then table.insert(items, { word = name, label = name, insertText = name .. '/', kind = cmp.lsp.CompletionItemKind.Folder, }) elseif type == 'link' then local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(dirname .. '/' .. name) if stat then if stat.type == 'directory' then table.insert(items, { word = name, label = name, insertText = name .. '/', kind = cmp.lsp.CompletionItemKind.Folder, }) else table.insert(items, { label = name, filterText = name, insertText = name, kind = cmp.lsp.CompletionItemKind.File, data = {path = dirname .. '/' .. name}, }) end end elseif type == 'file' then table.insert(items, { label = name, filterText = name, insertText = name, kind = cmp.lsp.CompletionItemKind.File, data = {path = dirname .. '/' .. name}, }) end end end callback(nil, items) end source._is_slash_comment = function(_) local commentstring = vim.bo.commentstring or '' local no_filetype = vim.bo.filetype == '' local is_slash_comment = false is_slash_comment = is_slash_comment or commentstring:match('/%*') is_slash_comment = is_slash_comment or commentstring:match('//') return is_slash_comment and not no_filetype end function source:resolve(completion_item, callback) if completion_item.kind == cmp.lsp.CompletionItemKind.File then completion_item.documentation = try_get_lines(completion_item.data.path, defaults.max_lines) end callback(completion_item) end return source