function! gina#action#blame#define(binder) abort if gina#core#buffer#param('%', 'scheme') ==# 'blame' call a:binder.define('blame:echo', function('s:on_echo'), { \ 'description': 'Echo a chunk info', \ 'mapping_mode': 'n', \ 'requirements': [ \ 'summary', \ 'author', \ 'author_time', \ 'author_tz', \ 'revision', \ ], \ 'options': {}, \ 'use_marks': 0, \ 'clear_marks': 0, \}) call a:binder.define('blame:open', function('s:on_open'), { \ 'description': 'Blame a content on a commit of a chunk', \ 'mapping_mode': 'n', \ 'requirements': ['rev', 'path'], \ 'options': {}, \ 'use_marks': 0, \ 'clear_marks': 0, \}) call a:binder.define('blame:back', function('s:on_back'), { \ 'description': 'Back to a navigational previous blame', \ 'mapping_mode': 'n', \ 'requirements': [], \ 'options': {}, \ 'use_marks': 0, \ 'clear_marks': 0, \}) endif endfunction " Private -------------------------------------------------------------------- function! s:on_echo(candidates, options) abort dict if empty(a:candidates) return endif let chunk = a:candidates[0] let timestamper = gina#core#timestamper#new({ \ 'months': g:gina#action#blame#timestamp_months, \ 'format1': g:gina#action#blame#timestamp_format1, \ 'format2': g:gina#action#blame#timestamp_format2, \}) let timestamp = timestamper.format( \ chunk.author_time, \ chunk.author_tz, \) redraw | echo printf( \ '%s: %s authored on %s [%s]', \ chunk.summary, \, \ timestamp, \ chunk.revision, \) endfunction function! s:on_open(candidates, options) abort dict if empty(a:candidates) return endif let options = extend({ \ 'opener': '', \}, a:options) let args = gina#core#meta#get_or_fail('args') let chunk = a:candidates[0] if !empty(args.params.rev) && chunk.rev =~# '^' . args.params.rev if !has_key(chunk, 'previous') throw gina#core#revelator#info(printf( \ 'No related parent commit exists and "%s" is already shown', \ chunk.rev, \)) endif if !gina#core#console#confirm(printf( \ 'A related parent commit "%s" exist. Do you want to move on?', \ chunk.previous, \), 'y') throw gina#core#revelator#info('Cancel') endif let rev = matchstr(chunk.previous, '^\S\+') let path = matchstr(chunk.previous, '^\S\+\s\zs.*') let line = gina#core#tracker#track( \ gina#core#get_or_fail(), \ chunk.path, \ line('.'), \ { \ 'lhs': chunk.rev, \ 'rhs': rev, \ } \) else let rev = chunk.rev let path = chunk.path let line = gina#util#get(chunk, 'line') endif call s:add_history() let treeish = gina#core#treeish#build(rev, path) execute printf( \ '%s Gina blame %s %s %s', \ options.mods, \ gina#util#shellescape(options.opener, '--opener='), \ gina#util#shellescape(line, '--line='), \ gina#util#shellescape(treeish), \) endfunction function! s:on_back(candidates, options) abort dict let options = extend({ \ 'opener': '', \}, a:options) let history = s:pop_history() let treeish = gina#core#treeish#build(history.rev, history.path) execute printf( \ '%s Gina blame %s %s %s', \ options.mods, \ gina#util#shellescape(options.opener, '--opener='), \ gina#util#shellescape(history.line, '--line='), \ gina#util#shellescape(treeish), \) endfunction " History -------------------------------------------------------------------- function! s:add_history() abort if gina#core#buffer#param('%', 'scheme') !=# 'blame' return endif let w:gina_blame_history = get(w:, 'gina_blame_history', []) let args = gina#core#meta#get_or_fail('args') call add(w:gina_blame_history, { \ 'rev': empty(args.params.rev) ? ':0' : args.params.rev, \ 'path': args.params.path, \ 'line': line('.'), \}) endfunction function! s:pop_history() abort let w:gina_blame_history = get(w:, 'gina_blame_history', []) if empty(w:gina_blame_history) throw gina#core#revelator#info('No navigational history is found') endif return remove(w:gina_blame_history, -1) endfunction " Config --------------------------------------------------------------------- call gina#config(expand('<sfile>'), { \ 'timestamp_months': 3, \ 'timestamp_format1': '%d %b', \ 'timestamp_format2': '%d %b, %Y', \})