*complete_parameter* *CompleteParameter* *completeparameter* author: tenfyzhong This help file explains the CompleteParameter Vim Plugin. ================================================================================ Contents: 0. Introduction -------------------------------- |complete-parameter-introduction| 1. Install ------------------------------------- |complete-parameter-install| 2. Usage --------------------------------------- |complete-parameter-usage| 3. Mapping ------------------------------------- |complete-parameter-mapping| 4. Options ------------------------------------- |complete-parameter-options| 5. Functions ----------------------------------- |complete-parameter-functions| 6. Writing Extensions -------------------------- |complete-parameter-extensions| 7. FAQ ----------------------------------------- |complete-parameter-faq| 8. Contributions ------------------------------- |complete-parameter-contributes| 9. Thanks -------------------------------------- |complete-parameter-thanks| 10. LICENSE ------------------------------------ |complete-parameter-license| ================================================================================ 0. Introduction *complete-parameter-introduction* CompletEparameter is a plugin for complete function's parameters after complete a function. - Complete parameters after select a complete item from the completion popup menu. - After complete the parameters, jump to the first parameter and the select it. - Jump to next parameter. - Jump to previous parameter. - Select next overload function. - Select previous overload function. - Select the first item in the completion popup menu. - Echo signature when select an item. (need to `set noshowmode` or `set cmdheight=2`) ================================================================================ 1. Install *complete-parameter-install* I suggest you to use a plugin manager, such vim-plug or other. - [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) > Plug 'tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim' < - Manual > git clone https://github.com/tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/CompleteParameter.vim echo 'set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/CompleteParameter.vim' >> ~/.vimrc vim -c 'helptag ~/.vim/bundle/CompleteParameter.vim/doc' -c qa! < ================================================================================ 2. Usage *complete-parameter-usage* Install a complete engine have supported. Goto the completion item of the completion popup menu you want to select, and then type `(`(minimal setting), the parameters will be inserted and select the the first parameter. `<c-j>`/`<c-k>`(minimal setting) will jump to the next/previous parameter and select it. ## Minimal setting > inoremap <silent><expr> ( complete_parameter#pre_complete("()") smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) smap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) imap <c-k> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) < ================================================================================ 3. Mapping *complete-parameter-mapping* *<Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)* `<Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter)` Goto next parameter and select it. eg: > nmap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) imap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) smap <c-j> <Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_next_parameter) < *<Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)* `<Plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter)` Goto previous parameter and select it. eg: > nmap <c-k> <plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) imap <c-k> <plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) smap <c-k> <plug>(complete_parameter#goto_previous_parameter) < *<Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down)* `<Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down)` Select next overload function. eg: > nmap <m-d> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down) imap <m-d> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down) smap <m-d> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_down) < *<Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up)* `<Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up)` Select previous overload function. eg: > nmap <m-u> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up) imap <m-u> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up) smap <m-u> <Plug>(complete_parameter#overload_up) < ================================================================================ 4. Options *complete-parameter-options* *g:complete_parameter_log_level* * g:complete_parameter_log_level This option set the log level. 5: disable log. 4: only print **error** log. 2: print **error** and **debug** log. 1: print **error**, **debug**, **trace** Default: 5 > let g:complete_parameter_log_level = 5 < *g:complete_parameter_use_ultisnips_mappings* * g:complete_parameter_use_ultisnips_mappings If this option is 1 and you use ultisnips together, it will use ultisnips mapping to goto next or previous parameter. default: 0 > let g:complete_parameter_use_ultisnips_mapping = 0 < *g:complete_parameter_echo_signature* * g:complete_parameter_echo_signature It will echo signature if this option is 1. (need to `set noshowmode` or `set cmdheight=2`) default: 1 > let g:complete_parameter_echo_signature = 1 < *g:complete_parameter_py_keep_value* * g:complete_parameter_py_keep_value It will keep default value if it this option is 1 for python. For example, if the definition is `def foo(a=1, b=2)`, it will complete `(a=1, b=2)` if its value is 1. Otherwise, it will complete `(a, b)`. If there are `=` in the completion, the jump to action only select the value, but not parameter name. It will select `1` and then `2` in the previous example. default: 1 > let g:complete_parameter_py_keep_value = 1 < *g:complete_parameter_py_remove_default* * g:complete_parameter_py_remove_default It will remove default parametrs if this option is 1 for python. For example, if the definition is `def foo(a, b=1)`, it will complete `(a)` if its value is 1. Otherwise, it will complete `(a, b)`. default: 1 > let g:complete_parameter_py_remove_default = 1 < ================================================================================ 5. Functions *complete-parameter-functions* *cmp#pre_complete* *complete_parameter#pre_complete* `cmp#pre_complete(failed_insert)` `complete_parameter#pre_complete(failed_insert)` deprecated call parameter completion. If failed, the parameter `failed_insert` will be inserted. *cmp#jumpable* *complete_parameter#jumpable* `cmp#jumpable(forward)` `complete_parameter#jumpable(forward)` deprecated can jump to next parameter or not. *CompleteParameterFailed* `CompleteParameterFailed(failed_insert)` You can define this function and process the failed event. The return will be inserted. ================================================================================ 6. Writing Extensions *complete-parameter-extensions* It's easy to writing extensions for languages. Follow the next steps. All commands below was work in this plugin directory. 1) Create a file named `filetype.vim` in path `cm_parser`. For example, write extension for golang. > touch cm_parser/go.vim < 2) Create function: `cm_parser#filetype#parameters(completed_item)` This is the most important function. The parameter `completed_item` is a copy of |v:completed_item|. This function will parse the complete info from the `completed_item` and return the parameters you need to completed. The return must be a list of strings. So the overwrite functions can be returned. For example, a go function like `func Dial(network string, address string) (net.Conn, error)` The function message was stored in the `menu` field of `completed_item` The go no support overwrite. So the result is `['(network, address)']` For another example, the std::vector::erase functor of c++, there are two overwrite functions. The message was stored in the `info` field of `completed_item` `iterator erase( const_iterator __position )` `iterator erase( const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last )` This function will return: `['(__position)', '(__first, __last)']` 3) Create function `cm_parser#filetype#parameter_delim()` This function return the delim of parameters. For example, the go and c++ will return ',' 4) Create function `cm_parser#filetype#parameter_begin()` This function return the border begin of the parameters. For example, the go will return '('. C++ will return '(<', the '<' is the beginning of template parameters. 5) Create function `cm_parser#filetype#parameter_end()` This function return the border end of the parameters. For example, the go will return ')'. C++ will return ')>', the '>' is ending of template parameters. The length of `cm_parser#filetype#parameter_begin()` and `cm_parser#filetype#parameter_end()` must be equal. Each char of them must be match. For example, the the first char of begin is '(', the first of end must be ')'. 6) Create function `cm_parser#filetype#echos(completed_item)` This function return the signatures. When the parameter completed, the signature will echo to cmd window. It's optional. 7) Please write unittest for your function `cm_parser#filetype#parameters` use [vader](https://github.com/junegunn/vader.vim) test framework. And put the unittest in the `vader` directory. This is optional. But if you would send a pull request, this is required. Finally, please send a pull request for me if you would like to share you extension. ================================================================================ 7. FAQ *complete-parameter-faq* 1) Can't work with plugin auto-pairs use the default mapping `(` Because the auto-pairs use `inoremap` to mapping the keys. It can't call this plugin after the auto-pairs process. You can add the following setting to you .vimrc, and it'll work well. > let g:AutoPairs = {'[':']', '{':'}',"'":"'",'"':'"', '`':'`'} inoremap <buffer><silent> ) <C-R>=AutoPairsInsert(')')<CR> < 2) How to accept the selected function but not parameters You can type `<c-y>` key to accept the selected function and stop completion. When the popup menu is disappeared, the parameters will not be insert. 3) The mapping `<c-j>` doesn't jump to the next parameter, but delete the selected words. If you use neosnippet, Please set `g:neosnippet#disable_select_mode_mappings` to 0. It will remove all select mappings. If you don't use neosnippet, please send me a issue, and give me the plugins you are using. ================================================================================ 8. Contributions *complete-parameter-contributes* Contributions and pull requests are welcome. ================================================================================ 9. Thanks *complete-parameter-thanks* - [johnzeng](https://github.com/johnzeng), support erlang ================================================================================ 10. LICENSE *complete-parameter-license* MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 tenfyzhong " vim:ft=help:iskeyword+=-:iskeyword+=58:iskeyword+=#