" Copyright (c) 2013 Junegunn Choi " " MIT License " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be " included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, " EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND " NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE " LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION " OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION " WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. if exists("g:loaded_github_dashboard") finish endif let g:loaded_github_dashboard = 1 let s:passwords = {} let s:more_line = ' -- MORE --' let s:not_loaded = '' let s:history = { 'received_events': {}, 'events': {} } let s:basedir = expand('<sfile>:p:h') let s:is_mac = \ has('mac') || \ has('macunix') || \ executable('uname') && \ index(['Darwin', 'Mac'], substitute(system('uname'), '\n', '', '')) != -1 let s:is_win = has('win32') || has('win64') if s:is_mac let s:emoji_code = { \ "+1": [0x1f44d], \ "-1": [0x1f44e], \ "100": [0x1f4af], \ "1234": [0x1f522], \ "8ball": [0x1f3b1], \ "a": [0x1f170], \ "ab": [0x1f18e], \ "abc": [0x1f524], \ "abcd": [0x1f521], \ "accept": [0x1f251], \ "aerial_tramway": [0x1f6a1], \ "airplane": 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[0x1f199], \ "us": [0x1f1fa, 0x1f1f8], \ "v": [0x270c], \ "vertical_traffic_light": [0x1f6a6], \ "vhs": [0x1f4fc], \ "vibration_mode": [0x1f4f3], \ "video_camera": [0x1f4f9], \ "video_game": [0x1f3ae], \ "violin": [0x1f3bb], \ "virgo": [0x264d], \ "volcano": [0x1f30b], \ "vs": [0x1f19a], \ "walking": [0x1f6b6], \ "waning_crescent_moon": [0x1f318], \ "waning_gibbous_moon": [0x1f316], \ "warning": [0x26a0], \ "watch": [0x231a], \ "water_buffalo": [0x1f403], \ "watermelon": [0x1f349], \ "wave": [0x1f44b], \ "wavy_dash": [0x3030], \ "waxing_crescent_moon": [0x1f312], \ "waxing_gibbous_moon": [0x1f314], \ "wc": [0x1f6be], \ "weary": [0x1f629], \ "wedding": [0x1f492], \ "whale": [0x1f433], \ "whale2": [0x1f40b], \ "wheelchair": [0x267f], \ "white_check_mark": [0x2705], \ "white_circle": [0x26aa], \ "white_flower": [0x1f4ae], \ "white_large_square": [0x2b1c], \ "white_medium_small_square": [0x25fd], \ "white_medium_square": [0x25fb], \ "white_small_square": [0x25ab], \ "white_square_button": [0x1f533], \ "wind_chime": [0x1f390], \ "wine_glass": [0x1f377], \ "wink": [0x1f609], \ "wolf": [0x1f43a], \ "woman": [0x1f469], \ "womans_clothes": [0x1f45a], \ "womans_hat": [0x1f452], \ "womens": [0x1f6ba], \ "worried": [0x1f61f], \ "wrench": [0x1f527], \ "x": [0x274c], \ "yellow_heart": [0x1f49b], \ "yen": [0x1f4b4], \ "yum": [0x1f60b], \ "zap": [0x26a1], \ "zero": [0x0030], \ "zzz": [0x1f4a4] \ } else let s:emoji_code = {} endif let s:emoji_map = { \ 'CommitCommentEvent': 'speech_balloon', \ 'CreateEvent': 'sparkles', \ 'DeleteEvent': 'x', \ 'DownloadEvent': 'paperclip', \ 'FollowEvent': 'green_heart', \ 'ForkEvent': 'fork_and_knife', \ 'ForkApplyEvent': 'fork_and_knife', \ 'GistEvent': 'pencil', \ 'GollumEvent': 'pencil', \ 'IssueCommentEvent': 'speech_balloon', \ 'IssuesEvent': 'exclamation', \ 'MemberEvent': 'busts_in_silhouette', \ 'PublicEvent': 'tada', \ 'PullRequestEvent': 'angel', \ 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent': 'speech_balloon', \ 'PullRequestReviewEvent': 'hand', \ 'PushEvent': 'dango', \ 'ReleaseEvent': 'bookmark', \ 'TeamAddEvent': 'busts_in_silhouette', \ 'WatchEvent': 'star', \ 'user_dashboard': 'herb', \ 'user_activity': 'cherry_blossom', \ 'repo_activity': 'hibiscus' \} function! s:emoji(name, ...) if b:github_emoji && has_key(s:emoji_code, tolower(a:name)) let e = s:emoji_code[tolower(a:name)] return join(map(copy(e), 'nr2char(v:val)'), '') . repeat(' ', 1 + (a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0)) else return '' endif endfunction function! s:emoji_for(type, pad) let custom_map = s:option('emoji_map', {}) if !empty(custom_map) " TODO inefficient let emoji_map = extend(copy(s:emoji_map), custom_map) return s:emoji(get(emoji_map, a:type, ''), a:pad) else return s:emoji(get(s:emoji_map, a:type, ''), a:pad) endif endfunction let s:original_statusline = &statusline function! s:password(profile, username) let fromopt = s:option(a:profile, 'password', '') return empty(fromopt) ? get(s:passwords, a:profile.'/'.a:username, '') : fromopt endfunction function! s:remember_password(profile, username, password) let s:passwords[a:profile.'/'.a:username] = a:password endfunction function! s:forget_password(profile, username) silent! call remove(s:passwords, a:profile.'/'.a:username) endfunction function! s:option(...) if a:0 == 2 let profile = get(b:, 'github_profile', '') let [key, default] = a:000 elseif a:0 == 3 let [profile, key, default] = a:000 endif let options = get(g:, 'github_dashboard' . (empty(profile) ? '' : ('#' . profile)), {}) return get(options, key, default) endfunction function! s:init_tab(...) let b:github_index = 0 let b:github_error = 0 let b:github_links = {} let b:github_emoji = s:is_mac && ((!has('gui_running') && s:option('emoji', 2) != 0) || s:option('emoji', 2) == 1) let b:github_indent = repeat(' ', b:github_emoji ? 11 : 8) let b:github_api_endpoint = s:option('api_endpoint', 'https://api.github.com') let b:github_web_endpoint = s:option('web_endpoint', 'https://github.com') if a:0 == 2 setlocal buftype=nofile noswapfile nowrap nonu cursorline foldmethod=syntax call s:define_maps() setf github-dashboard let [what, type] = a:000 let elems = len(filter(split(what, '/', 1), '!empty(v:val)')) if elems == 0 || elems > 2 | echoerr "Invalid username or repository" | return 0 | endif let path = elems == 1 ? '/users/' : '/repos/' let b:github_init_url = b:github_api_endpoint .path.what. "/" .type if type == 'received_events' if elems > 1 | echoerr "Use :GHActivity command instead" | return 0 | endif let b:github_statusline = ['Dashboard', what] let prefix = s:emoji_for('user_dashboard', 1) elseif type == 'events' let b:github_statusline = ['Activity', what] let prefix = s:emoji_for(elems == 1 ? 'user_activity' : 'repo_activity', 1) else echoerr "Invalid type" return 0 endif " Assign buffer name let bufname_prefix = '['.prefix.split(what, '/')[-1].']' let bufname = bufname_prefix let bufidx = 2 while buflisted(bufname) let bufname = bufname_prefix . '('. bufidx .')' let bufidx = bufidx + 1 endwhile silent! execute "f ".fnameescape(bufname) endif let b:github_more_url = b:github_init_url if s:option('statusline', 1) setlocal statusline=%!github_dashboard#statusline() endif syntax clear syntax region githubTitle start=/^ \{0,2}[0-9]/ end="\n" oneline contains=githubNumber,Keyword,githubRepo,githubUser,githubTime,githubRef,githubCommit,githubTag,githubBranch,githubGist,githubRelease syntax match githubNumber /^ \{0,2}[0-9]\{-1,})/ contained syntax match githubTime /(.\{-1,})$/ contained syntax match githubSHA /^\s\+\[[0-9a-fA-F]\{4,}\]/ syntax match githubEdit /\(^\s\+Edited \)\@<=\[.\{-}\]/ syntax match githubUser /\[[^/\]]\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax match githubRepo /\[[^/\]]\{-1,}\/[^/\]@]\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax match githubCommit /\[[^/\]]\{-1,}\/[^/\]@]\{-1,}@[0-9a-fA-Z]\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax match githubTag /\(tag \)\@<=\[.\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax match githubBranch /\(branch \)\@<=\[.\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax match githubBranch /\(pushed to \)\@<=\[.\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax match githubGist /\(a gist \)\@<=\[.\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax match githubRelease /\(released \)\@<=\[.\{-1,}\]/ contained syntax region githubFoldBlock start=/\%(\_^ \{4,}.*\n\)\{5}/ms=s+1 end=/\%(^ \{,4}\S\)\@=/ contains=githubFoldBlockLine2 syntax region githubFoldBlockLine2 start=/^ \{4,}/ms=e+1 end=/\%(^ \{,4}\S\)\@=/ contained contains=githubFoldBlockLine3 keepend syntax region githubFoldBlockLine3 start=/^ \{4,}/ms=e+1 end=/\%(^ \{,4}\S\)\@=/ contained contains=githubFoldBlockLine4 keepend syntax region githubFoldBlockLine4 start=/^ \{4,}/ms=e+1 end=/\%(^ \{,4}\S\)\@=/ contained contains=githubFoldBlockLine5 keepend syntax region githubFoldBlockLine5 start=/^ \{4,}/ms=e+1 end=/\%(^ \{,4}\S\)\@=/ contained keepend fold hi def link githubNumber Number hi def link githubUser String hi def link githubRepo Identifier hi def link githubRef Special hi def link githubRelease Label hi def link githubTag Label hi def link githubBranch Label hi def link githubEdit Constant hi def link githubTime Comment hi def link githubSHA Float hi def link githubCommit Special hi def link githubGist Identifier execute 'syntax match githubKeyword /'.s:more_line.'/' syntax match githubKeyword /^Loading.*/ syntax match githubKeyword /^Reloading.*/ syntax match githubFailure /^Failed.*/ hi def link githubKeyword Conditional hi def link githubFailure Exception return 1 endfunction function! s:refresh() call s:init_tab() setlocal modifiable normal! gg"_dG setlocal nomodifiable try call s:call_ruby('Reloading GitHub event stream ...') catch let b:github_error = 1 endtry if b:github_error call setline(line('$'), 'Failed to load events. Press R to reload.') setlocal nomodifiable return endif endfunction function! s:open(profile, what, type) let pos = s:option('position', 'tab') if pos ==? 'tab' tabnew elseif pos ==? 'top' topleft new elseif pos ==? 'bottom' botright new elseif pos ==? 'above' aboveleft new elseif pos ==? 'below' belowright new elseif pos ==? 'left' vertical new elseif pos ==? 'right' vertical rightbelow new else echoerr "Invalid position: ". pos tabnew return 0 endif let b:github_profile = a:profile return s:init_tab(a:what, a:type) endfunction function! s:call_ruby(msg) if !empty(s:not_loaded) echoerr s:not_loaded return endif setlocal modifiable call setline(line('$'), a:msg) redraw! ruby GitHubDashboard.more if !b:github_error setlocal nomodifiable end syntax sync minlines=0 endfunction function! github_dashboard#open(auth, type, ...) if !empty(s:not_loaded) echoerr s:not_loaded return endif let profile = substitute(get(filter(copy(a:000), 'stridx(v:val, "-") == 0'), -1, ''), '^-*', '', '') if !empty(profile) && !exists('g:github_dashboard#'.profile) echoerr 'Profile not defined: '. profile return endif let args = filter(copy(a:000), 'stridx(v:val, "-") != 0') let username = s:option(profile, 'username', '') if a:auth if empty(username) call inputsave() let username = input('Enter GitHub username: ') call inputrestore() if empty(username) | echo "Empty username" | return | endif endif let password = s:password(profile, username) if empty(password) call inputsave() let password = inputsecret('Enter GitHub password: ') call inputrestore() if empty(password) | echo "Empty password" | return | endif call s:remember_password(profile, username, password) endif else let password = '' endif let who = get(args, 0, username) if empty(who) | echo "Username not given" | return | endif if !s:open(profile, who, a:type) bd return endif let b:github_username = username let b:github_password = password try call s:call_ruby('Loading GitHub event stream ...') catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/ bd return catch bd throw 'Error: '.v:exception endtry let s:history[a:type][who] = 1 endfunction function! s:define_maps() nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>(ghd-quit) :<C-u>bd<cr> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>(ghd-refresh) :<C-u>call <SID>refresh()<cr> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>(ghd-action) :<C-u>call <SID>action()<cr> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>(ghd-action) :<C-u>call <SID>action()<cr> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>(ghd-action) :<C-u>call <SID>action()<cr> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>(ghd-next) :<C-u>silent! call <SID>next_item('')<cr> nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Plug>(ghd-prev) :<C-u>silent! call <SID>next_item('b')<cr> nmap <silent> <buffer> q <Plug>(ghd-quit) nmap <silent> <buffer> R <Plug>(ghd-refresh) nmap <silent> <buffer> <cr> <Plug>(ghd-action) nmap <silent> <buffer> o <Plug>(ghd-action) nmap <silent> <buffer> <2-LeftMouse> <Plug>(ghd-action) nmap <silent> <buffer> <c-n> <Plug>(ghd-next) nmap <silent> <buffer> <c-p> <Plug>(ghd-prev) endfunction function! s:find_url() let line = getline(line('.')) let nth = 0 let start = 0 let col = col('.') - 1 while 1 let idx = match(line, '\[.\{-}\]', start) if idx == -1 || idx > col | return '' | endif let eidx = match(line, '\[.\{-}\zs\]', start) if col >= idx && col <= eidx && has_key(b:github_links, line('.')) return get(b:github_links[line('.')], nth, '') endif let start = eidx + 1 let nth = nth + 1 endwhile return '' endfunction function! s:open_url(url) let cmd = s:option('open_command', '') if empty(cmd) if s:is_mac let cmd = 'open' elseif s:is_win execute ':silent !start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler' \ shellescape(fnameescape(a:url)) return elseif executable('xdg-open') let cmd = 'xdg-open' else echo "Cannot determine command to open: ". a:url return endif silent! call system(cmd . ' ' . shellescape(a:url)) return endif execute ':silent !' . cmd . ' ' . shellescape(fnameescape(a:url)) redraw! endfunction function! github_dashboard#status() if exists('b:github_statusline') let [type, what] = b:github_statusline return { 'type': type, 'what': what, 'url': s:find_url() } else return {} end endfunction function! github_dashboard#statusline() if exists('b:github_statusline') let prefix = '[GitHub '.join(b:github_statusline, ': ').']' let url = s:find_url() if empty(url) return prefix else return prefix .' '. url endif endif return s:original_statusline endfunction function! github_dashboard#autocomplete(arg, cmd, cur) let type = (a:cmd =~ '^GHA') ? 'events' : 'received_events' return filter(keys(s:history[type]), 'v:val =~ "^'. escape(a:arg, '"') .'"') endfunction function! s:action() let line = getline(line('.')) if line == s:more_line try call s:call_ruby('Loading ...') catch /^Vim:Interrupt$/ let b:github_error = 1 endtry if b:github_error call setline(line('$'), s:more_line) setlocal nomodifiable endif return endif let url = s:find_url() if !empty(url) call s:open_url(url) endif endfunction function! s:next_item(flags) call search( \ '\(^ *-- \zsMORE\)\|' . \ '\(^ *\[\zs[0-9a-fA-F]\{4,}\]\)\|' . \ '\(^ *Edited \[\zs\)\|' . \ '\(\(^ \{0,2}[0-9].\{-}\)\@<=\[\zs\)', a:flags) endfunction " {{{ ruby << EOF require 'rubygems' rescue nil # 1.9.1 begin require 'json/pure' rescue LoadError begin require 'json' rescue LoadError VIM::command("let s:not_loaded = 'JSON gem is not installed. try: sudo gem install json_pure'") end end require 'net/https' require 'time' module GitHubDashboard class << self def fetch uri, username, password tried = false begin req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri, 'User-Agent' => 'vim') req.basic_auth username, password unless password.empty? api_endpoint = URI(VIM::evaluate('b:github_api_endpoint')) http = Net::HTTP.new(api_endpoint.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = api_endpoint.scheme == 'https' http.ca_file = ENV['SSL_CERT_FILE'] if ENV['SSL_CERT_FILE'] ot = VIM::evaluate("s:option('api_open_timeout', 10)").to_i rt = VIM::evaluate("s:option('api_read_timeout', 20)").to_i http.open_timeout = ot http.read_timeout = rt http.request req rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError unless tried # https://gist.github.com/pweldon/767249 tried = true certpath = File.join(VIM::evaluate("s:basedir"), 'cacert.pem') unless File.exists?(certpath) File.open(certpath, 'w') { |f| Net::HTTP.start('curl.haxx.se', 80) do |http| http.open_timeout = ot http.read_timeout = rt res = http.get '/ca/cacert.pem' f << res.body end } end ENV['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = certpath retry end raise end end def more if 0 == VIM::evaluate('has("nvim")') main = Thread.current watcher = Thread.new { while VIM::evaluate('getchar(1)') sleep 0.1 end main.kill } end overbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil username = VIM::evaluate('b:github_username') password = VIM::evaluate('b:github_password') uri = URI(VIM::evaluate('b:github_more_url')) prefix = VIM::evaluate('b:github_web_endpoint') res = fetch uri, username, password if res.code !~ /^2/ if %w[401 403].include? res.code # Invalidate credentials VIM::command(%[call s:forget_password(b:github_profile, b:github_username)]) VIM::command(%[let b:github_username = '']) VIM::command(%[let b:github_password = '']) end error "#{JSON.parse(res.body)['message']} (#{res.code})" return end # Doesn't work on 1.8.7 # more = res.header['Link'].scan(/(?<=<).*?(?=>; rel=\"next)/)[0] more = res.header['Link'] && res.header['Link'].scan(/<[^<>]*?>; rel=\"next/)[0] more = more && more.split('>; rel')[0][1..-1] VIM::command(%[normal! G"_d$]) if more VIM::command(%[let b:github_more_url = '#{more}']) else VIM::command(%[unlet b:github_more_url]) end bfr = VIM::Buffer.current result = JSON.parse(res.body) result.each do |event| VIM::command('let b:github_index = b:github_index + 1') index = VIM::evaluate('b:github_index') lines = process(prefix, event, index) lines.each_with_index do |line, idx| line, *links = line links = links.map { |l| l.start_with?('/') ? prefix + l : l } if idx == 0 emoji = to_utf8 VIM::evaluate("s:emoji_for('#{event['type']}', 1)") line = emoji + line bfr.append bfr.count - 1, "#{index.to_s.rjust(3)}) #{line} (#{format_time event['created_at']})" else bfr.append bfr.count - 1, VIM::evaluate('b:github_indent') + line end VIM::command(%[let b:github_links[#{bfr.count - 1}] = [#{links.map { |e| vstr e }.join(', ')}]]) end end bfr[bfr.count] = (more && !result.empty?) ? VIM::evaluate('s:more_line') : '' VIM::command(%[normal! ^zz]) rescue Exception => e error e ensure watcher && watcher.kill $VERBOSE = overbose end private def process endpoint, event, idx who = event['actor']['login'] type = event['type'] data = event['payload'] where = event['url'] action = data['action'] repo = event['repo'] && event['repo']['name'] who_url = "#{endpoint}/#{who}" repo_url = "#{endpoint}/#{repo}" case type when 'CommitCommentEvent' [[ "[#{who}] commented on commit [#{repo}@#{data['comment']['commit_id'][0, 10]}]", who_url, data['comment']['html_url'] ]] + wrap(data['comment']['body']).map { |e| [e] } when 'CreateEvent' if data['ref'] ref_url = repo_url + "/tree/#{data['ref']}" [["[#{who}] created #{data['ref_type']} [#{data['ref']}] at [#{repo}]", who_url, ref_url, repo_url]] else [["[#{who}] created #{data['ref_type']} [#{repo}]", who_url, repo_url]] end when 'DeleteEvent' [["[#{who}] deleted #{data['ref_type']} #{data['ref']} at [#{repo}]", who_url, repo_url]] when 'DownloadEvent' # TODO [["#{type} from [#{who}]"], who_url] when 'FollowEvent' whom = data['target']['login'] [["[#{who}] started following [#{whom}]", who_url, "#{endpoint}/#{whom}"]] when 'ForkEvent' [["[#{who}] forked [#{repo}] to [#{data['forkee']['full_name']}]", who_url, repo_url, data['forkee']['html_url']]] when 'ForkApplyEvent' # TODO [["#{type} from [#{who}]"], who_url] when 'GistEvent' [["[#{who}] created a gist [#{data['gist']['html_url']}]", who_url, data['gist']['html_url']]] when 'GollumEvent' [["[#{who}] edited the [#{repo}]", who_url, repo_url]] + data['pages'].map { |page| ["Edited [#{page['title']}]", page['html_url']] } when 'IssueCommentEvent' [["[#{who}] commented on issue [#{repo}##{data['issue']['number']}]", who_url, data['comment']['html_url']]] + wrap(data['comment']['body']).map { |line| [line] } when 'IssuesEvent' title = emoji data['issue']['title'] [ ["[#{who}] #{action} issue [#{repo}##{data['issue']['number']}]", who_url, data['issue']['html_url']], [title] ] when 'MemberEvent' [["[#{who}] #{action} [#{data['member']['login']}] to [#{repo}]", who_url, data['member']['html_url'], repo_url]] when 'PublicEvent' [["[#{who}] open-sourced [#{repo}]", who_url, repo_url]] when 'PullRequestEvent' title = emoji data['pull_request']['title'] [ ["[#{who}] #{action} pull request [#{repo}##{data['number']}]", who_url, data['pull_request']['html_url']], [title] ] when 'PullRequestReviewEvent' prnum = data['pull_request']['url'].scan(/[0-9]+$/).first [["[#{who}] requested your review on pull request [#{repo}##{prnum}]", who_url, data['pull_request']['html_url']]] when 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent' prnum = data['comment']['pull_request_url'].scan(/[0-9]+$/).first [["[#{who}] commented on pull request [#{repo}##{prnum}]", who_url, data['comment']['html_url']]] + wrap(data['comment']['body']).map { |e| [e] } when 'PushEvent' branch = data['ref'].split('/').drop(2).join('/') ref_url = repo_url + "/tree/#{branch}" [["[#{who}] pushed to [#{branch}] at [#{repo}]", who_url, ref_url, repo_url]] + data['commits'].map { |commit| title = emoji (commit['message'].lines.first || "").chomp ["[#{commit['sha'][0, 7]}] #{title}", repo_url + '/commit/' + commit['sha']] } when 'ReleaseEvent' release_url = data['release']['html_url'] [[ "[#{who}] released [#{data['release']['name']}] at [#{repo}]", who_url, release_url, repo_url ]] + data['release']['assets'].map { |a| a['label'] }.compact.map { |a| [a] } # No URL in API when 'TeamAddEvent' # TODO [["#{type} from [#{who}]", who_url]] when 'WatchEvent' [["[#{who}] starred [#{repo}]", who_url, repo_url]] else [["#{type} from [#{who}]", who_url]] end end def wrap str tw = VIM::evaluate("&textwidth").to_i if tw == 0 tw = 70 else tw = [tw - 10, 1].max end emoji(str).each_line.map(&:rstrip).drop_while(&:empty?).map do |line| line.length > tw ? line.gsub(/(.{1,#{tw}})(\s+|$)/, "\\1\n").each_line.map(&:rstrip) : line end.flatten end def error e VIM::command(%[let b:github_error = 1]) VIM::command(%[echoerr #{vstr e}]) end def vstr s %["#{s.to_s.gsub '"', '\"'}"] end def format_time at time = Time.parse(at) diff = Time.now - time pdenom = 1 [ [60, 'second'], [60 * 60, 'minute'], [60 * 60 * 24, 'hour' ], [nil, 'day'] ].each do |pair| denom, unit = pair if denom.nil? || diff < denom t = diff.to_i / pdenom return "#{t} #{unit}#{t == 1 ? '' : 's'} ago" end pdenom = denom end end def to_utf8 str if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) str.force_encoding('UTF-8') else str end end if VIM::evaluate("s:is_mac") == 1 def emoji str str.gsub(/:[-+0-9a-zA-Z_]+:/) { |m| e = to_utf8 VIM::evaluate("s:emoji('#{m[1..-2]}')") e.empty? ? m : e } end else def emoji str str end end end end EOF " }}}