set encoding=utf-8 set termencoding=utf-8 set fileencoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 function! AddLine(str) put! =a:str endfunction function! CursorPos() return [line('.'), col('.'), getline('.')[col('.')-1]] endfunction Describe default config It should load plugin Assert g:loaded_clever_f End It should override original mappings by default for m in ['f', 'F', 't', 'T'] let mapped = mapcheck(m, 'nxo') Assert True(stridx(mapped, 'clever-f') >= 0, m . ' -> ' . mapped) endfor End It should provide variables to customize behavior call clever_f#reset() Assert Equals(g:clever_f_across_no_line, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_ignore_case, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_use_migemo, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_fix_key_direction, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_show_prompt, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_smart_case, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs, '') Assert Equals(g:clever_f_mark_cursor, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_timeout_ms, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_mark_char, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs, ["\"]) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_clean_labels_eagerly, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_mark_direct, 0) End End Describe f, F, t and T mappings Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It should provide improved forward search like builtin f normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) End It should provide improved backward search like builtin F normal! $ let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) normal Fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal! h normal Fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) End It should provide t mapping like builtin t normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,5,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,16,'p']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg0 normal tb Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,4,'h']) End It should provide T mapping like builtin T normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,5,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,16,'p']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg0 normal tb Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,4,'h']) End It should provide improved forward search like builtin f in visual mode normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal! v normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) End It should provide improved backward search like builtin F normal! $v let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) normal Fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal! h normal Fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) End It should provide t mapping like builtin t normal! 0v let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,5,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,16,'p']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg0 normal tb Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,4,'h']) End It should provide T mapping like builtin T normal! $v let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) normal To Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,15,' ']) normal! h normal Th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,12,'i']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,7,'u']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg$ normal Tg Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,12,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,7,'e']) End It should work with Vim 8.1.0648 normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal dth Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'h']) End It should have different context in normal mode and visual mode let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 1, 'p']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 2, 'o']) normal vfh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 11, 'h']) normal! d Assert Equals(getline('.'), "piyo poyo") Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 2, 'i']) normal! dfp Assert Equals(getline('.'), "poyo") Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 2, 'o']) End It should open folding automatically let l = getline(1) call setline(1, ['{{{', l, '}}}']) setl foldmethod=marker " Move to closed folding normal! ggjzM normal fh Assert Equals(foldclosed('.'), -1) Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [2,6,'h']) End It does not reproduce #54 normal! 0 let l = line('.') normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) " Back to the position after reset normal! 0 " XXX: Hack! While running test, InsertEnter is not fired " automatically. To test the event, we need to cause it manually. doautocmd CursorMoved normal! 5l Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) End End Describe f and F mappings' contexts Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It should be shared normal! 0 let l = line('.') normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) End End Describe g:clever_f_across_no_line Before new let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 close! End It should not move cursor to next line normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fhf Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal! gg0 normal tht Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) End It should not move cursor to previous line normal! ggj$ let l = line('.') normal Fpf Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal! ggj$ normal Tpt Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,2,'o']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,2,'o']) End End Describe a non-existent char Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It should do nothing normal! 0 let origin = CursorPos() normal fd Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal f1 Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal f) Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal f^ Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal fm Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) End End Context target is in other line Before new call AddLine('foo bar baz') call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') call clever_f#reset() normal! gg End After close! End It should move cursor forward across lines normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(col('.'), 1) normal fa Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 9, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 6, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 10, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 6, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 9, 'a']) End It should move cursor backward across lines normal! Gk$ let l = line('.') Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal Fa Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 10, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l-1, 9, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 10, 'a']) End End Context Multibyte characters Before new call AddLine('ビムかわいいよzビムx') call AddLine('foo bar baz') call clever_f#reset() normal! gg End After close! End It should be supported normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fz Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 11, 'z']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 22, 'z']) normal! h normal fx Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 29, 'x']) End End describe g:clever_f_ignore_case Before new let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge Guga hiyo Go;yo;') End After let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 0 close! End It should make f case insensitive normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fg Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 3, 'g']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'G']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 8, 'g']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'G']) End It should make no effect on searching signs normal! 0 normal f; Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 21) let pos = getpos('.') normal f Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe clever_f#compat#strchars It should return different value from strlen() when multibyte character strings given for str in ['あいうえお', 'aiueoあ', '123ABC45'] Assert NotEquals(clever_f#compat#strchars(str), strlen(str)) endfor End It should return the same value as strlen() when given string contains no multibyte character for str in ['aiueo', 'this_is_a_pen', "!#$%&'()'", ''] Assert Equals(clever_f#compat#strchars(str), strlen(str)) endfor End End Describe clever_f#find_with() It should raise an error when invalid map is given Throws /Error: Invalid mapping/ clever_f#find_with('x') End End Describe migemo support Before new let g:clever_f_use_migemo = 1 let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 1 call AddLine('はー,ビムかわいいよビム') call clever_f#reset() normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 let g:clever_f_use_migemo = 0 End It should make f and F mapping match multibyte characters normal fb Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 31) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) normal $ normal Fb Assert Equals(col('.'), 31) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 31) End It should make t and T mapping match multibyte characters normal tb Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 28) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 13) normal $ normal Tb Assert Equals(col('.'), 34) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 13) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 28) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 13) End It doesn't degrade issue #24 let save = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 call AddLine(' sOS') call AddLine(' sOS') call AddLine(' sOS') normal! gg^ normal fS Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [1, 17, 'S']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [2, 17, 'S']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [3, 17, 'S']) let g:clever_f_across_no_line = save End End Describe g:clever_f_fix_key_direction Before new let g:clever_f_fix_key_direction = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_fix_key_direction = 0 End It should fix the direction of search for f and F normal fofff Assert Equals(col('.'), 19) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 2) normal $ normal Fo Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 2) End It should fix the direction of search for t and T normal tottt Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 15) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) normal $ normal To Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 15) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) End End Describe Special characters Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! End It should not break clever-f.vim let pos = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "f\" execute 'normal' "f\" execute 'normal' "f\" Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine("poge huga \ poyo") normal! gg0 End After close! End It should reset the state on f let pos = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "f\" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), pos) " Check that the state is reset normal fe Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) End It should reset the state on T normal! $ let pos = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "T\" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), pos) " Check that the state is reset normal Th Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) End Context with g:clever_f_mark_direct Before let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 1 highlight link CleverFDirect CleverFDefaultLabel End After let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 0 End It should remove target highlights normal! gg0 execute 'normal' "f\" Assert Equals(len(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFDirect"')), 0) End End End Describe g:clever_f_smart_case Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poHe huga Hiyo hoyo: poyo();') normal! gg0 let g:clever_f_smart_case = 1 End After close! let g:clever_f_smart_case = 0 End It should make f smart case normal fh Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 16) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal 0 normal fH Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) End It should make t smart case normal! $ normal Th Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 5) normal! $ normal TH Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) End It should not affect searching signs normal! 0 normal f; Assert Equals(col('.'), 28) normal! 0 let pos = getpos('.') normal f Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs Before new call AddLine(' !"#$%&''()=~|\-^\@`[]{};:+*<>,.?_/') let g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs = ';' normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs = '' End It should specify characters which match to any signs normal f; Assert Equals(col('.'), 2) for i in range(3, 34) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), i) endfor let pos = getpos('.') normal f Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) for i in reverse(range(2, 33)) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), i) endfor let pos = getpos('.') normal F Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe Cursor mark on user input Before new let g:clever_f_mark_cursor = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It 'ensures to remove highlight of cursor properly' normal fh Assert Equals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFCursor"'), []) normal fq Assert Equals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFCursor"'), []) End End Describe Hiding cursor on command line Before new let g:clever_f_mark_cursor = 1 let g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End it should ensure to restore highlight properly let guicursor = &guicursor let t_ve = &t_ve normal fh Assert Equals(guicursor, &guicursor) Assert Equals(t_ve, &t_ve) normal fq Assert Equals(guicursor, &guicursor) Assert Equals(t_ve, &t_ve) End End Describe g:clever_f_timeout_ms Before new let g:clever_f_timeout_ms = 100 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_timeout_ms = 0 End It should reset the state if timed out normal fhf Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) sleep 150m normal fo Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) sleep 150m normal Fo Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) End End Describe g:clever_f_mark_char Before new let g:clever_f_mark_char = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') let old_across_no_line = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 End After close! let g:clever_f_across_no_line = old_across_no_line End It should highlight the target characters automatically normal! gg0 normal fh Assert NotEquals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) normal f Assert NotEquals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) End It should update the highlight if the cursor moves to another line call AddLine('oh huh') normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fhff Assert NotEquals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) Assert NotEquals(stridx(getmatches()[0].pattern, l), -1) Assert Equals(len(getmatches()), 1) normal f Assert NotEquals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) Assert NotEquals(stridx(getmatches()[0].pattern, l+1), -1) Assert Equals(len(getmatches()), 1) normal f Assert NotEquals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) Assert NotEquals(stridx(getmatches()[0].pattern, l+1), -1) Assert Equals(len(getmatches()), 1) End It should remove highlights when moving cursor to another place call AddLine('oh huh') call AddLine('oh huh') normal! gg0 normal fhff normal! j " XXX: Hack! While running test, CursorMoved is not fired " automatically. To test the event, we need to cause it manually. doautocmd CursorMoved Assert Equals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) End It should remove highlights when entering insert mode call AddLine('oh huh') call AddLine('oh huh') normal! gg0 normal fhff " XXX: Hack! While running test, InsertEnter is not fired " automatically. To test the event, we need to cause it manually. doautocmd InsertEnter Assert Equals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) End Describe clever_f#reset() It should remove target highlights call AddLine('oh huh') normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fhff Assert NotEquals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) call clever_f#reset() Assert Equals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"'), []) End End End Describe g:clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('hoge huga hiyo hoyo') normal! gg0 End After close! End It should repeat previous input again normal fhl Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) execute 'normal' "f\" Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal lfyl Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) execute 'normal' "f\" Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal! $ execute 'normal' "F\" Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) End It should do nothing when the specified characters are input at first call clever_f#_reset_all() let p = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "f\" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) execute 'normal' "F\" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) execute 'normal' "t\" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) execute 'normal' "T\" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) End End Describe Backslash Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge\huga\hiyo\poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! End It should not cause any search errors (#35) normal f\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 5) normal! $ normal F\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 15) normal! gg0 normal t\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) normal! $ normal T\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 16) End End Describe selection=exclusive Before new call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') let s:selection = &selection set selection=exclusive call clever_f#reset() normal! gg0 End After close! let &selection = s:selection End It should not change `f` behavior when not in visual mode normal fh Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal! 0 normal th Assert Equals(col('.'), 5) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) End It should change selection of `f` or `t` in visual mode normal vfh Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) execute 'normal!' "\0" normal vth Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) End It should not change `T` and `F` behavior normal! $ normal vFh Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) execute 'normal!' "\$" normal vTh Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) End End Describe clever_f#_mark_direct() function! GetHighlightedPositions() let cols = sort(map(getmatches(), 'v:val.pos1[1]'), 'n') let chars = [] for c in range(1, 19) if len(cols) > 0 && cols[0] == c let ch = '_' call remove(cols, 0) else let ch = ' ' endif call add(chars, ch) endfor return join(chars, '') endfunction Before new call clever_f#reset() highlight link CleverFDirect CleverFDefaultLabel call AddLine('ビムかわいいよzビムx') call AddLine('pOge huga Hiyo pOyo') let old_across_no_line = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 End After close! let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 0 let g:clever_f_across_no_line = old_across_no_line End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved directly normal! gg0 " #: cursor position, _: highlighted char " " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' ______ _ ____ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight backward characters normal! gg$ " pOge huga Hiyo pOy# let s = ' _ ____ __ _____ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(0, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved by one hop normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' _ _ ___' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 2) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should not highlight multibyte characters normal! 2gg0 " #ムかわいいよzビムx " _ _ call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) let cols = [22, 29] Assert Equals(sort(map(getmatches(), 'v:val.pos1[1]'), 'n'), cols) End Context with g:clever_f_smart_case Before let g:clever_f_smart_case = 1 End After let g:clever_f_smart_case = 0 End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved directly normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' ______ _ ___ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight backward characters normal! gg$ " pOge huga Hiyo pOy# let s = ' _ ___ __ ____ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(0, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved by one hop normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' _ __ _ __ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 2) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End End Context with g:clever_f_ignore_case Before let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 1 End After let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 0 End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved directly normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' ______ _ __ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight backward characters normal! gg$ " pOge huga Hiyo pOy# let s = ' _ ___ __ ____ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(0, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved by one hop normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' _ __ _ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 2) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End End End Describe g:clever_f_mark_direct Before new let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 1 call clever_f#reset() highlight link CleverFDirect CleverFDefaultLabel call AddLine('pOge huga Hiyo poyo') let old_across_no_line = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 End After close! let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 0 let g:clever_f_across_no_line = old_across_no_line End It should remove target highlights normal! gg0 normal fh Assert Equals(len(filter(getmatches(), ' ==# "CleverFDirect"')), 0) End It should finish with no error normal! gg$ normal fp Assert Equals(len(filter(getmatches(), ' ==# "CleverFDirect"')), 0) End End " vim:foldmethod=marker