fun! SetUp() let g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion = 1 " disable builtin information let g:php_builtin_classnames = { } " disable builtin information let g:php_builtin_classes = { } " disable builtin information let g:php_builtin_interfaces = { } " disable tag files exe ':set tags=' endf fun! TestCase_complete_classes_from_current_file() call SetUp() let path = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php' below 1new exe ":silent! edit ".path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('', ['c', 'i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'BarClass', 'kind': 'c'}, \ {'word': 'BarInterface', 'kind': 'i'}, \ {'word': 'FooClass', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) silent! bw! % endf fun! TestCase_complete_classes_from_tags() call SetUp() " set tags to a fixture let tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tags' let old_style_tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteClassName/old_style_tags' exe ':set tags='.tags_path " open an empty file so no 'local' class will be picked up let path = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/CompleteClassName/empty.php' below 1new exe ":silent! edit ".path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('LowerCase', ['c', 'i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'lowercasetagclass', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tagclass.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tagclass.php', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res, "should match tag classes case insensitive") let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('T', ['c', 'i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'TagClass', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tagclass.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tagclass.php', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('B', ['i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'BarInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res, "should find only interfaces") let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('B', ['c', 'i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'BarClass', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'kind': 'c'}, \ {'word': 'BarInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res, "should find both classes and interfaces in tags") " should work just the same with old ctags generated tag files exe ':set tags='.old_style_tags_path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('T', ['c', 'i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'TagClass', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tagclass.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tagclass.php', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('B', ['i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'BarInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res, "should find only interfaces") let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('B', ['c', 'i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'BarClass', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'kind': 'c'}, \ {'word': 'BarInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/foo.class.php', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res, "should find both classes and interfaces in tags") silent! bw! % endf fun! TestCase_complete_classes_from_built_in_classes() call SetUp() " open an empty file so no 'local' class will be picked up let path = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/CompleteClassName/empty.php' below 1new exe ":silent! edit ".path " set up example built-in list let g:php_builtin_classnames = { 'DateTime':'' } let g:php_builtin_classes = { \'datetime': { \ 'name': 'DateTime', \ 'methods': { \ }, \ }, \} let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('', ['c'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'DateTime', 'menu': '', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) " user typed \ and hits <c-x><c-o> in a file starting with "namespace NS1;" let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('\', ['c'], 'NS1', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': '\DateTime', 'menu': '', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) " set up example built-in list let g:php_builtin_interfaces = { \'traversable': { \ 'name': 'Traversable' \ }, \} let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('T', ['i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'Traversable', 'menu': '', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) " user typed \T and hits <c-x><c-o> in a file starting with "namespace NS1;" let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('\T', ['i'], 'NS1', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': '\Traversable', 'menu': '', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) let g:php_builtin_interfaces = { \'traversable': { \ 'name': 'FindMeFoo' \ }, \} " the completion should give the value of the 'name' property regardless " of the outer dictionary keys let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('tra', ['i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'FindMeFoo', 'menu': '', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) silent! bw! % endf fun! TestCase_adds_arguments_of_constructors_for_built_in_classes() call SetUp() " open an empty file so no 'local' class will be picked up let path = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/CompleteClassName/empty.php' below 1new exe ":silent! edit ".path " set up example built-in list let g:php_builtin_classnames = { 'DateTime':'' } let g:php_builtin_classes = { \'datetime': { \ 'name': 'DateTime', \ 'methods': { \ '__construct': { 'signature': '[ string $time = "now" [, DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL]]', 'return_type': ''}, \ }, \ }, \} let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('', ['c'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'DateTime', 'menu': '[ string $time = "now" [, DateTimeZone $timezone = NULL]]', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) silent! bw! % endf fun! TestCase_filters_class_names_with_the_namespaces_typed_in_base() call SetUp() " set tags to a fixture let tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tags' let old_style_tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteClassName/old_style_tags' exe ':set tags='.tags_path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('NS1\N', ['c'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NS1\NameSpacedFoo', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('NS1\N', ['i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NS1\NameSpacedFooInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) " with old style ctags, just complete every classame that matches the " string after the last \ exe ':set tags='.old_style_tags_path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('NS1\N', ['c'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NS1\NameSpacedFoo', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('NS1\N', ['i'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NS1\NameSpacedFooInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) " test for when there are namespaces in the matched tags the non-namespaced " matches are thrown out exe ':set tags='.old_style_tags_path.','.tags_path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('NS1\NameSpacedF', ['c'], '\', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NS1\NameSpacedFoo', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) endf fun! TestCase_filters_class_names_with_the_current_namespace_but_doesnt_add_the_current_namespace_to_the_completion_word() call SetUp() let tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteClassName/tags' let old_style_tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/CompleteClassName/old_style_tags' " set tags to a fixture exe ':set tags='.tags_path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('N', ['c'], 'NS1', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NameSpacedFoo', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('N', ['i'], 'NS1', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NameSpacedFooInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) " old style tags exe ':set tags='.old_style_tags_path let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('N', ['c'], 'NS1', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NameSpacedFoo', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('N', ['i'], 'NS1', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'NameSpacedFooInterface', 'menu': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'info': 'fixtures/CompleteClassName/', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) endf fun! TestCase_completes_class_names_from_imported_names() call SetUp() let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('A', ['c'], 'NS1', {'AO': {'name': 'ArrayObject', 'kind': 'c', 'builtin': 1,}}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'AO', 'menu': 'ArrayObject - builtin', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('T', ['i'], 'NS1', {'Trav': {'name': 'Traversable', 'kind': 'i', 'builtin': 1,}}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'Trav', 'menu': 'Traversable - builtin', 'kind': 'i'}], \ res) endf fun! TestCase_completes_class_names_from_imported_namespaces_via_tags() call SetUp() let tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo_tags' let old_style_tags_path = expand('%:p:h').'/'.'fixtures/common/old_style_namespaced_foo_tags' " set tags to a fixture exe ':set tags='.tags_path " comlete classes from imported namespace let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('SUBNS\F', ['c'], '\', {'SUBNS': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0,}}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'SUBNS\FooSub', 'menu': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) " comlete classes from imported and renamed namespace, leaving typed in part as-is let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('SUB\Fo', ['c'], '\', {'SUB': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0,}}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'SUB\FooSub', 'menu': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) " comlete classes from absolute namespace prefixes let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('\NS1\SUBNS\Fo', ['c'], 'NS1', {}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': '\NS1\SUBNS\FooSub', 'menu': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) " set old tags to a fixture exe ':set tags='.old_style_tags_path " without namespaces in tags, every classname that matches word after the " last \ will be returned let res = phpcomplete#CompleteClassName('SUBNS\F', ['c'], '\', {'SUBNS': {'name': 'NS1\SUBNS', 'kind': 'n', 'builtin': 0,}}) call VUAssertEquals([ \ {'word': 'SUBNS\Foo', 'menu': 'fixtures/common/fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'fixtures/common/fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}, \ {'word': 'SUBNS\FooSub', 'menu': 'fixtures/common/fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'fixtures/common/fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}, \ {'word': 'SUBNS\FooSubSub', 'menu': 'fixtures/common/fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'info': 'fixtures/common/fixtures/common/namespaced_foo.php', 'kind': 'c'}], \ res) endf " vim: foldmethod=marker:expandtab:ts=4:sts=4