"" " @section Layers, layers " SpaceVim support such layers: "" " Load the {layer} you want. For all the layers SpaceVim supports, see @section(layers). function! SpaceVim#layers#load(layer, ...) abort if a:layer == '-l' call s:list_layers() endif if index(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, a:layer) == -1 call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, a:layer) endif if a:0 > 1 for l in a:000 call SpaceVim#layers#load(l) endfor endif endfunction function! s:list_layers() abort tabnew SpaceVimLayers nnoremap q :q setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nolist noswapfile nowrap cursorline nospell setf SpaceVimLayerManager nnoremap q :bd let info = [ \ 'SpaceVim layers:', \ '', \ ] call setline(1,info + s:find_layers()) setl nomodifiable endfunction function! s:find_layers() abort let layers = SpaceVim#util#globpath(&rtp, "autoload/SpaceVim/layers/**/*.vim") let pattern = '/autoload/SpaceVim/layers/' let rst = [] for layer in layers if layer =~# pattern let name = layer[matchend(layer, pattern):-5] let status = index(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, substitute(name, '/', '#','g')) ? 'loaded' : 'not loaded' if filereadable(expand('~/.SpaceVim/docs/layers/' . name . '.md')) let website = 'https://spacevim.org/layers/' . name else let website = 'no exists' endif if status == 'loaded' call add(rst, '+ ' . name . ':' . repeat(' ', 25 - len(name)) . status . repeat(' ', 10) . website) else call add(rst, '- ' . name . ':' . repeat(' ', 25 - len(name)) . status . repeat(' ', 10) . website) endif endif endfor return rst endfunction " vim:set et sw=2: