" Vim library for short description " Maintainer: Barry Arthur <barry.arthur@gmail.com> " Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com> " Version: 0.1 " Description: Long description. " Last Change: 2013-02-03 " License: Vim License (see :help license) " Location: autoload/vrs.vim " Website: https://github.com/Raimondi/vrs " " See vrs.txt for help. This can be accessed by doing: " " :helptags ~/.vim/doc " :help vrs " Vimscript Setup: {{{1 " Allow use of line continuation. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " load guard " uncomment after plugin development " Remove the conditions you do not need, they are there just as an example. "if exists("g:loaded_lib_vrs") " \ || v:version < 700 " \ || v:version == 703 && !has('patch338') " \ || &compatible " let &cpo = s:save_cpo " finish "endif "let g:loaded_lib_vrs = 1 " Private Functions: {{{1 " Library Interface: {{{1 let s:vrs_patterns = {} let s:erex = ExtendedRegexObject('vrs#get') let g:vrs_collection = [] let g:vrs_collection_stack = [] function! vrs#set(name, flavour, pattern) if !has_key(s:vrs_patterns, a:name) let s:vrs_patterns[a:name] = {} endif if has_key(s:vrs_patterns[a:name], a:flavour) echohl ErrorMsg echom 'VRS: A pattern of that flavour ('.a:flavour.') already exists under "'.a:name.'".' echohl None return 0 endif " let s:vrs_patterns[a:name][a:flavour] = (a:flavour == 'vim' ? s:erex.parse(a:pattern) : s:erex.parse_multiline_regex(a:pattern)) let s:vrs_patterns[a:name][a:flavour] = (a:flavour == 'vim' ? s:erex.parse(a:pattern) : a:pattern) return 1 endfunction function! vrs#get(name, ...) let flavor = a:0 ? a:1 : 'vim' " Allow using a list of names as well. return type(a:name) == type("") \ ? get(get(s:vrs_patterns, a:name, {}), flavor, '') \ : map(a:name, 's:vrs_patterns[v:val].' . flavor) endfunction function! vrs#match(string, pattern, ...) let args = extend([a:string, vrs#get(a:pattern)], a:000) return call('match', args) endfunction function! vrs#matchend(string, pattern, ...) let args = extend([a:string, vrs#get(a:pattern)], a:000) return call('matchend', args) endfunction function! vrs#matches(string, pattern, ...) return call('vrs#match', extend([a:string, a:pattern], a:000)) != -1 endfunction function! vrs#exactly(string, pattern, ...) return (call('vrs#match', extend([a:string, a:pattern], a:000)) == 0) && (call('vrs#matchend', extend([a:string, a:pattern], a:000)) == (len(a:string))) endfunction " XXX Should these two return the filtered dict or just a list of keys? function! vrs#from_partial(partial) return keys(filter(copy(s:vrs_patterns), 'stridx(v:key, a:partial) > -1')) endfunction function! vrs#from_sample(sample) return keys(filter(copy(s:vrs_patterns), 'a:sample =~# v:val.vim')) endfunction " operate on each match within a string " TODO: allow this to work over a range " perhaps make the default callback be a new collection " example: :call vrs#each(getline(1, '$'), 'ip4', 'vrs#collect') function! vrs#each(source, pattern, callback) let pattern = vrs#get(a:pattern) let remaining = match(a:source, pattern) while remaining != -1 call call(a:callback, [matchlist(a:source, vrs#get(a:pattern), remaining)]) let remaining = match(a:source, pattern, 1 + remaining) endwhile endfunction " callback for adding to the current collection function! vrs#collect(item) call add(g:vrs_collection, a:item) endfunction " reset the current collection function! vrs#delete_collection() let g:vrs_collection = [] endfunction " extract a common submatch from the collection (defaults to 0 - the whole match) function! vrs#slice_collection(...) let submatch = a:0 ? a:1 : 0 return map(copy(g:vrs_collection), 'v:val[' . submatch . ']') endfunction " dump the collection submatch (default 0) at cursor point function! vrs#append_collection(...) call append('.', call('vrs#slice_collection', a:000)) endfunction " save this collection on the stack function! vrs#push_collection() call add(g:vrs_collection_stack, g:vrs_collection) endfunction " save this collection and clear it ready for new collection function! vrs#new_collection() call vrs#push_collection() call vrs#delete_collection() endfunction " restore a saved collection function! vrs#pop_collection() if len(g:vrs_collection_stack) > 0 let g:vrs_collection = remove(g:vrs_collection_stack, 0) else let g:vrs_collection = [] endif endfunction " TODO: Add commands for the collection functions to make them simpler to use " load VRS patterns let erex = ExtendedRegexObject('vrs#get') for pfile in split(glob(expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/patterns/*.vrs'), "\n") " skip syntax test file if fnamemodify(pfile, ':t') == 'test.vrs' continue endif " echo fnamemodify(pfile, ':t') let [name, flavour, pattern] = ['', '', ''] for line in readfile(pfile) " skip blank and comment only lines if line =~ '^\s*\(#\|$\)' continue endif " name lines must be flush to first column (no leading spaces) if line =~ '^\S' " strip trailing comments let line = substitute(line, '\s*#.*', '', '') if !empty(name) " finalise & add prior multiline pattern " echo 'call vrs#set(' . name . ' ' . flavour . ' ' . erex.parse(pattern) . ')' call vrs#set(name, flavour, pattern) let [name, flavour, pattern] = ['', '', ''] endif if line =~ '\s\+\S\+\s\+\S' let [all, name, flavour, pattern ;rest] = matchlist(line, '^\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(.*\)') " echo 'call vrs#set(' . name . ' ' . flavour . ' ' . erex.parse(pattern) . ')' call vrs#set(name, flavour, pattern) let [name, flavour, pattern] = ['', '', ''] else let [all, name, flavour ;rest] = matchlist(line, '^\s*\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)') let pattern = '' endif else " collect multiline pattern - each line must be preceded by spaces let pattern .= line endif endfor if !empty(name) " echo 'call vrs#set(' . name . ' ' . flavour . ' ' . erex.parse(pattern) . ')' call vrs#set(name, flavour, pattern) endif endfor " Teardown:{{{1 "reset &cpo back to users setting let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et fdm=marker: