" vim: foldmethod=marker " Main entry points {{{1 " " The two main functions that loop through callbacks and execute them. " " function! sj#Split() {{{2 " function! sj#Split() if !exists('b:splitjoin_split_callbacks') return end " expand any folds under the cursor, or we might replace the wrong area silent! foldopen let disabled_callbacks = sj#settings#Read('disabled_split_callbacks') let saved_view = winsaveview() let saved_whichwrap = &whichwrap set whichwrap-=l if !sj#settings#Read('quiet') | echo "Splitjoin: Working..." | endif for callback in b:splitjoin_split_callbacks if index(disabled_callbacks, callback) >= 0 continue endif try call sj#PushCursor() if call(callback, []) silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>SplitjoinSplit") let &whichwrap = saved_whichwrap if !sj#settings#Read('quiet') " clear progress message redraw | echo "" endif return 1 endif finally call sj#PopCursor() endtry endfor call winrestview(saved_view) let &whichwrap = saved_whichwrap if !sj#settings#Read('quiet') " clear progress message redraw | echo "" endif return 0 endfunction " function! sj#Join() {{{2 " function! sj#Join() if !exists('b:splitjoin_join_callbacks') return end " expand any folds under the cursor, or we might replace the wrong area silent! foldopen let disabled_callbacks = sj#settings#Read('disabled_join_callbacks') let saved_view = winsaveview() let saved_whichwrap = &whichwrap set whichwrap-=l if !sj#settings#Read('quiet') | echo "Splitjoin: Working..." | endif for callback in b:splitjoin_join_callbacks if index(disabled_callbacks, callback) >= 0 continue endif try call sj#PushCursor() if call(callback, []) silent! call repeat#set("\<plug>SplitjoinJoin") let &whichwrap = saved_whichwrap if !sj#settings#Read('quiet') " clear progress message redraw | echo "" endif return 1 endif finally call sj#PopCursor() endtry endfor call winrestview(saved_view) let &whichwrap = saved_whichwrap if !sj#settings#Read('quiet') " clear progress message redraw | echo "" endif return 0 endfunction " Cursor stack manipulation {{{1 " " In order to make the pattern of saving the cursor and restoring it " afterwards easier, these functions implement a simple cursor stack. The " basic usage is: " " call sj#PushCursor() " " Do stuff that move the cursor around " call sj#PopCursor() " " function! sj#PushCursor() {{{2 " " Adds the current cursor position to the cursor stack. function! sj#PushCursor() if !exists('b:cursor_position_stack') let b:cursor_position_stack = [] endif call add(b:cursor_position_stack, winsaveview()) endfunction " function! sj#PopCursor() {{{2 " " Restores the cursor to the latest position in the cursor stack, as added " from the sj#PushCursor function. Removes the position from the stack. function! sj#PopCursor() call winrestview(remove(b:cursor_position_stack, -1)) endfunction " function! sj#DropCursor() {{{2 " " Discards the last saved cursor position from the cursor stack. " Note that if the cursor hasn't been saved at all, this will raise an error. function! sj#DropCursor() call remove(b:cursor_position_stack, -1) endfunction " Indenting {{{1 " " Some languages don't have built-in support, and some languages have semantic " indentation. In such cases, code blocks might need to be reindented " manually. " " function! sj#SetIndent(start_lineno, end_lineno, indent) {{{2 " function! sj#SetIndent(lineno, indent) " " Sets the indent of the given line numbers to "indent" amount of whitespace. " function! sj#SetIndent(...) if a:0 == 3 let start_lineno = a:1 let end_lineno = a:2 let indent = a:3 elseif a:0 == 2 let start_lineno = a:1 let end_lineno = a:1 let indent = a:2 endif let is_tabs = &l:expandtab let shift = shiftwidth() if is_tabs == 0 if shift > 0 let indent = indent / shift endif let whitespace = repeat('\t', indent) else let whitespace = repeat(' ', indent) endif exe start_lineno.','.end_lineno.'s/^\s*/'.whitespace " Don't leave a history entry call histdel('search', -1) let @/ = histget('search', -1) endfunction " function! sj#PeekCursor() {{{2 " " Returns the last saved cursor position from the cursor stack. " Note that if the cursor hasn't been saved at all, this will raise an error. function! sj#PeekCursor() return b:cursor_position_stack[-1] endfunction " Text replacement {{{1 " " Vim doesn't seem to have a whole lot of functions to aid in text replacement " within a buffer. The ":normal!" command usually works just fine, but it " could be difficult to maintain sometimes. These functions encapsulate a few " common patterns for this. " function! sj#ReplaceMotion(motion, text) {{{2 " " Replace the normal mode "motion" with "text". This is mostly just a wrapper " for a normal! command with a paste, but doesn't pollute any registers. " " Examples: " call sj#ReplaceMotion('Va{', 'some text') " call sj#ReplaceMotion('V', 'replacement line') " " Note that the motion needs to include a visual mode key, like "V", "v" or " "gv" function! sj#ReplaceMotion(motion, text) " reset clipboard to avoid problems with 'unnamed' and 'autoselect' let saved_clipboard = &clipboard set clipboard= let saved_selection = &selection let &selection = "inclusive" let saved_register_text = getreg('"', 1) let saved_register_type = getregtype('"') let saved_opening_visual = getpos("'<") let saved_closing_visual = getpos("'>") call setreg('"', a:text, 'v') exec 'silent noautocmd normal! '.a:motion.'p' " TODO (2021-02-22) Not a good idea to rely on reindent here silent normal! gv= call setreg('"', saved_register_text, saved_register_type) call setpos("'<", saved_opening_visual) call setpos("'>", saved_closing_visual) let &clipboard = saved_clipboard let &selection = saved_selection endfunction " function! sj#ReplaceLines(start, end, text) {{{2 " " Replace the area defined by the 'start' and 'end' lines with 'text'. function! sj#ReplaceLines(start, end, text) let interval = a:end - a:start if interval == 0 return sj#ReplaceMotion(a:start.'GV', a:text) else return sj#ReplaceMotion(a:start.'GV'.interval.'j', a:text) endif endfunction " function! sj#ReplaceCols(start, end, text) {{{2 " " Replace the area defined by the 'start' and 'end' columns on the current " line with 'text' function! sj#ReplaceCols(start, end, text) let start_position = getpos('.') let end_position = getpos('.') let start_position[2] = a:start let end_position[2] = a:end return sj#ReplaceByPosition(start_position, end_position, a:text) endfunction " function! sj#ReplaceByPosition(start, end, text) {{{2 " " Replace the area defined by the 'start' and 'end' positions with 'text'. The " positions should be compatible with the results of getpos(): " " [bufnum, lnum, col, off] " function! sj#ReplaceByPosition(start, end, text) let saved_z_pos = getpos("'z") try call setpos('.', a:start) call setpos("'z", a:end) return sj#ReplaceMotion('v`z', a:text) finally call setpos("'z", saved_z_pos) endtry endfunction " Text retrieval {{{1 " " These functions are similar to the text replacement functions, only retrieve " the text instead. " " function! sj#GetMotion(motion) {{{2 " " Execute the normal mode motion "motion" and return the text it marks. " " Note that the motion needs to include a visual mode key, like "V", "v" or " "gv" function! sj#GetMotion(motion) call sj#PushCursor() let saved_selection = &selection let &selection = "inclusive" let saved_register_text = getreg('z', 1) let saved_register_type = getregtype('z') let saved_opening_visual = getpos("'<") let saved_closing_visual = getpos("'>") let @z = '' exec 'silent noautocmd normal! '.a:motion.'"zy' let text = @z if text == '' " nothing got selected, so we might still be in visual mode exe "normal! \<esc>" endif call setreg('z', saved_register_text, saved_register_type) call setpos("'<", saved_opening_visual) call setpos("'>", saved_closing_visual) let &selection = saved_selection call sj#PopCursor() return text endfunction " function! sj#GetLines(start, end) {{{2 " " Retrieve the lines from "start" to "end" and return them as a list. This is " simply a wrapper for getbufline for the moment. function! sj#GetLines(start, end) return getbufline('%', a:start, a:end) endfunction " function! sj#GetCols(start, end) {{{2 " " Retrieve the text from columns "start" to "end" on the current line. function! sj#GetCols(start, end) return strpart(getline('.'), a:start - 1, a:end - a:start + 1) endfunction " function! sj#GetByPosition(start, end) {{{2 " " Fetch the area defined by the 'start' and 'end' positions. The positions " should be compatible with the results of getpos(): " " [bufnum, lnum, col, off] " function! sj#GetByPosition(start, end) let saved_z_pos = getpos("'z") try call setpos('.', a:start) call setpos("'z", a:end) return sj#GetMotion('v`z') finally call setpos("'z", saved_z_pos) endtry endfunction " String functions {{{1 " Various string manipulation utility functions function! sj#BlankString(s) return (a:s =~ '^\s*$') endfunction " Surprisingly, Vim doesn't seem to have a "trim" function. In any case, these " should be fairly obvious. function! sj#Ltrim(s) return substitute(a:s, '^\_s\+', '', '') endfunction function! sj#Rtrim(s) return substitute(a:s, '\_s\+$', '', '') endfunction function! sj#Trim(s) return sj#Rtrim(sj#Ltrim(a:s)) endfunction " Execute sj#Trim on each item of a List function! sj#TrimList(list) return map(a:list, 'sj#Trim(v:val)') endfunction " Remove blank strings from the List function! sj#RemoveBlanks(list) return filter(a:list, 'v:val !~ "^\\s*$"') endfunction " Searching for patterns {{{1 " " function! sj#SearchUnderCursor(pattern, flags, skip) {{{2 " " Searches for a match for the given pattern under the cursor. Returns the " result of the |search()| call if a match was found, 0 otherwise. " " Moves the cursor unless the 'n' flag is given. " " The a:flags parameter can include one of "e", "p", "s", "n", which work the " same way as the built-in |search()| call. Any other flags will be ignored. " function! sj#SearchUnderCursor(pattern, ...) let [match_start, match_end] = call('sj#SearchColsUnderCursor', [a:pattern] + a:000) if match_start > 0 return match_start else return 0 endif endfunction " function! sj#SearchColsUnderCursor(pattern, flags, skip) {{{2 " " Searches for a match for the given pattern under the cursor. Returns the " start and (end + 1) column positions of the match. If nothing was found, " returns [0, 0]. " " Moves the cursor unless the 'n' flag is given. " " Respects the skip expression if it's given. " " See sj#SearchUnderCursor for the behaviour of a:flags " function! sj#SearchColsUnderCursor(pattern, ...) if a:0 >= 1 let given_flags = a:1 else let given_flags = '' endif if a:0 >= 2 let skip = a:2 else let skip = '' endif let lnum = line('.') let col = col('.') let pattern = a:pattern let extra_flags = '' " handle any extra flags provided by the user for char in ['e', 'p', 's'] if stridx(given_flags, char) >= 0 let extra_flags .= char endif endfor call sj#PushCursor() " find the start of the pattern call search(pattern, 'bcW', lnum) let search_result = sj#SearchSkip(pattern, skip, 'cW'.extra_flags, lnum) if search_result <= 0 call sj#PopCursor() return [0, 0] endif call sj#PushCursor() " find the end of the pattern if stridx(extra_flags, 'e') >= 0 let match_end = col('.') call sj#PushCursor() call sj#SearchSkip(pattern, skip, 'cWb', lnum) let match_start = col('.') call sj#PopCursor() else let match_start = col('.') call sj#SearchSkip(pattern, skip, 'cWe', lnum) let match_end = col('.') end " set the end of the pattern to the next character, or EOL. Extra logic " is for multibyte characters. normal! l if col('.') == match_end " no movement, we must be at the end let match_end = col('$') else let match_end = col('.') endif call sj#PopCursor() if !sj#ColBetween(col, match_start, match_end) " then the cursor is not in the pattern call sj#PopCursor() return [0, 0] else " a match has been found if stridx(given_flags, 'n') >= 0 call sj#PopCursor() else call sj#DropCursor() endif return [match_start, match_end] endif endfunction " function! sj#SearchSkip(pattern, skip, ...) {{{2 " A partial replacement to search() that consults a skip pattern when " performing a search, just like searchpair(). " " Note that it doesn't accept the "n" and "c" flags due to implementation " difficulties. function! sj#SearchSkip(pattern, skip, ...) " collect all of our arguments let pattern = a:pattern let skip = a:skip if a:0 >= 1 let flags = a:1 else let flags = '' endif if stridx(flags, 'n') > -1 echoerr "Doesn't work with 'n' flag, was given: ".flags return endif let stopline = (a:0 >= 2) ? a:2 : 0 let timeout = (a:0 >= 3) ? a:3 : 0 " Note: Native search() seems to hit a bug with one of the HTML tests " (because of \zs?) if skip == '' " no skip, can delegate to native search() return search(pattern, flags, stopline, timeout) " elseif has('patch-8.2.915') " " the native search() function can do this now: " return search(pattern, flags, stopline, timeout, skip) endif " search for the pattern, skipping a match if necessary let skip_match = 1 while skip_match let match = search(pattern, flags, stopline, timeout) " remove 'c' flag for any run after the first let flags = substitute(flags, 'c', '', 'g') if match && eval(skip) let skip_match = 1 else let skip_match = 0 endif endwhile return match endfunction function! sj#SkipSyntax(syntax_groups) let syntax_groups = a:syntax_groups let skip_pattern = '\%('.join(syntax_groups, '\|').'\)' return "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') =~ '".skip_pattern."'" endfunction function! sj#IncludeSyntax(syntax_groups) let syntax_groups = a:syntax_groups let include_pattern = '\%('.join(syntax_groups, '\|').'\)' return "synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.'),1),'name') !~ '".include_pattern."'" endfunction " Checks if the current position of the cursor is within the given limits. " function! sj#CursorBetween(start, end) return sj#ColBetween(col('.'), a:start, a:end) endfunction " Checks if the given column is within the given limits. " function! sj#ColBetween(col, start, end) return a:start <= a:col && a:end > a:col endfunction " Regex helpers {{{1 " " function! sj#ExtractRx(expr, pat, sub) {{{2 " " Extract a regex match from a string. Ordinarily, substitute() would be used " for this, but it's a bit too cumbersome for extracting a particular grouped " match. Example usage: " " sj#ExtractRx('foo:bar:baz', ':\(.*\):', '\1') == 'bar' " function! sj#ExtractRx(expr, pat, sub) let rx = a:pat if stridx(a:pat, '^') != 0 let rx = '^.*'.rx endif if strridx(a:pat, '$') + 1 != strlen(a:pat) let rx = rx.'.*$' endif return substitute(a:expr, rx, a:sub, '') endfunction " Compatibility {{{1 " " Functionality that is present in newer versions of Vim, but needs a " compatibility layer for older ones. " " function! sj#Keeppatterns(command) {{{2 " " Executes the given command, but attempts to keep search patterns as they " were. " function! sj#Keeppatterns(command) if exists(':keeppatterns') exe 'keeppatterns '.a:command else let histnr = histnr('search') exe a:command if histnr != histnr('search') call histdel('search', -1) let @/ = histget('search', -1) endif endif endfunction " Splitjoin-specific helpers {{{1 " These functions are not general-purpose, but can be used all around the " plugin disregarding filetype, so they have no place in the specific autoload " files. function! sj#Align(from, to, type) if a:from >= a:to return endif if exists('g:tabular_loaded') call s:Tabularize(a:from, a:to, a:type) elseif exists('g:loaded_AlignPlugin') call s:Align(a:from, a:to, a:type) endif endfunction function! s:Tabularize(from, to, type) if a:type == 'hashrocket' let pattern = '^[^=>]*\zs=>' elseif a:type == 'css_declaration' || a:type == 'json_object' let pattern = '^[^:]*:\s*\zs\s/l0' elseif a:type == 'lua_table' let pattern = '^[^=]*\zs=' elseif a:type == 'when_then' let pattern = 'then' elseif a:type == 'equals' let pattern = '=' else return endif exe a:from.",".a:to."Tabularize/".pattern endfunction function! s:Align(from, to, type) if a:type == 'hashrocket' let pattern = 'l: =>' elseif a:type == 'css_declaration' || a:type == 'json_object' let pattern = 'lp0W0 :\s*\zs' elseif a:type == 'when_then' let pattern = 'l: then' elseif a:type == 'equals' let pattern = '=' else return endif exe a:from.",".a:to."Align! ".pattern endfunction " Returns a pair with the column positions of the closest opening and closing " braces on the current line. The a:open and a:close parameters are the " opening and closing brace characters to look for. " " The optional parameter is the list of syntax groups to skip while searching. " " If a pair is not found on the line, returns [-1, -1] " " Examples: " " let [start, end] = sj#LocateBracesOnLine('{', '}') " let [start, end] = sj#LocateBracesOnLine('{', '}', ['rubyString']) " let [start, end] = sj#LocateBracesOnLine('[', ']') " function! sj#LocateBracesOnLine(open, close, ...) let [_bufnum, line, col, _off] = getpos('.') let search_pattern = '\V'.a:open.'\m.*\V'.a:close let current_line = line('.') " bail early if there's obviously no match if getline('.') !~ search_pattern return [-1, -1] endif " optional skip parameter if a:0 > 0 let skip = sj#SkipSyntax(a:1) else let skip = '' endif " try looking backwards, then forwards let found = searchpair('\V'.a:open, '', '\V'.a:close, 'cb', skip, line('.')) if found <= 0 let found = sj#SearchSkip(search_pattern, skip, '', line('.')) endif if found > 0 let from = col('.') normal! % if line('.') != current_line return [-1, -1] endif let to = col('.') return [from, to] else return [-1, -1] endif endfunction " Returns a pair with the column positions of the closest opening and closing " braces on the current line, but only if the cursor is between them. " " The optional parameter is the list of syntax groups to skip while searching. " " If a pair is not found around the cursor, returns [-1, -1] " " Examples: " " let [start, end] = sj#LocateBracesAroundCursor('{', '}') " let [start, end] = sj#LocateBracesAroundCursor('{', '}', ['rubyString']) " let [start, end] = sj#LocateBracesAroundCursor('[', ']') " function! sj#LocateBracesAroundCursor(open, close, ...) let args = [a:open, a:close] if a:0 > 0 call extend(args, a:000) endif call sj#PushCursor() let [start, end] = call('sj#LocateBracesOnLine', args) call sj#PopCursor() if sj#CursorBetween(start, end) return [start, end] else return [-1, -1] endif endfunction " Removes all extra whitespace on the current line. Such is often left when " joining lines that have been aligned. " " Example: " " var one = { one: "two", three: "four" }; " " turns into: " var one = { one: "two", three: "four" }; " function! sj#CompressWhitespaceOnLine() call sj#PushCursor() call sj#Keeppatterns('s/\S\zs \+/ /g') call sj#PopCursor() endfunction " Parses a JSON-like object and returns a list of its components " (comma-separated parts). " " Note that a:from and a:to are the start and end of the body, not the curly " braces that usually define a JSON object. This makes it possible to use the " function for parsing an argument list into separate arguments, knowing their " start and end. " " Different languages have different rules for delimiters, so it might be a " better idea to write a specific parser. See autoload/sj/argparser/json.vim " for inspiration. " function! sj#ParseJsonObjectBody(from, to) " Just use js object parser let parser = sj#argparser#json#Construct(a:from, a:to, getline('.')) call parser.Process() return parser.args endfunction " Jumps over nested brackets until it reaches the given pattern. " " Special handling for "<" for Rust (for now), but this only matters if it's " provided in the `a:opening_brackets` " function! sj#JumpBracketsTill(end_pattern, brackets) let opening_brackets = a:brackets['opening'] let closing_brackets = a:brackets['closing'] try " ensure we can't go to the next line: let saved_whichwrap = &whichwrap set whichwrap-=l " ensure we can go to the very end of the line let saved_virtualedit = &virtualedit set virtualedit=onemore let remainder_of_line = s:RemainderOfLine() while remainder_of_line !~ '^'.a:end_pattern \ && remainder_of_line !~ '^\s*$' let [opening_bracket_match, offset] = s:BracketMatch(remainder_of_line, opening_brackets) let [closing_bracket_match, _] = s:BracketMatch(remainder_of_line, closing_brackets) if opening_bracket_match < 0 && closing_bracket_match >= 0 let closing_bracket = closing_brackets[closing_bracket_match] if closing_bracket == '>' " an unmatched > in this context means comparison, so do nothing else " there's an extra closing bracket from outside the list, bail out break endif elseif opening_bracket_match >= 0 " then try to jump to the closing bracket let opening_bracket = opening_brackets[opening_bracket_match] let closing_bracket = closing_brackets[opening_bracket_match] " first, go to the opening bracket if offset > 0 exe "normal! ".offset."l" end if opening_bracket == closing_bracket " same bracket (quote), search for it, unless it's escaped call search('\\\@<!\V'.closing_bracket, 'W', line('.')) else " different closing, use searchpair call searchpair('\V'.opening_bracket, '', '\V'.closing_bracket, 'W', '', line('.')) endif endif normal! l let remainder_of_line = s:RemainderOfLine() if remainder_of_line =~ '^$' " we have no more content, the current column is the end of the expression return col('.') endif endwhile " we're past the final column of the expression, so return the previous " one: return col('.') - 1 finally let &whichwrap = saved_whichwrap let &virtualedit = saved_virtualedit endtry endfunction function! s:RemainderOfLine() return strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1) endfunction function! s:BracketMatch(text, brackets) let index = 0 let offset = match(a:text, '^\s*\zs') let text = strpart(a:text, offset) for char in split(a:brackets, '\zs') if text[0] ==# char return [index, offset] else let index += 1 endif endfor return [-1, 0] endfunction