# Input Input is an abstraction layer on top of Popup. It uses prompt buffer (check `:h prompt-buffer`) for its popup window. ```lua local Input = require("nui.input") local event = require("nui.utils.autocmd").event local popup_options = { relative = "cursor", position = { row = 1, col = 0, }, size = 20, border = { style = "rounded", text = { top = "[Input]", top_align = "left", }, }, win_options = { winhighlight = "Normal:Normal", }, } local input = Input(popup_options, { prompt = "> ", default_value = "42", on_close = function() print("Input closed!") end, on_submit = function(value) print("Value submitted: ", value) end, on_change = function(value) print("Value changed: ", value) end, }) ``` If you provide the `on_change` function, it'll be run everytime value changes. Pressing `<CR>` runs the `on_submit` callback function and closes the window. Pressing `<C-c>` runs the `on_close` callback function and closes the window. Of course, you can override the default keymaps and add more. For example: ```lua -- unmount input by pressing `<Esc>` in normal mode input:map("n", "<Esc>", function() input:unmount() end, { noremap = true }) ``` You can manipulate the assocciated buffer and window using the `split.bufnr` and `split.winid` properties. **NOTE**: the first argument accepts options for `nui.popup` component. ## Options ### `prompt` **Type:** `string` or `NuiText` Prefix in the input. ### `default_value` **Type:** `string` Default value placed in the input on mount ### `on_close` Callback function, called when input is closed. ### `on_submit` Callback function, called when input value is submitted. ### `on_change` Callback function, called when input value is changed. ### `disable_cursor_position_patch` By default, `nui.input` will try to make sure the cursor on parent window is not moved after input is submitted/closed. If you want to disable this behavior for some reason, you can set `disable_cursor_position_patch` to `true`. ## Methods Methods from `nui.popup` are also available for `nui.input`. ## Wiki Page You can find additional documentation/examples/guides/tips-n-tricks in [nui.input wiki page](https://github.com/MunifTanjim/nui.nvim/wiki/nui.input).