--- title: "SpaceVim golang layer" description: "This layer is for golang development. It also provides additional language-specific key mappings." --- # [SpaceVim Layers:](https://spacevim.org/layers) golang - [Description](#description) - [Install](#install) - [Key bindings](#key-bindings) ## Description This layer is for golang development. It also provides additional language-specific key mappings. ## Install To use this configuration layer, add `SPLayer 'lang#go` to your custom configuration file. ## Key bindings <<<<<<< HEAD **Import key bindings:** | Key Binding | Description | | ----------- | ---------------------------------------- | | SPC l i | go implements | | SPC l f | go info | | SPC l e | go rename | | SPC l r | go run | | SPC l b | go build | | SPC l t | go test | | SPC l d | go doc | | SPC l v | go doc vertical | | SPC l c | go coverage | **Code formatting:** the default key bindings for format current buffer is `SPC b f`. and this key bindings is defined in [format layer](<>). you can also use `g=` to indent current buffer. To make neoformat support java file, you should install uncrustify. or download [google's formater jar](https://github.com/google/google-java-format) and add `let g:spacevim_layer_lang_java_formatter = 'path/to/google-java-format.jar'` to SpaceVim custom configuration file. ======= | Key Binding | Description | | ----------- | ---------------------------------------- | | `SPC d l` | launching debugger | | `SPC d c` | Continue the execution | | `SPC d b` | Toggle a breakpoint for the current line | | `SPC d B` | Clear all breakpoints | | `SPC d o` | step over | | `SPC d i` | step into functions | | `SPC d O` | step out of current function | | `SPC d e s` | Evaluate and print the selected text | | `SPC d e e` | Evaluate the `` under the cursor | | `SPC d e S` | Execute the selected text | | `SPC d k` | Terminates the debugger | **Debug Transient State** key bindings is too long? use `SPC d .` to open the debug transient state: ![Debug Transient State](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13142418/33996076-b03c05bc-e0a5-11e7-90fd-5f31e2703d7e.png) >>>>>>> 36178d7c98ab1fbcaeb36e048dc5b84b8c41680c